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[미국특허] Ventilation louver assembly, and methods of constructing and utilizing same 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B60H-001/34
출원번호 US-0485101 (1995-06-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Saida Yoshitaka (Utsunomiay JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Honda Giken Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha (Tokyo JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 9  인용 특허 : 13


A louver assembly for directing airflow from an air duct. The assembly includes a discharge outlet adapted to attach to an air duct at an opening thereof; a plurality of directional louvers pivotably attached to the discharge outlet; and a lever, connected to the louvers, for selectively directing a


A louver assembly for directing airflow from an air duct opening, comprising: a discharge outlet which, attaches to an air duct at an opening thereof; a plurality of directional tourers pivotally attachable to said discharge outlet; means, connected to each of said directional louvers for selectivel

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Locker Howard W. (820 N. Ocean Blvd. Delray Beach FL 33444), Air diffuser.
  2. Corriveau Joseph A. (17339 Wiltshire Blvd. Southfield MI 48076), Air disperser for air conditioner/heater ducts.
  3. Hara Junichiro (Yokohama JPX) Taguchi Mitsuru (Yokosuka JPX) Takahashi Hideo (Yokohama JPX), Air spout device for a ventilating arrangement.
  4. Amano Masao (Shizuoka JPX), Air supply adjusting mechanism for air conditioner.
  5. Marton Lewis (Randwick AUX), Air vent.
  6. Terry Warren W. (Lawton MI), Air vent adjustable vanes for controlling air flow direction.
  7. Bloomer Stephen F. (Lambeth CAX), Diffuser air outlet register.
  8. Ostrand, James C.; Tumas, Todd M., Dual mode air outlet for air conditioning system.
  9. Heinemann Joachim (Weinheim DEX) Spies Karl-Heinz (Birkenau DEX) Keller Frank (Weinheim DEX) Beicht Bernd (Gross-Umstadt DEX) Leitermann Wulf (Bad Wimpfen DEX) Lechler Rolf (Necharsulm DEX), Louver.
  10. Nobata Tetsuo (C/O Universal Climb Co. ; Ltd. ; 6-6 ; Horita-dori Mizuho ; Nagoya ; Aichi JA), Louver assembly.
  11. Soethout Freddie (Pulheim DEX) Prause Martin (Coburg DEX), Outlet nozzle for ventilation or air-conditioning systems.
  12. Taylor Larry D. (Louisville KY) Reel David A. (Louisville KY) Renfro Gene R. (Louisville KY), Variable discharge grill for room air conditioner.
  13. Martin ; Sr. Lendell (P.O. Box 344 Mt. Enterprise TX 75681), Ventilating air distributor.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (9) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Browne, Alan L.; Johnson, Nancy L.; Aase, Jan H.; Brown, James H., Active material actuated louver system.
  2. Andreas Schwandt DE; Silke Hasenauer DE; Bertram Seydell DE, Air current regulating nozzle arrangement for ventilating the interior of an automobile.
  3. Elder Jack E., Air vent having two coplanar vane sets.
  4. Gehring, Thomas F.; Thornback, Matthew G.; Sultan, Farhan, Air vent providing diffusion.
  5. Demerath, Michael, Air vent, especially for vehicle air-conditioning.
  6. Davis, Jr., Joseph J.; Palazzolo, Jack S., Climate control system outlet.
  7. Ranade, Bhushan; Peters, H. James; Fabisch, Jason, Damper assembly.
  8. Manor, Gedalyahu, Method of dispersing air, jets from air conditioning systems and mixing them with the ambient air of an enclosure for better comfort and apparatus to create the jets.
  9. Okada,Makoto; Ogura,Mitsuo; Asano,Kenji; Kako,Junichiro, Register for air conditioning.

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