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[미국특허] Hydraulic suspension system for a vehicle cab 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B60G-017/00
  • B62D-033/10
출원번호 US-0414715 (1995-03-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Furihata Kenichi (Kanagawa JPX) Takei Fumiaki (Kanagawa JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Isuzu Motors Ltd. (Tokyo JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 30  인용 특허 : 0


A vehicle cab attitude controlling system including a frame supported by wheels of the vehicle, a cab mounted on the frame; a cab suspension system mounting the cab on the frame and allowing relative movement therebetween, the cab suspension system having a plurality of seats each supporting a diffe


A road vehicle cab attitude controlling apparatus comprising: frame means supported by wheels of the vehicle; cab means mounted on said frame means and adapted for receiving occupants of the vehicle; cab suspension means mounting said cab means on said frame means and allowing relative movement ther

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (30) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. McCullough, William, Aerodynamic guiding arrangements for vehicles.
  2. Paggi Bruno,ITX ; Contessini Felice,ITX, Agricultural machine with a self-leveling cab.
  3. Sorum, Robert D.; Schafer, Gary L.; Trudeau, Curtis A.; Winter, Dick E., Anti-roll suspension valve body.
  4. Sorum, Robert D.; Trudeau, Curtis A.; Schafer, Gary L.; Winter, Dick E., Anti-roll suspension valve body.
  5. Wurmthaler, Christoph; Kuehnlein, Alexander; Haller, Erwin; Kolb, Jens, Apparatus and method for active spring suspension of a vehicle component.
  6. Iwasaki Katsuya,JPX, Apparatus and method for controlling damping force characteristic of shock absorber for cab over type truck.
  7. Haller, Erwin; Kolb, Jens, Apparatus comprising a suspension system and method for adjusting a suspension system.
  8. Skelcher,Michael D.; Yorwarth,Graeme J., Cab support system for an agricultural vehicle.
  9. Virtanen, Totte; Sinkko, Simo, Cab suspensions.
  10. Catanzarite David M. ; St. Clair Kenneth A. ; Marjoram Robert H., Controllable cab suspension.
  11. Haller, Erwin, Device and method for suspension of a vehicle cabin by means of additional volumes.
  12. Haller, Erwin, Device and method for suspension of a vehicle seat by means of additional volumes.
  13. Kolb, Jens; Haller, Erwin, Device for springing a mass, and method for adjusting and/or operating a fluid spring.
  14. Lee, Hyun Woo, Front panel opening/closing system interlocking with cab tilting.
  15. Jones, Steven D.; Warnat, Ronald B.; Ellen, Brett D.; Pauli, Nathan S.; Contratto, Michael S., Machine employing cab mounts and method for controlling cab mounts based on machine operation.
  16. Raad Joseph Michael ; Oliver ; Jr. John Allen ; Norton Russell Lee ; Kokotovic Vladimir V., Method of improving response time in a vehicle active tilt control system.
  17. Davis, Daniel E., Pipelayer with cab riser.
  18. Riha, Gary D.; Koss, Michael J., Roll-out cab for off-road equipment.
  19. Deml, Johann; Dieling, Erich; Kohl, Josef; Lorey, Alexander; Renner, Manfred, Scissors-type frame for a vehicle seat and method for producing a substructure of a vehicle seat.
  20. Deml, Johann; Vogl, Andreas; Lorey, Alexander, Spring-mounted vibration system to reduce vibration.
  21. Hayes, Aaron R.; Derham, Christopher D.; Cowper, Lance M.; Lee, Ralph J., Structure and a system for connecting a machine cab to a supporting frame.
  22. Takahashi Toru,JPX, Suspension control system and method for cab over type truck.
  23. Takahashi Toru,JPX, Suspension control system and method for cab over type truck.
  24. Buhl, Manfred; Quaing, Matthias; Langhorst, Friedhelm; Lorenz, Karl; Lahmann, Kerstin; Eismann, Jens, Suspension device having anti-roll compensation.
  25. Schick,Troy Eugene; Volfson,Boris P., Tractor power hop control system and method.
  26. Barta,David J.; Kruckemeyer,William C.; Bishop,Todd A.; Lubbers,Stephan A., Truck cab suspension control.
  27. Haller, Erwin; Kolb, Jens, Vehicle comprising a spring-mounted vehicle seat and a spring-mounted vehicle cab, and suspension method.
  28. Yamamoto, Shinsuke, Vehicle controller.
  29. Haller, Erwin, Vehicle seat having a device for controlling a pneumatic suspension system.
  30. Haller, Erwin, Vehicle seat with a base frame and a seat frame moveable relative to that base frame.

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