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[미국특허] Adjustable snowboard boot binding apparatus 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A63C-005/00
  • A63C-009/00
출원번호 US-0466989 (1995-06-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Dawes Paul J. (12422 Skyline Blvd. Woodside CA 94062) Krulevitch Thomas A. (2833 Kensington Rd. Redwood City CA 94061) Krulevitch Peter A. (4319 Railroad Ave. #19 Pleasanton CA 94566)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 55  인용 특허 : 10


A snowboard boot binding device comprising a binding mount plate for fixedly mounting a snowboard binding thereto, said binding mount plate having a cavity centrally defined therein, a ring fixedly attached to said binding mount plate having a bore centrally defined therethrough, a hub for mounting


A snowboard boot binding device comprising: a binding mount plate for fixedly mounting a snowboard binding thereto, said binding mount plate having a cavity centrally defined therein; a ring fixedly attached to said binding mount plate, said ring having a bore centrally defined therethrough; a hub f

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Fritschi Andreas (Wimmis CHX) Fritschi Christian (Reichenbach im Kandertal CHX), Adjustable length binding system for snowboards having independently variable heel and toe spans.
  2. Ratzek Thomas (Geretsried DEX), Binding for snowboards.
  3. Schweizer Russell J. (954 W. Grace Chicago IL 60613), Binding mounting apparatus.
  4. Vetter Dennis A. (6644 South 196th St. ; Ste. T-104 Kent WA 98032) Eaton Eric L. (6646 South Prospect Tacoma WA 98409), Boot binding coupling for snow boards.
  5. Meyer Urs P. (In der Rehweid 2 CH-8122 Pfaffhausen CHX), Plate release binding winter sports device.
  6. Donovan Matt J. (778 Sawmill Rd. Alta CA 95701), Quick-action adjustable snow boot binding mounting.
  7. Fauvet Jean-Francois (Grenoble FRX), Releasable binding assembly.
  8. Chamberlin Justin M. (Apartment 15G ; 713 J Clyde Morris Blvd. Newport News VA 23601), Snowboard boot binder attachments.
  9. Carpenter Jake B. (Manchester Center VT) Dodge David (Shelburne VT), Snowboard boot binding system.
  10. Gillis Donald B. (Lake Stevens WA), Water skiboard with rotatable binding.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (55) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Perlman Richard I., Adjustable boot-binding mount for snowboard.
  2. Sabol,Jeffrey P., Adjustable rotatable sports board boot binding.
  3. Hennebry,Patrick, Adjustable support apparatus between boot and snowboard.
  4. Egli, Kent, Adjustable two-position snowboard binding mount and methods.
  5. Gorza Roberto,ITX ; Bertolo Luca,ITX, Angular adjustment device, particularly for a snowboard binding.
  6. Dixon,Philip Allan, Angular adjustment mechanism for snowboard bindings.
  7. Eglitis Imants ; Papajohn Christopher G., Angularly adjustable snowboard binding mount.
  8. Acuna ; Jr. Peter R., Angularly adjustable snowboard boot binding.
  9. Acuna Peter R., Angularly adjustable snowboard boot binding.
  10. Cunningham, Christopher C.; Keller, Scott T., Binding components for a gliding board.
  11. Cunningham, Christopher C.; Keller, Scott T., Binding components for a gliding board.
  12. Keller Alexander,DEX, Binding for snowboards or the like.
  13. Pelchat,Jean Francois, Binding mounting system for recreational board.
  14. Pelchat, Jean-Francois, Binding system for recreational board.
  15. Pelchat, Jean-Francois, Binding system for recreational board.
  16. Pelchat, Jean-Francois, Binding system for recreational board.
  17. Haupt,Olivier, Bindings for ski boots for snowboards.
  18. Renshaw, David Eugene; Renshaw, Curtis Eugene, Board rotating mounts and methods of making and using the same.
  19. Renshaw, David Eugene; Renshaw, Curtis Eugene, Board rotating mounts and methods of making and using the same.
  20. Hwongbo, Seok Kun, Disk for controlling an angle of binding in snowboard.
  21. Sabol Jeffrey P., Double lock rotatable snowboard boot binding.
  22. Reynolds Dwight H., Dual-locking automatic positioning interface for a snowboard boot binding.
  23. Duggan John C., Dynamic syncronous pivoting boot and foot mounting system for sportingboards.
  24. Noyes, Chris M.; Story, Amanda, Electromagnetically lockable rotating binding for a sportboard or the like.
  25. Morrow, Neil E.; Morrow, Robert J., Forward lean system for a snowboard boot.
  26. Arlen Work, Free swiveling mount for sliding board boot bindings.
  27. Cole, III,Charles D., Freely rotatable binding for snowboarding and other single-board sports.
  28. Carlson Stephen R., Longitudinally adjustable mount for a snowboard binding.
  29. Carlson Stephen R., Longitudinally adjustable mount for a snowboard binding.
  30. Carlson, Stephen R., Longitudinally adjustable mount for a snowboard binding.
  31. Dodge David J., Method and apparatus for canting and lifting a snowboard binding.
  32. Maier, Jason N, Motorized snowboard.
  33. Dodge, David J., Mounting disk for a snowboard binding.
  34. Fey Martin J. ; Fey Erik W. ; Franzino Marie L., Nordic skiboard.
  35. Fey Martin J. ; Fey Erik W. ; Franzino Marie L., Nordic skiboard.
  36. McKenzie Dennis ; Claps Steven, Pivotally adjustable binding for snowboards.
  37. Keller Alexander,DEX ; Lehner Edwin,DEX, Retaining apparatus for securing bindings on snowboards or the like.
  38. Cole, III, Charles D., Rotatable footplate integrated with a bearing assembly imbedded in a single-board sport board.
  39. Huffman William A. ; Wade Duncan S. ; Brinkerhoff Mark D., Rotatable snowboard boot binding.
  40. Huffman William A. ; Wade Duncan S. ; Brinkerhoff Mark D., Rotatable snowboard boot binding.
  41. White, Rick, Rotatable snowboard boot binding apparatus.
  42. Bayer Seth W. ; Anderson Gerald R. ; Kittrell Wiley A., Rotatably adjustable snowboard binding assembly.
  43. Panzeri, Ezio, Rotating connection system with braking means.
  44. Van Bregmann, Jr., Peter R., Rotationally adjustable adapter for sport boot binding.
  45. Sabol Jeffrey P., Safety rotatable snowboard boot binding.
  46. Jungkind Roland,DEX, Selectively closable and releasable connecting device.
  47. Caputo, Robert John; Higgins, Michael Timothy, Shock-absorbing apparatus.
  48. Grindl Steve, Snow board binding.
  49. Berger Richard W. ; Berger Brant W., Snowboard binding.
  50. Pelchat, Jean-Francois; Warburton, Alex, Snowboard binding.
  51. White, Rick Albert, Snowboard rotatable binding conversion apparatus.
  52. Morrow Neil E. ; Morrow Robert J., Step-in snowboard binding and boot therefor.
  53. Morrow,Neil E.; Morrow,Robert J., Step-in snowboard binding and boot therefor.
  54. Berger, Richard W.; Berger, Brant W., Wakeboard binding.
  55. Richard W. Berger ; Brant W. Berger, Wakeboard binding.

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