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[미국특허] Anti-reverse rotation valve for scroll compressor 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F04C-018/04
  • F04C-029/00
  • F04C-029/02
  • F16K-015/02
출원번호 US-0619316 (1996-03-21)
발명자 / 주소
  • Harrison Mark W. (Onalaska WI) Kotlarek Peter A. (Onalaska WI) Singletary Charles A. (Whitehouse TX) Wollitz John Kenneth (Tyler TX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Alliance Compressors (Tyler TX 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 9


A scroll-type refrigeration compressor has a gas-liquid mixture discharge passage extending through the driver scroll drive shaft for discharging refrigerant gas and entrained lubricant into a high pressure chamber in the compressor housing. An anti-reverse rotation valve is connected to the distal


In a scroll-type gas compressor; a pair of interacting scroll members forming compression chambers; an elongated drive shaft drivably connected to one of said scroll members, said drive shaft including an elongated high pressure gas discharge passage extending therethrough from said one scroll membe

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (9) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kousokabe Hirokatu (Yokohama JPX), Hermetic scroll fluid discharge apparatus with pressurized fluid passage in wrap.
  2. Ozu Masao (Fuji JPX) Misawa Kanji (Fujimiya JPX) Togawa Takahiro (Numazu JPX), Hermetically-sealed compressor with motor.
  3. Fraser ; Jr. Howard H. (Lafayette NY) Lane William R. (Dewitt NY) Etemad Shahrokh (East Syracuse NY), Muffler/check valve assembly for scroll compressor.
  4. Utter Robert E. (Whitehouse TX) Wall S. Boyd (Tyler TX) Singletary Charles A. (Whitehouse TX) Fields Gene M. (Bristol TN) Hill Joe T. (Bristol VA) Williams John R. (Bristol TN), Oil separation and bearing lubrication in a high side co-rotating scroll compressor.
  5. Inoue Toshinobu (Numazu JPX), Scroll compressor having exhausting pipe pressed into muffler chamber under pressure.
  6. Richardson ; Jr. Hubert (Brooklyn MI) Barito Thomas R. (Tecumseh MI), Scroll compressor top cover plate.
  7. Noburu Yoshinori (Oizumi JPX) Mitsunaga Toshihiko (Oizumi JPX) Sugimoto Kazuyoshi (Oizumi JPX), Scroll compressor with discharge valve opened by centrifugal force.
  8. Inoue Toshinobu (Numazu JPX) Oikawa Satoru (Fuji JPX) Kumashiro Katutoshi (Shizuoka JPX) Sakata Hirotsugu (Chigasaki JPX), Scroll-type compressor.
  9. Nishida Mitsuhiro (Fukuoka City JPX) Etou Isamu (Fukuoka City JPX) Morishita Etsuo (Amagasaki City JPX), Scroll-type vacuum apparatus with rotating scrolls and discharge valve.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Heidecker, Matthew J.; Caillat, Jean-Luc M., Anti-wear coatings for scroll compressor wear surfaces.
  2. Nam,Tae Hee, Apparatus for preventing the backflow of gas of scroll compressor.
  3. Joo, Young Se; Han, Na Ra, Backflow preventing apparatus for compressor.
  4. Su, Xiaogeng, Compressor having shell with alignment features.
  5. Reynolds, Charles E.; Tesch, Todd E., Compressor having wire retainer.
  6. Reynolds, Charles Edward; Tesch, Todd Edward, Compressor having wire retainer.
  7. Guo, Huaming; You, Jun; Cao, Yong, Compressor with retaining mechanism.
  8. Buckley, Michael Lee, Discharge gas check valve integral with muffler.
  9. Thomas R. Barito ; Frederick L. Phillips ; Zili Sun ; Jay Andrew Herbert, Force-fit scroll compressor components.
  10. Heidecker, Matthew J.; Lichty, Jeffrey Jay; Pax, Dennis D.; McEldowney, Dale Joseph; Manning, Todd A.; Gehret, Natalie M., Injection molded seals for compressors.
  11. Ignatiev, Kirill, Open drive scroll machine.
  12. Beekman Dennis M., Prevention of oil backflow from a screw compressor in a refrigeration chiller.
  13. Weatherston Roger C. ; Feathers Kenneth L. ; Fogt James F. ; Caillat Jean-Luc, Scroll compressor.
  14. Bonear,Ron; Perevozchikov,Michael; Ignatiev,Kirill, Scroll machine having a discharge valve assembly.
  15. Kimoto, Yoshio; Ota, Masaki; Hoshino, Nobuaki; Kawaguchi, Masahiro, Swash plate compressor.
  16. Reinhart, Keith J., Two-piece powdered metal suction fitting.
  17. Lars Ivan Sjoholm ; Lee J. Erickson ; Dean William Osterman, Valve arrangement for a compressor.

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