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[미국특허] Sod roll laying apparatus and method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A01B-045/00
출원번호 US-0567750 (1995-12-05)
발명자 / 주소
  • Link Larry R. (Frankfort IL)
출원인 / 주소
  • American Roller Bushing Corporation (Monee IL 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 6


A sod laying apparatus is provided which also has sod roll loading and transporting capabilities and a method of laying sod using such an apparatus without requiring a winch or a separate forklift to load sod onto the apparatus while also providing for increased sod laying rates. The sod laying appa


A sod roll laying apparatus for transporting a sod roll having a central turning axis extending between sides of the roll to a site and for laying the sod at the site in a sod laying operation, the sod roll laying apparatus comprising: a frame movable along the ground for carrying the sod roll; a pa

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hess Douglas S. (1362 Conneaut Bowling Green OH 43402), Apparatus for laying turf.
  2. Jonasson Karl-Jonas (Borlnge SEX) Tibck Bo (Borlnge SEX) Hedberg Lars-Ake (Falun SEX) Wallin Alf (Borlnge SEX), Constant pressure regulation of grader blades.
  3. Brouwer Gerardus J. (Keswick CAX) Zwambag Henry (Sutton CAX), Cutoff mechanism for a sod laying machine.
  4. Hutchison Marion E. (Waterloo IA), Sod harvesting apparatus.
  5. Woerner Edward E. (26250 Bruhn Rd. Elberta AL 36530), Sod roll-out machine with endless tracks.
  6. Mail Stuart P. (“Lothlorien”Lake Road ; Deepcut Camberley ; Surrey GB3 GU16 6QY), Turf handling machine.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Lazaro, Joseph, Artificial ground cover and system of installation.
  2. Nordloh, Thomas H., Erosion blanket installation device.
  3. Ruiz, Juan M., Landscape roll layer.
  4. Holland Gregory Paul ; Ishaug Steven Douglas, Sod laying apparatus.
  5. Miller Donald R., Sod laying apparatus.
  6. Houska Ronald L., Sod laying apparatus and method.
  7. Peterson, Jonathan Michael, Sod laying machine.
  8. Carlson, Paul, Sod positioning machine.
  9. Ford, Anthony, Sod roll dispenser.
  10. Bass, Anthony C.; Bass, Luther C., Sod roll installation device.
  11. Himmelberg,Wayne F., Sod unrolling machine.
  12. Halter Thomas E., Sod-laying vehicle apparatus and Sod-holding device therefor.
  13. Fecteau, Berthold; Girouard, Bruno; Massicotte, Alain; Audet, Mathieu, Three-wheel vehicle and concentric intermediate sprocket assembly therefor.
  14. Guay, Etienne; Longpre , Guillaume; Aube , Martin, Three-wheeled vehicle.

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