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Wing fold push-pin locking assembly 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16H-059/00
  • G05G-005/00
출원번호 US-0229637 (1994-04-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Veile Joseph R. (St. Louis MO)
출원인 / 주소
  • McDonnell Douglas Corporation (St. Louis MO 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 26  인용 특허 : 0


An improved wing fold assembly for use in aircraft which provides relative rotational movement of a first wing tip about a second fixed wing including a plurality of wing tip flanges, and a plurality of fixed wing flanges wherein all of said flanges are rotatably mounted to a central shaft and where


In a wing fold assembly for use in aircraft which provides relative rotational movement of a first wing tip about a second fixed wing and includes a plurality of wing tip flanges, a plurality of fixed wing flanges and all of said flanges being rotatably mounted to a central shaft, the improvement co

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (26)

  1. Parker, Simon John, Aerofoil.
  2. Sheahan, Jr., James Joseph; Drouin, Jr., Donald V., Air vehicle, actuator assembly and associated method of manufacture.
  3. Thompson, Robert Ian, Arrangement for effecting movement of a wing tip device between a flight configuration and a ground configuration.
  4. Good, Mark S.; Walker, Steven Paul, Enhancing aerodynamic performance of an aircraft wing assembly.
  5. Schweighart, Samuel Adam; Dietrich, Carl Curtis; Heafitz, Andrew, Folding wing root mechanism.
  6. Harding, Matt, Folding wing tip device with rotatable lock.
  7. Santini, Gregory M.; Sakurai, Seiya, Horizontal folding wingtip.
  8. Santini, Gregory M.; Sakurai, Seiya, Horizontal folding wingtip.
  9. Kordel, Jan A.; Good, Mark S., Latching apparatus and methods.
  10. Kordel, Jan A.; Good, Mark S., Latching apparatus and methods.
  11. Kordel, Jan A.; Good, Mark S., Latching apparatus and methods.
  12. Parker, Simon John, Method of coupling aerofoil surface structures and an aerofoil assembly.
  13. Gitnes, Seth E., Powered hinge with automatic locking feature at opposite ends of permissible relative angular displacement of the hinge sections.
  14. McMahon, Timothy James; Kruse, John Scott; Kehrer, Adam L., Rotatable wing tip joint and method of making same.
  15. Sheahan, Jr., James J.; Morris, Charles E., Structural mechanism for unlocking and engaging a controllable surface on a hinged platform (Wing).
  16. Sheahan, Jr.,James J.; Morris,Charles E., Structural mechanism for unlocking and engaging a controllable surface on a hinged platform (wing).
  17. Sakurai, Seiya; Kosko, Ryan W.; Santini, Gregory M., Swing wing tip system, assembly and method with dual load path structure.
  18. Lassen, Matthew A.; Ostrom, Nicholas A.; Weaver, Jared D.; Whitt, Daniel R., System for latching and locking a foldable airfoil.
  19. Good, Mark S.; Walker, Steven Paul; Lassen, Matthew A.; Pietersen, Quentin T., System for latching and locking a folding wing.
  20. Lassen, Matthew August; Douglas, Chad Richard; Jones, Kelly Thomas; Kenning, Terence Boyd, Wing fold controller.
  21. Lassen, Matthew August; Good, Mark Steven, Wing fold controller.
  22. Fox, Stephen John; Sakurai, Seiya; Munsen, Victor A.; Noble, Jack S.; Skomorowski, John Tony, Wing fold system.
  23. Fox, Stephen John; Kordel, Jan A.; Townsend, Keith; Lassen, Matthew August; Gardner, Mark John; Good, Mark Steven, Wing fold system rotating latch.
  24. Good, Mark Steven; Kordel, Jan A.; Pietersen, Quentin Theodor; Walker, Steven Paul; Jones, Kelly Thomas; Lassen, Matthew August; Hansken, Rickie, Wing fold system with latch pins through multiple mating lugs.
  25. Good, Mark S.; Walker, Steven Paul, Wing hinge assembly including hinged torque boxes.
  26. Ackermann, James F.; Tanner, Richard B., Wing tip joint in airfoils.
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