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[미국특허] Ice detection apparatus for transportation safety 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64D-015/20
출원번호 US-0123562 (1993-09-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Stolarczyk Larry G. (Raton NM) Stolarczyk Gerald L. (Raton NM)
출원인 / 주소
  • Raton Technology Research, Inc. (Raton NM 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 46  인용 특허 : 0


An embodiment of the present invention is an ice detection system that comprises a network of thin, flexible microstrip antennas distributed on an aircraft wing at critical points and multiplexed into a microcomputer. Each sensor antenna and associated electronics measures the unique electrical prop


An aircraft ice detection system, comprising: an array of antennas having a flat shape for conformably mounting to a surface of an airfoil of said aircraft each antenna having a resonant frequency and an input admittance affected by ice when formed proximate to said antenna; a calibration antenna ha

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (46) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Stolarczyk,Larry G.; Sanchez,Tito; Myers,John; Valentine,Chance; Stolarczyk,Gerald L.; Troublefield,Robert; Bausov,Igor; Botla,Laxmi Narayana; Beard,Beaux; Main,Richard B., Aerial electronic detection of surface and underground threats.
  2. Abaunza John T. ; Donnangelo Nicholas C., Aircraft icing sensors.
  3. Tenebre, Pauline; Six, Marc-Francois, Anti-icing / de-icing system and method and aircraft structure incorporating this system.
  4. Stolarczyk Larry G. (Raton NM) Stolarczyk Gerald Lee (Raton NM), Apparatus and method for the detection and measurement of liquid water and ice layers on the surfaces of solid materials.
  5. Inkpen, Stuart; Nolan, Chris; Conway, Bill; Linfield, Dana; Bonnell, David; Swamidas, Joshua; Abraham, Ruth, Apparatus and method of monitoring for matter accumulation on an aircraft surface.
  6. Greene, Leonard M., Automatic recycling ice detector.
  7. Greene, Leonard M., Automatic recycling ice detector.
  8. Rhoads, II, Thomas Edward; Darwin, Keith Patrick; Chaffee, Mark Robert; Clark, Jr., Harold Frederick, Blackboard-centric layered software architecture.
  9. Rhoads, II, Thomas Edward; Darwin, Keith Patrick; Chaffee, Mark Robert; Clark, Jr., Harold Frederick, Blackboard-centric layered software architecture.
  10. Rhoads ; II Thomas Edward ; Darwin Keith Patrick ; Chaffee Mark Robert ; Clark ; Jr. Harold Frederick, Blackboard-centric layered software architecture for an embedded airborne fuel gauging subsystem.
  11. Stolarczyk, Larry G., Coal bed methane borehole pipe liner perforation system.
  12. Rose Joseph Lawrence ; Pilarski ; deceased Aleksander Boleslaw ; Hammer Jeffrey Mark ; Peterson Michael Todd ; Readio Philip Otto, Contaminant detection system.
  13. Rose Joseph L. (State College PA) Pilarski ; deceased Aleksander B. (late of State College PA by Jadwiga Pilarska ; Piotr Pilarski ; legal heirs ) Hammer Jeffrey M. (Wayzata MN) Peterson Michael T. (, Contaminant detection sytem.
  14. Rasmussen,Roy Martin; Hage,Frank W.; Moore,Rondal K., De-icing information system.
  15. Rasmussen,Roy Martin; Hage,Frank W.; Moore,Rondal K., De-icing information system.
  16. Larry G. Stolarczyk, Drilling, image, and coal-bed methane production ahead of mining.
  17. Stolarczyk, Larry G.; Stolarczyk, Gerald L., Drillstring radar.
  18. Schneider, William; Wood, Yvette; Peduchi, Andrew, Dynamic resonance system and method for the anti-icing and de-icing of inlet grids.
  19. Poisson, Richard A., Fan embedded power generator.
  20. Chow,Philip S.; Derouineau,Jean Luc, Hybrid electrical ice protection system and method including an energy saving mode.
  21. Ikiades, Aristedis Anthony; Armstrong, David John; Hare, George Graham; Konstantaki, Mary, Ice detection apparatus and method.
  22. Randall W. Wallace ; Allen D. Reich ; David B. Sweet ; Richard L. Rauckhorst, III ; Michael J. Terry ; Marc E. Holyfield, Ice thickness detector.
  23. Clasen, Mark; McGill, Orrin Milo; Erickson, Philip Eric; Tell, Ernest L., Ice thickness measuring system.
  24. Clemen, Jr., Mark Joseph; Wert, Jerry Lee; Perry, George Albert; Gardner, Scott Hutchinson; Langhofer, Erik Marc; Meis, Charles Steven, Icing condition detection method.
  25. Clemen, Jr., Mark Joseph; Wert, Jerry Lee; Perry, George Albert; Gardner, Scott Hutchinson; Langhofer, Erik Marc; Meis, Charles Steven, Icing condition detection system.
  26. Hess Robert Alan ; Walker Mark George ; Zakrzewski Radoslaw Romuald ; Rabelo Luis Carlos ; North Robert Curtis ; Durkee Scott Robert, Liquid gauging using sensor fusion and data fusion.
  27. Severson, John A.; Schram, Kenneth J., Liquid water content measurement apparatus and method.
  28. Severson, John A.; Schram, Kenneth J., Liquid water content measurement apparatus and method.
  29. Powers Loren T. ; Horak James M., Marine propulsion system with water detecting sensors.
  30. Vopat, Raymond, Method and apparatus for detecting and measuring thickness of ice on aircraft.
  31. Stolarczyk, Larry G., Method and system for radio-imaging underground geologic structures.
  32. Hans Kristian Holmen NO, Method of and apparatus for detection of ice accretion.
  33. Nielsen,Evan, Method of determining the risk of ice deposition due to precipitation and apparatus for exercising the method.
  34. Rabelo Luis Carlos ; Walker Mark George ; Zakrzewski Radoslaw Romuald ; North Robert Curtis, Probe placement using genetic algorithm analysis.
  35. Stolarczyk, Larry G.; Stolarczyk, Gerald L., Radar plow drillstring steering.
  36. Stolarczyk, Larry G., Radio system for characterizing and outlining underground industrial developments and facilities.
  37. Jones, Todd W.; Hill, Jason Gabriel; Thompson, Gary Alan, Remote control of shaking machine for a signal acquisition device.
  38. Arndt,G. Dickey; Carl,James R.; Ngo,Phong H.; Fink,Patrick W.; Siekierski,James D., Sensor and method for detecting a superstrate.
  39. Stolarczyk, Larry G., Shuttle-in receiver for radio-imaging underground geologic structures.
  40. Burns Joseph D. ; Anderson Mark V., Substance detection system and method.
  41. Meis, Charles Steven; Bosetti, Cris Kevin, Supercooled large drop icing condition detection system.
  42. Meis, Charles Steven; Bosetti, Cris Kevin, Supercooled large drop icing condition detection system.
  43. Stolarczyk, Larry G., Synchronous radio-imaging of underground structures.
  44. Stolarczyk, Larry G.; Bausov, Igor; Main, Richard B., System for electronic detection of military threats.
  45. Jarvinen,Philip Onni, Total impedance and complex dielectric property ice detection system.
  46. Wobben, Aloys, Wind power plant with a particle sensor.

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