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[미국특허] Hydraulic interblock system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E02F-003/00
출원번호 US-0199120 (1994-02-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Haeder Thomas Q. (Lisbon ND) Albright Larry E. (Gwinner ND) Loraas Orlan J. (Lisbon ND) Shelbourn William C. (Bismark ND) Berg Gerald M. (Lisbon ND) Johnson Lyle L. (Lisbon ND) Sagaser Thomas M. (Bis
출원인 / 주소
  • Clark Equipment Company (South Bend IN 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 18  인용 특허 : 49


A control apparatus controls movement of a lift arm and tool on a skid steer loader. Power actuators are coupled to the lift arm circuit and the tool circuit for moving the lift arm and tool along a path. A sensor is coupled to the skid steer loader for sensing a desired parameter and providing a si


In a skid steer loader of the type having a control apparatus for controlling movement of a lift arm on the skid steer loader, the improvement comprising: power actuator means, coupled to the lift arm, for moving the lift arm along a path; a hydraulic power circuit coupled to the power actuator mean

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (49) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Pleier ; Walter J. ; Wahl ; James A., Automatic seat brake.
  2. Barnes Charles A. (Bellevue MI) Davis Dean E. (Battle Creek MI) Wykoff Carl L. (Jackson MI), Brake and transmission control.
  3. Yasuda Tomio (Kasukabe JPX) Sato Jun (Ibaraki JPX) Ohashi Masao (Kariya JPX), Capacitive occupancy detector apparatus.
  4. Ando Toshinari (Tokaimura JPX) Nishi Masataka (Tokaimura JPX) Shimamoto Susumu (Tokaimura JPX) Yoshida Hiromichi (Hitachi JPX) Suzumura Takashi (Hitachi JPX) Kakizaki Kimio (Hitachi JPX) Yamagishi Ry, Composite superconductors.
  5. Dilno Guy L. (Plainwell MI), Controller for electric traction motor.
  6. Hansen Howard C. (Battle Creek MI), Controller for electric traction motor.
  7. Brown ; Vaikai K. ; Fatur ; Richard N., Creeper - deadman.
  8. Hsieh Juurong (Cleveland OH) Melocik Grant C. (Chardon OH), Device for disabling power under certain safety conditions.
  9. Ginn Mark E. (Royal Oak MI), Digital linear position sensor.
  10. Paine John C. (North Olmsted OH), Friction coupling control system.
  11. Peterson ; Jr. Rudolph A. (Horicon) Cinnamon James J. (Horicon WI), Interlock circuit for a vehicle with an optical second drive.
  12. Weber Henry J. (Oaks ND) Hoechst Lonnie D. (Gwinner ND) Christensen James R. (Lisbon ND) Watts Verne C. (Lisbon ND), Loader operator restraint.
  13. Lynnes Carman P. (Leonard ND) Kielb Eugene J. (Lisbon ND) Mather Joseph M. (Lisbon ND) Albright Larry E. (Gwinner ND) Hoechst Lonnie D. (Gwinner ND), Loader operator restraint system.
  14. Simonz John C. (Germantown WI), Locking apparatus for skid steer loader.
  15. Martin ; Thomas F. ; Nagy ; James A. ; Scibbe ; Harold R., Locking sensor for belt retractor.
  16. Wiblin Wayne T. (Ashtabula OH), Magnetic control apparatus.
  17. Zenick, Walter N.; Zenick, Richard J., Magnetically actuated interlock.
  18. Ecker Frank A. (Racine WI) Jensen Theodore G. (Kenosha WI) Christensen Norman B. (Racine WI), Maximum lift system for hydraulic hoe.
  19. Drutchas, Gilbert H.; Borza, John S., Method and apparatus for sensing relative movement between members.
  20. Clevenger ; Jr. James T. (Lancaster PA) Ashcroft Dale A. (New Holland PA) Strosser Richard P. (Akron PA) Anderson Mark S. (Prior Lake MN), Method of controlling the operation of a loader.
  21. Webb Nathaniel (Detroit MI) Juzswik David L. (Dearborn Heights MI), Multiplex control system for memory seat or the like load.
  22. McConnell Kenneth C. (Ankeny IA) McBee Steve H. (Ankeny IA) Hubbard Bruce L. (Ankeny IA), Operator presence switch with service by-pass.
  23. Vig Michael A. (Bismarck ND) Schmidt Donald K. (Bismarck ND), Operator restraint for a loader.
  24. Klee Maurice (Burlington IA) Cochran Gary L. (Burlington IA), Operator restraint system.
  25. Macht Jon A. (Owatonna MN) Jines Mike D. (Owatonna MN), Operator restraint/control lockout system.
  26. Kawai Osamu (Fujisawa JPX) Mizumura Shunzi (Fujisawa JPX), Passive seat belt system.
  27. Terabayashi Gosaku (Aichi JPX), Passive seatbelt system.
  28. Wakamatsu Hisato (Toyota JA) Kamiya Toshihiro (Toyota JA) Yoshimi Tomohisa (Gamagori JA) Arai Hiroshi (Toyota JA), Passive seatbelt system.
  29. Kim In-Keun (Sangok-Dong KRX), Safety apparatus for a skid-steer loader.
  30. Graham George A. (Napa CA) Dearth Leonard R. (Appleton WI), Safety back-up system for vehicles.
  31. Burke Raymond W. (New Brunswick CAX) Tiedke Herman W. B. (New Brunswick CAX) Barton Brian C. (New Brunswick CAX), Safety brake system.
  32. Koga Toshiharu (Aichi JPX), Safety device for use when driver leaves a seat of an industrial vehicle.
  33. Bening Curtis R. (Burnett WI), Safety start and shutdown system for vehicles having electrically activated power take-off.
  34. Habiger Cyril W. (Joliet IL), Seat actuated fluid drive neutralizing arrangement.
  35. Clevenger ; Jr. James T. (Lancaster PA) Ashcroft Dale A. (New Holland PA) Strosser Richard P. (Akron PA) Anderson Mark S. (Prior Lake MN), Seat belt interlock for loaders.
  36. Minor Ray C. (Leola PA), Seat interlock for skid-steer loader.
  37. Suenaga Koji (Osaka JPX) Uno Osamu (Osaka JPX) Hirose Koji (Osaka JPX), Seat occupant restraining device.
  38. Erker James W. (Mentor OH), Seat-operated brake assembly with brake protection means.
  39. Behr Leonard W. (Pontiac MI) White Craig W. (Grosse Pointe MI), Self-adjusting knee bolster.
  40. Strosser Richard P. (Akron PA) Ashcroft Dale A. (New Holland PA), Service override for loader interlock.
  41. Kopera ; Jr. ; Joseph J., Solid state sequence logic circuit.
  42. Leskoverc Edward V. (Eastlake OH) Schwehr Richard A. (Mentor OH), Switch actuator apparatus.
  43. Uchino Hisanori (Tokyo JA) Takada Masamichi (Tokyo JA) Shimizu Takahiro (Kawasaki JA) Shibayama Masamitsu (Yokohama JA) Furuno Fumiya (Yokohama JA), System for controlling a power shovel.
  44. Minor Ray C. (Leola PA) Treichler James W. (Lancaster PA) Bohman Carl E. (New Holland PA), Time delay for a seat switch activated loader boom lock.
  45. Giandenoto Frank J. (Racine WI) Saiia Anthony J. (Milwaukee WI), Tractor seat-operated hydraulic valve control.
  46. Iijima Tetsuya (Tokyo JA), Transmission locking system.
  47. Higgs Jacob K. (Concord NH) Avery Grant D. (Loudon NH), Two-state Hall element proximity sensor device with lamp indicator.
  48. Lipschutz Paul (Croissy FRX), Vehicle safety lock.
  49. Hicks John E. (Licoln NE), Vehicle seat switch.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (18) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Schenck Raymond T. ; Ufheil Steven T., Arm rest/seat switch circuit configuration for use as an operational state sensor for a work machine.
  2. Rossow, Scott R.; Brandt, Kenneth A.; Kaczmarski, Wally L., Attachment control device.
  3. Grunow Timothy W. ; Schenck Raymond T. ; Ufheil Steven T., Auxiliary hydraulic control system for a work machine.
  4. Brandt Kenneth A. ; Jacobson Scott B., Auxiliary interlock control system for power machine.
  5. Nakada,Takuya; Ueda,Katsumi; Saito,Toru, Control system of industrial truck and controlling method of the same.
  6. Ueda,Katsumi; Iwamoto,Yoshihide; Saito,Toru, Control system of self propelled industrial machine.
  7. Stolten, Thomas, Device for the emergency lowering of a load-carrying means for a stacker truck.
  8. Rinaldi, Massimo, Hydraulic control valve assembly with monolithic body and single spool port lock.
  9. Schenck Raymond T. ; Swick W. Chris ; Ufheil Steven T. ; Waitt Reid W., Interlock control system for a work machine.
  10. Bell,James M.; Schenck,Raymond T.; Dvorak,Paul A.; Sporer,Mark A., Method of changing operating characteristics of an implement.
  11. Heyne Dennis J., Operator presence system with bypass logic.
  12. Charles R. Trivits, Protective shield for off-road vehicles.
  13. Goodfellow Stephen J.,GBX ; Moore Steve A.,GBX, Quick coupler control system.
  14. Parker, Brian T., Scale based load limiting mechanism for refuse vehicles with an intermediate container.
  15. Vigholm, Bo; Ekvall, Andreas, System, working machine comprising the system, and method of springing an implement of a working machine during transport.
  16. Brandt Kenneth A. ; Jacobson Scott B., Traction lock/momentary override.
  17. Nishi,Keishiro; Takagi,Masao; Machida,Satoshi; Kato,Kenji; Osuga,Masashi, Work vehicle having overridable automatic engine stop circuit.
  18. Nishi,Keishiro; Takagi,Masao; Machida,Satoshi; Kato,Kenji; Osuga,Masashi, Work vehicle having overridable automatic engine stop circuit.

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