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[미국특허] Air-conditioning system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F25B-041/00
출원번호 US-0036256 (1993-03-24)
우선권정보 JP-0001616 (1991-01-10); JP-0004841 (1991-01-21); JP-0008360 (1991-01-28); JP-0010415 (1991-01-31); JP-0010710 (1991-01-31); JP-0010711 (1991-01-31); JP-0014031 (1991-02-05); JP-0014162 (1991-02-05); JP-0014
발명자 / 주소
  • Hayashida Noriaki (Wakayama JPX) Nakamura Takashi (Wakayama JPX) Tani Hidekazu (Wakayama JPX) Kasai Tomohiko (Wakayama JPX) Kameyama Junichi (Wakayama JPX) Takata Shigeo (Wakayama JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Mitsubishi Denki Kabushiki Kaisha (Tokyo JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 33  인용 특허 : 0


An air conditioning system in which a single heat source unit (A) comprising a compressor (1), a four-way valve (2), a heat source unit side heat exchanger (3) and an accumulator (4) is connected to a plurality of indoor units (B, C, D) through a first and a second connection pipes (6, 7). Each indo


An air-conditioning system wherein a single heat source unit having a compressor, a four-way valve, a heat source unit side heat exchanger and an accumulator is connected to a plurality of indoor units having an indoor side heat exchanger and a first flow rate controller through first and second con

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (33) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Choi, Song; Ryu, Yun Ho; Chung, Baik Young; Seo, Kyung Won, Air conditioning system including a bypass pipe.
  2. Motomura, Yuji; Yamashita, Koji; Morimoto, Hiroyuki; Wakamoto, Shinichi; Takenaka, Naofumi, Air-conditioning apparatus.
  3. Yamashita, Koji; Morimoto, Hiroyuki; Hatomura, Takeshi; Wakamoto, Shinichi; Takenaka, Naofumi, Air-conditioning apparatus.
  4. Yamashita, Koji; Morimoto, Hiroyuki; Motomura, Yuji; Hatomura, Takeshi, Air-conditioning apparatus.
  5. Yamashita, Koji; Morimoto, Hiroyuki; Motomura, Yuji; Hatomura, Takeshi, Air-conditioning apparatus.
  6. Yamashita, Koji; Motomura, Yuji, Air-conditioning apparatus.
  7. Takata, Shigeo; Yamashita, Koji, Air-conditioning apparatus with multiple outdoor, indoor, and multiple relay units.
  8. Kawagoe, Tomokazu; Azuma, Koji; Koge, Hirofumi, Air-conditioning hot-water supply combined system.
  9. VanGilder, James William; Healey, Christopher M.; Zhang, Xuanhang, Analysis of effect of transient events on temperature in a data center.
  10. Zeigler, Terry A.; Bracey, John S.; Connell, Brett Sean; Sloan, Scott, Combined heating and air conditioning system for vehicles.
  11. Hwang,Il Nahm; Oh,Sai Kee; Lee,Yoon Been; Chang,Se Dong, Control method for multiple heat pump.
  12. Rasmussen, Neil; Bean, John H.; Uhrhan, Greg R.; Buell, Scott D., Cooling system and method.
  13. Rasmussen, Neil; Bean, Jr., John H.; Uhrhan, Greg R.; Buell, Scott D., Cooling system and method.
  14. Tanaka, Kosuke; Koge, Hirofumi; Kawagoe, Tomokazu, Heat pump system, control device, temperature adjustment method, and program.
  15. Wexler, Peter, In-row air containment and cooling system and method.
  16. Tutunoglu, Ozan, Method and apparatus for cooling.
  17. Tutunoglu, Ozan; Bean, Jr., John H., Method and apparatus for cooling.
  18. Tutunoglu, Ozan; Lingrey, David James, Method and apparatus for cooling.
  19. Tutunoglu, Ozan; Bean, Jr., John H., Method of operating a cooling system having one or more cooling units.
  20. Bean, Jr., John H., Modular ice storage for uninterruptible chilled water.
  21. Bean, Jr., John H., Modular ice storage for uninterruptible chilled water.
  22. Park, Jong Han; Park, Young Min; Lee, Chang Seon; Choi, Sung Oh; Kim, Sung Chun, Multi-air conditioner and operation method thereof.
  23. Park,Jong Han; Park,Young Min; Lee,Chang Seon; Choi,Sung Oh, Multi-air conditioner and operation method thereof.
  24. Park,Jong Han; Park,Young Min, Multi-type air conditioner.
  25. Hwang, Il Nahm, Multi-unit air conditioner and method for controlling the same.
  26. Takagi, Masahiko; Baba, Masanobu; Ishikawa, Norikazu, Power saving air-conditioning system.
  27. Kasahara, Shinichi, Refrigeration system.
  28. Wightman, David, Surged heat pump systems and methods.
  29. Wightman, David, Surged heat pump systems and methods of defrosting an evaporator.
  30. Shrivastava, Saurabh K.; VanGilder, James W., System and method for arranging equipment in a data center.
  31. VanGilder, James William, System and method for prediction of temperature values in an electronics system.
  32. Healey, Christopher M.; Zhang, Xuanhang, System and method for sequential placement of cooling resources within data center layouts.
  33. Luo, Bin; Yang, Kun, Variable refrigerant flow air conditioning system and method for controlling electronic expansion valve thereof.

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