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[미국특허] Bottle case with integral sidewall logo 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
출원번호 US-0039952 (1995-06-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Apps William P. (Alpharetta GA) Koefelda Gerald R. (Atlanta GA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Rehrig-Pacific, Inc. (Los Angeles CA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 49  인용 특허 : 56


The ornamental design for a bottle case with integral sidewall logo, as shown and described.


대표청구항이 없습니다.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (56) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bridges John A. (Nashville TN) Storrs Harold W. (Nashville TN), Articles for beverage service.
  2. Carroll James C. (Hopkinsville KY) Johnson Lewis T. (Bartlesville OK), Bakery tray or the like.
  3. Box Theodor M. (Brielle NJ), Beverage bottle transport case.
  4. Davis Frank E. (Arlington TX), Bottle carrier.
  5. Umiker Hans (Egg/Zrich CHX), Bottle crate.
  6. Steinlein ; Rudolf F. ; Schoeller ; Christina, Bottle pack crate and bottle pack therefor.
  7. deLarosiere Pierre J. (Lisbon PTX), Case for beverage bottles.
  8. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA), Case for bottles of different sizes.
  9. deLarosiere Pierre J. (Lisbon PTX), Case for multipacks of bottles.
  10. Lafferty James (Erie PA), Case with hinged lid assembly.
  11. Toms Maxwell H. (Maribyrnong AUX), Container interior.
  12. Warwick Michael J. (Randburg ZAX), Crate.
  13. Warwick Michael J. (Randburg ZAX), Crate.
  14. Warwick Michael J. (Randburg ZAX), Crate.
  15. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Rehrig James B. (Rancho Palos Verde CA) Hagan John A. (Aldan PA), Cross-stacking bottle case.
  16. Jaeger Erwin (Herzogenrath DEX) Tiefels Wilhelm (Stolberg DEX), Equipment for transporting and/or storing textile bobbins.
  17. Box, Theodor M., Heavy-duty full-depth beverage case.
  18. deLarosiere Pierre J. (30 Rua D. Palmela Lisbon PTX), Interlocking stackable bottles.
  19. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA), Low-depth nestable tray for fluid containers.
  20. Apps William P. (Fullerton CA), Multi-level-stacking/nesting tray.
  21. Wise Thomas W. (Oreland PA), Nestable and stackable container for bulk material.
  22. Morris Peter M. (Wareton NJ) Allabaugh Robert C. (Barnegat NJ), Nestable beverage can tray.
  23. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA), Nestable bottle tray.
  24. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA), Nestable can tray.
  25. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA), Nestable low depth tray.
  26. Rehrig James B. (Rancho Palos Verde CA) Hagan John (Fountain Valley CA), Nestable open case.
  27. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA), Nestable tray.
  28. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA), Nesting and stacking storage container.
  29. David Pierre A. (18 Rue Jacquot Defrance 54520 Laxou FRX), Openwork crate for transporting bottles or the like.
  30. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA), Outer wall structure for a nestable tray.
  31. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA), Outer wall structure for a nestable tray.
  32. Rehrig James B. (6533 Via Lorenzo Rancho Palos Verde CA 90274), Plastic bag rack.
  33. Delbrouck ; Franz ; Nickel ; Wilfried, Plastic carrier for fluid containers.
  34. Bremer Donald (6303 Mojave Drive San Jose CA 95120), Protective packaging for bottles.
  35. Atkin ; Howard D. ; Stachurski ; Zbigniew H. ; Cherry ; Brian W., Re-usable plastic containers.
  36. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Lang-Ree Arne (Manhattan Beach CA), Reusable stackable tray for cans.
  37. Gray ; Lionel Cedric Nall, Securing devices.
  38. Rowland Nelson (Asheboro NC) Getto Robert D. (Greensboro NC), Shipping tray.
  39. Wallace ; Harry S. ; Taylor ; Robert C., Shipping tray for fruit.
  40. Hammett Roy (Tampa FL), Spacer tray for packaging containers.
  41. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Lang-Ree Arne (Manhattan Beach CA) Yelder W. Joseph (Peeksville NY), Stackable and nestable box.
  42. Martin Sam M. (Toronto CA), Stackable and nestable container.
  43. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Rehrig James B. (Rancho Palos Verde CA), Stackable castle crate.
  44. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Rehrig James B. (Rancho Palos Verde CA) Hagan John A. (Valley Forge PA), Stackable castle crate.
  45. Rehrig James B. (Rancho Palos Verde CA), Stackable castle crate.
  46. Palafox Federico V. (Naucapan de Juarez MXX), Stackable container for bottles and the like.
  47. Apps William (Anaheim CA) Hagan John A. (Valle Forge PA) Greve Wayne R. (Canton MI), Stackable dough tray.
  48. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Rehrig James B. (Rancho Palos Verde CA), Stackable low depth bottle case.
  49. Hepp James (Glen Cove NY), Stackable tray displaying soda bottles.
  50. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Lang-Ree Arne (Manhattan Beach CA), Stackable tray for cans.
  51. Torokvei Thomas Evald (Don Mills CA), Stacking case.
  52. Wright William V. (Charlotte NC), Stacking plastic bottle case.
  53. Rehrig James B. (6533 Via Lorenzo Palos Verdes Peninsula CA 90274), Three-sided, stackable material handling crate.
  54. Hammett Roy (Tampa FL), Universal bottle case.
  55. Hammett Roy (Tampa FL), Universal case for transporting bottles.
  56. Hagan John A. (Huntington Beach CA) Lafferty James (Fullerton CA), Water bottle crate.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (49) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hammett Roy, Beverage container crate.
  2. Apps, Shelby Frances; Clark, Suzanne Whitfield; Apps, William P.; Parra, Crystal Y.; Hassell, Jon P., Beverage crate.
  3. Stahl, Edward L., Beverage crate.
  4. Stahl, Edward L., Beverage crate with constant-diameter pockets.
  5. Stahl, Edward L., Beverage crate with constant-diameter pockets.
  6. Koefelda, Gerald R.; Apps, William P., Bottle crate.
  7. Koefelda, Gerald R.; Apps, William P., Bottle crate.
  8. Koefelda, Gerald R.; Apps, William P., Bottle crate.
  9. Koefelda,Gerald R.; Apps,William P., Bottle crate.
  10. Stahl, Edward L., Bottle crate.
  11. Stahl, Edward L., Bottle crate.
  12. Stahl, Edward L., Bottle crate.
  13. Hassell, Jon P.; Apps, William P.; Koefelda, Gerald R., Crate for bottles or the like.
  14. Apps, William P., Handle portion for stackable low depth crate.
  15. Hassell, Jon P., Low depth crate.
  16. Hassell, Jon P., Low depth crate.
  17. Koefelda,Gerald R.; Apps,William P.; Guerra,Gabriel A.; Musser,Brian T., Low-depth nestable tray for fluid containers.
  18. Apps, William P.; Gruber, Robert V., Nestable crate for containers.
  19. Apps, William P.; Gruber, Robert V., Nestable crate for containers.
  20. Apps, William P.; Gruber, Robert V., Nestable crate for containers.
  21. Apps, William P.; Gruber, Robert V., Nestable crate for containers.
  22. Hassell,Jon P.; Apps,William P.; Gruber,Robert V., Nestable crate for containers.
  23. William P. Apps ; Robert V. Gruber, Nestable crate for containers.
  24. Umiker Hans,CHX, Stackable bottle case.
  25. Apps,William P.; Koefelda,Gerald R., Stackable low depth bottle case.
  26. Koefelda,Gerald R.; Bell,Donald L., Stackable low depth case with handle structure.
  27. Apps William P. ; Hwang Philip C., Stackable low depth tray.
  28. Apps, William P., Stackable low depth tray.
  29. Apps, William P., Stackable low depth tray.
  30. Apps, William P., Stackable low depth tray.
  31. Apps, William P., Stackable low depth tray.
  32. Apps, William P., Stackable low depth tray.
  33. Apps, William P., Stackable low depth tray.
  34. Apps, William P., Stackable low depth tray.
  35. Apps, William P., Stackable low depth tray.
  36. Apps, William P., Stackable low depth tray.
  37. Apps,William P., Stackable low depth tray.
  38. Apps,William P., Stackable low depth tray.
  39. Meers, Ryan C.; Apps, William P.; Clark, Suzanne Whitfield, Stackable low depth tray.
  40. William P. Apps, Stackable low depth tray.
  41. William P. Apps, Stackable low depth tray.
  42. William P. Apps ; Philip C. Hwang, Stackable low depth tray.
  43. Riedesel, Shaun; Derby, Randy, Stackable tray for holding cartridges.
  44. Riedesel, Shaun; Derby, Randy, Stackable tray for holding cartridges.
  45. Hassell, Jon P.; Apps, William P.; Koefelda, Gerald R., Stacking crates.
  46. Hassell, Jon P.; Apps, William P.; Koefelda, Gerald R., Stacking crates.
  47. Apps, William P.; Gruber, Robert V., Surface for nestable crate.
  48. Roy Hammett, Two liter bottle crate.
  49. Roy Hammett, Two liter bottle crate.

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