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[미국특허] Cellular radio system for transmission of signalling information on the basis of its urgency or during temporary cessati 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H04Q-007/20
  • H04B-007/00
출원번호 US-0291471 (1994-08-17)
우선권정보 GB-0017452 (1989-07-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Knight Phillip (12 Hinchley Way Hinchley Wood
  • Esher KT10 OBD GB2 4)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 11  인용 특허 : 0


A cellular radio system has a plurality of base stations (BS) each for communicating with mobile stations (MS) in its vicinity, and each base station (BS) determines that voice or data communication between the base station and the mobile station has temporarily ceased, and initiates required signal


A cellular radio system having a plurality of base stations for communicating with mobile stations in vicinities of the base stations characterized by at least one of said plurality of base stations having means for determining that voice or data communication between said at least one of said plura

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (11) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Dajer, Miguel; Kraml, Mark H.; Rubin, Harvey; Strege, Keith Elden, Apparatus and method for sharing a signaling channel.
  2. Schiavoni Maryanne Theresa, Cellular spacecraft TDMA communications system with call interrupt coding system for maximizing traffic throughput.
  3. Akiyama Keiji (Tokyo JPX), Communication apparatus for TDMA system.
  4. Okada Yasushi,JPX, Digital mobile telephone communication method, communication channel switching method, and mobile station and base stati.
  5. Joong Donald,CAX ; Katinakis Nikos,CAX ; Rahman Akbar,CAX, Emergency call handling in a cellular telecommunication system.
  6. Yao Yu-Dong ; Grob Matthew S., Method and apparatus for monitoring link activity to prevent system deadlock in a dispatch system.
  7. Shaffer Shmuel ; Beyda William Joseph, Method and system for utilizing communications lines.
  8. Cheng, Fang-Chen; Li, Shupeng; Song, Lei, Method for coordinated control of radio resources in a distributed wireless system.
  9. Vollmer, Vasco; Radimirsch, Markus, Method for handover, mobile station for handover and base station for handover.
  10. Lodge,Richard A.; Lie Chin Cheong,Patrick, Packet data traffic control for cellular wireless networks.
  11. Boros, Tibor; Barratt, Craig H.; Uhlik, Christopher R.; Trott, Mitchell D., Periodic calibration on a communications channel.

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