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Automated order and delivery system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-015/20
출원번호 US-0201784 (1994-02-25)
발명자 / 주소
  • Roach John V. (Fort Worth TX) Hollander Richard (Fort Worth TX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Tandy Corporation (Fort Worth TX 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 250  인용 특허 : 0


A system for processing merchandise sale transactions for customers in a point of sale and warehouse facility. A main processor has a database for storing customer identification information and merchandise information and processes sale transaction records for customers. A point of sale system coup


Apparatus for processing merchandise sale transactions for customers in a point of sale and warehouse facility, the apparatus comprising: a main processor including a database for storing customer identification information and merchandise information and including program instructions for processin

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (250)

  1. Dejaeger Wilfried E. Y.,BEX, Apparatus and method for operating a checkout system having a display monitor which displays both transaction information and customer-specific messages during a checkout transaction.
  2. Dejaeger, Wilfried E. Y., Apparatus and method for operating a checkout system having a display monitor which displays both transaction information and customer-specific messages during a checkout transaction.
  3. Kurt J. Lippert ; Charles K. Wike, Jr. ; Paul F. Nugent, Jr., Apparatus and method for operating a checkout system having a number of interface terminals associated therewith.
  4. Robert L. Snyder, Apparatus and method for operating a checkout system having a number of port expander devices associated therewith.
  5. Dejaeger Wilfried E. Y.,BEX ; Hoffman Mark S. ; Glogovsky Terrence M. ; Hutcheon Alfred J., Apparatus and method for operating a checkout system having a scanner which is rotatable between an assisted scanner position and a self-service scanner position.
  6. Dejaeger Wilfried E. Y.,BEX, Apparatus and method for operating a checkout system having a security scale for providing security during an assisted checkout transaction.
  7. Kurt J. Lippert, Apparatus and method for operating a checkout system having a video camera for enhancing security during operation thereof.
  8. Snyder, Robert L., Apparatus and method for operating a checkout system having an RF transmitter for communicating to a number of wireless personal pagers.
  9. Snyder, Robert L.; Lippert, Kurt J., Apparatus and method for operating a checkout system having an RF transmitter for communicating to a receiver associated with an intercom system.
  10. Paul F. Nugent, Jr., Apparatus and method for operating a checkout system having an item set-aside shelf which is movable between a number of shelf positions.
  11. Forsythe, Donald L.; Lin, Horng Jaan, Apparatus and method for operating a checkout system which has a number of payment devices for tendering payment during an assisted checkout transaction.
  12. James Morrison ; John C. Addy ; Alfred J. Hutcheon, Apparatus and method for operating convertible checkout system which has a customer side and a personnel side.
  13. Moore, Steven Jerome, Apparatus and method for purchased product security.
  14. Moore,Steven Jerome, Apparatus and method for security.
  15. Walker, Jay S.; Van Luchene, Andrew S.; Suarez, Jose A.; Fincham, Magdalena M.; Alderucci, Dean P.; Jorasch, James A.; Tedesco, Robert C.; Breitenbach, Matthew D., Apparatus and methods for enforcing purchase agreements.
  16. Walker, Jay S.; Van Luchene, Andrew S.; Suarez, Jose A.; Fincham, Magdalena M.; Alderucci, Dean P.; Jorasch, James A.; Tedesco, Robert C.; Breitenbach, Matthew D., Apparatus and methods for enforcing purchase agreements.
  17. Walker, Jay S.; Van Luchene, Andrew S.; Suarez, Jose A.; Fincham, Magdalena M.; Alderucci, Dean P.; Jorasch, James A.; Tedesco, Robert C.; Breitenbach, Matthew D., Apparatus and methods for enforcing purchase agreements.
  18. Walker,Jay S.; Van Luchene,Andrew S.; Suarez,Jose A.; Fincham,Magdalena M.; Alderucci,Dean P.; Jorasch,James A.; Tedesco,Robert C.; Breitenbach,Matthew D., Apparatus and methods for enforcing purchase agreements.
  19. Webber ; Jr. Donald Gary, Automated back office transaction method and system.
  20. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Automated teller machine (ATM) providing money for loyalty points.
  21. McClung, III, Guy L., Business systems with price guarantee and display.
  22. Wike, Jr., Charles K.; Nugent, Jennifer I., Checkout system convertible between assisted and non-assisted configurations.
  23. Wilfried E. Y. Dejaeger BE; Mark S. Hoffman ; Terence M. Glogovsky ; Alfred J. Hutcheon, Checkout terminal and associated method having movable scanner.
  24. Cardenas,Frank A., Computer network system for shopping and method therefor.
  25. Birmingham, Thomas; Dadgar, Cyrus, Computer supported retail shopping systems and methods.
  26. Matsuda, Paul J.; Perry, Sarah E.; Wilk, Tracy L., Conducting commerce between individuals.
  27. Matsuda, Paul; Perry, Sara E.; Wilk, Tracy L., Conducting commerce between individuals.
  28. Matsuda, Paul; Perry, Sara E.; Wilk, Tracy L., Conducting commerce between individuals.
  29. Matsuda,Paul J.; Perry,Sarah E.; Wilk,Tracy L., Conducting commerce between individuals.
  30. Matsuda,Paul J.; Perry,Sarah E.; Wilk,Tracy L., Conducting commerce between individuals with integrated shipping.
  31. Swartz,Jerome; Roslak,Thomas K.; Premutico,Mauro; Petrovich,Adam; Barkan,Edward, Consumer interactive shopping system.
  32. Swartz,Jerome; Roslak,Thomas K; Premutico,Mauro; Petrovich,Adam; Barkan,Edward, Consumer interactive shopping system.
  33. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Conversion of credits to funds.
  34. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Conversion of loyalty points for a financial institution to a different loyalty point program for services.
  35. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Conversion of loyalty points for gaming to a different loyalty point program for services.
  36. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Conversion of loyalty program points to commerce partner points per terms of a mutual agreement.
  37. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Conversion of non-negotiable credits to entity independent funds.
  38. Buchheit, Brian K.; Mghie, Sean I., Conversion operations for loyalty points of different programs redeemable for services.
  39. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Conversion operations of non-negotiable credits to funds between an entity and a commerce partner.
  40. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Conversion/transfer of in-game credits to entity independent or negotiable funds.
  41. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Conversion/transfer of non-negotiable credits to entity independent funds.
  42. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Conversion/transfer of non-negotiable credits to in-game funds for in-game purchases.
  43. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Conversion/transfer of non-negotiable credits to in-game funds for in-game purchases.
  44. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Cross marketing between an entity's loyalty point program and a different loyalty program of a commerce partner.
  45. Paila, Narasimha Rao; Mayya, Ajit Ramachandra; Nguyen, Huy; Norrell, Shannon, Data transmission and rendering techniques by a device via a network.
  46. Paila, Narasimha Rao; Mayya, Ajit Ramachandra; Nguyen, Huy; Norrell, Shannon, Data transmission and rendering techniques by a device via a network.
  47. Paila, Narasimha Rao; Mayya, Ajit Ramachandra; Nguyen, Huy; Norrell, Shannon, Data transmission and rendering techniques implemented over a client-server system.
  48. Paila, Narasimha Rao; Mayya, Ajit Ramachandra; Nguyen, Huy; Norrell, Shannon, Data transmission and rendering techniques implemented over a client-server system.
  49. Oswalt, Richard E., Date specific package delivery system.
  50. Walker, Jay S.; Fincham, Magdalena M.; Dickerson, John B., Determination and presentation of package pricing offers in response to customer interest in a product.
  51. Walker, Jayu S.; Mik, Magdalena; Dickerson, John B., Determination and presentation of package pricing offers in response to customer interest in a product.
  52. Roslak Thomas, Device and method for secure data updates in a self-checkout system.
  53. Roslak Thomas, Device and method for secure data updates in a self-checkout system.
  54. Thomas Roslak, Device and method for secure data updates in a self-checkout system.
  55. McClintock, Dale Thomas; Lambert, Paul Hirsch, Digital playback device.
  56. Schultz, Roger Stephen, Digital receipt generation from information electronically read from product.
  57. Joseph Joseph, Display against inventory verification system.
  58. Napoli, Daniel Raymond, Dynamic cubby logic.
  59. McClintock,Dale Thomas; King,James Reynell, Electronic information display system.
  60. Woods,Bruce; Donohue,Mike, Electronic shipping system for package pickup and anywhere to anywhere delivery.
  61. Koda, Tsuyoshi; Ihrke, Glenn O.; Witt, Stephen Mark; Maeda, Shigeo, Electronic shopping system.
  62. Matsumori Kunihiko, Electronic shopping system having self-scanning price check and purchasing terminal.
  63. Schultz, R. Steven; Galanis, Peter; Nadler, James G.; Greene, James D.; Hylton, Duane A., Electronic transaction receipt system and method.
  64. Schultz, R. Steven; Galanis, Peter; Nadler, James G.; Greeno, James D.; Hylton, Duane A., Electronic transaction receipt system and method.
  65. Rush, Gary W.; Kiefus, Herman J.; Clapp, Christopher; Follett, Helen; Griffith, David, End-to-end transaction processing and statusing system and method.
  66. Wang, legal representative,Haiyang; Chung,Jen Yao; Cohn,David; Heath, III,Fenno F.; Jeng,Jun Jang; Kumaran,Santhosh; Lei,Hui; Nandi,Prabir; Ye,Yiming, Enterprise system having a smart distance among artifacts, and apparatus and method for providing the smart distance among the artifacts.
  67. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Exchange of non-negotiable credits of an entity's rewards program for entity independent funds.
  68. Buchheit, Brian K.; Mghie, Sean I., Graphical user interface for the conversion of loyalty points for services.
  69. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Graphical user interface for the conversion of loyalty points via a loyalty point website.
  70. Mark E. Tuttle ; Rickie C. Lake ; Steven F. Schicht ; John R. Tuttle, In-sheet transceiver testing.
  71. Tuttle Mark E. ; Lake Rickie C. ; Schicht Steven F. ; Tuttle John R., In-sheet transceiver testing.
  72. McClintock, Dale Thomas, Integrated electronic display.
  73. Borders, Louis H.; Relan, Arvind Peter; Lloyd, Margaret Sue; Bhargava, Sunil; Wijaya, Joyo; Ham, Peter; Clossman, Gray Andrew; Mayya, Ajit Ramachandra, Integrated online store.
  74. Borders, Louis H.; Relan, Avrind Peter; Lloyd, Margaret Sue; Bhargava, Sunil; Wijaya, Joyo; Ham, Peter; Clossman, Gray Andrew; Mayya, Ajit Ramachandra, Integrated online store.
  75. Storey, Thomas W., Internet-based frequency and award redemption system and method.
  76. Storey, Thomas W., Internet-based frequency and award redemption system and method.
  77. Beach Robert ; Tracy William X. ; Roslak Thomas K. ; Klein John, Intranet scanning terminal system.
  78. Wijaya, Joyo; Borders, Louis H., Item substitution for unavailable items relating to a customer order.
  79. Wijaya, Joyo; Borders, Louis H., Item substitution for unavailable items relating to a customer order.
  80. Miller, Andrew Karl; Menendez, Jack Dee; Mayya, Ajit Ramachandra, Load balancing technique implemented in a data network device utilizing a data cache.
  81. Mo,Stanley; Kinder,David B.; Welsh,Linda B., Managing on-line transactions.
  82. Woolston, Thomas G., Marketplace payments.
  83. Tuttle, Mark E.; Lake, Rickie C.; Schicht, Steven F.; Tuttle, John R., Method and apparatus for RFID communication.
  84. Tuttle, Mark E.; Lake, Rickie C.; Schicht, Steven F.; Tuttle, John R., Method and apparatus for RFID communication.
  85. Tuttle, Mark E.; Lake, Rickie C.; Schicht, Steven F.; Tuttle, John R., Method and apparatus for RFID communication.
  86. Jay S. Walker ; Daniel E. Tedesco ; James A. Jorasch ; Robert R. Lech, Method and apparatus for automatically vending a combination of products.
  87. Tuttle, Mark E.; Lake, Rickie C.; Schicht, Steven F.; Tuttle, John R., Method and apparatus for communicating with RFID devices coupled to a roll of flexible material.
  88. Jay S. Walker ; Andrew S. Van Luchene ; Deirdre O'Shea ; Magdalena Mik, Method and apparatus for determining a subscription to a product in a retail environment.
  89. Tedesco, Daniel E.; Jorasch, James A.; Lech, Robert R., Method and apparatus for dynamically managing vending machine inventory prices.
  90. Tedesco, Daniel E.; Jorasch, James A.; Lech, Robert R., Method and apparatus for dynamically managing vending machine inventory prices.
  91. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Packes, Jr., John M.; Jorasch, James A., Method and apparatus for facilitating electronic commerce through providing cross-benefits during a transaction.
  92. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Packes, Jr., John M.; Jorasch, Jr., James A., Method and apparatus for facilitating electronic commerce through providing cross-benefits during a transaction.
  93. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Packes, Jr., John M.; Jorasch, Jr., James A., Method and apparatus for facilitating electronic commerce through providing cross-benefits during a transaction.
  94. Woodward, Franklin Goodhue; Mills, James Connell; Hodge, Randolph Ashton; Miller, Andrew Karl; Wijaya, Joyo, Method and apparatus for facilitating online purchase of regulated products over a data network.
  95. Walker, Jay S.; Packes, Jr., John M.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Tulley, Stephen C.; Bemer, Keith; Jorasch, James A., Method and apparatus for identifying potential buyers.
  96. Walker, Jay S.; Mik, Magdalena; Jorasch, James A.; Van Luchene, Andrew S.; Kobayashi, Michiko; Gelman, Geoffrey M.; Sammon, Russell Pratt; Golden, Andrew P.; Stevenson, Adam, Method and apparatus for managing subscriptions.
  97. Walker, Jay S.; Mik, Magdalena; Jorasch, James A.; Van Luchene, Andrew S.; Kobayashi, Michiko; Gelman, Geoffrey M.; Sammon, Russell Pratt; Golden, Andrew P.; Stevenson, Adam, Method and apparatus for managing subscriptions.
  98. Walker, Jay S.; Mik, Magdalena; Jorasch, James A.; Van Luchene, Andrew S.; Koyabashi, Michiko; Gelman, Geoffrey M.; Sammon, Russell P.; Golden, Andrew P.; Stevenson, Adam, Method and apparatus for managing subscriptions.
  99. Walker, Jay S.; Mik, Magdalena; Jorasch, James A.; Van Luchene, Andrew S.; Koyabashi, Michiko; Gelman, Geoffrey M.; Sammon, Russell P.; Golden, Andrew P.; Stevenson, Adam, Method and apparatus for managing subscriptions.
  100. Walker,Jay S.; Mik,Magdalena; Jorasch,James A.; Van Luchene,Andrew S.; Kobayashi,Michiko; Gelman,Geoffrey M.; Sammon,Russell Pratt; Golden,Andrew P.; Stevenson,Adam, Method and apparatus for managing subscriptions.
  101. Walker, Jay S.; Mik, Magdalena; Tulley, Stephen C.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Van Luchene, Andrew S., Method and apparatus for processing credit card transactions.
  102. Walker, Jay S.; Mik, Magdalena; Tulley, Stephen C.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Van Luchene, Andrew S., Method and apparatus for processing credit card transactions.
  103. Walker, Jay S.; Van Luchene, Andrew S.; Fincham, Magdalena M., Method and apparatus for product display.
  104. Walker,Jay S.; Van Luchene,Andrew S.; Fincham,Magdalena M., Method and apparatus for product display.
  105. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Tulley, Stephen C.; Packes, Jr., John M.; O'Shea, Deirdre; Bemer, Keith; Jorasch, James A.; Alderucci, Dean, Method and apparatus for providing cross-benefits based on a customer activity.
  106. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Tulley, Stephen C.; Packes, Jr., John M.; O'Shea, Deirdre; Bemer, Keith; Jorasch, James A.; Alderucci, Dean P., Method and apparatus for providing cross-benefits based on a customer activity.
  107. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Tulley, Stephen C.; Packes, Jr., John M.; O'Shea, Deirdre; Bemer, Keith; Jorasch, James A.; Alderucci, Dean P., Method and apparatus for providing cross-benefits based on a customer activity.
  108. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Tulley, Stephen C.; Packes, John M.; O'Shea, Deirdre; Bemer, Keith; Jorasch, James A.; Alderucci, Dean P.; Mik, Magdalena, Method and apparatus for providing cross-benefits via a central authority.
  109. Walker, Jay S.; Vanluchene, Andrew S.; Tedesco, Daniel E., Method and apparatus for providing supplementary product sales to a customer at a customer terminal.
  110. Walker, Jay S.; Vanluchene, Andrew S.; Tedesco, Daniel E., Method and apparatus for providing supplementary product sales to a customer at a customer terminal.
  111. Walker, Jay S.; Vanluchene, Andrew S.; Tedesco, Daniel E., Method and apparatus for providing supplementary product sales to a customer at a customer terminal.
  112. Walker, Jay S.; Vanluchene, Andrew S.; Tedesco, Daniel E., Method and apparatus for providing supplementary product sales to a customer at a customer terminal.
  113. Walker, Jay S.; Vanluchene, Andrew S.; Tedesco, Daniel E., Method and apparatus for providing supplementary product sales to a customer at a customer terminal.
  114. Walker, Jay S.; Vanluchene, Andrew S.; Tedesco, Daniel E., Method and apparatus for providing supplementary product sales to a customer at a customer terminal.
  115. Sarma, Sanjay; Engels, Daniel W.; Putta, Laxmiprasad; Ramachandran, Sridhar; Waldrop, James L., Method and apparatus for routing data in an automatic identification system.
  116. Johnson Lucinda L. (Oakdale MN) Peltier Clayton A. (Chisago City MN) Kuehn Scott H. (St. Paul MN) Frank William D. (New Brighton MN), Method and apparatus for using an independent transaction processing application as a service routine.
  117. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Jorasch, James A.; Lech, Robert R.; Alderucci, Dean P., Method and apparatus for vending a combination of products.
  118. Walker,Jay S.; Tedesco,Daniel E.; Jorasch,James A.; Lech,Robert R.; Alderucci,Dean P., Method and apparatus for vending a combination of products.
  119. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Packes, Jr., John M.; Rattner, Charles A.; Mik, Magdalena; Van Luchene, Andrew S., Method and apparatus for vending products.
  120. Isherwood, David; Lommock, John; Nygren, Kaj; Ritz, Peter, Method and system for directing end user to network location of provider based on user-provided codes.
  121. Waddington, William Henry; Grewell, Patricia C.; Ham, Peter; Klots, Boris, Method and system for order fulfillment in a distribution center.
  122. Waddington, William Henry; Grewell, Patricia C.; Ham, Peter; Klots, Boris, Method and system for order fulfillment in a distribution center.
  123. Waddington, William Henry; Grewell, Patricia C.; Ham, Peter; Klots, Boris, Method and system for order fulfillment in a distribution center.
  124. Waddington, William Henry; Grewell, Patricia C.; Ham, Peter; Klots, Boris, Method and system for order fulfillment in a distribution center.
  125. Tracy William X. ; Roslak Thomas K. ; Murrah Judith ; Riso Francis ; Beach Robert ; Sandler Robert, Method and system for presenting item information using a portable data terminal.
  126. Tracy William X. ; Roslak Thomas K. ; Murrah Judith ; Riso Francis ; Beach Robert ; Sandler Robert ; Klein John, Method and system for presenting item information using a portable data terminal.
  127. Tracy, William X.; Roslak, Thomas K.; Murrah, Judith; Riso, Francis; Beach, Robert; Sandler, Robert, Method and system for presenting item information using a portable data terminal.
  128. Tracy,William X.; Roslak,Thomas K.; Murrah,Judith; Riso,Francis; Beach,Robert; Sandler,Robert, Method and system for presenting item information using a portable data terminal.
  129. Jay S. Walker ; Andrew S. Van Luchene, Method and system for processing payments for remotely purchased goods.
  130. Woolston, Thomas G., Method and system for retrieving information regarding an item posted for sale.
  131. Isherwood,David; Lommock,John; Nygren,Kaj; Ritz,Peter, Method and system for sharing end user information on network.
  132. Malkin,Peter K.; Kellogg,Wendy Anne; Morrow,Lewis Alexander, Method for delivering a product to a register according to a tracked location of a mobile device.
  133. Lutz, Dusty L.; Malchak, Christopher A.; Mason, Timothy E.; Vassigh, Ali M., Method of monitoring item shuffling in a post-scan area of a self-service checkout terminal.
  134. Charles K. Wike, Jr. ; Kurt J. Lippert ; Paul F. Nugent, Jr., Method of operating checkout system having modular construction.
  135. Richardson, Donald George, Method of recording the temperature of perishable products in cold chain distribution.
  136. Beirne, Kenneth; Serra, Guy; Rocchi, Stefano; Kirmani, Syed, Method, system, and storage medium for pre-screening customers for credit card approval at a point of sale.
  137. Beirne, Kenneth; Serra, Guy; Rocchi, Stefano; Kirmani, Syed, Method, system, and storage medium for pre-screening customers for credit card approval at a point of sale.
  138. Smith,Timothy Jay; Rao,Vivek Prabhakar, Methods and systems for generating and displaying the capacity of a delivery management system.
  139. Momose, Yuichiro, Network system, portable data entry terminal, program, and data output terminal control method.
  140. Yair, Ben-Shaul; Harel, Orit; Holzman, Ziv; Epp, Joachim; Hadari, Malkiel, Online controlled picking in a warehouse.
  141. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Online shopping sites for redeeming loyalty points.
  142. Borders, Louis H.; Relan, Arvind Peter; Lloyd, Margaret Sue; Bhargava, Sunil; Wijaya, Joyo; Ham, Peter; Clossman, Gray Andrew; Mayya, Ajit Ramachandra, Online store product availability.
  143. Borders, Louis H.; Relan, Avrind Peter; Lloyd, Margaret Sue; Bhargava, Sunil; Wijaya, Joyo; Ham, Peter; Clossman, Gray Andrew; Mayya, Ajit Ramachandra, Online store product availability.
  144. Simon, David, Personal communication device with bar code reader for obtaining product information from multiple databases.
  145. Goodwin, III,John C., Point-of-sale system including isolation layer between client and server software.
  146. Brockman Robert T. ; Jones Donald D.,BMX, Portable sales presentation system with selective scripted seller prompts.
  147. Swartz,Jerome; Roslak,Thomas K.; Murrah,Judith; Beach,Robert; Klein,John; Premutico,Mauro, Portable shopping and order fulfillment system.
  148. Petrovich,Adam; Swartz,Jerome; Paul,James; Jenkins,Ian, Portable tendering and customer service stations and related systems and method.
  149. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Fincham, Magdalena M., Pre-sale data broadcast system and method.
  150. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Fincham, Magdalena M., Pre-sale data broadcast system and method.
  151. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Mik, Magdalena, Pre-sale data broadcast system and method.
  152. Walker, Jay. S; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Mik, Magdalena, Pre-sale data broadcast system and method.
  153. Walker,Jay. S; Tedesco,Daniel E.; Mik,Magdalena, Pre-sale data broadcast system and method.
  154. McClung, Guy, Price guarantee methods and systems.
  155. McClung, III, Guy Lamonte, Price guarantee methods and systems.
  156. Schena, Robert J.; Anderer, Mike E.; Ritz, Peter B.; Bernstein, Mike, Printed medium activated interactive communication of multimedia information, including advertising.
  157. Christ, Ferdinand, Process for handling articles in the mail order business.
  158. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Alderucci, Dean P., Products and processes for managing the prices of vending machine inventory.
  159. Walker, Jay S.; Breitenbach, Paul T.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Lee, Sih Y.; Signorelli, Paul D.; Gelman, Geoffrey M.; Jorasch, James A., Products and processes for vending a plurality of products.
  160. Walker, Jay S.; Breitenbach, Paul T.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Lee, Sih Y.; Signorelli, Paul D.; Gelman, Geoffrey M.; Jorasch, James A., Products and processes for vending a plurality of products via defined groups.
  161. Walker, Jay S.; Breitenbach, Paul T.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Lee, Sih Y.; Signorelli, Paul D.; Gelman, Geoffrey M.; Jorasch, James A., Products and processes for vending a plurality of products via defined groups.
  162. Walker,Jay S.; Breitenbach,Paul T.; Tedesco,Daniel E.; Lee,Sih Y.; Signorelli,Paul D.; Gelman,Geoffrey M.; Jorasch,James A., Products and processes for vending a plurality of products via defined groups.
  163. Walker, Jay S.; Van Luchene, Andrew S.; Mik, Magdalena; Tedesco, Daniel E., Purchasing systems and methods wherein a buyer takes possession at a retailer of a product purchased using a communication network.
  164. Walker, Jay S.; Van Luchne, Andrew S.; Fincham, Magdalena M.; Tedesco, Daniel E., Purchasing, redemption and settlement systems and methods wherein a buyer takes possession at a retailer of a product purchased using a communication network.
  165. Walker, Jay S.; Van Luchne, Andrew S.; Fincham, Magdalena M.; Tedesco, Daniel E., Purchasing, redemption, and settlement systems and methods wherein a buyer takes possession at a retailer of a product purchased using a communication network.
  166. Kipp Ludwig, Quick stop mass retail system.
  167. Moore, Scott E., RFID material tracking method and apparatus.
  168. Moore, Scott E., RFID material tracking method and apparatus.
  169. Moore, Scott E., RFID material tracking method and apparatus.
  170. Moore, Scott E., RFID material tracking method and apparatus.
  171. Dejaeger Wilfried E. Y. ; Hoffman Mark S. ; Glogovsky Terry M. ; Hutcheon Alfred J., Reconfigurable checkout system.
  172. Drobish, Robert; Boyd, William L., Record-keeping for gaming machine operations.
  173. Woodward, Franklin Goodhue; Mills, James Connell; Hodge, Randolph Ashton; Miller, Andrew Karl; Wijaya, Joyo, Restricted purchase of regulated items over a network.
  174. Woodward, Franklin Goodhue; Mills, James Connell; Hodge, Randolph Ashton; Miller, Andrew Karl; Wijaya, Joyo, Restricted purchase of regulated items over a network.
  175. Walker, Jay S.; Kim, Peter; Jorasch, James A.; Fincham, Magdalena Mik; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Sammon, Russell Pratt; Golden, Andrew P.; Mueller, Raymond J.; Bemer, Keith; Van Luchene, Kathleen, Retail system for selling products based on a flexible product description.
  176. Walker, Jay S.; Kim, Peter; Jorasch, James A.; Fincham, Magdalena Mik; Tedesco, Daniel E; Sammon, Russell Pratt; Golden, Andrew P.; Mueller, Raymond J.; Bemer, Keith; Van Luchene, Kathleen, Retail system for selling products based on a flexible product description.
  177. Walker, Jay S.; Kim, Peter; Jorasch, James A.; Mik, Magdalena; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Sammon, Russell Pratt; Golden, Andrew P.; Mueller, Raymod J.; Bemer, Keith; Van Luchene, Kathleen, Retail system for selling products based on a flexible product description.
  178. Walker, Jay S.; Kim, Peter; Jorasch, James A.; Mik, Magdalena; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Sammon, Russell Pratt; Golden, Andrew P.; Mueller, Raymod J.; Bemer, Keith; Van Luchene, Kathleen, Retail system for selling products based on a flexible product description.
  179. Walker, Jay S.; Kim, Peter; Jorasch, James A.; Mik, Magdalena; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Sammon, Russell Pratt; Golden, Andrew P.; Mueller, Raymod J.; Bemer, Keith; Van Luchene, Kathleen, Retail system for selling products based on a flexible product description.
  180. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Rewards program website permitting conversion/transfer of non-negotiable credits to entity independent funds.
  181. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Rewards program with payment artifact permitting conversion/transfer of non-negotiable credits to entity independent funds.
  182. Brockman Robert T. ; Jones Donald D.,BMX, Sales presentation system for coaching sellers to describe specific features and benefits of a product or service based.
  183. Tamura,Toshio; Asaba,Hitoshi; Onobori,Yoshinori; Nishioka,Masahiro; Fukui,Yukio; Nagai,Atsushi; Honda,Kiyotoshi, Sales support system.
  184. Nygren, Kaj; Stephanson, Thomas; Skagerwall, Roger, Scalable distributed database system and method for linking codes to internet information.
  185. Murrah Judith ; Lanzaro Michael, Scan-ahead system for processing merchandise at a checkout register.
  186. Murrah Judith ; Lanzaro Michael, Scan-ahead system for processing merchandise at a checkout register.
  187. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Self-service stations for utilizing non-negotiable credits earned from a game of chance.
  188. Walker,Jay S.; Otto,Jonothan; Van Luchene,Andrew S.; Mik,Magdalena; Tedesco,Daniel E.; Levitan,Ian, Settlement systems and methods wherein a buyer takes possession at a retailer of a product purchased using a communication network.
  189. Swartz Jerome, Statistical sampling security methodology for self-scanning checkout system.
  190. Moore, Steven J., Substrate labeling system.
  191. de Boer, Elts; Jackson, Glyn Philip; Ramsey, Samuel Martin; Voltmer, Theodore S., System and method for a merchant loyalty system.
  192. de Boer, Elts; Jackson, Glyn Philip; Ramsey, Samuel Martin; Voltmer, Theodore S., System and method for a merchant loyalty system.
  193. Schultz, Roger Stephen, System and method for automatically registering a product.
  194. Luo, Sheng-Chi; Huang, Yingchun, System and method for distribution management.
  195. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Van Luchene, Andrew S., System and method for dynamic assembly of packages in retail environments.
  196. Walker Jay S. ; Jorasch James A. ; VanLuchene Andrew S., System and method for establishing and managing subscription purchase agreements including commitments to purchase good.
  197. Haines, Mark; Ferrell, Raymond R; Ariff, Fauziah B; Voltmer, Theodore S, System and method for monitoring consumer purchasing activity.
  198. Ariff, Fauziah B.; Voltmer, Theodore S.; Antonucci, Donna A.; Greenhut, Scott M.; Hayes, John; Sneddon, Kendall; Ciccarone, Christine D.; Ewell, Jason; Lam, Johnson; Zaiac, Joanne; Lang, Laura; Bharwani, Seraj; Zeisser, Michel P.; Fernandes, Joseph; Segal, Elizabeth Hilton, System and method for networked loyalty program.
  199. Ariff, Fauziah B.; Voltmer, Theodore S.; Antonucci, Donna A.; Greenhut, Scott M.; Hayes, John; Sneddon, Kendall; Ciccarone, Christine D.; Ewell, Jason; Lam, Johnson; Zaiac, Joanne; Lang, Laura; Bharwani, Seraj; Zeisser, Michel P.; Fernandes, Joseph; Segal, Elizabeth Hilton, System and method for networked loyalty program.
  200. Ariff, Fauziah B.; Voltmer, Theodore S.; Antonucci, Donna A.; Greenhut, Scott M.; Hayes, John; Sneddon, Kendall; Ciccarone, Christine D.; Ewell, Jason; Lam, Johnson; Zaiac, Joanne; Lang, Laura; Bharwani, Seraq; Zeisser, Michel P.; Fernandes, Joseph; Segel, Elizabeth Hilton, System and method for networked loyalty program.
  201. Ariff, Fauziah B; Voltmer, Theodore S; Antonucci, Donna A; Greenhut, Scott M; Hayes, John; Sneddon, Kendall; Ciccarone, Christine D; Ewell, Jason; Lam, Johnson; Zaiac, Joanne; Lang, Laura; Bharwani, Seraq; Zeisser, Michel P; Fernandes, Joseph; Segel, Elizabeth Hilton, System and method for networked loyalty program.
  202. Ariff, Fauziah B; Voltmer, Theodore S; Antonucci, Donna A; Greenhut, Scott M; Hayes, John; Sneddon, Kendall; Ciccarone, Christine D; Ewell, Jason; Lam, Johnson; Zaiac, Joanne; Lang, Laura; Bharwani, Seraq; Zeisser, Michel P; Fernandes, Joseph; Segel, Elizabeth Hilton, System and method for networked loyalty program.
  203. Haines,Mark; Ferrell,Raymond R.; Ariff,Fauziah; Voltmer,Theodore S., System and method for networked loyalty program.
  204. Voltmer, Theodore S.; Ariff, Fauziah B., System and method for networked loyalty program.
  205. Voltmer, Theodore S.; Ariff, Fauziah B., System and method for networked loyalty program.
  206. Giordano, Joseph; Murray, Jack, System and method for processing financial transactions.
  207. Schultz, Roger Stephen, System and method for providing automated secondary purchase opportunities to consumers.
  208. Fergerson Julie S. ; Fowler Christopher L. ; Estes Risser C., System and method for secure transaction order management processing.
  209. Ariff, Fauziah B.; Bishop, Fred; Neemann, Trey; Voltmer, Theodore S., System and method for securing data through a PDA portal.
  210. Bishop, Fred; Neemann, Trey; Voltmer, Theodore S; Ariff, Fauziah B, System and method for securing data through a PDA portal.
  211. Antonucci, Donna; Voltmer, Theodore S., System and method for the real-time transfer of loyalty points between accounts.
  212. Antonucci, Donna A.; Voltmer, Theodore S., System and method for the transfer of loyalty points.
  213. Senghore, Medina J.; Thomas, Tracey R.; Ariff, Fauziah, System and method for tiered filtering of purchase transactions.
  214. Senghore, Medina J.; Thomas, Tracey R.; Ariff, Fauziah, System and method for tiered filtering of purchase transactions.
  215. Chien, Emily; Sanchez, Trish; Saunders, Daniela; Wiseman, Jill; Balagopal, C R; Kinderknecht, Al; Parson, Jon W.; Preston, Ray, System and method for using loyalty rewards as currency.
  216. Walker, Jay S.; Suarez, Jose A.; Case, T. Scott; Kobayashi, Michiko; Golden, Andrew P., System and method for utilizing redemption information.
  217. Schultz, Roger Stephen, System and methods for automating product returns.
  218. Sadler,Robert F., System and methods for integrating a self-checkout system into an existing store system.
  219. Walker, Jay S.; Jorasch, James A.; Van Luchene, Andrew S., System and process for local acquisition of products priced online.
  220. Begelfer, Larry J.; DeHoff, Mark S.; Neff, James M., System for distribution and control of merchandise.
  221. Wojcik,Casimir M.; Pretto,Paul A.; Courier,Jim; Morrow,Bob; Wehry, Jr.,Joseph R.; Kuczynski,Paul; Edwards,Matt F.; Schnieder,Mark A.; Loftus,Thomas W.; Schnieders,Brian; Bernardi,Thomas C.; Pellerin,, System for managing customer orders and methods of implementation.
  222. Vallabh,Rajesh, System for merchandize transactions.
  223. Curtin, Karen; Conway, Mark J.; Link, Jeffrey C.; Nelson, David W.; Turner, Ronald A.; Oppenheimer, Deanna W.; Smith, Scott A., System for providing enhanced systems management, such as in branch banking.
  224. Walker, Jay S.; Suarez, Jose A.; Case, T. Scott; Kobayashi, Michiko; Golden, Andrew P., System for utilizing redemption information.
  225. Walker, Jay S.; Suarez, Jose A.; Case, T. Scott; Kobayashi, Michiko; Golden, Andrew P., System for utilizing redemption information.
  226. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E., System for vending physical and information items.
  227. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E., System for vending physical and information items.
  228. Walker,Jay S.; Tedesco,Daniel E., System for vending physical and information items.
  229. Walker, Jay S.; Bemer, Keith; Palmer, Timothy A.; Sammon, Russell P., System to provide price adjustments based on indicated product interest.
  230. Walker, Jay S.; Bemer, Keith; Sammon, Russell P.; Palmer, Timothy A., System to provide price adjustments based on indicated product interest.
  231. Owen, Daniel L.; Kusnic, Michael W., System, method and computer program product for a collaborative decision platform.
  232. Owen, Daniel L.; Kusnic, Michael W., System, method and computer program product for a collaborative decision platform.
  233. Owen, Daniel L.; Kusnic, Michael W., System, method and computer program product for a collaborative decision platform.
  234. Walker, Jay S.; Lin, Wen Yan; Jorasch, James A.; Mik, Magdalena; Bemer, Keith; Palmer, Timothy A.; Rutledge, Joseph R.; Dor?, Marisa S., Systems and methods using a representation of a stored benefit to facilitate a transaction.
  235. Walker Jay S. ; Jorasch James A. ; Van Luchene Andrew S., Systems and methods wherein a buyer purchases a product at a first price and acquires the product from a merchant that offers the product for sale at a second price.
  236. Walker,Jay S.; Jorasch,James A.; Van Luchene,Andrew S., Systems and methods wherein a buyer purchases a product at a first price and physically acquires the product at a location associated with a merchant that offers the product for sale at a second pric.
  237. Walker, Jay S.; Fincham, Magdalena M.; Packes, Jr., John M.; Sammon, Russell P.; Kobayashi, Michiko, Systems and methods wherein a buyer purchases products in a plurality of product categories.
  238. Walker,Jay S.; Tedesco,Daniel E.; Kobayashi,Michiko; Golden,Andrew P.; Allison,Scott B.; Gelman,Geoffrey M.; Palmer,Timothy A.; Jorasch,James A.; Delamater,Elizabeth, Systems and methods wherein a security deposit facilitates a transaction in which a benefit is applied in exchange for performance of a task.
  239. Walker,Jay S.; Mik,Magdalena; Packes, Jr.,John M.; Sammon,Russell Pratt; Kobayashi,Michiko, Systems and methods wherin a buyer purchases products in a plurality of product categories.
  240. Kantarjiev, Christopher; Unni, Shankar; Borders, Louis H., Techniques for processing customer service transactions at customer site using mobile computing device.
  241. Kantarjiev, Christopher; Unni, Shankar; Borders, Louis H., Techniques for processing customer service transactions at customer site using mobile computing device.
  242. Charles Gregory Sherwood ; Charles Arnold Lasswell, Telephone system for formatting caller ID information into a form useable by an application program and exporting the caller information to the application program.
  243. Sherwood Charles Gregory ; Lasswell Charles Arnold, Telephone system for formatting caller ID information into a form useable by an application program and exporting the caller information to the application program.
  244. Roelof Daniel Jacobus Davis ZA; Frederick Jacobus Rabe ZA, Tracking of products.
  245. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., User interface for the exchange of non-negotiable credits for entity independent funds.
  246. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Van Luchene, Andrew S.; Bemer, Keith, Vending machine system and method for encouraging the purchase of profitable items.
  247. Walker,Jay S.; Tedesco,Daniel E.; Van Luchene,Andrew S.; Bemer,Keith, Vending machine system and method for encouraging the purchase of profitable items.
  248. Gerszberg Irwin ; Martin Jeffrey S. ; Walker Hopeton S., Video communication device providing in-home catalog services.
  249. Borders, Louis H.; Relan, Arvind Peter; Lloyd, Margaret Sue; Bhargava, Sunil; Wijaya, Joyo; Ham, Peter; Clossman, Gray Andrew; Mayya, Ajit Ramachandra, Webstore supporting multiple merchants.
  250. Tayama, Hideyuki, Wireless order and delivery system.
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