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[미국특허] Exhaust gas recirculating system with reduced deposit 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02M-025/07
출원번호 US-0510670 (1995-08-03)
우선권정보 JP-0225892 (1994-08-25)
발명자 / 주소
  • Isobe Daiji (Toyohashi JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Nippondenso Co., Ltd. (Kariya JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 23  인용 특허 : 0


An EGR valve in an EGR passage is provided with an EGR gas temperature sensor. When a detected EGR gas temperature is within a deposit generating temperature range, the opening of the EGR valve is corrected to the OPEN side to increase the EGR flow rate, and thereby the temperatures of the inside wa


An exhaust gas recirculating system comprising: an exhaust gas recirculation passage for recirculating a part of exhaust gas from an exhaust system of an internal combustion engine to an intake system; a recirculation control valve provided on the way within the exhaust gas recirculation passage for

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (23)

  1. Colucci,William J.; Aradi,Allen A.; Kuo,Cheng C., Delivery of organomolybdenum via vapor phase from a lubricant source into a fuel combustion system.
  2. Styles, Daniel Joseph; Ives, David Curtis, EGR cooler defouling.
  3. Timothy James Riley GB, EGR system using selective fuel and ERG supply scheduling.
  4. Bauerle Paul Alan (Dewitt MI) Semrau Robert Francis (Ovid MI) Stockbridge John Norman (Lansing MI), EGR valve maintenance method.
  5. Craig Savonen ; Phillip F. Rimnac ; Richard M. Avery, Jr., Electronic controlled engine exhaust treatment system to reduce NOx emissions.
  6. Xu, Min; Chen, Grant, Electronic flow control for a stratified EGR system.
  7. Kondo,Nobuhiro; Takeda,Yoshinaka; Tsutsui,Yasuhiro; Takahashi,Yoshinori; Murata,Minehiro, Engine control system.
  8. Hatano,Kenta, Exhaust gas recirculation apparatus.
  9. Takahashi Jun,JPX ; Mizuno Hiroyuki,JPX ; Kishi Hironao,JPX, Exhaust gas recirculation mechanism for engine and method for controlling exhaust gas recirculation valve.
  10. Martin Douglas Raymond ; Mohr Jeffrey Raymond ; Cullen Michael John ; Jankovic Mrdjan J. ; Magner Stephen William ; Suffredini Giuseppe D., Exhaust gas recirculation system.
  11. Bailey, Brett M., Exhaust gas regenerator/particulate trap for an internal combustion engine.
  12. Cullen Michael John ; Jentz Robert Roy ; Kindree James Matthew ; Nader David Robert, Exhaust gas temperature estimation.
  13. Kuo, Tang Wei; Najt, Paul M.; Eng, James A.; Rask, Rodney B.; Guralp, Orgun A.; Filipi, Zoran S.; Assanis, Dionissios N.; Hoffman, Mark A., Method and apparatus to determine magnitude of combustion chamber deposits.
  14. Kuo,Tang Wei; Najt,Paul M.; Eng,James A.; Rask,Rodney B.; Guralp,Orgun A.; Filipi,Zoran S.; Assanis,Dionissios N.; Hoffman,Mark A., Method and apparatus to determine magnitude of combustion chamber deposits.
  15. Kuo,Tang Wei; Najt,Paul M.; Eng,James A.; Rask,Rodney B., Method and apparatus to operate a homogeneous charge compression-ignition engine.
  16. Bailey Brett M., Method of controlling fuel injectors for improved exhaust gas recirculation.
  17. Cullen Michael John ; Suffredini Giuseppe D., Method of estimating engine charge.
  18. Osburn, Andrew W.; Books, Martin T.; Reisinger, Richard E.; Sisson, Albert E., System and method for estimating EGR mass flow rates.
  19. Surnilla, Gopichandra; Hilditch, James Alfred; Ali, Imtiaz; Styles, Daniel Joseph; Clark, Timothy Joseph, System and methods for diagnosing soot accumulation on an exhaust gas recirculation valve.
  20. Surnilla, Gopichandra; Styles, Daniel Joseph; Hilditch, James Alfred; Ali, Imtiaz; Wang, Yan; Rumpsa, Todd Anthony, System and methods for operating an exhaust gas recirculation valve based on a temperature difference of the valve.
  21. Dollmeyer, Thomas A.; Brackney, Larry J.; Brunemann, George A.; Charlton, Steve, System for producing charge flow and EGR fraction commands based on engine operating conditions.
  22. Kotwicki Allan Joseph ; Russell John David ; Blaha George, Valve and valve control method.
  23. Kotwicki Allan Joseph ; Russell John David ; Blaha George, Valve and valve control method.

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