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[미국특허] Method and device for earth acquisition using the pole star for a three-axis stabilized satellite in a low inclination o 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-165/00
  • B64G-001/34
출원번호 US-0061615 (1993-05-13)
우선권정보 FR-0006050 (1992-05-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Achkar Issam-Maurice (Cannes-La-Bocca FRX) Guillermin Pierre (Nice FRX) Renault Herv (Cannes FRX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Aerospatiale Societe Nationale Industrielle (FRX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 27  인용 특허 : 0


Earth acquisition from the Sun pointing attitude starts with angular displacement of the satellite so that, in the field of view of a Sun sensing system, the direction of the Sun is brought into an orientation S′such that subsequent rotation of the satellite about the orientation S′brings the Pole S


A method for earth acquisition by a satellite in Earth orbit at an inclination of less than about 10 degrees to the Earth\s equator, said satellite being normally stabilized in a nominal attitude about roll (X), pitch (Y) and yaw (Z) axes and comprising: a two-axis Earth sensing system (2) having an

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (27)

  1. Didinsky Garry ; Nayak Arunkumar P. ; Li Rongsheng ; Wu Yeong-Wei A. ; Kurland Jeffrey A. ; Needelman David D., Attitude determination system and method.
  2. Yoshikawa Shoji,JPX ; Yamada Katsuhiko,JPX ; Sakashita Hiroshi,JPX ; Yonechi Hiroo,JPX, Attitude determination system for artificial satellite.
  3. Nguyen, Tam Nguyen Thuc; Cahoy, Kerri L.; Quadrino, Meghan K., Attitude determination using earth horizon sensors.
  4. Nguyen, Tam Nguyen Thuc; Cahoy, Kerri L.; Quadrino, Meghan K., Attitude determination using infrared earth horizon sensors.
  5. Didinsky Garry ; Wu Yeong-Wei ; Li Rongsheng ; Nayak Arunkumar ; Hein Douglas, Autonomous attitude acquisition for a stellar inertial attitude determination system.
  6. Quine Brendan Mark Edward,GBX, Autonomous star identification.
  7. Alstad,James P.; Needelman,David D.; Li,Rongsheng; Fowell,Richard A.; Lai,Peter C.; Wu,Yeong Wei A., Fast access, low memory, pair catalog.
  8. Kingsbury, Ryan Wallace; Riesing, Kathleen Michelle; Cahoy, Kerri Lynn; Nguyen, Tam Nguyen Thuc; Caplan, David O., Free-space optical communication module for small satellites.
  9. Rosenwinkel, Alan M., Geoposition determination by starlight refraction measurement.
  10. Boroson, Don M.; Robinson, Bryan S.; Murphy, Daniel V.; Stewart, Jason; Khatri, Farzana I.; Constantine, Steven; Geisler, David Jason; Yarnall, Timothy M.; Darling, Zachary, Ground terminal design for high rate direct to earth optical communications.
  11. Adiwoso Adi R.,IDX ; Taylor Stuart C.,IDX ; Smyth Kevin B.,IDX, Integrated telecommunications system providing fixed and mobile satellite-based services.
  12. Boroson, Don M.; Robinson, Bryan S.; Reid, Bryan M.; Burnside, Jamie W.; Khatri, Farzana I.; Constantine, Steven, Link architecture and spacecraft terminal for high rate direct to earth optical communications.
  13. Potteck Serge,FRX, Method for identifying in a pre-established catalogue stars detected by a star sensor.
  14. Barker Lee A. ; Price Xenophon, Method for using satellite state vector prediction to provide satellite sensor automatic scan inhibit and/or sensor switching.
  15. Stoen Jeffery D ; Chan Kam, Method to reorient a spacecraft using only initial single axis attitude knowledge.
  16. Stoen Jeffery D ; Chan Kam, Method to reorient a spacecraft using only initial single axis attitude knowledge.
  17. Lane, Benjamin F.; Whitacre, William W., Methods and apparatus for navigational aiding using celestial object tracking.
  18. Lane, Benjamin F.; Whitacre, William W., Methods and apparatus for navigational aiding using celestial object tracking.
  19. Boroson, Don M.; Robinson, Bryan S.; Menrad, Robert J.; Rush, John; Perko, Kenneth, Methods, systems, and apparatus for global multiple-access optical communications.
  20. Boroson, Don M.; Robinson, Bryan Shawn; Reid, Bryan M., Network of extremely high burst rate optical downlinks.
  21. Needelman,David D.; Li,Rongsheng; Wu,Yeong Wei A., Refinement of spacecraft angular velocity and attitude estimates using star data.
  22. Adiwoso Adi R.,IDX ; Taylor Stuart C.,IDX ; Smyth Kevin B.,IDX, Satellite-based direct access telecommunications systems.
  23. Wallace S. Boz, II ; Yat Fai Leung, Spacecraft attack and distress ejectable recorder.
  24. Wang, Grant; Wu, Yeong-Wei; Li, Rongsheng; Needelman, David D., Spacecraft methods and structures for acquiring and determining power-safe attitudes.
  25. Brumfield, Bruce; Price, Xenophon H.; White, George E.; Hirschberg, Philip C.; Chan, Kam, Spacecraft three-axis attitude acquisition from sun direction measurement.
  26. Jirapong, Ryan; Needelman, David D.; Taylor, Bradley W.; Moran, Patrick J.; Novean, Michael G., System and method for mitigating an occurrence of a dry spot in a field of view of a star tracker.
  27. Falbel Gerald, Three axis attitude readout system for geosynchronous spacecraft.
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