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[미국특허] Simplified steering mechanism having both steering and tilting capabilities 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A63C-017/01
출원번호 US-0277832 (1994-07-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Brooks Paul F. (Sandy UT) Lisonbee Kenneth D. (West Jordan UT)
출원인 / 주소
  • Brooks
  • Paul E. (Sandy UT 04)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 21  인용 특허 : 0


A simplified steering mechanism having both wheel steering and wheel tilting capabilities is provided. The mechanism comprises a generally planar platform, a plunger assembly attached to the bottom face of the platform, top and bottom axles of equal length, and a pair of wheels. Each axle intersects


A simplified steering mechanism having both wheel steering and wheel tilting capabilities, comprising: a generally planar platform having top and bottom broad faces and having first and second longitudinal sides, a plunger assembly including an attachment plate attached to the bottom broad face of t

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (21)

  1. Walter, Christopher J., Bicycle conversion kit and tricycle apparatus.
  2. Brooks, Paul, Dual wheel assemblies for skateboards and related methods.
  3. Way, II, Frederic L.; Walton, Steven K.; Newton, David L., Gravity driven steerable vehicle.
  4. Hunter, Edward Garnet, Laminates and method of manufacturing laminates with layers of non-uniform thickness.
  5. Hamy, Norbert, Lean-induced steerable wheel assembly.
  6. Ondrish ; Jr. Albert J., Multi-terrain riding board.
  7. Byrne, Emily; Ostergaard, Collin; Herlitz, Todd, Scooter.
  8. Eckert, Cameron; Herlitz, Todd, Scooter.
  9. Keel, Andrew, Self-propelled vehicle and articulated mobile chassis thereof.
  10. Keel, Andrew, Self-propelled vehicle and articulated steerable mobile chassis thereof.
  11. de Courcey Milne John,AUX, Sports conveyance suspension systems.
  12. Bouhraoua, Abdelhafid; Merah, Nesar; Al-Muaybid, Jaseem; Sayoud, Abduljabar Al; Al-Darweesh, Ayman; Al-Dawoud, Jawad J., Stair-climbing apparatus.
  13. Cook Bradley D., Steerable in-line skateboard.
  14. Kortschot, Mark T., Transportation device with pivoting axle.
  15. Kortschot, Mark Timothy, Transportation device with pivoting axle.
  16. Kortschot, Mark Timothy, Transportation device with pivoting axle.
  17. Kortschot, Mark Timothy, Transportation device with pivoting axle.
  18. Kortschot, Mark Timothy, Transportation device with pivoting axle.
  19. Lukoszek,Benjamin Shane, Truck assemblies for skateboards.
  20. West,Keith Howard, Wheeled footboard sport conveyance.
  21. Mainville, Michael John, Wheeled riding device.
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