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[미국특허] Pulse generator with charge pump 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-001/04
출원번호 US-0497210 (1995-06-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Smith Stephen W. (Raleigh NC)
출원인 / 주소
  • MTS Systems Corporation (Eden Prairie MN 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 11  인용 특허 : 9


A current pulse generator for generating current pulses on a conductor of controllable magnitude and duration based on a controlled pulse former. This pulse former is controlled by a controller in communication with a current sensor and operating a magnitude control signal generator as well as the p


A current pulse generation system for generating current pulses on an electrical pulse conductor, said current pulse generation system comprising: a variable magnitude pulse former having a magnitude control input, a pulse initiation input, and an output electrically connected to said pulse conducto

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (9)

  1. Marshall Andrew (Dallas TX), Charge pump.
  2. Chan Paul S. (Cupertino CA) Chow Raymond W. B. (Saratoga CA), Charge pump with symmetrical +V and -V outputs.
  3. Bohac ; Jr. Frank J. (Laguna Hills CA), Circuit for multiplying a pump clock voltage.
  4. Thomas Alexander C. (Horley GB2), DC/DC voltage multiplier with selective charge/discharge.
  5. Watanabe Takeshi (Tokyo JPX), High-voltage generating circuit having improved voltage boosting efficiency.
  6. Misaki Hirozumi (Suita JPX) Okada Yasuyuki (Takatsuki JPX), Integrated high voltage generating system.
  7. Lingstaedt Ernst (Zorneding DEX) Miller Paul (Munich DEX), MOSFET multiplying circuit.
  8. Skovmand Timothy J. (San Jose CA), Micropower gate charge pump for power MOSFETS.
  9. Silvian Sergiu (Pasadena CA), Pacemaker having independently programmable electrode configuration for pacing and sensing and method for operation ther.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (11)

  1. Stettner, Roger; Bailey, Howard; Short, Brad; Heughebaert, Laurent; Gilliland, Patrick, Automatic range corrected flash ladar camera.
  2. Stettner, Roger; Bailey, Howard; Short, Brad; Heughebaert, Laurent; Gilliland, Patrick, Automatic range corrected flash ladar camera.
  3. Stettner, Roger; Bailey, Howard; Short, Brad; Heughebaert, Laurent; Gilliland, Patrick, Automatic range corrected flash ladar camera.
  4. Kim,Joo Young, Charge pump circuit.
  5. Abedifard Ebrahim ; Roohparvar Frankie F., Current limiting negative switch circuit.
  6. Gwin, Jared M.; Racha, Sainath Reddy; Shope, Gregory D.; Jiang, Yiming Z., Filters, filter assemblies, filter systems and methods for identifying installation of qualified filter elements.
  7. Gwin, Jared M.; Racha, Sainath Reddy; Shope, Gregory D.; Jiang, Yiming Z., Filters, filter assemblies, filter systems and methods for identifying installation of qualified filter elements.
  8. Gwin, Jared M.; Racha, Sainath Reddy; Shope, Gregory D.; Jiang, Yiming Z., Filters, filter assemblies, filter systems and methods for identifying installation of qualified filter elements.
  9. Klaus-Manfred, Steinich, High-efficiency method and pulse generator for generating short voltage pulses.
  10. Chen, Gongyin; Drubka, Robert Edward, Method and apparatus for interlaced amplitude pulsing using a hard-tube type pulse generator.
  11. Ciro W. Milazzo, Method for sensing the output voltage of a charge pump circuit without applying a load to the output stage.

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