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[미국특허] Wheeled portable cooler 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B62B-003/02
출원번호 US-0226989 (1994-04-13)
발명자 / 주소
  • Devan Colleen M. (113 Pondview Rd. Weare NH 03281) Devan William M. (113 Pondview Rd. Weare NH 03281)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 58  인용 특허 : 0


A refrigerant container is provided having retractable wheels mounted to the container front and rear walls in adjacency to the first and second side walls, with the wheels arranged for latching in a raised and lowered orientation relative to the container structure.


(Amended) A wheeled portable cooler comprising: an insulated container body, having a front wall spaced from a rear wall, a first side wall spaced from a second side wall, with said front wall and said rear wall intersecting said first side wall at first corners, and said front wall and said rear wa

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (58) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Vanderberg, Matthew Alexander, Backpack collapsible coolers.
  2. Hirschfeld, Steven L., Beach wagon.
  3. Shapiro, Richard N., Collapsible compact carrier device with collapsible wheel construction.
  4. Shapiro Richard N., Collapsible compact cart with pivoting wheel construction.
  5. Vanderberg, Matthew Alexander; Bizzell, Daniel Lee, Collapsible coolers.
  6. Vanderberg, Matthew Alexander; Bizzell, Daniel Lee, Collapsible coolers.
  7. Vanderberg, Matthew Alexander; Bizzell, Daniel Lee, Collapsible coolers.
  8. Vanderberg, Matthew Alexander; Bizzell, Daniel Lee, Collapsible coolers.
  9. Vanderberg, Matthew Alexander; Bizzell, Daniel Lee, Collapsible coolers.
  10. Vanderberg, Matthew Alexander; Bizzell, Daniel Lee, Collapsible coolers.
  11. Vanderberg, Matthew Alexander; Bizzell, Daniel Lee, Collapsible coolers.
  12. DeFrancia, Tomas A., Combination container and wagon.
  13. Tarron L. Gartner ; Robin L. Donsky, Combination ice-chest stroller.
  14. Shapiro, Richard N., Compact wagon or cart including stowable wheels and handle.
  15. Frank Treppedi ; Thomas Bochichio, Compartmented mobile cooler.
  16. DeFrancia, Tomas A., Container.
  17. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Nichols, Steve Charles; Ellison, Kyle; Bondhus, Andy; Hotchkiss, Tobias; Morris, Liza; Zuck, Dennis; Nixon, Ryan, Container.
  18. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Nichols, Steve Charles; Ellison, Kyle; Bondhus, Andy; Hotchkiss, Tobias; Morris, Liza; Zuck, Dennis; Nixon, Ryan, Container.
  19. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Nichols, Steve Charles; Ellison, Kyle; Bondhus, Andy; Hotchkiss, Tobias; Morris, Liza; Zuck, Dennis; Nixon, Ryan, Container.
  20. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Nichols, Steve Charles; Ellison, Kyle; Bondhus, Andy; Hotchkiss, Tobias; Morris, Liza; Zuck, Dennis; Nixon, Ryan, Container.
  21. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Nichols, Steve Charles; Ellison, Kyle; Bondhus, Andy; Hotchkiss, Tobias; Morris, Liza; Zuck, Dennis; Nixon, Ryan, Container.
  22. Mohr Charles F., Convertible sled arrangement for coolers.
  23. Dorisca,Myrtha; Dorisca,Fritz; Dorisca,Rolf, Cooler.
  24. Vanderberg, Matthew Alexander, Cooler having removable wheel assembly.
  25. Vanderberg, Matthew Alexander, Cooler with wrap-around side cover.
  26. Pillow, Carol Lee; Morgan, Millard O'Neal, Dual wheeled portable cooler.
  27. Horowitz, Brian, Folding table having pull-out wheels.
  28. Wright,Ronald A., Mobile half barrel ice chest.
  29. Pikulski, Joseph L., Mobilized cooler device with fork hanger assembly.
  30. Smith, Craig A., Modular cooler system.
  31. Smith, Craig A., Modular cooler system.
  32. Smith, Craig A., Modular cooler system.
  33. Hirschfeld, Steven L., Motorized beach wagon.
  34. Beal, Kevin, Motorized insulated receptacle.
  35. Burgoyne, Jr., John W., Portable angler cooler apparatus and associated method.
  36. Butler, David L., Portable cooler assembly.
  37. Gunnels Auline J., Portable food and utensil storage device.
  38. Mompo Garcia, Jose Luis, Portable icebox.
  39. Miesieski,Brian; Kelly,Devin; Blanck,Geoff, Remote control cooler.
  40. Miesieski,Brian; Kelly,Devin; Blanck,Geoff, Remote control cooler.
  41. Connelly, G. Ivan; Connelly, William Brant, Removable rib and wheel assembly.
  42. Ebrahimi Afrouzi, Ali; Fathi Djalali, Shahin, Retractable wheel.
  43. Connelly, G. Ivan; Connelly, William Brant, Rib and wheel assembly.
  44. Kennedy, James Caruthers; Kock, Paul C., Rolling insulated cooler with a seat and a hinged, rotatable wheel set.
  45. Vanderberg,Matthew Alexander; Kovacevich,Ian D.; Bizzell,Daniel Lee; Hoy,Chris, Stacked arrangements of travel coolers.
  46. Tseng, Chuen-Jong, Stand with foldable leg units.
  47. Vanderberg, Matthew Alexander; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Bizzell, Daniel Lee; Hoy, Chris, Travel cooler assembly having separable wheeled base and insulated container.
  48. Vanderberg, Matthew Alexander; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Bizzell, Daniel Lee; Hoy, Chris, Travel cooler with air pump receiving area.
  49. Vanderberg, Matthew Alexander; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Bizzell, Daniel Lee; Hoy, Chris, Travel cooler with cargo receiving area.
  50. Vanderberg, Matthew Alexander; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Bizzell, Daniel Lee; Hoy, Chris, Travel cooler with removable and storable handle.
  51. Tammy Mihalic ; Landis Mihalic, Traveling picnic table.
  52. Smith, Aaron W., Vehicle-shaped cooler.
  53. O'Hare, Curtis Lee Wayne, Wheel adapter fitting for coolers.
  54. Conrado Ann-Marie ; Mensch Alice ; Massee Bart ; Scherer Craig, Wheeled cooler.
  55. Conrado Ann-Marie ; Mensch Alice ; Massee Bart ; Scherer Craig, Wheeled cooler.
  56. Conrado Ann-Marie ; Mensch Alice ; Massee Bart ; Scherer Craig, Wheeled cooler.
  57. Conrado Ann-Marie ; Mensch Alice ; Massee Bart ; Scherer Craig, Wheeled cooler.
  58. Vanderberg,Matthew Alexander; Kovacevich,Ian D.; Bizzell,Daniel Lee; Hoy,Chris, Wheeled travel cooler with inflatable sidewalls.

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