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[미국특허] Battery protection circuit 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01M-010/44
출원번호 US-0118633 (1993-09-10)
우선권정보 JP-0274946 (1992-09-17); JP-0274947 (1992-09-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Eguchi Yasuhito (Kanagawa JPX) Okada Hitoshi (Chiba JPX) Murano Kanji (Tokyo JPX) Sanpei Akira (Fukushima JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Sony Corporation (Tokyo JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 68  인용 특허 : 0


A battery protection circuit has a condition detecting circuit which detects a voltage across a secondary cell or cells and compares the detected voltage with a reference voltage to detect an overdischarged condition or an overcharged condition of the secondary cell or cells. A control unit controls


A battery protection circuit comprising: a secondary cell formed of a plurality of sub-cells that are connected in series with each other; condition detecting means connected to said secondary cell formed of said plurality of sub-cells for detecting a voltage across said secondary cell formed of sai

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (68)

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  2. Hanson, Eric J.; Kooyer, Richard L., Apparatus and method for treating a cathode material provided on a thin-film substrate.
  3. Ozawa Hidekiyo,JPX ; Tanaka Nobuo,JPX ; Itoyama Masami,JPX ; Takeda Yoshiro,JPX, Battery capacity predicting method, battery unit and apparatus using battery unit.
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  6. Woo Seog Park KR, Battery gauging device during battery charging.
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  8. Kimura, Tadao, Battery pack.
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  10. Sudo,Minoru; Niwa,Takashi; Chiba,Norio; Ichihara,Susumu, Battery pack with a remaining battery power calculating function.
  11. Tsumura, Kazuhiro, Battery protection circuit device.
  12. Sakurai, Atsushi, Battery state monitoring circuit and battery device.
  13. Smith Gregory J. ; Shacter Stuart ; Martinez Steve, Bidirectional current control circuit suitable for controlling the charging and discharging of rechargeable battery cel.
  14. Rouillard Jean,CAX ; Comte Christophe,CAX ; Daigle Dominik,CAX, Bypass apparatus and method for series connected energy storage devices.
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  16. Sudo Minoru,JPX ; Takashina Takayuki,JPX ; Kojima Yoshikazu,JPX ; Shimoda Sadashi,JPX ; Mukainakano Hiroshi,JPX, Charge/discharge control circuit and chargeable electric power source apparatus.
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  19. Mashiko Takeshi,JPX, Circuit for detecting overcharging and overdischarging.
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  27. Huber, Ivo; Fees, Andreas, Enhanced charger over voltage protection FET.
  28. Rouillard Jean,CAX ; Comte Christophe,CAX ; Hagen Ronald A. ; Knudson Orlin B. ; Morin Andre,CAX ; Ross Guy,CAX, Equalizer system and method for series connected energy storing devices.
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  32. Gauthier Michel,CAX ; Domroese Michael K. ; Hoffman Joseph A. ; Lindeman David D. ; Noel Joseph-Robert-Gaetan,CAX ; Radewald Vern E. ; Rouillard Jean,CAX ; Rouillard Roger,CAX ; Shiota Toshimi,CAX ; , In-situ short circuit protection system and method for high-energy electrochemical cells.
  33. Gauthier, Michel; Domroese, Michael K.; Hoffman, Joseph A.; Lindeman, David D.; Noel, Joseph-Robert-Gaetan; Radewald, Vern E.; Rouillard, Jean; Rouillard, Roger; Shiota, Toshimi; Trice, Jennifer L., In-situ short-circuit protection system and method for high-energy electrochemical cells.
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  35. Mowry Michael R. ; Becker Thomas P., Low power indication circuit for lead acid battery pack.
  36. Ibrahim, Randolph A., Low side N-channel FET protection circuit.
  37. Davis, Steven; Takeuchi, Esther S., Matching cells for a battery pack.
  38. Mercer Mark J., Method and apparatus for monitoring the self discharge of a secondary battery upon completion of a charge cycle.
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  40. Rouillard, Roger; Domroese, Michael K.; Hoffman, Joseph A.; Lindeman, David D.; Noel, Joseph-Robert-Gaetan; Radewald, Vern E.; Ranger, Michel; Sudano, Anthony; Trice, Jennifer L.; Turgeon, Thomas A., Method for transferring thermal energy and electrical current in thin-film electrochemical cells.
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  42. Wang, Ligong; Zhu, Guangyong, Method for verifying smart battery failures by measuring input charging voltage and associated systems.
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  44. Sudo Minoru,JPX ; Takashina Takayuki,JPX ; Kojima Yoshikazu,JPX ; Shimoda Sadashi,JPX ; Mukainakano Hiroshi,JPX, Overcharge/overdischarge detecting circuit having a reset means and chargeable electric power source apparatus.
  45. Sudo Minoru,JPX ; Takashina Takayuki,JPX ; Kojima Yoshikazu,JPX ; Shimoda Sadashi,JPX ; Mukainakano Hiroshi,JPX, Overcharge/overdischarge detecting circuit having current detecting means with latch function and chargeable electric power source apparatus.
  46. Houston, Michael Jason; Kleine, John Stuart; Zhao, Lei; Wei, Jia, Overcurrent protection in a battery charger.
  47. Fernandez JoseM. (Lawrenceville GA) Mack Erika D. (Doraville GA), Overvoltage disconnect circuit for lithium ion batteries.
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  50. Ikeuchi, Akira; Majima, Yoshihide; Nakano, Itsuki, Protection monitoring circuit and battery pack.
  51. Kim, Jong Sam, Protective circuit for a secondary battery pack and method of operating the same.
  52. Wang, Xiaoping; Bai, Qinggang, Protective device and protective system for battery assembly which detects discontinuities through voltage monitoring.
  53. Rouillard Roger,CAX ; Domroese Michael K. ; Hoffman Joseph A. ; Lindeman David D. ; Noel Joseph-Robert-Gaetan,CAX ; Radewald Vern E. ; Ranger Michel,CAX ; Sudano Anthony,CAX ; Trice Jennifer L. ; Tur, Rechargeable thin-film electrochemical generator.
  54. Sugimura, Naoaki, Semiconductor circuit, battery monitoring system, and control method.
  55. Rouillard, Jean; Comte, Christophe; Daigle, Dominik; Hagen, Ronald A.; Knudson, Orlin B.; Morin, André; Ranger, Michel; Ross, Guy; Rouillard, Roger; St-Germain, Philippe; Sudano, Anthony; Turgeo, Solid-state energy storage module employing integrated interconnect board.
  56. Rouillard, Jean; Comte, Christophe; Daigle, Dominik; Hagen, Ronald A.; Knudson, Orlin B.; Morin, Andre; Ranger, Michel; Ross, Guy; Rouillard, Roger; St-Germain, Philippe; Sudano, Anthony; Turgeon, Th, Solid-state energy storage module employing integrated interconnect board.
  57. Kumagai, Eiji, Storage system, electronic device, electric vehicle and power system.
  58. Shiraishi, Takeyuki; Itagaki, Takeshi, Switch failure detection device, battery pack including the same, and method of detecting failure of electronic switch.
  59. Shiraishi, Takeyuki; Itagaki, Takeshi, Switch failure detection device, battery pack including the same, and method of detecting failure of electronic switch.
  60. Shiraishi, Takeyuki; Itagaki, Takeshi, Switch failure detection device, battery pack including the same, and method of detecting failure of electronic switch.
  61. Shiraishi, Takeyuki; Itagaki, Takeshi, Switch failure detection device, battery pack including the same, and method of detecting failure of electronic switch.
  62. Wang,Ligong; Miller,Bruce A.; Sterz,Stephen D., Systems and methods for detecting charge switching element failure in a battery system.
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  64. Rouillard Roger,CAX ; Domroese Michael K. ; Gauthier Michel,CAX ; Hoffman Joseph A. ; Lindeman David D. ; Noel Joseph-Robert-Gaetan,CAX ; Radewald Vern E. ; Ranger Michel,CAX ; Rouillard Jean,CAX ; S, Thermal management system and method for a solid-state energy storing device.
  65. Bai, QingGang; Wu, ZhenDong; Zhou, Jun, Voltage balance circuit to transfer energy between cells of a duel cell rechargeable battery.
  66. Makihara, Tetsuya, Voltage detection apparatus and combination circuit.
  67. Ishikawa, Satoshi; Matsuura, Kimihiro; Sekizaki, Masashi, Voltage monitoring apparatus including active power source, low consumption power source, and a failure diagnosis section to disconnect active power source as a result of failure.
  68. Smith Gregory J., Voltage monitoring circuit for rechargeable battery.
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