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[미국특허] Rotary valve multiple combustor pulse detonation engine 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02C-005/02
출원번호 US-0205505 (1994-03-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bussing Thomas R. A. (Issaquah WA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Adroit Systems, Inc. (Alexandria VA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 70  인용 특허 : 0


A pulse detonation engine is provided with at least one detonation combustor selectively coupled to an air inlet and fuel source. The detonation combustors are equipped with either active or passive means to dissipate the heat of detonation. Fuel, air, and an oxidizer can be fed to said detonation c


A rotary valve multiple combustor pulse detonation engine, comprising; at least two detonation chambers, each having an inlet end and an outlet end and further including means for preventing heat degradation of said chambers; a fuel manifold for supplying fuel from a fuel source to said at least two

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (70) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Louis G. Hunter, Jr. ; Kent W. Benner, Annular liquid fueled pulse detonation engine.
  2. Buchheim, Robert K., Apparatus comprising a rotary-acting pilot valve.
  3. Sackheim, Robert L.; Hutt, John J.; Anderson, William E.; Dressler, Gordon A., Axisymmetric, throttleable non-gimballed rocket engine.
  4. Loebig, James C.; DeBruhl, Christopher D.; Holdcraft, John D., Check valve for propulsive engine combustion chamber.
  5. Louis G. Hunter ; Billy D. Couch ; Paul E. Hagseth, Combined cycle pulse combustion/gas turbine engine.
  6. Butler, Lawrence; Johnson, James Edward; Dunbar, Lawrence Wayne, Combined cycle pulse detonation turbine engine.
  7. James E. Johnson ; Lawrence W. Dunbar ; Lawrence Butler, Combined cycle pulse detonation turbine engine.
  8. Myers W. Neill ; Cornelius Charles S., Combustion chamber/nozzle assembly and fabrication process therefor.
  9. Tangirala, Venkat Eswarlu; Janssen, Jonathan Sebastian; Dean, Anthony John, Compact, low pressure-drop shock-driven combustor and rocket booster, pulse detonation based supersonic propulsion system employing the same.
  10. Snyder, Philip H., Continuous detonation combustion engine and system.
  11. Lu, Frank K.; Dunn, Nathan L., Continuous detonation wave engine with quenching structure.
  12. Zhang, Tao; Huang, Xianrui; Laskaris, Evangelos Trifon; Zhao, Yan; Thompson, Paul St. Mark Shadforth, Cooling system and method for superconducting magnets.
  13. Highsmith, Thomas K.; Blair, Michael D.; Wassom, Steven R.; Starrett, William D.; Dever, Joel, Digital solid rocket motor and gas generator.
  14. Lewis Brian F., Direct fired compressor and method of producing compressed air.
  15. Snyder, Philip H., Engine and combustion system.
  16. Bratkovich Thomas E. ; Williams Kevin E. ; Bussing Thomas R. A. ; Lidstone Gary L. ; Hinkey John B., Exhaust nozzle for multi-tube detonative engines.
  17. Dean, Anthony John; Leyva, Ivett Alejandra; Umeh, Chukwueloka Obiora, Fuel preconditioning for detonation combustion.
  18. Janssen, Jonathan Sebastian; Tangirala, Venkat Eswarlu; Dean, Anthony John; Wiedenhoefer, James Fredric, Inlet airflow management system for a pulse detonation engine for supersonic applications.
  19. Lee, Brent Wei-Teh, Internal detonation engine, hybrid engines including the same, and methods of making and using the same.
  20. Lee, Brent Wei-Teh, Internal detonation engine, hybrid engines including the same, and methods of making and using the same.
  21. Bussing Thomas R. A. ; Bratkovich Thomas E., Liquid fueled pulse detonation engine with controller and inlet and exit valves.
  22. Hunter, Jr., Louis G., MAPP gas fuel for flight vehicles having pulse detonation engines and method of use.
  23. Hayashi, A. Koichi; Tsutahara, Michihisa, Marine propulsion system and marine vessel having same.
  24. Henry,John Leslie, Methods and apparatus for generating gas turbine engine thrust using a pulse detonator.
  25. Koshoffer, John Michael, Methods and apparatus for generating gas turbine engine thrust with a pulse detonation thrust augmenter.
  26. Parsons,Franklin D.; Moynihan,Thomas M.; Venkataramani,Kattalaicheri S., Methods and apparatus for modeling gas turbine engines.
  27. Koshoffer, John Michael; Drake, Kevin R.; Butler, Lawrence, Methods and apparatus for operating gas turbine engines.
  28. Kraft, Robert Eugene, Methods and apparatus for operating gas turbine engines.
  29. Koshoffer,John Michael; Drake,Kevin R.; Butler,Lawrence, Methods for operating gas turbine engines.
  30. Saddoughi, Seyed; Pinard, Pierre; Boespflug, Matthew; Steenburgh, Dennis, Mixing-enhancement inserts for pulse detonation chambers.
  31. Nalim, Mohamed Razi, Partitioned multi-channel combustor.
  32. Baker, Von David, Propulsion module.
  33. Baker, Von David; Rezy, Bernie Joseph, Pulse detonation bypass engine propulsion pod.
  34. Don D. Winfree ; Louis G. Hunter, Jr. ; Billy D. Couch, Pulse detonation cluster engine.
  35. Bussing Thomas R. A., Pulse detonation electrical power generation apparatus with water injection.
  36. Kojima,Takayuki; Sato,Tetsuya; Kobayashi,Hiroaki, Pulse detonation engine and valve.
  37. Tew, David E.; Anderson, Torger J.; Guile, Roy N.; Sobel, David R.; Twelves, Jr., Wendell V.; Jones, Gary D., Pulse detonation engine having an aerodynamic valve.
  38. Tew, David E.; Twelves, Jr., Wendell V., Pulse detonation engine having an aerodynamic valve.
  39. Murayama,Motohide; Yamawaki,Shigemichi; Toh,Hidemi; Kobayashi,Hideo; Takahashi,Katsuyoshi; Chiba,Kaoru; Ohyagi,Shigeharu, Pulse detonation engine system for driving turbine.
  40. Winfree Don D. ; Hunter ; Jr. Louis G., Pulse detonation igniter for pulse detonation chambers.
  41. Lu, Frank K.; Wilson, Donald R, Pulsed detonation engine.
  42. Philip Harold Snyder, Pulsed detonation engine wave rotor.
  43. Thomas A. Kaemming ; Paul G. Willhite, Pulsed detonation engine with backpressure.
  44. Thomas A. Kaemming ; Paul G. Willhite ; Richard S. Dyer ; Michael A. Guntorius, Pulsed detonation engine with divergent inflow transition section.
  45. Thomas A. Kaemming ; Paul G. Willhite ; Richard S. Dyer ; Michael A. Guntorius, Pulsed detonation engine with ejector bypass.
  46. Bussing Thomas R. A. ; Bratkovich Thomas E., Pulsed detonation rocket engine.
  47. Wiedenhoefer, James Fredric; Rasheed, Adam, Rotary air valve firing patterns for resonance detuning.
  48. Nalim, Mohamed Razi, Rotary ejector enhanced pulsed detonation system and method.
  49. Horn, Mark David; Havskjold, Glenn L.; Morrison, Jr., Calvin Q., Rotary engine with exhaust gas supplemental compounding.
  50. Sanders, Bobby W.; Weir, Lois J., Rotary inlet flow controller for pulse detonation combustion engines.
  51. Callas, James J.; Fiveland, Scott B., Rotary pulse detonation engine.
  52. Kutlucinar Isken, Rotary valve system.
  53. Kutlucinar Iskender, Rotary valve system.
  54. Sanders, Bobby W.; Sanders, Charlotte A.; Weir, Lois J., Seal for pulse detonation engine.
  55. Ronnie J. Duncan, Shaped charged engine.
  56. Leyva, Ivett Alejandra, Shock wave reflector and detonation chamber.
  57. Johnson,Curtis William, Supersonic revolving nozzle.
  58. Chapin, David Michael; Dean, Anthony John; Vandervort, Christian Lee; Tangirala, Venkat Eswarlu; Furlong, Edward Randall, Swirling flows and swirler to enhance pulse detonation engine operation.
  59. Fullerton, Larry W; Teel, James L; Thompson, Jr., Herman M, System and method for accelerating a mass using a pressure produced by a detonation.
  60. Fullerton, Larry W., System and method for generating and controlling conducted acoustic waves for geophysical exploration.
  61. Fullerton, Larry W., System and method for generating and controlling conducted acoustic waves for geophysical exploration.
  62. Fullerton, Larry W., System and method for generating and directing very loud sounds.
  63. Fullerton, Larry W., System and method for generating and directing very loud sounds.
  64. Fullerton, Larry W., System and method for ignition of a gaseous or dispersed fuel-oxidant mixture.
  65. Fullerton, Larry W., System and method for ignition of a gaseous or dispersed fuel-oxidant mixture.
  66. Fullerton, Larry W.; Teel, James L.; Thompson, Jr., Herman M., System for coupling an overpressure wave to a target media.
  67. Tangirala,Venkat Eswarlu; Dean,Anthony John; Leyva,Ivett Alejandra, Two-stage pulse detonation system.
  68. Norris, James W.; Twelves, Jr., Wendell V., Vapor cooling of detonation engines.
  69. Johnson,Curtis William, Variable geometry nozzle with flexible side wall.
  70. Mohamed Razi Nalim, Wave rotor detonation engine.

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