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NTIS 바로가기국가/구분 | United States(US) Patent 등록 |
국제특허분류(IPC7판) |
출원번호 | US-0768662 (1991-10-15) |
우선권정보 | DE-9000882 (1990-01-26) |
국제출원번호 | PCT/EP91/00152 (1991-01-26) |
§371/§102 date | 19911015 (19911015) |
국제공개번호 | WO-9111127 (1991-08-08) |
발명자 / 주소 |
출원인 / 주소 |
인용정보 | 피인용 횟수 : 13 인용 특허 : 0 |
A wheeled suitcase has a handle connected via a cabling mechanism to a brake or lock for at least one wheel. A first spring mechanism acts upon the brake or lock in a locking direction with a lesser force than that of a second spring mechanism acting upon the cabling mechanism in the opposite direct
An article of luggage, comprising: a traveling case having a bottom; at least three rollers on said bottom enabling rolling of said case upon a surface upon free rotation of said rollers; rotation-blocking means at at least one of said rollers engageable to prevent rotation of said one of said rolle
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