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[미국특허] Acid treatment method for siliceous formations 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E21B-043/27
출원번호 US-0367487 (1994-12-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Di Lullo Arias Gino F. (Singapore SGX) Ahmad Atikah J. (Singapore SGX)
출원인 / 주소
  • B. J. Services Company (Houston TX 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 44  인용 특허 : 0


A method of stimulating production in sandstone formations of oil and gas wells is achieved by using an acid system which slowly dissolves the silicate and clay formations of the sandstone to increase its permeability. The acid system uses phosphonate compounds, including phosphonate acids and the s


A method of treating a siliceous formation to increase the formation\s permeability, comprising the steps of: preparing a treatment solution containing an amount of a phosphonate compound and a compound capable of dissolving siliceous materials of the formation; and then contacting the siliceous for

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (44) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Reyes, Enrique Antonio, Acidic treatment fluids containing non-polymeric silica scale control additives and methods related thereto.
  2. Rae,Philip James; Di Lullo Arias,Gino; Ahmad,Atikah Bte; Kalfayan,Leonard J., Acidizing stimulation method using a pH buffered acid solution.
  3. Reyes, Enrique A.; Weaver, Jimmie D.; Blauch, Matt E.; McMechan, Corine L., Additives to suppress silica scale build-up.
  4. Reyes, Enrique A.; Weaver, Jimmie D.; Blauch, Matt E.; McMechan, David E., Additives to suppress silica scale build-up.
  5. Reyes, Enrique A., Additives to suppress silica scale build-up and methods of use thereof.
  6. Bailey, Louise; Grover, Boyd, Anti-accretion additives for drilling fluids.
  7. Reyes, Enrique A.; Weaver, Jimmie D.; Luo, Hongyu, Ceramic coated particulates.
  8. Chang, Frank F.; Thomas, Ronnie L.; Grant, Walter D.; Frenier, Wayne W., Composition and method for treating a subterranean formation.
  9. Frenier, Wayne; Chang, Frank F., Composition and method for treating a subterranean formation.
  10. Welton, Thomas D., Composition and method relating to the prevention and remediation of surfactant gel damage.
  11. Marakov,Vladimir, Compositions and methods for treating subterranean formations.
  12. Collins, Natalia; Nzeadibe, Kingsley; Almond, Stephen W.; Thaemlitz, Carl, Environmentally friendly low temperature breaker systems and related methods.
  13. Reyes, Enrique A.; Weaver, Jimmie D.; Rickman, Richard D.; Luo, Hongyu, Geochemical control of fracturing fluids.
  14. Al Taq, Ali A.; Nasr El Din, Hisham A.; Al Shafai, Tawtiq A., Method and composition for forming protective precipitate on cement surfaces prior to formation acidizing treatment.
  15. Al Taq,Ali A.; Nasr El Din,Hisham A.; Al Shafai,Tawfiq A., Method and composition for forming protective precipitate on cement surfaces prior to formation acidizing treatment.
  16. Ke, Mingjie; Qu, Qi, Method for controlling inorganic fluoride scales.
  17. Curtis, James Andrew; Gomez Casanova, Julio Rodolfo, Method of increasing efficiency in a hydraulic fracturing operation.
  18. Ke, Mingjie; Qu, Qi, Method of removing calcareous or siliceous deposits or scales.
  19. Fuller, Michael J.; Couillet, Isabelle; Hartman, Ryan, Method of treating sandstone formations with reduced precipitation of silica.
  20. Couillet,Isabelle; Still,John W., Methods and compositions for selectively dissolving sandstone formations.
  21. Taylor, Robert S.; Funkhouser, Gary P., Methods and compositions for treating subterranean formations with gelled hydrocarbon fluids.
  22. Welton, Thomas D.; Nguyen, Philip D., Methods and compostions for preventing scale and diageneous reactions in subterranean formations.
  23. Beuterbaugh, Aaron Michael; Reyes, Enrique Antonio; Smith, Alyssa, Methods and systems for acidizing subterranean formations.
  24. Beuterbaugh, Aaron Michael; Reyes, Enrique Antonio; LaBlanc, Alyssa Lynn, Methods and systems for protecting acid-reactive substances.
  25. Smith, Alyssa Lynn; Reyes, Enrique Antonio; Beuterbaugh, Aaron Michael, Methods and systems for removing geothermal scale.
  26. Smith, Alyssa Lynn; Reyes, Enrique Antonio; Beuterbaugh, Aaron M., Methods and systems for suppressing corrosion of sensitive metal surfaces.
  27. Reyes, Enrique A.; Smith, Alyssa L., Methods for acidizing a subterranean formation using a stabilized microemulsion carrier fluid.
  28. Joel Lynn Boles ; Marty Usie, Organic hydrofluoric acid spearhead system.
  29. Lopez Enrique ; Tjon-Joe-Pin Robert M., Pre-treatment methods for polymer-containing fluids.
  30. Chan,Keng S.; Brown,J. Ernest; Milne,Arthur William; Rimmer,Brett; Brady,Mark, Propped fracture with high effective surface area.
  31. Shuchart, Chris E.; Gdanski, Rick D., Reducing aluminum compound precipitation during subterranean formation acidizing.
  32. Shuchart, Chris E.; Gdanski, Rick D., Reducing aluminum compound precipitation following subterranean formation acidizing.
  33. Fu, Diankui; Garcia-Lopez de Victoria, Marieliz, Reservoir treatment fluids.
  34. Brandsch, Rainer; Dick, Stefan; Schurz, Klaus; Rennar, Nikolaus; Siedler, Andreas, Rubber mixture that can be cross-linked by sulfur, method for the production thereof, and cross-linked rubber mixtures and shaped bodies that can be obtained therefrom.
  35. Arco, Manuel J.; Dams, Rudolf J., Sandstone having a modified wettability and a method for modifying the surface energy of sandstone.
  36. James M. Reizer ; Michael G. Rudel ; Curtis D. Sitz ; Rex M. S. Wat NO; Harry Montgomerie SN, Scale inhibitors.
  37. Xiao, Zhijun; Garcia-Lopez de Victoria, Marieliz; Tuedor, Francis, Scale inhibitors compatible with sandstone acidizing.
  38. Gallup Darrell L. ; Rossknecht Tim G.,IDX, Slow acidizing of geological formations.
  39. Taylor, Kevin C.; Nasr-El-Din, Hisham A., Thermally responsive aqueous silicate mixture.
  40. Reyes, Enrique Antonio; Smith, Alyssa Lynn, Treatment fluids comprising a hydroxypyridinecarboxylic acid and methods for use thereof.
  41. Reyes, Enrique A., Treatment fluids comprising a stabilizing compound having quaternized amine groups and methods for use thereof.
  42. Reyes, Enrique A.; Welton, Thomas D., Treatment fluids containing a biodegradable chelating agent and methods for use thereof.
  43. Reyes, Enrique A., Treatment fluids containing a boron trifluoride complex and methods for use thereof.
  44. Reyes, Enrique A.; Welton, Thomas D., Treatment fluids containing biodegradable chelating agents and methods for use thereof.

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