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[미국특허] Suture anchor for soft tissue fixation 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61B-017/56
출원번호 US-0078907 (1993-06-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Trott Arthur F. (Largo FL)
출원인 / 주소
  • Linvatec Corporation (Largo FL 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 291  인용 특허 : 0


A method and apparatus for anchoring suture to bone includes an anchor formed by twisting a wire to provide a loop with two legs extending distally from the twist. Each leg bends outwardly through 180°to define respective knee segments between inner and outer leg segments, the outer leg segments ter


A bone anchor for securing suture in a bone tunnel by engaging the bone tunnel wall, said anchor comprising: a body section; at least first and second bendably deformable wire legs having no significant resilience, each having a first end secured to said body section and an opposite pointed end suit

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (291) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kaiser, Ryan A.; Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Adjustable knotless loops.
  2. Kaiser, Ryan A.; Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Adjustable knotless loops.
  3. Kaiser, Ryan A.; Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Adjustable knotless loops.
  4. Norton, Daniel; Stone, Kevin T., Anatomic soft tissue repair.
  5. Euteneuer, Charles L.; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel Z.; Quackenbush, John; Sims, Jeff; Van Kampen, Craig, Anatomical location markers and methods of use in positioning sheet-like materials during surgery.
  6. Euteneuer, Charles L.; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel Z.; Quackenbush, John; Sims, Jeff; Van Kampen, Craig, Anatomical location markers and methods of use in positioning sheet-like materials during surgery.
  7. Euteneuer, Charles L.; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel Z.; Quackenbush, John; Sims, Jeff; Van Kampen, Craig, Anatomical location markers and methods of use in positioning sheet-like materials during surgery.
  8. Li Lehmann K. (Milford CT), Anchor and anchor installation tool and method.
  9. Li Lehmann K., Anchor tool and method and apparatus for emplacing anchor in a borehole.
  10. Euteneuer, Charles L.; Westling, Thomas A.; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel Z.; Witzmann, Michael, Apparatus and method for forming pilot holes in bone and delivering fasteners therein for retaining an implant.
  11. Euteneuer, Charles L.; Westling, Thomas A.; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel Z.; Witzmann, Michael, Apparatus and method for forming pilot holes in bone and delivering fasteners therein for retaining an implant.
  12. Euteneuer, Charles L.; Westling, Thomas A.; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel Z.; Witzmann, Michael, Apparatus and method for forming pilot holes in bone and delivering fasteners therein for retaining an implant.
  13. Euteneuer, Charles L.; Westling, Thomas A.; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel Z.; Witzmann, Michael, Apparatus and method for forming pilot holes in bone and delivering fasteners therein for retaining an implant.
  14. Jeffrey P Baldwin ; Robert E. Hunter ; Laird L. Hatch ; Jenine S. Vinluan, Apparatus and method for repairing or reattaching soft tissue.
  15. Ewers, Richard C.; Saadat, Vahid C.; Michlitsch, Kenneth J.; Rothe, Chris; Brenneman, Rodney; Lam, Cang C.; Chen, Eugene C., Apparatus and methods for forming and securing gastrointestinal tissue folds.
  16. Ewers, Richard C.; Saadat, Vahid; Michlitsch, Kenneth J.; Rothe, Chris A.; Brenneman, Rodney A.; Lam, Cang C.; Chen, Eugene G., Apparatus and methods for forming and securing gastrointestinal tissue folds.
  17. Ewers, Richard C.; Saadat, Vahid; Michlitsch, Kenneth J.; Rothe, Chris A.; Brenneman, Rodney C.; Lam, Cang C.; Chen, Eugene G., Apparatus and methods for forming and securing gastrointestinal tissue folds.
  18. Lam, Cang C.; Ewers, Richard C.; Khairkhanan, Alexander; Saadat, Vahid, Apparatus and methods for forming and securing gastrointestinal tissue folds.
  19. Lam,Cang; Ewers,Rich; Khairkhahan,Alexander; Saadat,Vahid C., Apparatus and methods for forming and securing gastrointestinal tissue folds.
  20. Saadat, Vahid C.; Michlitsch, Kenneth Jerome; Ewers, Rich C.; Rothe, Chris; Brenneman, Rodney; Lam, Cang; Chen, Eugene, Apparatus and methods for forming and securing gastrointestinal tissue folds.
  21. Ewers, Richard C.; Reydel, Boris; Lam, Cang C.; Chen, Eugene; Seybold, Brent D.; Brenneman, Rodney; Saadat, Vahid, Apparatus and methods for forming gastrointestinal tissue approximations.
  22. Ewers, Richard C.; Reydel, Boris; Lam, Cang; Chen, Eugene G.; Seybold, Brent D.; Brenneman, Rodney; Saadat, Vahid, Apparatus and methods for forming gastrointestinal tissue approximations.
  23. Ewers, Richard C.; Reydel, Boris; Lam, Cang; Chen, Eugene; Seybold, Brent D.; Brenneman, Rodney; Saadat, Vahid C., Apparatus and methods for forming gastrointestinal tissue approximations.
  24. Rothe, Chris A.; Ewers, Richard C.; Lam, Cang C.; Saadat, Vahid; Michlitsch, Kenneth J., Apparatus and methods for manipulating and securing tissue.
  25. Rothe,Chris; Ewers,Richard C.; Lam,Cang C.; Saadat,Vahid; Michlitsch,Kenneth J., Apparatus and methods for manipulating and securing tissue.
  26. Saadat, Vahid; Rothe, Chris; Peh, Ruey-Feng; Ewers, Richard C., Apparatus and methods for mapping out endoluminal gastrointestinal surgery.
  27. Maahs, Tracy D.; Ewers, Richard C.; Saadat, Vahid; Khairkhahan, Alex; Michlitsch, Kenneth J., Apparatus and methods for optimizing anchoring force.
  28. Saadat, Vahid; Swanstrom, Lee L., Apparatus and methods for performing mucosectomy.
  29. Flores, Jesus; Ewers, Richard C.; Maahs, Tracy D.; Khairkhahan, Alex; Peh, Ruey-Feng; Saadat, Vahid, Apparatus and methods for positioning and securing anchors.
  30. Saadat, Vahid; Elmer, Marvin C., Apparatus and methods for positioning and securing anchors.
  31. Saadat, Vahid; Maahs, Tracy D.; Ewers, Richard C.; Elmers, Marvin C.; Flores, Jesus; Khairkhahan, Alex; Peh, Ruey-Feng; Lam, Cang C., Apparatus and methods for positioning and securing anchors.
  32. Saadat, Vahid; Lam, Cang C., Apparatus and methods for rapid deployment of tissue anchors.
  33. Norton, Daniel, Apparatus for coupling soft tissue to a bone.
  34. Stone, Kevin T.; Denham, Gregory J.; Norton, Daniel, Apparatus for coupling soft tissue to a bone.
  35. Euteneuer, Charles L., Apparatus for fixing sheet-like materials to a target tissue.
  36. Saadat, Vahid; Ewers, Richard C.; Laduca, Cang C.; Vaughan, Robert A.; Rothe, Chris; Michlitsch, Kenneth J., Apparatus for manipulating and securing tissue.
  37. Saadat, Vahid; Ewers, Richard C.; Lam, Cang C.; Vaughan, Robert A.; Rothe, Chris; Michlitsch, Kenneth H., Apparatus for manipulating and securing tissue.
  38. Saadat, Vahid; Ewers, Richard C.; Lam, Cang C.; Vaughan, Robert A.; Rothe, Chris; Michlitsch, Kenneth J., Apparatus for manipulating and securing tissue.
  39. Saadat,Vahid; Ewers,Richard C.; Lam,Cang C.; Vaughan,Robert A.; Rothe,Chris; Michlitsch,Kenneth J., Apparatus for manipulating and securing tissue.
  40. Schaffhausen, Cory, Apparatus for performing meniscus repair.
  41. Kaiser,Ryan A; Stone,Kevin T; Walters,Troy M, Apparatus for soft tissue attachment.
  42. Shluzas Alan E. ; Reynolds Steve ; Davis William R. ; Brophy Paul, Bone anchor.
  43. Papay, Francis A.; Byerman, Bryan P., Bone anchoring system.
  44. Graham, Thomas James; Bamberger, H. Brent; Calandruccio, James Howard; Wiedrich, Thomas A.; Focht, Louise M., Bone plate extender and extension system for bone restoration and methods of use thereof.
  45. Graham, Thomas James; Focht, Louise M., Bone plate system for bone restoration and methods of use thereof.
  46. Graham, Thomas James; Focht, Louise M., Bone plate with flange member and methods of use thereof.
  47. Graham, Thomas James; Focht, Louise M., Bone plate with reduction aids and methods of use thereof.
  48. Norton, Daniel; Maxson, William, Capsule retractor.
  49. Hoeppner, Jacy C.; Stone, Kevin T., Chondral defect repair.
  50. Hoeppner, Jacy C.; Stone, Kevin T., Chondral defect repair.
  51. Maahs, Tracy D.; Elmer, Marvin C.; Ewers, Richard C., Compressible tissue anchor assemblies.
  52. Maahs, Tracy D.; Elmer, Marvin C.; Ewers, Richard C., Compressible tissue anchor assemblies.
  53. Maahs, Tracy D.; Elmer, Marvin C.; Ewers, Richard C., Compressible tissue anchor assemblies.
  54. Starksen, Niel F.; To, John; Fabro, Mariel; Wei, Michael F.; Morales, Rodolfo A., Delivery devices and methods for heart valve repair.
  55. Hugues, Charles, Device for anchoring a ligament to an osseous structure for ligamentoplasty.
  56. Serina, Eugene; Tam, Tammy Y.; Henderson, Jennifer L., Devices and methods for anchoring tissue.
  57. McCulloch, Timothy M.; Hoffman, Matthew R., Devices and methods for anterior arytenoid adduction.
  58. Starksen, Niel F.; To, John, Devices and methods for heart valve repair.
  59. DiCesare, Paul C.; Radziunas, Jeffrey P., Endoscopic suturing device.
  60. Gambale, Richard A.; Weiser, Michael F.; Page, Edward C.; Lukin, Peter J., Endoscopic tissue apposition device with multiple suction ports.
  61. Gambale,Richard A.; Weiser,Michael F.; Page,Edward C.; Lukin,Peter J., Endoscopic tissue apposition device with multiple suction ports.
  62. Li Lehmann K. ; Fujikawa Ray, Fastener and fastening method, particularly for fastening sutures to bone.
  63. Euteneuer, Charles L., Fasteners and fastener delivery devices for affixing sheet-like materials to bone or tissue.
  64. Euteneuer, Charles L., Fasteners and fastener delivery devices for affixing sheet-like materials to bone or tissue.
  65. Euteneuer, Charles L.; McCarville, Rebecca, Fasteners and fastener delivery devices for affixing sheet-like materials to bone or tissue.
  66. Euteneuer, Charles L.; McCarville, Rebecca, Fasteners and fastener delivery devices for affixing sheet-like materials to bone or tissue.
  67. Euteneuer, Charles L.; McCarville, Rebecca, Fasteners and fastener delivery devices for affixing sheet-like materials to bone or tissue.
  68. Euteneuer, Charles L.; McCarville, Rebecca; Frion, Duane, Fasteners and fastener delivery devices for affixing sheet-like materials to bone or tissue.
  69. Euteneuer, Charles L.; McCarville, Rebecca; Frion, Duane, Fasteners and fastener delivery devices for affixing sheet-like materials to bone or tissue.
  70. Roger Gregory J.,AUX, Fixation of cruciate ligament grafts.
  71. Denham, Gregory J.; Norton, Daniel; Palese, Chris; Stone, Kevin T., Flexible anchors for tissue fixation.
  72. Denham, Gregory J.; Norton, Daniel; Palese, Christopher; Stone, Kevin T., Flexible anchors for tissue fixation.
  73. Stone, Kevin T., Fracture fixation device.
  74. Stone, Kevin T., Fracture fixation device.
  75. Stone, Kevin T.; Berelsman, Brian K.; Kaiser, Ryan A., Fracture fixation device.
  76. Stone, Kevin T.; Berelsman, Brian K.; Kaiser, Ryan A., Fracture fixation device.
  77. Euteneuer, Charles L.; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel Z.; Quackenbush, John; Sims, Jeff; Van Kampen, Craig, Guidewire having a distal fixation member for delivering and positioning sheet-like materials in surgery.
  78. Medoff, Robert J., Implant device for applying compression across a fracture site.
  79. Medoff,Robert J., Implant device for applying compression across a fracture site.
  80. Euteneuer, Charles L.; Hektner, Thomas R.; Westling, Thomas A.; McCarville, Rebecca; Frion, Duane, Implantable tendon protection systems and related kits and methods.
  81. Norton, Daniel, Insertion tools and method for soft anchor.
  82. Aznoian, Harold M.; Costa, Richard L.; Dimitriou, John; Gambale, Richard A.; Lukin, Peter J.; Page, Edward C.; Silva, Sean J.; Zelonis, David T., Integrated endoscope and accessory treatment device.
  83. Aznoian, Harold M.; Costa, Richard L.; Dimitriou, John; Gambale, Richard A.; Lukin, Peter J.; Page, Edward C.; Silva, Sean J.; Zelonis, David T., Integrated endoscope and accessory treatment device.
  84. Ewers, Richard C.; Maahs, Tracy D.; Lam, Cang C.; Saadat, Vahid; Rothe, Chris, Interlocking tissue anchor apparatus and methods.
  85. Metzger, Robert; Uthgenannt, Brian A.; Stone, Kevin T., Knee prosthesis assembly with ligament link.
  86. Metzger, Robert; Uthgenannt, Brian A.; Stone, Kevin T., Knee prosthesis assembly with ligament link.
  87. Norton, Daniel; Stone, Kevin T., Knotless soft tissue devices and techniques.
  88. Wenstrom ; Jr. Richard F., Ligament fixation device and method.
  89. Stone, Kevin T.; Metzger, Robert, Ligament system for knee joint.
  90. Ewers, Richard C.; Maahs, Tracy D.; Vong, Shirley, Low profile tissue anchors, tissue anchor systems, and methods for their delivery and use.
  91. Banfalvi, Peter Ferenc, Manipulator for grasping tissue.
  92. Banfalvi, Peter Ferenc, Manipulator for grasping tissue.
  93. Euteneuer, Charles L.; McCarville, Rebecca; Frion, Duane; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel, Medical device delivery system and method.
  94. Euteneuer, Charles L.; McCarville, Rebecca; Frion, Duane; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel, Medical device delivery system and method.
  95. Westling, Thomas A.; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel, Medical implant delivery system and related methods.
  96. Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel, Medical implant delivery system and related methods.
  97. Stone, Kevin T.; Berelsman, Brian K.; Wagner, Zachary, Method and Apparatus for Sternal Closure.
  98. Habermeyer Peter (Stuttgart DEX) Schmieding Reinhold (Naples FL), Method and apparatus for arthroscopic rotator cuff repair.
  99. Kaiser, Ryan A.; Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for attaching soft tissue to bone.
  100. Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for coupling anatomical features.
  101. Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for coupling anatomical features.
  102. Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for coupling anatomical features.
  103. Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for coupling anatomical features.
  104. Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for coupling anatomical features.
  105. Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for coupling soft tissue to a bone.
  106. Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for coupling soft tissue to a bone.
  107. Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for coupling soft tissue to a bone.
  108. Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for coupling soft tissue to a bone.
  109. Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for coupling soft tissue to a bone.
  110. Kaiser, Ryan A.; Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for coupling soft tissue to a bone.
  111. Kaiser, Ryan A.; Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for coupling soft tissue to a bone.
  112. Kaiser, Ryan A.; Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for coupling soft tissue to a bone.
  113. Kaiser, Ryan A.; Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for coupling soft tissue to a bone.
  114. Kaiser, Ryan A.; Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for coupling soft tissue to a bone.
  115. Norton, Daniel; Stone, Kevin T.; Denham, Gregory J.; Kaiser, Ryan A., Method and apparatus for coupling soft tissue to a bone.
  116. Norton, Daniel; Stone, Kevin T.; Denham, Gregory J.; Kaiser, Ryan A., Method and apparatus for coupling soft tissue to a bone.
  117. Stone, Kevin T.; Denham, Gregory J.; Harper, Ryan, Method and apparatus for coupling soft tissue to a bone.
  118. Stone, Kevin T.; Denham, Gregory J.; Harper, Ryan; Kaiser, Ryan A., Method and apparatus for coupling soft tissue to a bone.
  119. Stone, Kevin T.; Denham, Gregory J.; Harper, Ryan; Kaiser, Ryan A., Method and apparatus for coupling soft tissue to a bone.
  120. Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T.; Bonnarens, Frank O., Method and apparatus for coupling soft tissue to bone.
  121. Kaiser, Ryan A.; Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T.; Bonnarens, Frank O., Method and apparatus for coupling soft tissue to bone.
  122. Kaiser, Ryan A.; Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T.; Bonnarens, Frank O., Method and apparatus for coupling soft tissue to bone.
  123. Kaiser, Ryan A.; Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T.; Bonnarens, Frank O., Method and apparatus for coupling soft tissue to bone.
  124. Palese, Christopher M.; Denham, Gregory J.; Norton, Dan, Method and apparatus for coupling soft tissue to bone.
  125. Berelsman, Brian K.; Conner, Nathanael K.; Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for fixation of an ACL graft.
  126. Berelsman, Brian K.; Conner, Nathanael K.; Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for fixation of an ACL graft.
  127. Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T.; Wagner, Zachary, Method and apparatus for forming a self-locking adjustable loop.
  128. Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T.; Wagner, Zachary, Method and apparatus for forming a self-locking adjustable loop.
  129. Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T.; Wagner, Zachary, Method and apparatus for forming a self-locking adjustable loop.
  130. Stone, Kevin T.; Denham, Gregory J., Method and apparatus for forming a self-locking adjustable loop.
  131. Stone, Kevin T.; Denham, Gregory J., Method and apparatus for forming a self-locking adjustable loop.
  132. Stone, Kevin T, Method and apparatus for forming a self-locking adjustable suture loop.
  133. Stone, Kevin T.; Berelsman, Brian K.; Kaiser, Ryan A., Method and apparatus for fracture fixation.
  134. Kaiser, Ryan A.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for interosseous membrane reconstruction.
  135. Kaiser, Ryan A.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for intraosseous membrane reconstruction.
  136. Schaffhausen, Cory, Method and apparatus for performing meniscus repair.
  137. Kaiser, Ryan A.; Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T., Method and apparatus for securing soft tissue to bone.
  138. Kaiser, Ryan A.; Stone, Kevin T.; Howell, Stephen M., Method and apparatus for soft tissue attachment.
  139. Stone, Kevin T.; Kaiser, Ryan A.; Sautter, Nathan M., Method and apparatus for soft tissue attachment.
  140. Stone, Kevin T.; Denham, Gregory J., Method and apparatus for soft tissue fixation.
  141. Stone, Kevin T.; Denham, Gregory J., Method and apparatus for soft tissue fixation.
  142. Stone, Kevin T.; Kaiser, Ryan A.; Sautter, Nathan M., Method and apparatus for soft tissue fixation.
  143. Stone, Kevin T; Kaiser, Ryan A; Sautter, Nathan, Method and apparatus for soft tissue fixation.
  144. Stone, Kevin T; Kaiser, Ryan A; Walters, Troy M, Method and apparatus for soft tissue fixation.
  145. Stone, Kevin T.; Berelsman, Brian K.; Wagner, Zachary, Method and apparatus for sternal closure.
  146. Denham, Gregory J.; Berelsman, Brian K., Method and apparatus for stitching tendons.
  147. Skiba, Jeffry B.; Baldwin, Jeffrey P.; Hatch, Laird L.; Gartsman, Gary M.; Oren, Ran, Method and apparatus for suturing.
  148. Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T.; Wack, Michael A., Method and apparatus for tensioning a suture.
  149. Conner, Nathanael K.; Berelsman, Brian K.; Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T.; Slater, Nicholas R.; Arnett, Jeffery D.; Butters, Joshua A., Method and apparatus for tibial fixation of an ACL graft.
  150. Conner, Nathanael K.; Berelsman, Brian K.; Denham, Gregory J.; Stone, Kevin T.; Slater, Nicholas R.; Arnett, Jeffery D.; Butters, Joshua A., Method and apparatus for tibial fixation of an ACL graft.
  151. Stone, Kevin T.; Walters, Troy M.; Denham, Gregory J.; Conner, Nathanael K., Method and apparatuses for securing suture.
  152. Biggs, Michael; Loomas, Bryan; Masterson, Steven; Burger, Keith M.; Haugaard, Dave; Davenport, James M.; Ross, John Arthur, Method and assembly for lung volume reduction.
  153. Torrie, Paul Alexander, Method and device for suture removal.
  154. Hart, Rickey D., Method for anchoring autologous or artificial tendon grafts in bone.
  155. Stone, Kevin T., Method for bone reattachment.
  156. Norton, Daniel, Method for coupling soft tissue to a bone.
  157. Stone, Kevin T.; Denham, Gregory J.; Norton, Daniel, Method for coupling soft tissue to a bone.
  158. Stone, Kevin T.; Meridew, Jason D., Method for implanting soft tissue.
  159. Stone, Kevin T.; Meridew, Jason D., Method for implanting soft tissue.
  160. Stone, Kevin T.; Meridew, Jason D., Method for implanting soft tissue.
  161. Stone, Kevin T; Meridew, Jason D, Method for implanting soft tissue.
  162. Kaiser, Ryan A.; Stone, Kevin T.; Howell, Stephen M., Method for soft tissue attachment.
  163. Kaiser, Ryan A.; Stone, Kevin T.; Howell, Stephen M., Method for soft tissue attachment.
  164. Kaiser, Ryan A.; Stone, Kevin T.; Walters, Troy M., Method for soft tissue attachment.
  165. Stone, Kevin T.; Denham, Gregory J.; Harper, Ryan, Method for tissue fixation.
  166. Stone, Kevin T.; Denham, Gregory J.; Harper, Ryan, Method for tissue fixation.
  167. Stone, Kevin T., Method for trochanteric reattachment.
  168. Hart, Rickey D., Method of anchoring autologous or artificial tendon grafts in bone.
  169. Bittenson, Steven N., Method of fastening soft tissue to bone with a stacked plate suture anchor.
  170. Fritzinger, Daniel D.; Winslow, Nathan A.; Taylor, Robert; Stone, Kevin T., Method of implanting a bone fixation assembly.
  171. Metzger, Robert; Uthgenannt, Brian A.; Stone, Kevin T., Method of implanting a knee prosthesis assembly with a ligament link.
  172. Metzger, Robert; Uthgenannt, Brian A.; Stone, Kevin T., Method of implanting a prosthetic knee joint assembly.
  173. Metzger, Robert; Uthgenannt, Brian A.; Stone, Kevin T., Method of implanting knee prosthesis assembly with ligament link.
  174. Lehman, Glen; Filipi, Charles J., Method of promoting tissue adhesion.
  175. Medoff, Robert J., Method of using an intramedullary implant for fracture fixation.
  176. Skiba, Jeffry B., Methods and apparatus for a coated anchoring device and/or suture.
  177. Euteneuer, Charles L.; Quackenbush, John, Methods and apparatus for delivering and positioning sheet-like materials.
  178. Euteneuer, Charles L.; Quackenbush, John, Methods and apparatus for delivering and positioning sheet-like materials.
  179. Euteneuer, Charles L.; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel Z.; Quackenbush, John; Sims, Jeff, Methods and apparatus for delivering and positioning sheet-like materials in surgery.
  180. Euteneuer, Charles L.; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel Z.; Quackenbush, John; Sims, Jeff, Methods and apparatus for delivering and positioning sheet-like materials in surgery.
  181. Euteneuer, Charles L.; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel Z.; Quackenbush, John; Sims, Jeff, Methods and apparatus for delivering and positioning sheet-like materials in surgery.
  182. Euteneuer, Charles L.; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel Z.; Quackenbush, John; Sims, Jeff, Methods and apparatus for delivering and positioning sheet-like materials in surgery.
  183. Euteneuer, Charles L.; McCarville, Rebecca; Frion, Duane; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel; Feehan, Diane M., Methods and apparatus for delivering staples to a target issue.
  184. Euteneuer, Charles L.; McCarville, Rebecca; Frion, Duane; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel; Feehan, Diane M., Methods and apparatus for delivering staples to a target tissue.
  185. Euteneuer, Charles L.; McCarville, Rebecca; Frion, Duane; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel; Feehan, Diane M.; Quackenbush, John, Methods and apparatus for deploying sheet-like materials.
  186. Euteneuer, Charles L.; McCarville, Rebecca; Frion, Duane; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel; Feehan, Diane M.; Quackenbush, John, Methods and apparatus for deploying sheet-like materials.
  187. Euteneuer, Charles L., Methods and apparatus for fixing sheet-like materials to a target tissue.
  188. Euteneuer, Charles L.; McCarville, Rebecca; Frion, Duane; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel; Feehan, Diane M., Methods and apparatus for fixing sheet-like materials to a target tissue.
  189. Euteneuer, Charles L.; McCarville, Rebecca; Frion, Duane; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel; Feehan, Diane M., Methods and apparatus for fixing sheet-like materials to a target tissue.
  190. Euteneuer, Charles L.; McCarville, Rebecca; Frion, Duane; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel; Feehan, Diane M., Methods and apparatus for fixing sheet-like materials to a target tissue.
  191. Euteneuer, Charles L.; McCarville, Rebecca; Frion, Duane; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel; Feehan, Diane M., Methods and apparatus for fixing sheet-like materials to a target tissue.
  192. Euteneuer, Charles L.; McCarville, Rebecca; Frion, Duane; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel; Feehan, Diane M., Methods and apparatus for fixing sheet-like materials to a target tissue.
  193. Euteneuer, Charles L.; McCarville, Rebecca; Frion, Duane; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel; Feehan, Diane M., Methods and apparatus for fixing sheet-like materials to a target tissue.
  194. Cox, John A.; Maahs, Tracy; Ewers, Richard C.; Chen, Eugene; Lam, Cang; Swanstrom, Lee, Methods and apparatus for revision of obesity procedures.
  195. Ewers, Richard C.; Lam, Cang C., Methods and apparatus for securing and deploying tissue anchors.
  196. Lam, Cang C.; Ewers, Richard C.; Vaughan, Robert A.; Saadat, Vahid, Methods and apparatus for securing and deploying tissue anchors.
  197. Euteneuer, Charles L.; McCarville, Rebecca; Frion, Duane; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel; Feehan, Diane M., Methods and apparatus having bowstring-like staple delivery to a target tissue.
  198. Euteneuer, Charles L.; McCarville, Rebecca; Frion, Duane; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel; Feehan, Diane M., Methods and apparatus having bowstring-like staple delivery to a target tissue.
  199. Euteneuer, Charles L.; McCarville, Rebecca; Frion, Duane; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel; Feehan, Diane M., Methods and apparatus having bowstring-like staple delivery to a target tissue.
  200. Stone, Kevin T.; Walters, Troy M.; Denham, Gregory J.; Connor, Nathanael K., Methods and apparatuses for securing suture.
  201. Hart, Rickey D., Methods for anchoring autologous or artificial tendon grafts using first and second bone anchors.
  202. Westra,Hendrik S.; Lam,Cang C.; Ewers,Richard C.; Saadat,Vahid, Methods for grasping and cinching tissue anchors.
  203. Saadat, Vahid; Rothe, Chris; Ewers, Richard C., Needle assembly for tissue manipulation.
  204. Saadat, Vahid; Rothe, Chris; Ewers, Richard C., Needle assembly for tissue manipulation.
  205. Durando, Christopher, Non-sliding soft anchor.
  206. Stone, Kevin T.; Metzger, Robert, Prosthetic ligament system for knee joint.
  207. Colleran, Dennis; Gabriel, Stefan, Reattachment of tissue to base tissue.
  208. Colleran, Dennis; Trail, Ian; Gabriel, Stefan; Dye, Justin; Sikora, George, Reattachment of tissue to base tissue.
  209. Li Lehmann K. (Milford CT), Retractable fixation device.
  210. Li, Lehmann K.; Corrao, Ernie, Rotor blade anchor and tool for installing same.
  211. Lehmann K. Li ; Ernie Corrao, Rotor blade anchor and tool for installing same particularlly for arthroscopic installation.
  212. Berelsman, Brian K.; Myerson, Mark S.; Stone, Kevin T., Scaffold for spring ligament repair.
  213. Berelsman, Brian K.; Myerson, Mark S.; Stone, Kevin T., Scaffold for spring ligament repair.
  214. Gambale, Richard A.; Lukin, Peter J.; DiCesare, Paul C.; Battles, Christopher A.; Radziunas, Jeffrey P.; Ferreira, Danial P., Single intubation, multi-stitch endoscopic suturing system.
  215. Stone, Kevin T.; Leach, Michael D., Soft tissue conduit device.
  216. Stone, Kevin T., Soft tissue conduit device and method.
  217. Stone, Kevin T.; Denham, Gregory J., Soft tissue repair and conduit device.
  218. Stone, Kevin T.; Denham, Gregory J., Soft tissue repair and conduit device.
  219. Stone, Kevin T.; Walters, Troy M.; Holst, Andrew, Soft tissue repair assembly and associated method.
  220. Stone, Kevin T.; Walters, Troy M.; Holst, Andrew, Soft tissue repair assembly and associated method.
  221. Stone, Kevin T.; Walters, Troy M.; Holst, Andrew, Soft tissue repair assembly and associated method.
  222. Stone, Kevin T.; Kaiser, Ryan A.; Holst, Andrew; Sautter, Nathan M., Soft tissue repair device and associated methods.
  223. Stone, Kevin T.; Kaiser, Ryan A.; Sautter, Nathan M.; Holst, Andrew, Soft tissue repair device and associated methods.
  224. Stone, Kevin T.; Kaiser, Ryan A.; Sautter, Nathan M.; Holst, Andrew, Soft tissue repair device and associated methods.
  225. Stone, Kevin T.; Kaiser, Ryan A.; Sautter, Nathan M.; Holst, Andrew, Soft tissue repair device and associated methods.
  226. Stone, Kevin T.; Kaiser, Ryan A.; Sautter, Nathan M.; Holst, Andrew, Soft tissue repair device and associated methods.
  227. Stone, Kevin T.; Kaiser, Ryan A.; Sautter, Nathan M.; Holst, Andrew, Soft tissue repair device and associated methods.
  228. Stone, Kevin T.; Kaiser, Ryan A.; Sautter, Nathan M.; Holst, Andrew, Soft tissue repair device and associated methods.
  229. Stone, Kevin T.; Kaiser, Ryan A.; Sautter, Nathan M.; Holst, Andrew, Soft tissue repair device and associated methods.
  230. Stone, Kevin T.; Sautter, Nathan M.; Berelsman, Brian K.; Arnett, Jeffery D.; Butters, Joshua A.; Hushka, Dylan M.; Slater, Nicholas R., Soft tissue repair device and method.
  231. Stone, Kevin T.; Sautter, Nathan M.; Berelsman, Brian K.; Arnett, Jeffery D.; Butters, Joshua A.; Hushka, Dylan M.; Slater, Nicholas R., Soft tissue repair device and method.
  232. Jeffry B. Skiba ; Jeffrey P. Baldwin, Soft tissue/ligament to bone fixation device with inserter.
  233. Bittenson, Steven N., Stacked plate suture anchor.
  234. DiCarlo,Joseph A.; Field,Frederic P.; Fogg,Douglas A.; Sancoff,Gregory E., Surgical suturing instrument and method of use.
  235. Field, Frederic P.; Fogg, Douglas A.; Sancoff, Gregory E., Surgical suturing instrument and method of use.
  236. Field, Frederic P.; Fogg, Douglas A.; Sancoff, Gregory E., Surgical suturing instrument and method of use.
  237. Field, Frederic P.; Fogg, Douglas A.; Sancoff, Gregory E., Surgical suturing instrument and method of use.
  238. Field, Frederic P.; Sancoff, Gregory E., Surgical suturing instrument and method of use.
  239. Field,Frederic P.; Doyle,Mark; LePlage, Jr.,Albert A.; Frangolis,Todd W., Surgical suturing instrument and method of use.
  240. Sancoff Gregory E. ; Field Frederic P. ; Fogg Douglas A., Surgical suturing instrument and method of use.
  241. Sancoff, Gregory E.; Field, Frederic P.; Fogg, Douglas A.; Guyer, Brett; Rice, John T., Surgical suturing instrument and method of use.
  242. Sancoff, Gregory E.; Fogg, Douglas A.; Field, Frederic P., Surgical suturing instrument and method of use.
  243. Sancoff,Gregory E.; DiCarlo,Joseph A.; Field,Frederic P.; Fogg,Douglas A.; Pugsley, Jr.,Charles H., Surgical suturing instrument and method of use.
  244. Sancoff,Gregory E.; Field,Frederic P.; Fogg,Douglas A.; DiCarlo,Joseph A., Surgical suturing instrument and method of use.
  245. Sancoff,Gregory E.; Fogg,Douglas A.; Field,Frederic P., Surgical suturing instrument and method of use.
  246. Fritzinger, Daniel D.; Winslow, Nathan; Taylor, Robert J.; Stone, Kevin T., Suture Button.
  247. Green, Michael L.; Bojanowski, Bart; Tauro, Joseph C.; Greelis, John P.; Heaven, Malcolm, Suture anchor.
  248. Green, Michael L.; Bojanowski, Bart; Tauro, Joseph C.; Greelis, John P.; Heaven, Malcolm, Suture anchor.
  249. Gambale, Richard A.; Weiser, Michael F.; Page, Edward Carlton; Kolnick, Alexander, Suture clips, delivery devices and methods.
  250. Gambale, Richard A.; Weiser, Michael F.; Page, Edward Carlton; Kolnick, Alexander, Suture clips, delivery devices and methods.
  251. Ashley, John E.; Lyons, David F., Suture lock.
  252. Lyons, David F.; Breining, Peter M., Suture lock.
  253. Ries, Andrew J; Nelson, Richard P; Mothilal, Kamal Deep, Suture loop with cover and strategic placement of suture points.
  254. Bourque, Bernard J.; Ferragamo, Michael C., Suture passing.
  255. Mancini, Nicholas; Mancini, Jaimie, Suture passing surgical device with atraumatic grasper preventing accidental perforations.
  256. Hatch, Laird L.; Sullivan, James J., Suture passing surgical instrument.
  257. Hatch, Laird L.; Sullivan, James J., Suture passing surgical instrument.
  258. Hatch,Laird L.; Sullivan,James J., Suture passing surgical instrument.
  259. Jervis, James E., Suture retainer with multiple circumferentially spaced attachment points and suture retention method.
  260. Hart Rickey D. (Plainville MA) Rice John (Lincoln MA), Suture tensioning device.
  261. Hart Rickey D. (Plainville MA) Rice John (Lincoln MA), Suture tensioning device.
  262. Wallace, Jeffrey M.; Lukin, Peter J.; Kapec, Jeffrey; Tanaka, Kazuna, Suturing devices and methods with energy emitting elements.
  263. Zhao, Guoru; Wang, Yongfeng, Suturing nail.
  264. Green, Michael L.; Tauro, Joseph C., System and method for attaching soft tissue to bone.
  265. Green, Michael L.; Tauro, Joseph C.; Bojanowski, Bart, System and method for attaching soft tissue to bone.
  266. Green, Michael L.; Tauro, Joseph C.; Bojanowski, Bart, System and method for attaching soft tissue to bone.
  267. Green, Michael L.; Tauro, Joseph C.; Bojanowski, Bart, System and method for attaching soft tissue to bone.
  268. Green, Michael L.; Tauro, Joseph C.; Bojanowski, Bart, System and method for attaching soft tissue to bone.
  269. Green, Michael L.; Tauro, Joseph C.; Bojanowski, Bart, System and method for attaching soft tissue to bone.
  270. Green, Michael L.; Tauro, Joseph C.; Bojanowski, Bart, System and method for attaching soft tissue to bone.
  271. Green, Michael L.; Tauro, Joseph C.; Bojanowski, Bart, System and method for attaching soft tissue to bone.
  272. Green, Michael L.; Tauro, Joseph C.; Bojanowski, Bart, System and method for attaching soft tissue to bone.
  273. Green, Michael L.; Tauro, Joseph C.; Bojanowski, Bart, System and method for attaching soft tissue to bone.
  274. Taylor, Jeffrey Brian, System for implanting a penile prosthetic into a penis includes a delivery cap coupled to a tow suture.
  275. Saadat, Vahid; Ewers, Richard C.; Maahs, Tracy D.; Khairkhahan, Alexander; Michlitsch, Kenneth J., System for optimizing anchoring force.
  276. Kampen, Craig Van; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel; Westling, Thomas A.; Euteneuer, Charles L., Tendon repair implant and method of arthroscopic implantation.
  277. Van Kampen, Craig; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel; Westling, Thomas A.; Euteneuer, Charles L., Tendon repair implant and method of arthroscopic implantation.
  278. Van Kampen, Craig; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel; Westling, Thomas A.; Euteneuer, Charles L., Tendon repair implant and method of arthroscopic implantation.
  279. Van Kampen, Craig; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel; Westling, Thomas A.; Euteneuer, Charles L., Tendon repair implant and method of arthroscopic implantation.
  280. Van Kampen, Craig; Zenz-Olson, Nathaniel; Westling, Thomas A.; Euteneuer, Charles L., Tendon repair implant and method of arthroscopic implantation.
  281. Gambale,Richard A., Tissue capturing and suturing device and method.
  282. Fujisaki, Ken; Isoda, Takumi, Tissue ligating device.
  283. Vaughan, Robert A.; Lam, Cang C.; Ewers, Richard C.; Saadat, Vahid, Tissue manipulation and securement system.
  284. Vaughan, Robert A.; Lam, Cang C.; Ewers, Richard C.; Saadat, Vahid, Tissue manipulation and securement system.
  285. Colleran, Dennis; Gabriel, Stefan, Tissue repair system.
  286. Colleran,Dennis; Gabriel,Stefan, Tissue repair system.
  287. Smith,Graham, Tissue repair system.
  288. Li, Lehmann K.; Corrao, Ernie, Toggle anchor and tool for insertion thereof.
  289. Schaeffer, Darin G, Vascular closure device.
  290. Schaeffer, Darin G., Vascular closure device.
  291. Norton, Daniel; Denham, Gregory J.; Heilman, Benjamin P.; Winslow, Nathan A.; Stone, Kevin T.; Palese, Christopher; Berelsman, Brian K., Visual aid for identifying suture limbs arthroscopically.

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