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[미국특허] Multiple passage cooling circuit method and device for gas turbine engine fuel nozzle 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02C-007/22
출원번호 US-0951599 (1992-09-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Mains Robert T. (Euclid OH)
출원인 / 주소
  • Parker-Hannifin Corporation (Cleveland OH 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 69  인용 특허 : 0


A gas turbine fuel nozzle and method of fuel flow provide resistance to coking of the fuel by means of a multiple passage heat transfer cooling circuit. Fuel streams to primary and secondary sprays of pilot and main nozzle tips are arranged to transfer heat between the pilot primary fuel stream and


A method of dispensing fuel in a gas turbine engine of the type having pilot nozzle tips from which fuel is sprayed in primary and secondary sprays into a pilot zone of the combustor and main nozzle tips from which fuel is sprayed in primary and secondary sprays into a main zone of the combustor, co

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (69) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Staroselsky,Alexander; Fedichenia,Igor I.; Lamm,Foster Philip, Acoustic fuel deoxygenation system.
  2. Frish, John D., Air cooled fuel injector for a turbine engine.
  3. Fox, Timothy A.; Schilp, Reinhard; Gambacorta, Domenico, Air/fuel supply system for use in a gas turbine engine.
  4. Stotts Robert E. (Newark NY), Clip attached heat shield.
  5. Hackett, David Elliot, Coaxial quill assembly retainer and common rail fuel system using same.
  6. Pelletier, Robert R.; Newman, Antony William; Mau, Andrew E.; Golightly, Jonathan M.; Obeidin, John M.; Stroempl, Peter J., Concentric flexible hose assembly.
  7. Mancini, Alfred Albert, Cooled purging fuel injectors.
  8. Kaplan,Howard Jay; Acquavella,David Francis; Junquera,Steven Patrick; Johnson,David Martin; Miller,Christopher David; Iasillo,Robert Joseph; Hampson,Gregory James; O'Dell,Kevin Jon, Cooling of liquid fuel components to eliminate coking.
  9. Mancini, Alfred Albert; Thomsen, Duane Douglas; Vermeersch, Michael Louis, Differential pressure induced purging fuel injector with asymmetric cyclone.
  10. Mancini, Alfred Albert; Lohmueller, Steven Joseph, Differential pressure induced purging fuel injectors.
  11. Shafique, Harris; Prociw, Lev Alexander, Dual conduit fuel manifold for gas turbine engine.
  12. Gaag John H. ; Ras Raman, Dual orifice liquid fuel and aqueous flow atomizing nozzle having an internal mixing chamber.
  13. Haggerty, Daniel; Hall, Troy, Dynamic sealing assembly to accommodate differential thermal growth of fuel injector components.
  14. Cipollini,Ned Emidio, Electrochemical fuel deoxygenation system.
  15. Patel, Bhawan B.; Morenko, Oleg, External rigid fuel manifold.
  16. Pelletier, Robert Roger; Ras, Raman, Flexible hose assembly with multiple flow passages.
  17. Erlendur Steinthorsson ; Michael A. Benjamin ; David R. Barnhart, Fuel atomization method for turbine combustion engines having aerodynamic turning vanes.
  18. Morenko, Oleg, Fuel conveying member for a gas turbine engine.
  19. Prociw, Lev Alexander; Shafique, Harris, Fuel conveying member with heat pipe.
  20. Gandza, Victor, Fuel delivery system with reduced heat transfer to fuel manifold seal.
  21. Schmidt,Wayde R., Fuel deoxygenation system with textured oxygen permeable membrane.
  22. Patel, Bhawan B.; Morenko, Oleg; Rudrapatna, Nagaraja, Fuel injection system for a gas turbine engine.
  23. Mancini, Alfred A.; Mueller, Peter W., Fuel injector fuel conduits with multiple laminated fuel strips.
  24. Laing, Peter; Wrubel, Michael Peter; Savel, Barry Walford; Harvey, Rex Jay; Mancini, Alfred Albert; Cooper, James Neil; Mains, Robert Thane, Fuel injector laminated fuel strip.
  25. Pelletier, Robert R.; Gudiapti, Ravi; Cornett, Kenneth W., Fuel injector nozzles for gas turbine engines.
  26. Smith, David S., Fuel injector sans support/stem.
  27. Smith, David S., Fuel injector sans support/stem.
  28. Laing, Peter; Arnold, Dale L.; Bovard, Charles R.; Lehtinen, Jeffrey R., Fuel manifold block and ring with macrolaminate layers.
  29. Van Alen, Frederick Ehrwulf, Fuel manifold cooling flow recirculation.
  30. Olver, Bryan William, Fuel manifold with reduced losses.
  31. Gates Roger Jonathan,CAX ; Juteau Pierre,CAX ; Mulas Giovanni Mario,CAX ; Shafique Harris,CAX ; Ste. Marie Bastien,CAX ; Prociw Lev Alexander,CAX ; Kostka Richard Alan,CAX, Fuel nozzle for gas turbine engine with slotted fuel conduits and cover.
  32. Steinhorsson, Erlendur; Benjamin, Michael A.; Barnhart, David R., Fuel nozzle for turbine combustion engines having aerodynamic turning vanes.
  33. Steinthorsson, Erlendur; Benjamin, Michael A.; Barnhart, David R., Fuel nozzle for turbine combustion engines having aerodynamic turning vanes.
  34. Shum, Frank; Verhiel, Jeffrey, Fuel nozzle providing shaped fuel spray.
  35. Morenko, Oleg, Gas turbine combustor and fuel manifold mounting arrangement.
  36. Patel, Bhawan; Sampath, Parthasarathy; Parker, Russell, Gas turbine engine combustor with improved cooling.
  37. Prociw, Lev Alexander; Shafique, Harris; Fish, Jason; Patel, Bhawan B., Gas turbine engine fuel conveying member.
  38. Mark G. Goeddeke, Gas turbine engine fuel injector.
  39. Prociw Lev Alexander,CAX ; Sampath Parthasarathy,CAX ; Kostka Richard Alan,CAX, Gas turbine fuel injector.
  40. Prociw, Lev Alexander; Morenko, Oleg; Shafique, Harris, Heat shield for a fuel manifold and method.
  41. Fish, Jason; Patel, Bhawan B., Heat shield with stress relieving feature.
  42. Lincourt, Claude, Hydrostatic flow barrier for flexible fuel manifold.
  43. Rudrapatna, Nagaraja; Morenko, Oleg; Patel, Bhawan B., Internal fuel manifold having temperature reduction feature.
  44. Prociw, Lev Alexander; Kojovic, Aleksandar; Shafique, Harris, Internal fuel manifold with airblast nozzles.
  45. Patel, Bhawan B.; Fish, Jason; Gaudet, Dany; Gagnon, Lafleche, Internal fuel manifold with turned channel having a variable cross-sectional area.
  46. Pelletier Robert R., Internally heatshielded nozzle.
  47. Pelletier Robert R., Internally heatshielded nozzle.
  48. Fish, Jason Araan, Internally mounted fuel manifold with support pins.
  49. Fish, Jason Araan, Internally mounted fuel manifold with support pins.
  50. Mansour,Adel B.; Benjamin,Michael A., Macrolaminate direct injection nozzle.
  51. Jan C. Schilling ; Alfred A. Mancini, Method and apparatus for reducing thermal stresses within turbine engines.
  52. Lavie, Alain; Martelli, Stephanie; Michau, Marion; Rodrigues, Jose; Tiepel, Alain, Method of assembling a fuel injector for the combustion chamber of a turbomachine.
  53. Patel, Bhawan B.; Morenko, Oleg; Rudrapatna, Nagaraja, Method of manufacturing a heat shield for a fuel manifold.
  54. Tuttle, Mark E., Mid-mount centerbody heat shield for turbine engine fuel nozzle.
  55. Prociw, Lev Alexander; Kojovic, Aleksander; Shafique, Harris, Multi-channel fuel manifold.
  56. Wrubel Michael P. ; Harvey Rex J. ; Laing Peter ; Mains Robert T. ; Savel Barry W., Multi-circuit multi-injection point atomizer.
  57. Wrubel, Michael P.; Harvey, Rex J.; Laing, Peter; Mains, Robert T.; Savel, Barry W.; Mancini, Alfred A.; Cooper, James Neil, Multi-circuit, multi-injection point atomizer.
  58. Pelletier, Robert Roger; Teter, Michael Kenneth; Bovard, Charles Raymond, Multiple circuit fuel manifold.
  59. Prociw, Lev Alexander; Shafique, Harris; Sokalski, John; Pelletier, Claude Raymond, Nested channel ducts for nozzle construction and the like.
  60. Prociw,Lev Alexander; Shafique,Harris; Sokalski,John; Pelletier,Claude Raymond, Nested channel ducts for nozzle construction and the like.
  61. Fish, Jason; Patel, Bhawan B., Optimized internal manifold heat shield attachment.
  62. Parker,David; Ohri,Rajeev; Boonsuan,Plum, Pilot nozzle heat shield having connected tangs.
  63. Fish, Jason; Patel, Bhawan B.; Oskooei, Saeid, Reduced stress internal manifold heat shield attachment.
  64. Prociw, Lev Alexander; Shafique, Harris, Redundant fuel manifold sealing arrangement.
  65. Fish, Jason; Urac, Tibor, Redundant mounting system for an internal fuel manifold.
  66. Sampath Parthasarathy,CAX ; Kostka Richard Alan,CAX, Simple low cost fuel nozzle support.
  67. Prociw Lev Alexander,CAX ; Shafique Harris,CAX ; Sampath Parthasarathy,CAX, Simplex and duplex injector having primary and secondary annular lud channels and primary and secondary lud nozzles.
  68. Pelletier Robert R. ; Patwari Kiran, Thermal gradient dispersing heatshield assembly.
  69. Lee, Fei Philip; Hicks, Paul G., Thermal protection for fuel injectors.

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