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[미국특허] Method and apparatus for accurately displaying an ECG signal 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61B-005/04
출원번호 US-0032895 (1993-03-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Herleikson Earl C. (Groton MA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Hewlett-Packard Company (Palo Alto CA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 28  인용 특허 : 0


Method and apparatus for removing baseline wander from an ECG signal. The ECG signal is filtered with a high-pass filter having a variable corner frequency. In response to finding low-frequency components in the output of the high-pass filter, its corner frequency is temporarily increased. The corne


A method for accurately displaying an ECG signal, comprising the steps of: receiving ECG input data; filtering said ECG input data with a high pass filter having a variable corner frequency, thereby creating an ECG signal; detecting the presence of a QRS event in said ECG input data; in response to

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (28) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Conley, Vickie L.; Koshiol, Allan T., Arrhythmia display.
  2. Warren, Jay A., Cardiac rhythm management system with time-dependent frequency response.
  3. Simms, Jr., Howard D., Differentiating arrhythmic events having different origins.
  4. Bousseljot, Ralf; Kreiseler, Dieter, Evaluation system for obtaining diagnostic information from the signals and data of medical sensor systems.
  5. Hiebert, James F. W.; Koshiol, Allan T.; Simms, Jr., Howard D., Event marker alignment by inclusion of event marker transmission latency in the real-time data stream.
  6. Hiebert,James F. W.; Koshiol,Allan T.; Simms, Jr.,Howard D., Event marker alignment by inclusion of event marker transmission latency in the real-time data stream.
  7. Leung Ka ; Zhu Sarah Shuangxia, High pass filter with coefficient switching to improve settling time.
  8. Prutchi, David; Paul, Patrick J., Implantable device with digital waveform telemetry.
  9. Phillips, James William, Implantable medical devices using heuristic filtering in cardiac event detection.
  10. Miller, Michael E.; Shah, Rajiv, Implantable sensor method and system.
  11. Olson Dana J. ; Van Ess David W., Method and apparatus for increasing the low frequency dynamic range of a digital ECG measuring system.
  12. Kramer,Karen M.; Gifford,Doug; Brandner,Douglas J., Method and apparatus for managing data from multiple sensing channels.
  13. Brodnick, Donald Eugene, Method and apparatus for real time display of filtered electrocardiogram data.
  14. Olson Dana J. ; Seguine Dennis R., Method and apparatus for removing baseline wander from an egg signal.
  15. Miller, Michael E.; Shah, Rajiv, Method and system for non-vascular sensor implantation.
  16. Miller, Michael E.; Shah, Rajiv, Method and system for non-vascular sensor implantation.
  17. Ralf Bousseljot DE; Dieter Kreiseler DE, Method for determining at least one diagnostic piece of information from signal patterns of medical sensor systems.
  18. Koshiol,Allan T.; Eberle,LeAnne; Doshi,Hiten J., Synchronizing continuous signals and discrete events for an implantable medical device.
  19. Shirani Ramin ; Benyamin Saied ; Brown Michael A., System and method for compensating for baseline wander.
  20. Kalgren, James R.; Wentkowski, Rene H.; Stahmann, Jeffrey E., System and method for correlation of patient health information and device data.
  21. Kalgren, James R.; Wentkowski, Rene H.; Stahmann, Jeffrey E., System and method for correlation of patient health information and device data.
  22. Kalgren, James; Wentkowski, Rene H.; Stahmann, Jeffrey E., System and method for correlation of patient health information and implant device data.
  23. Kalgren, James; Wentkowski, Rene H.; Stahmann, Jeffrey E., System and method for correlation of patient health information and implant device data.
  24. Kalgren, James; Wentkowski, Rene H.; Stahmann, Jeffrey E., System and method for correlation of patient health information and implant device data.
  25. Kalgren, James; Wentkowski, Rene H.; Stahmann, Jeffrey E., System and method for correlation of patient health information and implant device data.
  26. Kalgren, James; Wentkowski, Rene H.; Stahmann, Jeffrey E., System and method for correlation of patient health information and implant device data.
  27. Kalgren,James; Wentkowski,Rene H.; Stahmann,Jeffrey E., System and method for correlation of patient health information and implant device data.
  28. Herleikson, Earl Clark, Variable bandwidth ECG high pass filter.

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