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[미국특허] Shoe insole 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A43B-013/38
  • A43B-023/00
  • A43B-013/18
출원번호 US-0216715 (1994-03-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Martin Jack L. (Libertyville IL) Lee Charles (Busan KRX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Libertyville Saddle Shop, Inc. (Libertyville IL 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 44  인용 특허 : 0


An insole for a sport shoe including a foam footbed having disposed on the underside thereof a first resilient pad at the forward portion of the insole and a second resilient pad at the heel portion of the insole and including frusto-conical primary nubs formed integrally on each of the pads and a s


In a cushion insole system for a shoe the combination comprising: an elongated flexible insole having a top and bottom surface; elastomeric resilient pad means for providing a cushioning effect attached to the bottom surface of said sole; a plurality of frusto-conical shaped primary nubs formed inte

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (44) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Edington, Christopher J.; DiTullo, Michael, Article of footwear having shock-absorbing elements in the sole.
  2. Lafortune, Mario A., Article of footwear incorporating a sole structure with elements having different compressibilities.
  3. Lafortune, Mario A., Article of footwear incorporating a sole structure with elements having different compressibilities.
  4. Peterson William R., Athletic shoe having spring cushioned midsole.
  5. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Lucas, Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  6. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Lucas, Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  7. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Lucas, Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  8. Manz,Gerd Rainer; Lucas,Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  9. Manz,Gerd Rainer; Lucas,Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  10. Allen Bernie, Conforming foot-bed.
  11. Poe, Charles A., Elastomeric, energy management cushion.
  12. Beiruti, Ahmad M., Flexing multiple function interactive massage and reflexology unit.
  13. Beiruti,Ahmad M., Flexing multiple function interactive massage and reflexology unit.
  14. Brown, Lawrence, Foot airthotic.
  15. John J. Erickson ; Douglas K. Robinson, Footbed system with variable sized heel cups.
  16. John J. Erickson ; Douglas K. Robinson, Footbed system with variable sized heel cups.
  17. Galbraith,John A.; Zona,James E., Footwear insoles.
  18. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Hill, Jan; Steszyn, Michael; Krabbe, Berthold, Full bearing 3D cushioning system.
  19. Manz,Gerd Rainer; Hill,Jan; Steszyn,Michael; Krabbe,Berthold, Full bearing 3D cushioning system.
  20. Howlett Harold ; Xia Bin ; Crane Laura J. ; Foshee David, Full length insole for obese people.
  21. Crane, Laura J.; Avent, Richard T.; Thompson, Donald B., Gel insoles having thin spring walls.
  22. Crane, Laura; Avent, Richard; Thompson, Donald Barry, Gel insoles with lower heel and toe recesses having thin spring walls.
  23. Crane,Laura J.; Avent,Richard; Thompson,Donald Barry, Gel insoles with lower heel and toe recesses having thin spring walls.
  24. Dean, Norman, Insole cushion.
  25. Dean, Norman, Insole cushion.
  26. Howlett, Harold; Foshee, David O.; Yang, Phillip C.; Crane, Laura, Insole for fitness and recreational walking.
  27. Rosendahl Jay W., Insole for footwear.
  28. Wakeland, Dan; Brown, Dennis, Insole for footwear.
  29. Diepenbrock, James E., Insole with inferiorly extending projections.
  30. Diepenbrock, James E., Insole with inferiorly extending projections.
  31. Healy John ; Adamo Mary-Patricia, Method for making sock liner having resilient pads therein.
  32. Wakeland, Dan; Curran, Randy; Daley, Peter; Nam, C. W., Orthotic inserts for shoes.
  33. Hoffer, Kevin W.; Levy, Cassidy R.; Long, Nicholas R.; Seid, Aaron K., Particulate foam with other cushioning.
  34. Hoffer, Kevin W.; Levy, Cassidy R.; Long, Nicholas R.; Seid, Aaron K., Particulate foam with other cushioning.
  35. Nichols Steven B., Shoe having independent packed cushioning elements.
  36. Haasteren, Joost Robert van, Shoe insert.
  37. Haasteren, Joost Robert van, Shoe insert.
  38. Haasteren, Joost Robert van, Shoe insert.
  39. Wong K. Chee,HKX, Shoe insert.
  40. van Haasteren, Joost Robert, Shoe insert.
  41. Chenevert, François, Sport footwear component construction.
  42. Chenevert, Fran?ois, Sport footwear component construction.
  43. Zona, James E., Support liners and arrangements including the same.
  44. Zona, James E., Support liners and arrangements including the same.

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