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[미국특허] Reverse electronic dictionary using synonyms to expand search capabilities 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-003/14
  • G06F-017/21
출원번호 US-0528359 (1995-09-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Crawford H. Vance (Traver Hollow Rd.
  • P.O. Box 36 Boiceville NY 12412) Crawford Joel (Utrechtsestraat 77-3 1017 VJ Amsterdam NLX)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 26  인용 특허 : 0


A method for the retrieval from an electronic dictionary of a word which is known or believed to exist but can not be brought to mind or a word that is thought may exist, to replace a pedestrian word or phrase. A complete thesaurus and dictionary are needed to establish numeric codes. The numeric co


An improved computer implemented reverse electronic dictionary of the type wherein one or more search words are entered to retrieve a word sought, the improvements comprising: a wide database of synonyms compartmented into synonym groups which are associated with each main entry and definition word,

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (26) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Summitt, Eric, Apparatus and method for identifying unknown word based on a definition.
  2. Trauring, Philip, Collaborative updating of collection of reference materials.
  3. Fuerst, Karl; Kresser, Florian, Complex data assembly identifier thesaurus.
  4. Kanno Yuji,JPX, Dictionary and index creating system and document retrieval system.
  5. Yuji Kanno JP, Dictionary and index creating system and document retrieval system.
  6. Takahashi,Kunikazu, Dictionary apparatus for preparing and displaying form with keyword entries from entered word string.
  7. Kaijima Ryota,JPX, Document composition supporting method and system, and electronic dictionary for terminology.
  8. Nelson Philip C., Evaluation of content of a data set using multiple and/or complex queries.
  9. Lundgren David A. ; Oxford William V., High performance stereo sound enclosure for computer visual display monitor and method for construction.
  10. Nomiyama Hiroshi,JPX, Information retrieval system and method.
  11. Martinez, Anthony Edward; Rahn, Michael D., Integrated user interface mechanism for recursive searching and selecting of items.
  12. Berstis, Viktors, Method and apparatus for creating a glossary of terms.
  13. Flank, Sharon, Method and apparatus for digital media management, retrieval, and collaboration.
  14. Russell, David W.; Oborne, John, Method and system for searching text.
  15. Moshe Rubin IL; Daniel Brief IL; Asher Szmulewicz IL; Moshe Matitya IL; Moshe Kranc IL; Jeff Schneiderman IL; Elena Neroslavskaya IL, Method for providing computerized word-based referencing.
  16. Xing, Fei; Dong, Jing; Guo, Ning; Hou, Lei; Zhang, Qin, Method, apparatus and system, for rewriting search queries.
  17. Kaeser, Alain, Methods and apparatus for processing grammatical tags in a template to generate text.
  18. Ando, Shinichi; Sadamasa, Kunihiko; Doi, Shinichi, Natural-language processing system and dictionary registration system.
  19. Yamamuro, Noriko, Navigational map data object selection and display system.
  20. Cao, Yunbo; Li, Hang; Xu, Jun, Ranking and accessing definitions of terms.
  21. Xing, Fei; Dong, Jing; Guo, Ning; Hou, Lei; Zhang, Qin, Search method, apparatus and system based on rewritten search term.
  22. Sauls, Cullen; Leithead, Travis; Tokumi, Roland, Synonym and similar word page search.
  23. Sauls, Cullen; Leithead, Travis; Tokumi, Roland, Synonym and similar word page search.
  24. Fredenburg Timothy, System and method for using a correspondence table to compress a pronunciation guide.
  25. Fredenburg,Timothy, System and method for using a correspondence table to compress a pronunciation guide.
  26. Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Shindo, Mika; Isahara, Hitoshi, Word usage analyzer.

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