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Oral compositions having accelerated tooth whitening effect 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61K-007/16
  • A61K-007/20
출원번호 US-0499532 (1995-07-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Gaffar Abdul (89 Carter Rd. Princeton NJ 08902) Fakhry-Smith Sahar (7 Ryans Ct. Bordentown NJ 08505)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 74  인용 특허 : 0


A two component whitening dentifrice composition is disclosed which comprises a first component containing a peroxygen compound such as hydrogen peroxide and a second dentifrice component containing a manganese coordination complex compound such as manganese gluconate, which activates the peroxygen


A method of whitening stained or discolored teeth in the oral cavity which comprises applying to the teeth a two component whitening composition, which will whiten stained or discolored teeth, when applied thereto, the composition being comprised of a first component containing in a vehicle a safe a

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (74)

  1. Gerald McLaughlin, Accelerated method and instrumentation for whitening teeth.
  2. McLaughlin Gerald, Accelerated method and instrumentation for whitening teeth.
  3. Chen, Tianming, Adhesive dental bleaching compositions comprising polyvinylpyrrolidone.
  4. Chen, Tianming, Adhesive dental bleaching compositions containing polyvinylpyrrolidone.
  5. Chen, Tianming, Adhesive dental bleaching compositions containing polyvinylpyrrolidone.
  6. Kim, Ji-Young; Kim, Jong-Ho; Chang, Sug-Youn; Yun, Sei-Young; Yang, Hae-Young; Kwak, Sang-Hoon, Apparatus and method for whitening teeth.
  7. Tung, Ming, Calcium peroxyphosphates and use thereof in dental compositions.
  8. Tung, Ming S., Calcium peroxyphosphates and use thereof in dental compositions.
  9. Howard Herman S., Chewing gum containing a teeth whitening agent.
  10. Jensen Steven D. ; Fischer Dan E., Compositions and methods for whitening and desensitizing teeth.
  11. Nishioka, Akihiko; Yasuda, Takeshi, Conductive terminal welding method and conductive terminal structure.
  12. Steven D. Jensen ; Dan E. Fischer, Dental bleaching compositions incorporating perborates.
  13. Kutsch V. Kim, Dental bleaching compositions, kits & methods.
  14. Abhijit Banerjee ; Joshua Friedman, Dental bleaching gel composition, activator system and method for activating a dental bleaching gel.
  15. Fischer Dan E., Dental compositions having a sticky matrix material for treating sensitive teeth.
  16. MacDonald, Jeff; Quan, Nancy N.; Hayman, Robert, Dental whitening compositions.
  17. Milanovich, Nebojsa; Cameron, Ryan B.; Curtis, John P.; Subramanyam, Ravi; Prencipe, Michael, Dental whitening method.
  18. Prencipe Michael (West Windsor NJ) Masters James G. (Flemington NJ) Drago Vincent O. (Sayreville NJ), Dentifrice composition containing calcium peroxide having heightened tooth whitening effect.
  19. White ; Jr. Donald James ; Glandorf William Michael ; McClanahan Stephen Francis ; Cox Edward Russell ; Estes Paul Donald, Dentifrice compositions containing polyphosphate and fluoride.
  20. McClanahan Stephen Francis ; White ; Jr. Donald James ; Cox Edward Russell, Dentifrice compositions containing polyphosphate and monofluorophosphate.
  21. McLaughlin Gerald, Device and method using dry mixtures for whitening teeth.
  22. McLaughlin, Gerald, Device and method using dry mixtures for whitening teeth.
  23. Belfer William A. ; Petillo Phillip J., Disinfectant composition for infectious water and surface contaminations.
  24. Prencipe Michael ; Drago Vincent O. ; Wong Mike ; Self Barry D. ; Williams Malcolm ; Afflitto John, Dual component antiplaque and tooth whitening composition.
  25. Prencipe Michael ; Wong Mike ; Drago Vincent O. ; Bentley Marcus ; Hassan Mahmoud ; Dixit Nagaraj S., Dual component antiplaque and tooth whitening composition.
  26. Masters James G. ; Gambogi Robert J. ; Wong Mike ; Hoic Diego A. ; Drago Vincent O., Dual component oral composition having accelerated tooth whitening effect.
  27. Glandorf, William M.; Dixon, Jr., Cloyd; Jacobs, David S.; Walden, Gary L.; Wireko, Fred C., Dual phase stannous oral compositions.
  28. Tianming Chen CN, Enamel-safe tooth bleach and method for use.
  29. Pellico,Michael A., Increased peroxide content tooth bleaching gel.
  30. Pellico,Michael A., Increased peroxide content tooth bleaching gel.
  31. Robert Eric Montgomery ; Salim A. Nathoo, Light-activated tooth whitening composition and method of using same.
  32. Montgomery, Robert Eric; Nathoo, Salim A., Light-activated tooth whitening method.
  33. Sale, David W.; Bradshaw, Scott Stephen, Method and apparatus for whitening teeth using a fluid delivery toothbrush.
  34. Kim, Ji-Young; Kim, Jong-Ho; Chang, Sug-Youn; Yun, Sei-Young; Choi, An-gi, Method and device for teeth whitening using a dry type adhesive.
  35. van den Bosch Willem Frederik,NLX, Method for preparing a preparation for bleaching teeth or for treating skin complaints and mucous membrane disorders.
  36. Fischer Dan E., Method for treating sensitive teeth.
  37. Baig, Arif Ali; Faller, Robert Vincent; White, Jr., Donald James, Method of protecting teeth against erosion.
  38. Baig, Arif Ali; Faller, Robert Vincent; White, Jr., Donald James, Method of protecting teeth against erosion.
  39. Glandorf,William Michael; Bacca,Lori Ann, Method of reducing staining of stannous in dentifrice compositions.
  40. Fischer, Dan E., Methods for bleaching and desensitizing teeth.
  41. Steven D. Jensen ; Dan E. Fischer, Methods for bleaching, opacifying and desensitizing teeth.
  42. Sagel, Paul Albert, Methods for whitening teeth.
  43. Sagel, Paul Albert, Methods for whitening teeth.
  44. Chen, Tianming, Methods of bleaching teeth using adhesive dental bleaching compositions containing polyvinylpyrrolidone.
  45. Melman, Steven A., Multi-functional dental composition.
  46. Chang, Sug-Youn; Kim, Ji-Young; Kim, Jong-Ho; Yun, Sei-Young, Multi-layer patches for teeth whitening.
  47. Allred, Peter M., Multi-part dental bleaching systems and methods for bleaching teeth using such systems.
  48. Jensen Steven D. ; Fischer Dan E., One-part dental compositions and methods for bleaching and desensitizing teeth.
  49. White, Jr., Donald J.; Glandorf, William M.; Busscher, Henk J.; Knight, Jeannine R.; Baig, Arif A., Oral compositions providing optimal surface conditioning.
  50. Chang, Sug-Youn; Kim, Ji-Young; Kim, Jong-Ho; Yun, Sei-Young, Patches for teeth whitening.
  51. Kim, Ji-Young; Kim, Jong-Ho; Chang, Sug-Youn; Yun, Sei-Young, Patches for teeth whitening.
  52. Kim, Ji-Young; Kim, Jong-Ho; Chang, Sug-Youn; Yun, Sei-Young, Patches for teeth whitening.
  53. Kim, Ji-Young; Kim, Jong-Ho; Chang, Sug-Youn; Yun, Sei-Young, Patches for teeth whitening.
  54. Kim, Ji-Young; Kim, Jong-Ho; Chang, Sug-Youn; Yun, Sei-Young, Patches for teeth whitening.
  55. Orlowski,Jan A.; Butler,David V., Process and composition for high efficacy teeth whitening.
  56. Paul Albert Sagel ; Philippe G. Lapujade ; Melissa Ellen Jeffers, Products and methods that simulate changes in tooth color.
  57. Lee G. Jae ; Ziemkiewicz Alexander George ; Williams David Robert ; Barrow Stephen Roy, Remineralization of teeth.
  58. Hince,Eric Christian, Solid-chemical composition for the non-exothermic chemical oxidation and aerobic bioremediation of environmental contaminants.
  59. Glandorf, William M.; Bacca, Lori Ann; White, Jr., Donald J.; Busscher, Henk J., Stannous oral compositions.
  60. Jan A. Orlowski ; David V. Butler ; Amy P. Noss, Teeth whitening composition with increased bleaching efficiency and storage stability.
  61. Montgomery R. Eric, Tooth bleaching compositions.
  62. Montgomery Robert Eric, Tooth bleaching compositions.
  63. Montgomery Robert Eric, Tooth bleaching compositions.
  64. Montgomery, Robert Eric, Tooth bleaching compositions.
  65. Montgomery,Robert Eric, Tooth bleaching compositions.
  66. R. Eric Montgomery, Tooth bleaching compositions.
  67. Sagel, Paul Albert; Nguyen, Lan Ngoc; Washington, Randy Purnell, Tooth whitening product.
  68. Montgomery R. Eric, Tooth-bleaching compositions.
  69. Montgomery, R. Eric, Tooth-bleaching compositions.
  70. Todd, Christopher; Trimble, Sylvia, Tooth-bleaching preparations.
  71. Todd, Christopher; Trimble, Sylvia, Tooth-bleaching preparations.
  72. Jan A. Orlowski ; David V. Butler, Two-part composition for high efficacy teeth whitening comprising a mixture of peroxides and/or percarbonates of metals.
  73. Allred, Peter M., Two-part dental bleaching systems having improved gel stability and methods for bleaching teeth using such systems.
  74. Knowland, John Sebastian; Dobson, Peter James; Wakefield, Gareth, Ultraviolet light screening compositions.
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