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[미국특허] Compartmentalized tool box 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-006/04
출원번호 US-0240455 (1994-05-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lackie Edward J. (157 Vermont Ave. Ft. Myers FL 33905)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 26  인용 특허 : 0


A tool box having a plurality of trays stackable therein provides a snug fit for each of the trays located therein so as to prevent any lateral movement of the trays as the tool box is moved. Further, a topmost tray engages the lid of the tool box when the lid is closed, thereby preventing any verti


A compartmentalized container comprising: a rectangular tool box having an open top with an inner compartment located therein, said inner compartment of said tool box having a first predetermined length, a first predetermined width, and a first predetermined depth, wherein said first predetermined d

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (26) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ammon, Justin, Apparatuses and methods for dishwasher rack emptying.
  2. Okoye Godwin, Arithmetic teaching device.
  3. Powell Arthur ; Willis ; Sr. Melvin T. ; Monroe Maurice L. ; Jackson Timothy L. ; Scandrett Benjamin, Combination toolbox-cooler device.
  4. Lorens Stella, Compartmentalized tabletop organizer with display pocket.
  5. Bensman, Mark; Fraiman, Zvika, Container assembly.
  6. Slonim Charles B., Emergency eye kit.
  7. Cruey Jim O., Enveloping hinge system and method.
  8. Johnson, Douglas S., Food container organizer.
  9. Chrysson, Paul, Hand-held trash compactor.
  10. McGee William D. ; McGee Richard E., Heavy duty radio container.
  11. Witt, Tyler D.; Meridew, Jason D.; Mauch, Thomas J., Instrument case.
  12. Caballero, Jose A., Item carrying system.
  13. Walsh Michael J. ; Busch Ann M., Paint supply and finishing system.
  14. Woodnorth Brian E. ; Shehow Kenneth L., Paint supply and finishing system.
  15. Cranston ; III William V. ; McCloskey John Easton ; Tout ; Jr. James John ; Yentz Frederick Charles, Pivoted latching bar for retaining expansion cards.
  16. Nadia Elabour, Portable vehicle organizer.
  17. Zajonc Adam E., Removable bucket insert for containing tools.
  18. Amer, John, Shipping container assembly for electrical storage cells.
  19. Kohagen Steven Frederick ; Ritchie Fred Philip ; Fritz Deonna Jene, Step tool box.
  20. Kohagen Steven Frederick ; Ritchie Fred Philip ; Fritz Deonna Jene, Step tool box.
  21. Reyes, Leonardo, Storage box with partitions.
  22. Shabestari Hossein, Tool box compartment.
  23. Yemini Zvi,ILX, Tool box with folding bins.
  24. Dickinson Thomas (St. Louis MO) Gale Bradley D. (St. Louis MO), Tool tray assembly.
  25. Christensen,David, Truckbed tool box.
  26. Moschella, Marcello Alfredo; Buccilli, Daniela, Utility box with a secondary latch.

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