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[미국특허] Filtration system and mount for beverage dispensers and automatic beverage brewing machines 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B01D-021/08
출원번호 US-0508752 (1995-07-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Posner Mark A. (Los Angeles CA) McQueen Al (Los Angeles CA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Iraco Filtration Systems, Inc. (Inglewood CA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 53  인용 특허 : 14


A filtration system having an in-line filter cartridge with the inlet at one end of the filter cartridge and the outlet at the opposite end of the cartridge. The filter cartridge is connected to the cartridge mounting on the fluid conduits via quick-disconnect couplers with built-in automatic water


A fluid treatment cartridge system, comprising: a cartridge for through flow treatment of fluid, the cartridge having an inlet fluid coupling at one end of the cartridge and an outlet fluid coupling at an opposite end of the cartridge, the inlet and outlet couplings providing detachable fluid access

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (14) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Katsura Yoshiro (Narashino JPX), Apparatus for removing bubbles from a liquid.
  2. Stephens James B. (La Crescenta CA) Miller Charles G. (Pasadena CA), By-pass water softener system and installation.
  3. May Gary A. (606 Lembo Cir. ; #105 Clearwater FL 33515), Chemical dispenser for toilets.
  4. Kyle Robert C. (Minneapolis MN), Cooking oil filtering apparatus and filter therefor.
  5. Hiller Donald E. (Santa Barbara CA), Filter with quick-connect coupling.
  6. Auclair Claude (Soulanges CAX), Filtering unit for biological fluids.
  7. Stenger, Lawrence, Filtration vessel and end cap lock by a flexible rod.
  8. Posner Mark A. (Culver City CA), Horizontal motion quick-disconnect filter system with recirculating bypass.
  9. Boyd David D. (Portland OR) Johnson Michael W. (St. Helens OR), Hot beverage preparation and dispensing cart.
  10. Casolo Angelo J. (Columbia MD) Handler Henry (Brookeville MD), Modular container.
  11. Parham Marc E. (Sharon MA) Milligan Karen E. (Lowell MA), Non-adsorptive, semipermeable filtration membrane.
  12. McCausland Calvin W. (165 North ; 1300 East Springville UT 84663) Palombo Louis A. (622 North ; 300 East Spanish Fork UT 84660), Portable water purification system.
  13. Jackson Philip (Paris FRX), Self-cleaning filter and steam condenser inlet water box comprising same.
  14. Jolley F. Carlton (68C Federal Rd. Englishtown NJ 07726), Water purification unit.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (53) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hyde, Roderick A.; Leuthardt, Eric C.; Lord, Robert W.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L., Communication regarding aspects of a dispensed consumable composition.
  2. Hyde, Roderick A.; Leuthardt, Eric C.; Lord, Robert W.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L., Communication regarding aspects of a dispensed consumable composition.
  3. Campbell,Jeffrey M.; Niermeyer,J. Karl; de los Reyes,Gast처n; Wargo,Christopher R.; Miller,Richard L.; Guerrera,Stephen K., Connector apparatus and system including connector apparatus.
  4. Niermeyer, J. Karl; de los Reyes, Gastón, Connector apparatus and system including connector apparatus.
  5. Niermeyer,J. Karl; de los Reyes,Gast처n; Wargo,Christopher R.; Miller,Richard L.; Guerrera,Stephen K., Connector apparatus and system including connector apparatus.
  6. Ferrari,Markus, Device for exchanging and/or docking functional modules.
  7. Stankowski, Ralph; Niermeyer, J. Karl; Wacks, William, Disposable fluid separation device and manifold assembly design with easy change-out feature.
  8. Stankowski,Ralph; Niermeyer,J. Karl; Wacks,William, Disposable fluid separation device and manifold assembly design with easy change-out feature.
  9. Stankowski,Ralph; Niermeyer,J. Karl; Wacks,William, Disposable fluid separation device and manifold assembly design with easy change-out feature.
  10. Reid, Roger P., Filter for liquid.
  11. Reid, Roger P., Filter for liquid.
  12. Reid, Roger P., Filter for liquid.
  13. Anderson Steven D. ; Anderson Kenneth R. ; Faust Nancy A., Filtered hydraulic fluid handling system.
  14. Hiranaga,Hajime; Hoshino,Tatsuya, Filters.
  15. Hiranga,Hajime; Hoshino,Tatauya; Hiromichi,Itoh, Filtration systems and fitting arrangements for filtration systems.
  16. Buesseler, Josh; Stephens, Redwood; Sherrard, Earl, Fluid filtration device.
  17. Crary, Lynwood F.; Podstawny, Krzysztof; Cerini, Richard, Fuel filter housing.
  18. Lacy Charles R. ; Baird Michael T., Inline filter having swivel fitting.
  19. Reid, Roger P., Keyed system for connection of filter cartridge to filter holder.
  20. Reid, Roger P., Keyed system for connection of filter cartridge to filter holder.
  21. Reid, Roger P., Keyed system for connection of filter cartridge to filter holder.
  22. Reid, Roger P., Keyed system for connection of filter cartridge to filter holder.
  23. Reid, Roger P., Keyed system for connection of filter cartridge to filter holder.
  24. Reid,Roger P., Keyed system for connection of filter cartridge to filter holder.
  25. Laverdiere, Marc; Clarke, Michael, Liquid filtration device.
  26. Laverdiere,Marc; Clarke,Michael, Liquid filtration device.
  27. Eckerbom, Anders; Lindestam, Per, Liquid separator with holder unit.
  28. Campbell,Jeffrey M.; Niermeyer,J. Karl, Method and system for purging a dispensed fluid within a fluid dispensing system including a filter-free connector apparatus.
  29. Campbell,Jeffrey M.; Niermeyer,J. Karl, Method and system for purging a dispensed fluid within a fluid dispensing system including a filter-free connector apparatus.
  30. Paskalov,George; Gorodkin,Mark; Sokolov,Viktor, Methods and devices for dispensing a potable product liquid.
  31. Temple, Jr., Loren F., Methods and systems for use in forming an article from a multi-layer sheet structure.
  32. Temple, Jr., Loren F.; Pramanik, Pranabes K., Methods and systems for use in forming an article from a multi-layer sheet structure.
  33. Lin, ZhenWu, Modular filter capsule apparatus.
  34. Lin, Zhenwu, Modular filter capsule apparatus.
  35. Hyde, Roderick A.; Leuthardt, Eric C.; Lord, Robert W.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L., Programmed dispensing of consumable compositions.
  36. Hyde, Roderick A.; Leuthardt, Eric C.; Lord, Robert W.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L., Programmed dispensing of consumable compositions.
  37. Hyde, Roderick A.; Leuthardt, Eric C.; Lord, Robert W.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L., Programmed dispensing of consumable compositions.
  38. Hyde, Roderick A.; Leuthardt, Eric D.; Lord, Robert W.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wood, Jr., Lovell L., Programmed dispensing of consumable compositions.
  39. Williams Richard T., Purifier.
  40. Reid, Roger P., Quick change filter and bracket system with key system and universal key option.
  41. Reid,Roger P., Quick change filter and bracket system with key system and universal key option.
  42. Reid,Roger P., Quick change filter and bracket with key system and universal key option.
  43. Reid,Roger P., Quick change fitter and bracket system with key system and universal key option.
  44. Reid, Roger P., Quick-change filter and bracket system.
  45. Reid,Roger P., Quick-change filter and bracket system.
  46. Reid,Roger P., Quick-change filter and bracket system.
  47. Niermeyer,J Karl; Laverdiere,Marc; Stankowski,Ralph J.; Smith,Joseph, Receptor for a separation module.
  48. Latino, Octavio Ramon; Allen, Lloyd Andrew, Removable final scrubber tube.
  49. Hyde, Roderick A.; Leuthardt, Eric C.; Lord, Robert W.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L., Reordering of consumable compositions.
  50. Niermeyer,J Karl; Laverdiere,Marc; Stankowski,Ralph J.; Smith,Joseph, Separation module.
  51. Hyde, Roderick A.; Leuthardt, Eric C.; Lord, Robert W.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L., Sterilization of consumable composition dispensers.
  52. Hyde, Roderick A.; Leuthardt, Eric C.; Lord, Robert W.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L., Sterilization of consumable composition dispensers.
  53. Souza William J., Water purifying and vending apparatus.

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