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[미국특허] Method of attitude determination using earth and star sensors 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-015/50
  • B64G-001/24
출원번호 US-0061095 (1993-05-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bender Douglas J. (Redondo Beach CA) Parks Thomas R. (Redondo Beach CA) Brozenec Thomas F. (El Segundo CA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Hughes Aircraft Company (Los Angeles CA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 39  인용 특허 : 0


A method of attitude measurement for an artificial satellite (100) utilizes one or more star trackers (12) together with an earth sensor (30). Periodic updates of satellite orbital information, either propagated onboard or from a ground station are combined with earth and star position coordinate da


A system for determining the 3-axis attitude of a spacecraft in a preselected orbit, comprising: star sensing means on said spacecraft for sensing the positions of stars relative to said sensing means, and for producing first signals representing said star positions, said star sensing means includin

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (39) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Yoshikawa, Shoji; Yamada, Katsuhiko; Shimoji, Haruhiko; Inoue, Masao; Yoshida, Norimasa; Miyatake, Katsumasa, Apparatus for determining attitude of artificial satellite.
  2. Didinsky Garry ; Nayak Arunkumar P. ; Li Rongsheng ; Wu Yeong-Wei A. ; Kurland Jeffrey A. ; Needelman David D., Attitude determination system and method.
  3. Weigl, Harald J.; Goodzeit, Neil E.; Ratan, Santosh, Attitude determination system for yaw-steering spacecraft.
  4. Lane, Benjamin F.; Rachlin, Yaron; Laine, Juha-Pekka J.; Dawson, Robin M. A.; Yu, Christopher C., Attitude estimation by reducing noise with dragback.
  5. Rachlin, Yaron; Lane, Benjamin F.; Laine, Juha-Pekka J.; Dawson, Robin M. A.; Yu, Christopher C., Attitude estimation in compressed domain.
  6. Lane, Benjamin F.; Rachlin, Yaron; Laine, Juha-Pekka J.; Dawson, Robin M. A.; Yu, Christopher C., Attitude estimation with compressive sampling of starfield data.
  7. Didinsky Garry ; Wu Yeong-Wei ; Li Rongsheng ; Nayak Arunkumar ; Hein Douglas, Autonomous attitude acquisition for a stellar inertial attitude determination system.
  8. Quine Brendan Mark Edward,GBX, Autonomous star identification.
  9. Anderson, Mark J., Celestial navigation using stellar narrow-band emission.
  10. Goodzeit,Neil Evan; Lempke,James Donald, Efficient orbit sparing system for space vehicle constellations.
  11. Alstad,James P.; Needelman,David D.; Li,Rongsheng; Fowell,Richard A.; Lai,Peter C.; Wu,Yeong Wei A., Fast access, low memory, pair catalog.
  12. Goodzeit, Neil Evan, Fault tolerant attitude control system for zero momentum spacecraft.
  13. Shah Piyush R. ; Tanner Thomas M. ; Noyola Richard A., Fuel and thermal optimal spiral earth acquisition.
  14. Rosenwinkel, Alan M., Geoposition determination by starlight refraction measurement.
  15. Rosenwinkel, Alan M.; Mercurio, Jonathan; Bucha, Kellie, Geoposition determination using satellite ephemerides.
  16. Mazzini Leonardo,ITX, Gyrocompassing by intermittent GPS interferometry.
  17. David D. Needelman ; Yeong-Wei A. Wu ; Rongsheng Li ; William L. Burkett, Jr., Lost-in-space stellar attitude acquisition using multiple star trackers.
  18. Needelman, David D.; Wu, Yeong-Wei A.; Li, Rongsheng; Burkett, Jr., William L., Lost-in-space stellar attitude acquisition using multiple star trackers.
  19. Needelman,David D.; Li,Rongsheng; Fowell,Richard A.; Lai,Peter C.; Wu,Yeong Wei A.; Eyerly,Bruce N.; French,Jonathan, Method and apparatus for real-time star exclusion from a database.
  20. Yu, Qingbo; Men, Jizhuo; Zhao, Shulun; Lang, Rong; Liu, Xiaobin; Yang, Chunxiang, Method and system for controlling antenna of mobile communication application system based on double quaternions in MEMS inertial navigation.
  21. Xing, Fei; You, Zheng; Sun, Ting, Method for determining attitude of star sensor based on rolling shutter imaging.
  22. Strietzel, Roland; Michel, Klaus; Ratzsch, Dietmar, Method for increasing the reliability of sensor systems.
  23. You, Zheng; Xing, Fei; Sun, Ting, Method for measuring precision of star sensor and system using the same.
  24. Barker Lee A., Methods for using satellite state vector prediction to provide three-axis satellite attitude control.
  25. Krigbaum William Gordon ; Lee Shu-Jone ; Okamoto Albert Yukio ; Sakoda George Teiichi, Microbolometer earth sensor assembly.
  26. Johnson, William M.; Musoff, Howard; Sargent, Darryl G.; Gilmore, Jerold P.; Dennehy, Cornelius J., Miniature attitude sensing suite.
  27. Needelman,David D.; Fowell,Richard A.; Lai,Peter C.; Wu,Yeong Wei A.; Li,Rongsheng, Multiple stayout zones for ground-based bright object exclusion.
  28. Twitchell, Jr., Robert W., Network aided terrestrial triangulation using stars (NATTS).
  29. Kopp,Thomas, Pressure measuring device.
  30. Needelman,David D.; Li,Rongsheng; Wu,Yeong Wei A., Refinement of spacecraft angular velocity and attitude estimates using star data.
  31. Li Rongsheng ; Wu Yeong-Wei Andy, Spacecraft attitude determination system and method.
  32. Nielson Marlin Craig, Spacecraft boresight calibration filter.
  33. Wang, Grant; Wu, Yeong-Wei; Li, Rongsheng; Needelman, David D., Spacecraft methods and structures for acquiring and determining power-safe attitudes.
  34. Li, Rongsheng; Wu, Yeong-Wei Andy; Hein, Douglas H., System and method for calibrating inter-star-tracker misalignments in a stellar inertial attitude determination system.
  35. Fowell Richard A., System and method for enhanced solar array pointing in sun-nadir steering.
  36. Goodzeit, Neil E., System for geosynchronous spacecraft rapid earth reacquisition.
  37. Goodzeit, Neil E.; Weigl, Harald J., System for on-orbit correction of spacecraft payload pointing errors.
  38. van Bezooijen Roelof W.H., Techniques for optimizing an autonomous star tracker.
  39. Falbel Gerald, Three axis attitude readout system for geosynchronous spacecraft.

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