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[미국특허] Modified polyurethane including filler and method of manufacture thereof 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C08K-005/54
  • C08J-005/24
출원번호 US-0587038 (1996-01-16)
발명자 / 주소
  • Garrett Thomas M. (Corona CA) Gruzins Indulis (Amherst NY)
출원인 / 주소
  • MCP Industries, Inc. (Corona CA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 13


A modified polyurethane structionally incorporating filler having active hydrogen groups on a surface thereof into a polyurethane polymer. The filler is first fluidized with a polyol and then reacted with a linking component having an organo reactive group that is reactive with an isocyanate. Polyis


A method of manufacturing a modified polyurethane composition incorporating a filler having active hydrogen groups; said composition having relatively good dynamic properties comprising: (a) mixing and reacting particulate filler with a linking component having a filler reactive group and an organo

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Chihara Kohji Y. (Hudson OH) Lenke Gerd M. (Canton OH), Abrasion resistant polyurethane blend compositions.
  2. Rizk Sidky D. (Westfield NJ) Hsieh Harry W. S. (Rahway NJ), Bonding method employing moisture curable polyurethane polymers.
  3. Yoshioka Hiroshi (Gunma JPX) Ono Ichiro (Gunma JPX) Sugahara Hideki (Gunma JPX), Coating compositions.
  4. Chang ; Wen-Hsuan ; Dowbenko ; Rostyslaw ; Hartman ; Marvis E. ; Porter ; Jr. ; Samuel, Coating compositions composed of hydroxyfunctional polymers or copolymers and alkoxysilanes.
  5. Smith James A. (Old Tappan NJ) Murphy Betty J. (Upper Montclair NJ), Floor cleaning and waxing composition.
  6. Bauer Herbert (Paudex CHX) Gilch Heinz G. (Bad Homburg DEX) Rath Walter (Oberursel DEX) Schumann Use (Oberursel DEX), Moisture-curing polyurethane-based hot-melt compositions.
  7. Harrison John A. (Hudson WI) Young Chung I. (Roseville MN) Lee Stewart P. (Van Nuys CA), Oil and water resistant polyurethane resin and polyol composition useful to make the same.
  8. Iannicelli Joseph (Macon GA), Polyurethanes containing amino organosilane modified clay.
  9. Tsuno Shingo (Sakai JPX) Ito Masahiro (Mishima JPX), Primer composition.
  10. Brooks Rodney R. (Gateshead GB2), Process for inhibiting fouling of an underwater surface.
  11. Ida Kozo (Otake JPX), Resin composition containing fine silica particles therein.
  12. Rykowski John J. (1026 S. Fircroft St. West Covina CA 91791), Silane coupling agents.
  13. Nishino Kenichi (Ibaraki JPX) Kobayashi Atsuo (Nishinomiya JPX) Higashi Sachio (Suita JPX) Yamamoto Shinichiro (Hikami JPX) Yasuda Kiyoshi (Ikeda JPX), Thixotropic polyurethane resin compositions.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Phipps, Jonathan Stuart, Clear coating compositions comprising particulate inorganic mineral.
  2. Alan J. Kaylo ; Richard F. Karabin ; Tie Lan ; Michael G. Sandala, Curable coating compositions containing high aspect ratio clays.
  3. Firestone, Kirk; Amman, Scott L.; Varner, Richard; Johnson, Derek, Manikin stretch joint.
  4. Raday, Robert Michael, Method for spray forming high modulus polyurethane structures.
  5. Garrett,Thomas M.; Du,Xian Xian, Moisture-curing polyurethane material having a long gel time.
  6. Rusche, Timothy, Process for the rotational molding of polyurethane articles.

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