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Transmission system for transmitting information at various rates and transmitter station and receiver station suitable 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H04J-004/00
  • H04J-003/22
출원번호 US-0163491 (1993-12-07)
우선권정보 FR-0014826 (1992-12-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • Levardon Pascal (Antony FRX)
출원인 / 주소
  • U.S. Philips Corporation (New York NY 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 33  인용 특허 : 0


A transmission system for transmitting data at different rates has a data input port (56) for receiving the transmit data at a certain rate during a communication period, a transmit section (31) for transmitting at a channel rate over at least one transmit channel information signals present at leas


A data communication system for transmission of data between a base station having a transmit section and a receive section and a plurality of mobile stations each having a transmit section and a receive section, the transmit section of the base station providing a plurality of multiplexed communica

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (33)

  1. Hiramatsu Katsuhiko,JPX, ATM radio transmission apparatus.
  2. Durrant Randolph L. ; Burbach Mark, Apparatus for receiving and correlating a spread spectrum signal.
  3. Freeburg Thomas A. ; Grossman Daniel B. ; Odlyzko Paul, Asynchronous transfer mode radio communications system with handoff and method of operation.
  4. Arai,Koji, Communication method and apparatus for a radio local area network system using macrodiversity.
  5. Anderson Gary B. ; Gavette Sherman ; Lindsay Charles L. ; Jensen Ryan N., Communication system and method.
  6. Gray Kenneth G. ; Park Daniel J., Dual channel dual speed FM subcarrier paging system.
  7. Logan Scott, Efficient communication system using time division multiplexing and timing adjustment control.
  8. Scott Logan, Efficient communication system using time division multiplexing and timing adjustment control.
  9. Scott Logan (Breckenridge CO), Efficient frequency division duplex communication system with interleaved format and timing adjustment control.
  10. Scott Logan, Efficient time division duplex communication system with interleaved format and timing adjustment control.
  11. Hyden Eoin ; Srivastava Mani Bhushan ; Trotter John Andrew ; Agrawal Prathima ; Krzyzanowski Paul, Medium access control and air interface subsystem for an indoor wireless ATM network.
  12. Anderson, Gary B.; Petch, Bryan K.; Peterson, Peter O.; Jensen, Ryan N.; Gavette, Sherman, Method and Apparatus for wireless spread spectrum communication with preamble processing period.
  13. Anderson Gary B. ; Peterson Peter O., Method and system for data link expansion or contraction using spread spectrum TDMA communication.
  14. Anderson Gary B. ; Petch Bryan K. ; Peterson Peter O. ; Jensen Ryan N. ; Gavette Sherman, Method and system for mobile controlled handoff and link maintenance in spread spectrum communication.
  15. Freeburg Thomas A. ; Grossman Daniel B. ; Odlyzko Paul, Method of combining cell streams in a radio communications system.
  16. Freeburg, Thomas A.; Grossman, Daniel B.; Odlyzko, Paul, Method of handoff between base stations in a wireless communications system.
  17. Suzuki Norio,JPX ; Samejima Noriko,JPX ; Tomita Kazuhiko,JPX ; Kameyama Keiji,JPX ; Morita Eiji,JPX, Mobile communication system, mobile terminal, base station, mobile switching station and mobile communication control method.
  18. Frank Matthias,DEX, Mobile radio system with time-division multiplexing.
  19. Smith Douglas G. (Arlington VA) Dixon Robert C. (Palmer Lake CO) Vanderpool Jeffrey S. (Colorado Springs CO), Multi-band, multi-mode spread-spectrum communication system.
  20. Smith Douglas G. ; Dixon Robert C. ; Vanderpool Jeffrey S., Multi-band, multi-mode spread-spectrum communication system.
  21. Smith Douglas G. ; Dixon Robert C. ; Vanderpool Jeffrey S., Multi-band, multi-mode spread-spectrum communication system.
  22. Anderson, Gary B.; Jensen, Ryan N.; Petch, Bryan K.; Peterson, Peter O., PCS pocket phone/microcell communication over-air protocol.
  23. Freeburg Thomas A. ; Grossman Daniel B. ; Odlyzko Paul, Power control of a remote station of a radio communications system.
  24. Hulkkonen, Jari; Piirainen, Olli, Radio channel allocation and link adaptation in cellular telecommunication system.
  25. Smith Douglas G. ; Dixon Robert C., Spread spectrum communication system using DECT protocol.
  26. Smith, Douglas G.; Dixon, Robert C., Spread spectrum communication system using DECT protocol.
  27. Ishii Nobuaki (Tokyo JPX), Time division multiplexing communication system for transmitting data from plurality of transmitting links to plurality.
  28. Logan Scott, Timing adjustment control for efficient time division duplex communication.
  29. Scott Logan, Timing adjustment control for efficient time division duplex communication.
  30. Scott Logan, Timing adjustment control for efficient time division duplex, frequency division duplex or hybrid time division duplex/frequency division duplex communication.
  31. Anderson Gary B. ; Jensen Ryan N. ; Petch Bryan K. ; Peterson Peter O., Wireless communication method and system.
  32. Anderson Gary B. ; Petch Bryan K. ; Peterson Peter O. ; Jensen Ryan N. ; Gavette Sherman, Wireless communication system and method.
  33. Brankovic,Veselin; Krupezevic,Dragan; Ratni,Mohamed; Amir Alikhani,Hamid; Kawasaki,Kenichi; Sasaki,Kazuji; Fukuzawa,Keiji, Wireless transmission system.
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