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[미국특허] Multi-function pull bar 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A63B-021/02
출원번호 US-0269099 (1994-06-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Chang Shao-Ying (No. 764
  • Chung Shan South Road Yang Mei
  • Taoyuan TWX)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 16  인용 특허 : 0


A multi-function pull bar for performing a variety of body exercises in chest-expanding and in developing strength in the arm, neck and legs, comprises a hollow main bar body having an extensible dual sleeve tube structure and an elastic cord pull device elastically stretchably located inside the ma


A multi-function pull bar, comprising: a main bar body having an extensible dual sleeve tube structure, the main bar body including: an inner tube having, at one end thereof, a first end housing having a hollow interior and a pull cord outlet on a surface thereof; and an outer tube slidably fitted t

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (16)

  1. Tong, Kun Yuan, Adjustable resistance exercise apparatus.
  2. Griffiths, Derek, Antler holder.
  3. Boatwright, Donald Jeffrey, Cable exercise device and method.
  4. McAmis, Samuel Houston Lawrence; Reed, Kyle B., Compliant bimanual rehabilitation device and method of use thereof.
  5. Dennis, Douglas S.; Frey, David W., Exercise apparatus, methods of using, and method of manufacture.
  6. Dennis, Douglas S.; Frey, David W., Exercise apparatus, methods of using, and method of manufacture.
  7. Boland,Kevin O., Multi-function exercise device.
  8. Adams, Frederick R., Multi-position resistance tube exercise apparatus.
  9. Gvoich Ned, Multiple elastic cable exercise device.
  10. Gvoich Ned, Multipurpose thigh/hip/abdominal exerciser.
  11. Boatwright, Donald Jeffrey, Personal force resistance cable exercise device, force resistance assembly, and method of exercising.
  12. Matos,Jose, Portable exercise apparatus.
  13. Whipple David L., Portable exercise apparatus and method of use.
  14. Cruz, Christian; Pine, Jerrold, Pre-tensioned resistance exercise band.
  15. McCrea, James Anthony; Pederson, Charles Westhorpe, Slide handle.
  16. Cruz, Christian, Telescoping pre-tensioned resistance exercise assembly.

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