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[미국특허] Slurry-loadable electrical initiator 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F42B-003/195
출원번호 US-0578890 (1995-12-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hamilton Brian K. (Littleton CO) Haynes Kenneth E. (Parker CO) Kirk Doug R. (Parker CO) Blomberg William J. (Parker CO)
출원인 / 주소
  • OEA, Inc. (Aurora CO 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 40  인용 특허 : 10


Slurry-loadable electrical initiators are disclosed. In one aspect, a fuel slurry and oxidizer slurry are separately prepared and then mixed (e.g., in a static mixer) into a pyrotechnic material slurry. The pyrotechnic material slurry is loaded into the initiator (e.g., by a positive displacement pu


A method for assembling an electrical initiator, comprising the steps of: loading a first slurry into a charge casing, said first slurry comprising first and second constituents in suspension in said first slurry, wherein a first pyrotechnic material comprises said first and second constituents, sai

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Carter George B. (Lichfield GB2), Case priming.
  2. Lee John T. M. (Phoenixville PA), Electric initiator.
  3. Fhl Artur (Schorndorf DEX), Electrical plug connection on a pyrotechnical gas generator provided with an electrical igniter.
  4. Goetz George W. (Rochester Hills MI) Vos Thomas H. (Rochester MI), Gas generating material.
  5. Ross Cyrus A. (Kirkland Lake CAX) Thurow Eberhard (Kirkland Lake CAX), Mix-delivery system for explosives.
  6. Taylor Robert D. (Hynum UT) Smith Gary L. (Ogden UT) Olsen Ritchie (Ogden UT), Process for making an enhanced thermal and ignition stability azide gas generant.
  7. Vos Thomas H. (Rochester MI) Kumkoski James M. (Utica MI) Knowlden Leo S. (Gilbert AZ) Goetz George W. (Rochester Hills MI), Process for manufacturing a gas generating material.
  8. Vos Thomas H. (Rochester MI) Kumkoski James M. (Utica MI) Knowlden Leo S. (Gilbert AZ) Goetz George W. (Rochester Hills MI), Process for manufacturing a gas generating material.
  9. Vos Thomas H. (Rochester MI) Kumkoski James M. (Utica MI) Knowlden Leo S. (Romeo MI) Goetz George W. (Rochester Hills MI), Spheronizing process.
  10. Goetz George W. (Rochester Hills MI), Water based coating for gas generating material and method.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (40) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hale, Ron L.; Lei, Mingzu; Lloyd, Peter M.; Munzar, Patrik; Sharma, Krishnamohan; Solas, Dennis W.; Stracker, Matthew D., Aerosol drug delivery device incorporating percussively activated heat packages.
  2. Barker,Kent; Brisighella,Dario; Parks,Brent, Airbag initiator cover attachment apparatus and method.
  3. Rosu, Marius, Axial spin method of distributing pyrotechnic charge in an initiator.
  4. Birkin, Christopher Malcolm; Kruger, Johannes Petrus; Van Der Walt, Herman, Detonator.
  5. Olzinger,Adolf; Bender,Richard, Electric ignition unit for igniting propellants.
  6. Barker,Kent; Kida,Jeff; Brisighella,Dario; Parks,Brent, Electrical connection apparatus and method for an airbag inflator.
  7. Marino, Steven H.; Jayakumar, Marathurai S.; Kohl, Christopher E., Enhanced reliability miniature piston actuator for an electronic thermal battery initiator.
  8. Marino, Steven H.; Jayakumar, Marathurai S.; Kohl, Christopher E., Enhanced reliability miniature piston actuator for an electronic thermal battery initiator.
  9. Brisighella, Jr., Dario G.; Jordan, Michael Perry; Ballam, David Oral; Merrell, Glade Alan; Baugh, Jeffery Greg, Header assembly.
  10. Baglini, James L.; Helmy, Abdel K.; Stang, Peter L.; Dunkerson, Dennis E.; Wright, James H., High impetus, high burn rate gas generant propellant and seatbelt pretensioner incorporating same.
  11. Yamazaki, Masayuki; Matsuda, Naoki, Igniter assembly.
  12. Kinoshita, Gen; Harada, Hiroshi; Oda, Shingo, Igniter for inflator and method of manufacturing thereof.
  13. Yamauchi, Shigeru; Tomoi, Kenichiro; Yui, Takaaki; Sakai, Toshiyuki; Oda, Shingo, Igniter, igniter assembly, and detection system and detection method therefor.
  14. Bernard, Thierry; Roine, Rene; Mausy, Guy, Ignition module for explosive content detonator, method and equipment for making a detonator equipped with same.
  15. Fink, Thomas; Pfeiffer, Thomas, Initiation device.
  16. Avetisian, Vahan, Initiator with a bridgewire configured in an enhanced heat-sinking relationship.
  17. Renz, Robert N.; Avetisian, Vahan; Carroll, Patrick J., Initiator with a slip plane between an ignition charge and an output charge.
  18. Avetisian, Vahan; Bonas, Andrew; Rosin, Todd; Kajita, Eishi, Initiator with an internal sleeve retaining a pyrotechnic charge and methods of making same.
  19. Avetisian,Vahan; Bonas,Andrew; Rosin,Todd; Kajita,Eishi, Initiator with an internal sleeve retaining a pyrotechnic charge and methods of making same.
  20. Avetisian, Vahan; Chimayan, Mher, Integral pyrotechnic initiator with molded connector.
  21. Hamilton, Brian K., Low density slurry bridge mix.
  22. Hamilton, Brian K., Low firing energy initiator pyrotechnic mixture.
  23. Hamilton, Brian K., Low firing energy initiator pyrotechnic mixture.
  24. Oda, Shingo; Fujii, Hiroyuki, Method for supplying pyrotechnic material slurry.
  25. Rink Karl K. ; Moore Walter A. ; Green David J., Non-pyrotechnic initiator.
  26. Sharma, C. V. Krishnamohan; Lau, Hoi Sze; Wang, Karen; Lei, Mingzu; Rappoport, Vladimir, Printable igniters.
  27. Tirmizi, Abrar A., Pyrotechnic initiator having output can with encapsulation material retention feature.
  28. Tirmizi,Abrar A., Pyrotechnic initiator having output can with encapsulation material retention feature.
  29. Avetisian, Vahan; Rosin, Todd, Pyrotechnic initiator with a narrowed sleeve retaining a pyrotechnic charge and methods of making same.
  30. Damani, Ramesh; Hale, Ron L.; Myers, Daniel J.; Quintana, Reynaldo J.; Solas, Dennis W.; Song, Soonho; Soni, Pravin; Tom, Curtis; Sharma, Kirshnamohan, Self-contained heating unit and drug-supply unit employing same.
  31. Damani, Ramesh; Hale, Ron L.; Myers, Daniel J.; Quintana, Reynaldo J.; Solas, Dennis W.; Song, Soonho; Soni, Pravin; Tom, Curtis; Sharma, Krishnamohan, Self-contained heating unit and drug-supply unit employing same.
  32. Damani, Ramesh; Hale, Ron L.; Myers, Daniel J.; Quintana, Reynaldo J.; Solas, Dennis W.; Song, Soonho; Soni, Pravin; Tom, Curtis; Sharma, Krishnamohan, Self-contained heating unit and drug-supply unit employing same.
  33. Biggs, Bradley; Bonbrake, Timothy B.; Budy, George Darryl; Schott, Christopher, Shock hardened initiator and initiator assembly.
  34. Biggs, Bradley; Bonbrake, Timothy B.; Budy, George Darryl; Schott, Christopher, Shock hardened initiator and initiator assembly.
  35. Biggs, Bradley; Bonbrake, Timothy B.; Budy, George Darryl; Schott, Christopher, Shock hardened initiator and initiator assembly.
  36. Biggs, Bradley; Bonbrake, Timothy B.; Budy, George Darryl; Schott, Christopher, Shock hardened initiator and initiator assembly.
  37. C. John Anderson CA, Simple kit and method for humanitarian demining operations and explosive ordinance disposal.
  38. Herget, John, Single increment initiator charge.
  39. Willhelm Robert S. ; Strang Robert J., Single pin coaxial initiator, retainer and connector and method of operation.
  40. Ron,Hale L.; Lei,Mingzu; Pettit,Hilary N.; Solas,Dennis W.; Song,Soonho; Tom,Curtis, Stable initiator compositions and igniters.

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