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[미국특허] Covers for welding wire reels 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65H-075/30
출원번호 US-0200388 (1994-02-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bobeczko James D. (Concord OH)
출원인 / 주소
  • The Lincoln Electric Company (Cleveland OH 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 42  인용 특허 : 11


A cover for a reel of welding wire comprises a sleeve having axially opposite ends extending across the outer peripheries of the flanges of the reel and having radially inwardly open circumferentially extending recesses interengaging with the flanges to releasably axially retain the sleeve on the re


A cover for a reel of welding wire, said reel including a hub having an axis and axially spaced apart first and second flanges each extending radially outwardly from said hub and having a radially outer periphery, said hub and flanges providing a space for winding wire about said hub between said fl

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (11)

  1. Bose Scott (Racine WI), Container for shipping and handling feature-length films.
  2. Stokes William H. (Fostoria OH), Container/pallet for annular packages of strand material.
  3. Flick Robert A. (2401 County Barn Rd. Naples FL 33962), Disposable striking line dispenser.
  4. Case ; Jr. Allen W. (Amsterdam NY) Peroutky Donald C. (Schenectady NY), Gas metal arc welding torch with vision system.
  5. Henrich, Werner, Process for winding wire upon a reel.
  6. Heyda Robert J. (Doraville GA) Iyengar Rama (Lilburn GA) Lever ; Jr. Clyde J. (Buford GA) Paxton John M. (Powder Springs GA), Protected optical fiber package.
  7. Meagher Brian R. (Bloomington MN), Spool with resilient tab for storing and dispensing filamentary material.
  8. Kramer Arthur (So. Euclid OH), Storage reel for welding wire.
  9. Bloch Joseph T. (Seattle WA) Cross Dan A. (Seattle WA), Wire canister for a robotic wire harness assembly system.
  10. Wirts Harold L. (Garrett IN) Corner Horace B. (Fort Wayne IN), Wire storing and dereeling apparatus.
  11. Warshaw Saul (Hawley PA), Yarn package and method for mixing and dispensing.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (42)

  1. Blankenship George D. ; Hsu Christopher, Coded and electronically tagged welding wire.
  2. Blankenship, George D.; Hsu, Christopher, Coded and electronically tagged welding wire.
  3. Blankenship, George D.; Hsu, Christopher, Coded and electronically tagged welding wire.
  4. Blankenship,George D., Coded welding consumable.
  5. Gelmetti, Carlo, Container for welding wire.
  6. Gelmetti, Carlo, Container for welding wire.
  7. Gelmetti, Carlo, Cover for welding wire container.
  8. Carroscia,Michael A., Endless wire container and method of using the same.
  9. Barton,David J.; Carroscia,Michael A.; Hsu,Christopher, Feeder for endless welding wire.
  10. Blankenship, George D.; Hsu, Christopher, Inventory of consumables in electric arc welding process.
  11. Cipriani, Giancarlo, Mechanism for braking the unwinding of a bundle of metallic wire housed in a drum.
  12. Gelmetti, Carlo; Corradini, Filippo; Perazzoli, Fabio, Module and system for controlling and recording welding data, and welding wire feeder.
  13. Todd, Donald Loveless; Forrest, Paul Bradley, Pacifier assembly comprising outer container, wristband, and tether.
  14. Gelmetti, Carlo, Retainer for welding wire container and welding wire container with retainer.
  15. Gelmetti, Carlo, Retainer for welding wire container, having fingers and half-moon shaped holding tabs.
  16. Gelmetti, Carlo, Retainer for welding wire container, having fingers and half-moon shaped holding tabs.
  17. Votel, Thomas; Kostner, Justin; Popowski, Jeffrey A., Retractable lanyard.
  18. Blankenship, George D.; Hillen, Edward D.; Houston, William S., System for enabling arc welders.
  19. Blankenship, George D.; Hillen, Edward D.; Houston, William S., System for enabling arc welders.
  20. Blankenship, George D.; Hillen, Edward D.; Houston, William S., System for enabling arc welders.
  21. Kuper,Dieter, System for handling welding wire and method of handling welding wire using the system.
  22. Hillen, Edward; Volzer, Michael; Trinnes, Nick, Systems and methods for communicating with welding equipment.
  23. Hillen, Edward; Volzer, Michael; Trinnes, Nick, Systems and methods for networking, configuration, calibration and identification of welding equipment.
  24. Lanouette Andre ; Blank Leon ; Herwig Warren, Welding machine with automatic parameter setting.
  25. Lanouette Andre ; Blank Leon ; Herwig Warren, Welding machine with automatic parameter setting.
  26. Lanouette, Andre; Blank, Leon; Herwig, Warren, Welding machine with automatic parameter setting.
  27. Lanouette, Andre; Blank, Leon; Herwig, Warren, Welding machine with automatic parameter setting.
  28. Gelmetti, Carlo, Welding wire container.
  29. Barton, David J.; Hsu, Christopher, Welding wire container with ribbed walls and a mating retainer ring.
  30. Barton,David J.; Hsu,Christopher, Welding wire container with ribbed walls and mating retainer ring.
  31. Gelmetti, Carlo; Corradini, Filippo, Welding wire guiding liner.
  32. Hsu, Christopher; Barton, David J.; Carroscia, Michael A., Welding wire package.
  33. Hsu,Christopher; Barton,David J.; Carroscia,Michael A., Welding wire package.
  34. Barton,David J., Welding wire package with lifting strap.
  35. Gelmetti, Carlo; Corradini, Filippo; Perazzoli, Fabio, Wire container lid, wire container and wire feeding system.
  36. Fabian, Gabor, Wire dispensing apparatus for packaged wire.
  37. Gelmetti, Carlo; Corradini, Filippo, Wire guiding liner, in particular a welding wire liner, with biasing means between articulated guiding bodies.
  38. Gelmetti, Carlo; Corradini, Filippo, Wire guiding system.
  39. Albrecht, Bruce; Ulrich, James F., Wireless communication system for welding-type devices.
  40. Albrecht, Bruce; Ulrich, James F., Wireless system for monitoring theft of welding-type devices.
  41. Albrecht, Bruce Patrick; Harvey, Darryl Grant; Ulrich, James F.; Nagarajan, Sundaram, Wireless tracking and inventory monitoring for welding-type devices.
  42. Albrecht, Bruce; Harvey, Darryl Grant; Nagarajan, Sundaram; Ulrich, James F., Wireless tracking and inventory monitoring for welding-type devices.
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