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System and method for constructing wall of a tube 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B21D-041/04
출원번호 US-0329526 (1994-10-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hoffmann Benjamin R. (Hopkins MN) Staskelunas David A. (Maple Grove MN)
출원인 / 주소
  • Tandem Systems, Inc. (Maple Grove MN 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 21


An apparatus for constricting an end of a metallic tube (or worktube) to form an arcuate-walled portion that has an outer surface is provided. The apparatus comprises a means for rotating the tube on its axis, a movable means for heating an end portion of the tube, and a forming rolling means. The f


An apparatus for constricting an end of a metallic tube to form an arcuate-walled portion, the apparatus comprising: means for rotating the tube about its longitudinal axis; a forming roller mechanism including a forming roller adapted for applying pressure to an end portion of the tube, the forming

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (21)

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  2. Pss Hans-Uwe (Lengede DEX), Apparatus for flanging and swaging a cylindrical can body on both ends.
  3. Anagnostidis Marc (Chamalieres FR), Bottles for compressed gases of AU6MGT.
  4. Korte ; Helmut Gerhard, Burnishing attachment.
  5. Gnutov Anatoly N. (Moscow SUX) Golberg Boris S. (Nikolaev SUX) Zelenskaya Nadezhda N. (Kramatorsk SUX) Kaporovich Vladimir G. (Kramatorsk SUX) Kaporovich Vladimir V. (Kramatorsk SUX) Pirogov Varlen K, Conveyor roller and method of manufacture thereof.
  6. Evgenievich, Paton B.; Mikhailovich, Biletsky, S.; Fedorovich, Tereschenko A.; Pavlovich, Barvinko J., Crack arresting device for limiting propagation of cracks in welded structures fabricated from sheets.
  7. Dye Richard G. (4 Wilderness Trail Warren NJ 07060) Robichaud Arthur W. (1 Hook Harbor Rd. Atlantic Highlands NJ 07716), Deep drawn and ironed pressure vessel having selectively controlled side-wall thicknesses.
  8. Jurus, Kevin D., Draw-spinning of integral vehicle wheel rim and disc segments.
  9. Davis Paul K. (Alameda CA), End recorrugator.
  10. Werner John A. (Milwaukee WI), Fabrication of pressure vessels.
  11. Barrett Brian F. (Garden City MI) Firek Frank H. (Northville MI), Hydraulic cylinder for automotive steering systems and the like.
  12. Halene Clemens (Duesseldorf DEX), Making a seamless spherical case.
  13. Nee ; Paul, Method for the automatic manufacture of pressurized or liquefied gas tanks.
  14. Bichel Joachim H. (Oeventrop DT), Method of producing V-belt pulleys and spinning lathe for carrying out such method.
  15. Fendel Edwin (Kinnelon NJ), Pressure vessel and method.
  16. Bodega Sergio (Abbadia Lariana ITX), Process for manufacturing thin unitary hollow metal bodies.
  17. Ishii Hiroshi (Tokyo JPX) Arashi Masahiko (Chiba JPX) Ishijima Saburo (Yokohama JPX) Miyaji Kenichi (Chiba JPX) Satomi Yasuhiko (Yokohama JPX), Process for producing a metal vacuum bottle.
  18. Duffy James C. (South Euclid OH), Rolling of stepped shafts.
  19. Kitsuda Kaname (115 Shinshu ; Hiratsuka ; Kanagawa JA), Shaping apparatus and a method for producing a seamless container.
  20. Halasz Andrew (Crystal Lake IL), Spin flow forming.
  21. Kuether Siegfried (1199 Front Rd. La Salle ; Ontario CAX), Tube end forging process.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10)

  1. Bellomo, Alberto, Gas manifold for a cooking range, with a pipe closure.
  2. Lancaster,Paul B., Metal spin forming head.
  3. Matsuo Giichi,JPX ; Okawa Susumu,JPX ; Fujii Hiroshi,JPX, Method and apparatus for continuous rolling by reheating locally cold portions produced by clamping during flash-butt welding.
  4. Esterline Dale F. ; Donovan Michael J., Method and apparatus for forming the ends of metallic tubes.
  5. Masse{acute over ())}{acute over (})}e, Johan, Method and forming machine for deforming a workpiece.
  6. Jenness Blair L., Method for spin forming a tube.
  7. De Sousa Egas Jose ; Barber Gregory Lynn ; Tucker Donald Richard, Method for spin forming articles.
  8. Szuba, Joseph, Method of forming industrial housings.
  9. Feldmeier Fritz,DEX, Process and device for the continuous, chipless separation of individual rings from tubular workpieces.
  10. Foster Michael Ralph ; De Sousa Egas Jose ; Braatz William H., Spin formed vacuum bottle catalytic converter.
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