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[미국특허] Process for the recovery of perfluorinated compounds 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F25J-003/00
출원번호 US-0678921 (1996-07-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Tamhankar Satish S. (Scotch Plains NJ) Sweeney Paul A. (Basking Ridge NJ) Saxena Neeraj (Murray Hill NJ)
출원인 / 주소
  • The BOC Group, Inc. (New Providence NJ 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 7


A process for recovering a given component from a first gas stream in which the given component is intermittently present by PSA or TSA using an adsorbent which more strongly adsorbs the given component by introducing into the first gas stream, prior to PSA or TSA treatment, a second gas stream that


A process for separating components of a feed gas comprised of a first component and a second component, wherein the concentration of said second component in said feed gas varies over time, by a cyclic adsorption process using an adsorbent which more strongly adsorbs said second component than said

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kearns Patrick (Oxford NJ), Adsorption condensation solvent recovery system.
  2. Rose Robert K. (Burnt Hills NY) Woodson Carl W. (Ballston Lake NY), Application of organic gas sensors in the detection and separation of recovered volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
  3. Wright Danny W. (Hickory KY), Chlorocarbon and halogen recovery from vent gas stream.
  4. Dunne Stephen R. (Bethel CT) Staniulis Mark T. (Peekskill NY) Cohen Alan P. (New Fairfield CT), Process for recovery and purification of refrigerants with solid sorbents.
  5. Sakai Takeshi (Hiratsuka JPX), Refrigeration cycle apparatus having refrigerant separating system with pressure swing adsorption.
  6. Klobucar Joseph M. (12111 Arrowhead Ct. Plymouth MI 48170-3602), Regenerative vapor condenser.
  7. Buet Michael P. (2 Mountain View Rd. New Fairfield CT 06812) Petvai Steve I. (2 Bell Air La. Wappinger Falls NY 12590), System and process for removing potential pollutants from a vapor stream.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Zhai, Suling; Lu, Yaping, Gas prepurification process.
  2. Gupta, Ramesh; Deckman, Harry W.; Leta, Daniel P., Gas purification process utilizing engineered small particle adsorbents.
  3. Sundaram, Narasimhan, Increasing scales, capacities, and/or efficiencies in swing adsorption processes with hydrocarbon gas feeds.
  4. Doong, Shain-Jer; McIlroy, Christopher B., Method for smoothing time-varying concentration of a fluid stream.
  5. Sanui Hiroshi,JPX ; Takahashi Nobuhiko,JPX ; Yamamoto Shigeyuki,JPX, Ozone concentrating process.
  6. Ha Bao ; Arcuri Timothy, Perfluorocompound separation and purification method and system.
  7. Kamakoti, Preeti; Leta, Daniel P.; Deckman, Harry W.; Ravikovitch, Peter I.; Anderson, Thomas N., Pressure-temperature swing adsorption process.
  8. Ravikovitch, Peter I.; Johnson, Robert A.; Deckman, Harry W.; Anderson, Thomas N., Pressure-temperature swing adsorption process for the separation of heavy hydrocarbons from natural gas streams.
  9. Fraysse, Philippe, Process for removing the fluorocompounds or fluorosulphur compounds from a stream of xenon and/or krypton by permeation.
  10. Leta, Daniel P.; Deckman, Harry W.; Ravikovitch, Peter I.; Derites, Bruce A., Rapid temperature swing adsorption contactors for gas separation.
  11. Leta, Daniel P.; Kamakoti, Preeti; Johnson, Jack W.; Ravikovitch, Peter I.; Deckman, Harry, Selective sulfur removal process.
  12. Deckman, Harry W., Swing adsorption processes utilizing controlled adsorption fronts.
  13. Leta, Daniel P.; Kamakoti, Preeti; Deckman, Harry W.; Ravikovitch, Peter I.; Anderson, Thomas N., Temperature swing adsorption process for the separation of target species from a gas mixture.

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