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Seat arrangement for motor vehicle 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B60N-002/06
출원번호 US-0350893 (1994-12-07)
우선권정보 JP-0031894 (1994-02-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Fujii Masanobu (Yourou JPX) Matsubara Tomoki (Ueda JPX) Tanaka Mitsuru (Oogaki JPX) Sugihara Naoki (Oogaki JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Ikeda Bussan Co., Ltd. (Ayase JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 41  인용 특허 : 4


A seat arrangement comprises first, second, and third groups of seats arranged lengthwise in order on a vehicle floor. Each of the second and third groups of seats includes left and right side seats arranged abreast with a center space defined therebetween. A rail structure extends longitudinally be


A seat arrangement for a motor vehicle having a vehicle floor, the seat arrangement comprising: first, second, and third groups of seats arranged lengthwise in order on said vehicle floor, each of said second and third groups of seats including left and right side seats arranged abreast with a cente

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4)

  1. Provencher Roland L. (4406 SW. 66th Terr. Davie FL 33314), Convertible bench seat for vans.
  2. Miller Harold J. (Mt. Clemens MI), In-floor seat adjuster.
  3. Fox Anthony (8306 Queen Ave. South Minneapolis MN 55431), Seating assembly for aircraft.
  4. Braun Dieter (Rheda-Wiedenbrck DEX) Hbner Peter-Michael (Rheda-Wiedenbrck DEX), Vehicle having at least two rows of tandem seats.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (41)

  1. Mattarella Bruce P. ; Harland Charles E. ; Cripe Ronald A. ; Jakubiec Steven M. ; Swailes Steven R., Access handgrips for use during ingress and egress from a vehicle.
  2. Day,Robert Christopher, Adjustable vehicle seat.
  3. Bonnes,Keith A.; Pham,Linh; Clark,Kenneth M.; Flowerday,Craig D., Article attachment system.
  4. Sturt Alan ; Ban Marcel C. ; Best ; Jr. William F. ; Drew Iris, Automotive seat assembly with folding structural supports for storage in a foot well for an automotive vehicle body.
  5. Scheinberg, David, Automotive seating configuration.
  6. Matori, Tadahiro, Car seat.
  7. Ewers,David J; Kavanagh,Gary A; Kondratek,Glen M; Mather,Carl, Collapsible seat mechanism with integrated subfloor.
  8. Lux Donald A.,SEX ; Massara Andrew J.,SEX ; Ban Marcel C. ; Sturt Alan, Collapsible vehicle seat assembly.
  9. Kitano, Toyoaki; Ieda, Masahiro; Kono, Osamu; Nakamura, Yasuhisa; Okada, Shimon; Kasuga, Kei; Kato, Shinichi, Device installation apparatus for moving body.
  10. Ban Marcel ; Sturt Alan, Double pivoting stowable seat.
  11. Sturt Alan ; Ban Marcel C. ; Drew Iris, Floor mounting system for a collapsible vehicle seat.
  12. Hecht Robert L.,SEX ; Ban Marcel Corneliu ; Sturt Alan, Foldable automotive seat.
  13. Sturt Alan ; Ban Marcel Corneliu, Folding seat assembly.
  14. Bishop,Peter; Madoui,Noureddine, Method and device for adapting the seat row arrangement in passenger planes according to need.
  15. Bishop, Peter; Sodore, Oumarou, Method and system for flexible seat arrangement in airplanes.
  16. Baldas Jason Paul ; Morrison Gerald Oscar ; Gasparotto Kevin ; Dowell Robert John ; Avram Eileen Marie ; Girolamo Michelle, Method of installing a vehicle interior.
  17. Saberan, Mohammad; Klein, James; Phillips, Brian D.; Kolena, David; Gam, Wee; Vakil, Sanjay; Dlugosz, Artur W.; Kresky, Fred; Calvert, Kyle; Kirk, Daniel, Modular seat/console for a vehicle.
  18. Pautz, Rick F; Smith, Francis Nile; Watson, Donna A, Motor vehicle seat system.
  19. Behrens Meinhard,DEX ; Witte Klaus,DEX, Motor vehicle with passenger seats which may be secured at selectable positions.
  20. Schliwa, Ralf; Mayer, Tobias, Reconfiguration of cabin layouts.
  21. Garrido Pascal,CAX, Release mechanism for fold and flip seat assembly.
  22. Kayumi, Tetsuya; Shirose, Osamu; Watanabe, Shinsuke; Nakamura, Yoshinori; Koike, Ohsuke, Seat arrangement structure for vehicle.
  23. Odagaki Kunimichi,JPX, Seat attachment structure for motor vehicles.
  24. Odagaki Kunimichi,JPX, Seat attachment structure for motor vehicles.
  25. Odagaki, Kunimichi, Seat attachment structure for motor vehicles.
  26. Brown, Gregory Philip; Nally, Warren; Green, Thomas, Seat configuration system for an automotive interior.
  27. Hiroyuki Okazaki JP; Yukifumi Yamada JP; Satoshi Hisada JP, Seat device for a vehicle.
  28. Fujiwara, Hiroyuki, Seat structure.
  29. Onji, Atsushi, Seat structure.
  30. Okazaki Hidetsugu,JPX ; Takahashi Naohiro,JPX, Seat structure for a vehicle.
  31. Gardiner,Geoffrey, Seating arrangement.
  32. Saberan, Mohammad; Klein, James; Phillips, Brian D.; Kolena, David; Gam, Wee; Vakil, Sanjay; Dlugosz, Artur W.; Kresky, Fred; Calvert, Kyle; Kirk, Daniel, Seating arrangement for a vehicle.
  33. Clark, Kenneth M.; Callif, Adam W.; Shin, Giovanni; Ickes, John C.; Warsaw, Michael M.; Brett, John; Flowerday, Craig D., Sliding and nesting console system.
  34. Busha, Bryan; Wieczorek, Joseph P., Sliding console.
  35. Krafcik John F., Vehicle console.
  36. Behrens, Meinhard, Vehicle seat arrangement.
  37. Clyde W Ney, Vehicle seat assembly.
  38. Villeminey, Jean-Paul, Vehicle seat assembly and method for use thereof.
  39. Lux Donald A.,SEX ; Massara Andrew J.,SEX ; Ban Marcel C. ; Sturt Alan, Vehicle seat assembly with collapsible riser.
  40. Roth, Michael; Schehl, Stefan; Brack, Steffen; Nasshan, Jürgen, Vehicle seat having a floor position.
  41. Ellerich, Frank; Kammerer, Joachim; Kuschmann, Ralph; Kunz, Holger, Vehicle seat having a folded position.
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