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[미국특허] Network sales system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H04L-009/00
출원번호 US-0328133 (1994-10-24)
발명자 / 주소
  • Payne Andrew C.
  • Stewart Lawrence C.
  • Mackie David J.
출원인 / 주소
  • Open Market, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Fish & Richardson P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1433  인용 특허 : 0


A network-based sales system includes at least one buyer computer for operation by a user desiring to buy a product, at least one merchant computer, and at least one payment computer. The buyer computer, the merchant computer, and the payment computer are interconnected by a computer network. The bu


[ What is claimed is:] [32.] A network-based sales system, comprising:at least one buyer computer for operation by a user desiring to buy a product;at least one merchant computer; andat least one payment computer;said buyer computer, said merchant computer, and said payment computer being interconne

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1433)

  1. Wheeler,Henry Lynn; Wheeler,Anne M., ABDS method and verification status for authenticating entity access.
  2. Wheeler, Lynn Henry; Wheeler, Anne M., ABDS method utilizing security information in authenticating entity access.
  3. Wheeler, Henry Lynn; Wheeler, Anne M., ABDS system and verification status for authenticating entity access.
  4. Wheeler,Lynn Henry; Wheeler,Anne M., ABDS system utilizing security information in authenticating entity access.
  5. O'Connor, Clint H.; Haze, Michael; Lo, Yuan-Chang, Acceleration of cloud-based migration/backup through pre-population.
  6. O'Connor, Clint H.; Haze, Michael; Lo, Yuan-Chang, Acceleration of cloud-based migration/backup through pre-population.
  7. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan, Accessing a vendor web site using personal account information retrieved from a credit card company web site.
  8. Weller, Kevin D.; Ryan, Stephen W.; Hill, Peter R.; Manessis, Thomas J.; Lewis, Tony D.; Dominguez, Benedicto H.; Bray, Peter; Reno, James Donald; Redford, Liane; Levy, Philippe; Hill, Trudy, Account authentication service with chip card.
  9. Wheeler, Anne Mcafee; Wheeler, Lynn Henry, Account authority digital signature (AADS) accounts.
  10. Wheeler, Lynn Henry; Wheeler, Anne M., Account authority digital signature (AADS) system.
  11. Wheeler, Lynn Henry; Wheeler, Anne M., Account authority digital signature (AADS) system.
  12. Wheeler,Lynn Henry; Wheeler,Anne M., Account authority digital signature (AADS) system using encoded information.
  13. Wheeler, Lynn Henry; Wheeler, Anne M., Account-Based digital signature (ABDS) system for authenticating entity access to controlled resource.
  14. Wheeler,Lynn Henry; Wheeler,Anne M., Account-based digital signature (ABDS) system.
  15. Howlid, Martin; Singh, Rohitashva, Active steering for marine seismic sources.
  16. Howlid, Martin; Singh, Rohitashva, Active steering for marine seismic sources.
  17. Burger, Michael, Adjustment of knowledge-based authentication.
  18. Burger, Michael, Adjustment of knowledge-based authentication.
  19. Pitroda, Satyan G.; Desai, Mehul, Administering a plurality of accounts for a client.
  20. Wilson, Michael, Administrative notes in network-based commerce facility.
  21. Wilson, Michael, Administrative notes in network-based commerce facility.
  22. Santeufemia, Michael N.; Moulios, Christopher John, Adult digital content management, playback and delivery.
  23. Ross, Jr., D. Delano; Ross, Daniel D.; Michaels, Joseph R.; May, William R.; Anderson, Richard A., Affiliate commerce system and method.
  24. Hess, Martin L.; Wilson, Michael K., Aggregation of reduced-sized images.
  25. Hess,Martin L.; Wilson,Michael K., Aggregation of reduced-sized images.
  26. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Roberts, James D., Aiming indicia for a bar code and method of use.
  27. Balasubramanian, Chandra S., Alternative payment implementation for electronic retailers.
  28. Balasubramanian, Chandra S.; Keresman, III, Michael A.; Goodman, Eric; Ratica, Adam; Rauhe, Scott, Alternative payment implementation for electronic retailers.
  29. Balasubramanian, Chandra S.; Keresman, III, Michael A.; Goodman, Eric; Ratica, Adam; Rauhe, Scott, Alternative payment implementation for electronic retailers.
  30. Dean, Michael John; Kapczynski, Mark Joseph, Always on authentication.
  31. Seal, Krishanu; Siegel, Hilliard B., Anonymous delivery of digital products over a network via a link.
  32. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Jobe, Richard T.; Bodiker II, Thomas C.; O'Meara, Timothy E.; Hanselman, Dave; Foley, Jim, Apparatus and method for custom cosmetic dispensing.
  33. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Jobe, Richard T.; Bodiker, II, Thomas C.; O'Meara, Timothy E.; Hanselman, Dave; Foley, Jim, Apparatus and method for custom cosmetic dispensing.
  34. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Jobe, Richard T.; Bodiker, II, Thomas C.; O'Meara, Timothy E.; Hanselman, Dave; Foley, Jim, Apparatus and method for custom cosmetic dispensing.
  35. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Jobe, Richard T.; Bodiker, II, Thomas C.; O'Meara, Timothy E.; Hanselman, Dave; Foley, Jim, Apparatus and method for custom cosmetic dispensing.
  36. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Jobe, Richard T.; Bodiker, II, Thomas C.; O'Meara, Timothy E.; Hanselman, Dave; Foley, Jim, Apparatus and method for custom cosmetic dispensing.
  37. Bartholomew,Julie R.; Jobe,Richard T.; Bodiker, II,Thomas C.; O'Meara,Timothy E.; Hanselman,Dave; Foley,Jim, Apparatus and method for custom cosmetic dispensing.
  38. Bartholomew,Julie R.; Jobe,Richard T.; Bodiker, II,Thomas C.; O'Meara,Timothy E.; Hanselman,Dave; Foley,Jim, Apparatus and method for custom cosmetic dispensing.
  39. Lurie, Steven; Faber, Scott; Van der Linden, Sean, Apparatus and method for ensuring a real-time connection between users and selected service provider using voice mail.
  40. Lurie, Steven; Faber, Scott; Van der Linden, Sean, Apparatus and method for ensuring a real-time connection between users and selected service provider using voice mail.
  41. Lurie, Steven; Faber, Scott; Van der Linden, Sean, Apparatus and method for ensuring a real-time connection between users and selected service provider using voice mail.
  42. Lurie, Steven; Faber, Scott; Van der Linden, Sean, Apparatus and method for ensuring a real-time connection between users and selected service provider using voice mail.
  43. Lurie,Steven; Faber,Scott; Van der Linden,Sean, Apparatus and method for ensuring a real-time connection between users and selected service provider using voice mail.
  44. Pearson, Jennifer; Wang, Bill, Apparatus and method for generating sub-codes to a turbo-encoder.
  45. Lurie, Steven, Apparatus and method for online advice customer relationship management.
  46. Lurie, Steven, Apparatus and method for online advice customer relationship management.
  47. Pienkos, John T., Apparatus and method for providing product location information to customers in a store.
  48. Pienkos, John T., Apparatus and method for providing product location information to customers in a store.
  49. Pienkos, John T., Apparatus and method for providing product location information to customers in a store.
  50. Pienkos, John Thaddeus, Apparatus and method for providing product location information to customers in a store.
  51. Faber, Scott; Van Der Linden, Sean; McKenna, Patrick; Chen, Peter, Apparatus and method for recruiting, communicating with, and paying participants of interactive advertising.
  52. Woolston, Thomas G., Apparatus and method for remote sellers to initiate auction instances at an auction facilitator system and receive or make payment for items bought and sold with the system by book entry accounting between participant accounts accessible to the system.
  53. Loomis, Stephen; Gondhalekar, Mangesh Madhukar, Apparatus and method for skipping songs without delay.
  54. Jacob,Karl; Faber,Scott; Van der Linden,Sean, Apparatus and method for specifying and obtaining services through an audio transmission medium.
  55. Jacob, Karl; Faber, Scott; Van Der Linden, Sean, Apparatus and method for specifying and obtaining services through voice commands.
  56. Joseph, Kuriacose; Jessup, Ansley Wayne; Dureau, Vincent; Delpuch, Alain, Apparatus for transmitting and receiving executable applications as for a multimedia system, and method and system to order an item using a distributed computing system.
  57. Engestr��m,Jyri; Ahtisaari,Marko; Hoisko,Jyrki, Apparatus, system, method and computer program product for creating shortcuts to functions in a personal communication device.
  58. Timothy P. Barber, Architecture for access over a network to pay-per-view information.
  59. Lauffer, Randall B., Assistance method and apparatus.
  60. Lauffer, Randall B., Assistance method and apparatus.
  61. Lauffer, Randall B., Assistance method and apparatus.
  62. Lauffer, Randall B., Assistance method and apparatus.
  63. Watt, II, William R.; Ackley, Matthew F.; Cornell, William J., Auction with interest rate bidding.
  64. Watt, II, William R.; Ackley, Matthew F.; Cornell, William J., Auction with interest rate bidding.
  65. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Audible designation for a node on a communication network.
  66. Burger, Michael; Dean, Michael John; Kapczynski, Mark Joseph; Yu, Nelson, Authentication alerts.
  67. Burger, Michael; Dean, Michael John; Kapczynski, Mark Joseph; Yu, Nelson, Authentication alerts.
  68. Hinton,Heather Maria; Vandenwauver,Mark, Authentication and authorization protocol for secure web-based access to a protected resource.
  69. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Killen, Kristopher; Hunter, William M.; Istok, Michael E., Automated customized cosmetic dispenser.
  70. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Killen, Kristopher; Hunter, William M.; Istok, Michael E., Automated customized cosmetic dispenser.
  71. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Killen, Kristopher; Hunter, William M.; Istok, Michael E., Automated customized cosmetic dispenser.
  72. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Killen, Kristopher; Hunter, William M; Istok, Michal E, Automated customized cosmetic dispenser.
  73. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Killen, Kristopher; Hunter, William Mark; Istok, Michael Edward, Automated customized cosmetic dispenser.
  74. Haze, Michael; O'Connor, Clint H.; Lo, Yuan-Chang, Automated digital migration.
  75. Herrero,Victor R., Automated entitlement verification for delivery of licensed software.
  76. Musgrove, Timothy A.; Hood, Robert, Automated on-line commerce method and apparatus utilizing a shopping server verifying product information on product selection.
  77. Musgrove, Timothy A.; Hood, Robert, Automated on-line commerce method and apparatus utilizing shopping servers which update product information on product selection.
  78. Wesinger ; Jr. Ralph E. ; Coley Christopher D., Automated on-line information service and directory, particularly for the world wide web.
  79. Pearson, Jennifer; Wang, Hsiaozhang Bill, Automated selection of images for web pages.
  80. Pearson, Jennifer; Wang, Hsiaozhang Bill, Automated selection of images for web pages.
  81. Slavin, Fred; Baltuch, Eric; Wren, Margaret; Gniewosz, Dennis; Pretlow, III, James P.; Marin, Freddy J., Automated statement presentation, adjustment and payment system and method therefor.
  82. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Automated teller machine (ATM) providing money for loyalty points.
  83. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Automatic configuration of equipment software.
  84. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan, Automatic configuration of equipment software.
  85. Vogel,Inna; Ye,Mei, Automatic notification of irregular activity.
  86. Lin, Huey; Levchin, Max; Han, Gina; Levan, Theodore Douglas; Levy, Dan; McGraw, Chris; Klein, Erik; Cervelli, Greg; Wo, Steven; Freeland, Carl; Chen, May; Wilson, Kristen; Nielson, Jason; Haffey, Kyle; Gonzales, Julie; Aptekar, Denise, Automatic restitution of transaction fees, punishment of non-paying bidders, and management of appeals.
  87. Barber Timothy P., Bandwidth-preserving method of charging for pay-per-access information on a network.
  88. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan, Bar code scanner and software interface interlock for performing encrypted handshaking and for disabling the scanner or input device in case of handshaking operation failure.
  89. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan, Battery pack having integral optical reader for wireless communication device.
  90. Immonen, Marko; Juntunen, Ari; Keinänen, Kimmo; Huostila, Tero, Billing in mobile communications system employing wireless application protocol.
  91. Miller, Harold; Toghill, Julian Mark; Pham, Tuan, Billing workflow system for crediting charges to entities creating derivatives exposure.
  92. Miller, Harold; Toghill, Julian Mark; Pham, Tuan, Billing workflow system for crediting charges to entities creating derivatives exposure.
  93. Engelhart,Robert L., Biometric authentication of a wireless device user.
  94. Liu, Allen Yihren; King, Philip J.; Maffeo, Michael; Tamhanker, Hemant V.; Agrawal, Ajay K., Business channel synchronization.
  95. Flitcroft, Daniel Ian; O'Donnell, Graham; Langford, Conor; Carroll, James, Business-to-business commerce using financial transaction numbers.
  96. Damale, Shridhar, Capturing and replaying application sessions using resource files.
  97. Damale, Shridhar, Capturing and replaying application sessions using resource files.
  98. Campisano Kurt M., Cardless payment system.
  99. Kurt M. Campisano, Cardless payment system.
  100. Nakajima,Kazuya, Cash payment system using vending machine.
  101. Ganesan, Ravi, Cashless transactions without credit cards, debit cards or checks.
  102. Wheeler, Anne M.; Wheeler, Lynn Henry, Central key authority (CKA) database for user accounts in ABDS system.
  103. Wheeler,Lynn Henry; Wheeler,Anne M., Central key authority database in an ABDS system.
  104. Bhagavatula, Ravishankar S.; Balasubramanian, Chandra S.; Sherwin, Francis M.; Keresman, III, Michael A.; Bowman, Jeffry J., Centralized identity authentication for electronic communication networks.
  105. Bhagavatula, Ravishankar S.; Balasubramanian, Chandra; Sherwin, Francis M.; Keresman, III, Michael A.; Bowman, Jeffry J., Centralized identity authentication for electronic communication networks.
  106. Bhagavatula, Ravishankar S.; Balasubramanian, Chandra; Sherwin, Francis M.; Keresman, III, Michael A.; Bowman, Jeffry J., Centralized identity authentication for electronic communication networks.
  107. Bhagavatula, Ravishankar S.; Balasubramanian, Chandra; Sherwin, Francis M.; Keresman, III, Michael A.; Bowman, Jeffry J., Centralized identity authentication for electronic communication networks.
  108. Bhagavatula, Ravishankar S.; Balasubramanian, Chandra; Sherwin, Francis M.; Keresman, III, Michael A.; Bowman, Jeffry J., Centralized identity authentication for electronic communication networks.
  109. Bhagavatula, Ravishankar S.; Balasubramanian, Chandra; Sherwin, Francis M.; Keresman, III, Michael A.; Bowman, Jeffry J., Centralized identity authentication for electronic communication networks.
  110. Bhagavatula,Ravishankar S.; Balasubramanian,Chandra S.; Sherwin,Francis M.; Keresman, III,Michael A.; Bowman,Jeffry J., Centralized identity authentication for electronic communication networks.
  111. Geer ; Jr. Daniel E. ; Tumblin Henry R., Certifying authorization in computer networks.
  112. Hobson, Carol Lee; Hussain, Sohail M., Client system facilitating an online card present transaction.
  113. Ellis, Michael D.; Lemmons, Thomas R.; Thomas, William L., Client-server electronic program guide.
  114. Steeves, David J., Client-side CAPTCHA ceremony for user verification.
  115. Steeves, David J., Client-side CAPTCHA ceremony for user verification.
  116. Storch, Gerald; Giampietro, Bob, Co-branded Internet service provider and retailer Internet service site with retailer-offered incentives for member use.
  117. Storch, Gerald; Giampietro, Bob, Co-branded internet service provider and retailer internet service site with retailer-offered incentives for member use.
  118. Storch,Gerald; Giampietro,Bob, Co-branded internet service provider and retailer internet service site with retailer-offered incentives for member use.
  119. Peacham, Anthony David, Codelets.
  120. Hartman, Peri; Bezos, Jeffrey P.; Kaphan, Sheldon J.; Spiegel, Joel R., Combining disparate purchases into a single purchase order for billing and shipment.
  121. Cornuejols,Georges Marc; Cornu챕jols,Emmanuelle Maurecette, Communications method and device.
  122. Lotvin Mikhail ; Nemes Richard Michael, Computer apparatus and methods supporting different categories of users.
  123. Lotvin Mikhail ; Nemes Richard Michael, Computer apparatus and methods supporting different categories of users.
  124. Lotvin,Mikhail; Nemes,Richard Michael, Computer apparatus and methods supporting different categories of users.
  125. Caplan, Alan; Leblang, Jonathan; Schooley, Shaun; Young, FuMing; Spiegel, Joel R.; Bezos, Jeffrey P., Computer services and methods for collecting payments from and providing content to web users.
  126. Kappel George T., Computer system and method for securely formatting and mapping data for internet web sites.
  127. Anderson, Claude T.; Rieth, Michael G., Computer-based auction and sale system.
  128. Haeg, Andrew; Kapur, Rajesh; Montello, Maria; Parnell, Carolyn; Skoler, Michael, Computer-based system and method for processing data for a journalism organization.
  129. Woolston, Thomas G., Computer-implement method and system for conducting auctions on the internet.
  130. Rajkumar, Vijay; Stieber, Rhonda; Srinivasaraghavan, Ashok; Sundaramoorthy, Arun Kumar; Kekkar, Sanjay; Kodlyan, John; Patangey, Dayanand, Computer-implemented methods and systems for identifying and reporting deviations from standards and policies for contracts, agreements and other business documents.
  131. Mark E. Ogram, Computers in a financial system.
  132. Rouse, John D.; Delaney, Raymond P., Confidence-based authentication.
  133. Peachman, Anthony David; Simmons, Ian Stephen, Configuration of IC card.
  134. Musgrove,Timothy Allen; Walsh,Robin Hiroko, Content aggregation method and apparatus for an on-line product catalog.
  135. Musgrove, Timothy Allen; Walsh, Robin Hiroko, Content aggregation method and apparatus for on-line purchasing system.
  136. Musgrove, Timothy Allen; Walsh, Robin Hiroko, Content aggregation method and apparatus for on-line purchasing system.
  137. Yoshioka,Makoto; Tsunoda,Haruhiko; Hasegawa,Kazuharu; Aoe,Hidefumi, Content sales period verifying system and content decryption key effective period verifying system.
  138. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Control of software interface with information input to access window.
  139. O'Toole ; Jr. James W. ; Gifford David K., Controlled transfer of information in computer networks.
  140. O'Toole, Jr.,James W.; Gifford,David K., Controlled transfer of information in computer networks.
  141. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan, Controlling a PC using a tone from a cellular telephone.
  142. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Conversion of loyalty points for a financial institution to a different loyalty point program for services.
  143. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Conversion of loyalty points for gaming to a different loyalty point program for services.
  144. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Conversion of loyalty program points to commerce partner points per terms of a mutual agreement.
  145. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Conversion of non-negotiable credits to entity independent funds.
  146. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Conversion/transfer of in-game credits to entity independent or negotiable funds.
  147. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Conversion/transfer of non-negotiable credits to entity independent funds.
  148. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Conversion/transfer of non-negotiable credits to in-game funds for in-game purchases.
  149. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Conversion/transfer of non-negotiable credits to in-game funds for in-game purchases.
  150. Bezos,Jeffrey P.; Kaphan,Sheldon J., Coordinating delivery of a gift.
  151. Keswani, Ravi Kant; Muthu, Manickababu; Guan, Qingcai; Weitzman, Jeffrey, Coupon copy protection.
  152. Keswani, Ravi Kant; Muthugopalakrishna, Manicka; Guan, Qingcai; Weitzman, Jeffrey, Coupon copy protection.
  153. Keswani, Ravi Kant; Muthugopalakrishna, Manicka; Guan, Qingcai; Weitzman, Jeffrey, Coupon copy protection.
  154. Keswani, Ravi Kant; Muthugopalakrishnan, Manicka; Guan, Qingcai; Weitzman, Jeffrey, Coupon copy protection.
  155. Stanley, Jennifer; Koenigsberg, Alan S.; Sandoval, Hector E., Coupon payment system.
  156. Flitcroft, Daniel I.; O'Donnell, Graham, Credit card system and method.
  157. Flitcroft, Daniel I.; O'Donnell, Graham, Credit card system and method.
  158. Flitcroft, Daniel I.; O'Donnell, Graham, Credit card system and method.
  159. Flitcroft, Daniel I.; O'Donnell, Graham, Credit card system and method.
  160. Flitcroft, Daniel I.; O'Donnell, Graham, Credit card system and method.
  161. Flitcroft, Daniel I; O'Donnell, Graham, Credit card system and method.
  162. Flitcroft, Daniel Ian; O'Donnell, Graham, Credit card system and method.
  163. Flitcroft,Daniel I.; O'Donnell,Graham, Credit card system and method.
  164. Flitcroft, Daniel Ian; Lyons, Garry, Credit cards system and method having additional features.
  165. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Cross marketing between an entity's loyalty point program and a different loyalty program of a commerce partner.
  166. Ogg, Craig L.; Chow, William W., Cryptographic module for secure processing of value-bearing items.
  167. Ogg, Craig L.; Chow, William W., Cryptographic module for secure processing of value-bearing items.
  168. Ogg, Craig L.; Chow, William W., Cryptographic module for secure processing of value-bearing items.
  169. Ogg, Craig L.; Chow, William W., Cryptographic module for secure processing of value-bearing items.
  170. Kagan, Erran; Banhegyesi, Tibor; Cohen, Avi, Current inputs interface for an electrical device.
  171. Tetsujiro Suzuki JP; Yuriko Kashu JP, Customer history management method and system in online shopping.
  172. Robert S. Feidelson ; C. Eric Peters ; Timothy C. Parrott ; Joseph P. Larizza, Customer loyalty investment program.
  173. Bartholomew, Julie R., Customized retail point of sale dispensing methods.
  174. Veres, Robert Dean; Liang, Ching-Jye, Customizing an application.
  175. Veres, Robert Dean; Liang, Ching-Jye, Customizing an application.
  176. Pitroda, Satyan G.; Desai, Mehul, Data consolidation expert system for facilitating user control over information use.
  177. Spencer, Jr.,Herman, Data storage and access employing clustering.
  178. Flitcroft,Daniel I.; O'Donnell,Graham, Data structure, method and system for generating person-to-person, person-to-business, business-to-person, and business-to-business financial transactions.
  179. Paila, Narasimha Rao; Mayya, Ajit Ramachandra; Nguyen, Huy; Norrell, Shannon, Data transmission and rendering techniques by a device via a network.
  180. Paila, Narasimha Rao; Mayya, Ajit Ramachandra; Nguyen, Huy; Norrell, Shannon, Data transmission and rendering techniques by a device via a network.
  181. Paila, Narasimha Rao; Mayya, Ajit Ramachandra; Nguyen, Huy; Norrell, Shannon, Data transmission and rendering techniques implemented over a client-server system.
  182. Owen, Daniel L.; Kusnic, Michael W., Decision-making system, method and computer program product.
  183. Owen, Daniel L.; Kusnic, Michael W., Decision-making system, method and computer program product.
  184. Patterson, Patrick E., Delivering electronic content.
  185. Patterson, Patrick E., Delivering electronic content.
  186. Patterson,Patrick E., Delivering electronic content.
  187. Patterson,Patrick E., Delivering electronic content.
  188. Ratterman, Robert J.; Maltzman, Reed; Knepfle, Joshua D., Determining a community rating for a user using feedback ratings of related users in an electronic environment.
  189. Ratterman, Robert J; Maltzman, Reed; Knepfle, Joshua D, Determining a community rating for a user using feedback ratings of related users in an electronic environment.
  190. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Digital ID for selecting web browser and use preferences of a user during use of a web application.
  191. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan; Mathews,David Kent, Digital ID for selecting web browser and use preferences of a user during use of a web application.
  192. Gifford David K., Digital active advertising.
  193. Gifford David K., Digital active advertising.
  194. Ginter,Karl L.; Shear,Victor H.; Spahn,Francis J.; Van Wie,David M.; Weber,Robert P., Digital certificate support system, methods and techniques for secure electronic commerce transaction and rights management.
  195. Schutz, Jared P., Digital computer system and methods for implementing a financial transaction.
  196. Verosub,Ellis; Tenneti,Sanjeev; Acharya,Kamal; Goldfarb,Solomon D.; Pringle,Todd; Bill,David S.; Prakash,Shailesh; Milligan,Adam, Digital content store system.
  197. Kapczynski, Mark Joseph, Digital identity.
  198. Tycksen ; Jr. Frank A. ; Jennings Charles W., Digital product dissemination and sale.
  199. George G. Robertson ; Stuart K. Card, Display system for displaying lists of linked documents.
  200. V채nsk채,Marko; Ranta,Sami; Malila,Raimo, Disposable mini-applications.
  201. V채nsk채,Marko; Ranta,Sami; Malila,Raimo, Disposable mini-applications.
  202. Crespo, Arturo; Perrochon, Louis; Lacavera, Catherine Caroline, Distributed electronic commerce system with centralized virtual shopping carts.
  203. Crespo, Arturo; Perrochon, Louis; Lacavera, Catherine Caroline, Distributed electronic commerce system with centralized virtual shopping carts.
  204. Muthu, Manickababu; Nayak, Gayathri Uday; Reihaneh, Nahrin; Gudelj, Tino; Keswani, Ravi Kant; Boal, Steven R., Distributing coupon content and transactional advertisements.
  205. Hoke, Jr., Clare L., Distribution, recognition and accountability system for intellectual and copy written properties in digital media's.
  206. Arnold, Kenneth C. R. C.; Waldo, James H.; Scheifler, Robert; Wollrath, Ann M., Downloadable smart proxies for performing processing associated with a remote procedure call in a distributed system.
  207. Budde, William; Miranda, Giancarlo; Nolan, Joseph Bradley, Drive-up financial transaction machine.
  208. Budde, William; Miranda, Giancarlo; Nolan, Joseph Bradley, Drive-up financial transaction machine.
  209. Maltzman, Reed, Dual purchase process within an online auction environment.
  210. Ganesan, Rayi, Dynamic biller list generation.
  211. Ouye, Michael Michio; Crocker, Steven Toye, Dynamic evaluation of access rights.
  212. Kolls, H. Brock, Dynamic identification interchange method for exchanging one form of identification for another.
  213. Murphy, Brian T.; Scheifler, Robert W.; Pan, Zane; Waldo, James H.; Wollrath, Ann M.; Arnold, Kenneth C. R. C., Dynamic lookup service in a distributed system.
  214. Murphy, Brian T.; Scheifler, Robert W.; Pan, Zane; Waldo, James H.; Wollrath, Ann M.; Arnold, Kenneth C. R. C., Dynamic lookup service in a distributed system.
  215. Murphy, Brian T.; Scheifler, Robert W.; Pan, Zane; Waldo, James H.; Wollrath, Ann M.; Arnold, Kenneth C. R. C., Dynamic lookup service in distributed system.
  216. Clarke, James B., Dynamic provisioning for filtering and consolidating events.
  217. Clarke, James B.; Clark, Sean E., Dynamic provisioning of identification services in a distributed system.
  218. Reedy, Dennis G.; Clarke, James B., Dynamic provisioning of service components in a distributed system.
  219. Wenig, Robert I.; Punjabi, Manoj, Dynamically configurable session agent.
  220. Wenig, Robert I.; Punjabi, Manoj, Dynamically configurable session agent.
  221. Wenig, Robert I.; Punjabi, Manoj, Dynamically configurable session agent.
  222. Wenig, Robert I.; Punjabi, Manoj, Dynamically configurable session agent.
  223. Dunn, James M.; Stern, Edith H.; Willner, Barry E., E-commerce system and method of operation enabling a user to conduct transactions with multiple retailers without certification and/or trusted electronic paths.
  224. Boesch, Brian, E-mail invoked electronic commerce.
  225. Boesch, Brian, E-mail invoked electronic commerce.
  226. Cheng, Shang-Che; Pressman, Alexander; Zhang, Hong; Ma, Pei Chiang; Zhang, Shuan; Hummel, Jochen, E-services translation utilizing machine translation and translation memory.
  227. Cheng, Shang-Che; Pressman, Alexander; Zhang, Hong; Ma, Pei Chiang; Zhang, Shuan; Hummel, Jochen, E-services translation utilizing machine translation and translation memory.
  228. Nappi, Bruce, Effecting financial transactions.
  229. Hendricks,John S.; Asmussen,Michael L.; McCoskey,John S., Electronic Book having electronic commerce features.
  230. Nakajima, Keiichi, Electronic authentication system, authentication apparatus, and terminal.
  231. Ganesan, Ravi; Harris, Mark Todd; Dreyer, Hans Daniel; Wolfe, Kathryn Randall, Electronic bill presentment via a wide area communications network.
  232. Hendricks, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L.; McCoskey, John S., Electronic book alternative delivery systems.
  233. Hendricks, John S.; McCoskey, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L., Electronic book connection to world watch live.
  234. Hendricks,John S.; Asmussen,Michael L., Electronic book electronic links.
  235. Hendricks, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L.; McCoskey, John S., Electronic book having electronic commerce features.
  236. Hendricks, John S., Electronic book library/bookstore system.
  237. Hendricks,John S., Electronic book secure communication with home subsystem.
  238. Hendricks,John S.; Asmussen,Michael L.; McCoskey,John S., Electronic book security and copyright protection system.
  239. Hendricks,John S., Electronic book selection and delivery system having encryption and security features.
  240. Hendricks, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L., Electronic book with restricted access features.
  241. Hendricks, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L., Electronic book with voice emulation features.
  242. Hendricks, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L., Electronic book with voice emulation features.
  243. Vicknair, Tom; Beard, Sam; Norman, Richard; Riggleman, Mark; Roycroft, Max; Feagin, Dick; Day, Cliff; Fielding, Paul, Electronic check presentment system and method having an item sequence capability.
  244. Boesch, Brian, Electronic commerce for system registered consumers.
  245. Gluzberg, Eugene; Dierks, Timothy M., Electronic commerce system utilizing custom merchant calculations.
  246. Kolls, H. Brock, Electronic commerce terminal for facilitating incentive-based purchasing on transportation vehicles.
  247. Arganbright, Daniel A.; Bamborough, Dave; Bancino, Randy S.; Blodgett, James G.; Carlson, Bruce H.; Dangl, William; Hazard, William; Horder-Koop, Robin; Hunking, Jim; Kamphuis, Aaron M.; Lang, Gregor, Electronic commerce transactions within a marketing system that may contain a membership buying opportunity.
  248. Bamborough, David L.; Blodgett, James G.; Dangl, William R.; Horder-Koop, Robin A.; Hunking, James P.; McDonald, Kenneth J.; Parker, John P.; Savage, Kelly K.; Zevalkink, Claire E.; Paasche, Thomas D., Electronic commerce transactions within a marketing system that may contain a membership buying opportunity.
  249. Bamborough, David L.; Blodgett, James G.; Dangl, William R.; Horder-Koop, Robin A.; Hunking, James P.; McDonald, Kenneth J.; Parker, John P.; Savage, Kelly K.; Zevalkink, Claire E.; Paasche, Thomas D., Electronic commerce transactions within a marketing system that may contain a membership buying opportunity.
  250. Bamborough, David L.; Blodgett, James G.; Dangl, William R.; Horder-Koop, Robin A.; Hunking, James P.; McDonald, Kenneth J.; Parker, John P.; Savage, Kelly K.; Zevalkink, Claire E.; Paasche, Thomas D., Electronic commerce transactions within a marketing system that may contain a membership buying opportunity.
  251. Bamborough, David L.; Blodgett, James G.; Dangl, William R.; Horder-Koop, Robin A.; Hunking, James P.; McDonald, Kenneth J.; Parker, John P.; Savage, Kelly K.; Zevalkink, Claire E.; Paasche, Thomas D., Electronic commerce transactions within a marketing system that may contain a membership buying opportunity.
  252. Cockrill, Michael P.; Bryant, William K.; Franklin, D. Chase; McNeely, Mark H.; Ryan, Timothy J.; Sweet, Andrew P.; Siadek, Steven J.; Faith, Jr., Ronald R.; Goris, J. Mark; Malek, Thor A., Electronic commerce using a transaction network.
  253. Michael P. Cockrill ; William K. Bryant ; D. Chase Franklin ; Mark H. McNeely ; Timothy J. Ryan ; Andrew P. Sweet ; Steven J. Siadek ; Ronald R. Faith, Jr. ; J. Mark Goris ; Thor A. Malek, Electronic commerce using a transaction network.
  254. Allard David J. ; Fortenberry Keith N. ; Konopik Brad J. ; Szabo Robert M. ; Toohey James J., Electronic commerce with shopping list builder.
  255. Ong, Yong Kin, Electronic funds transfer method.
  256. Van Dusen, Karen L., Electronic gift certificate system.
  257. Dedrick Rick, Electronic information appraisal agent.
  258. Peterson Larry C. ; Kwiatkowski Steven E., Electronic information network for inventory control and transfer.
  259. Woolston, Thomas G., Electronic marketplace system and method for creation of a two-tiered pricing scheme.
  260. Orlick,Jonathan B., Electronic program guide system with advertising messages in pop-ups.
  261. Nakajima,Keiichi, Electronic settlement system, settlement apparatus and terminal.
  262. Nakajima,Keiichi, Electronic settlement system, settlement apparatus and terminal.
  263. Nakajima, Keiichi, Electronic settlement system, settlement apparatus, and terminal.
  264. Nakajima, Keiichi, Electronic settlement system, settlement apparatus, and terminal.
  265. Nakajima, Keiichi, Electronic settlement system, settlement device, and terminal.
  266. Imamura Etsuko,JPX ; Koike Hiroshi,JPX ; Honda Yuri,JPX ; Mizote Yuji,JPX, Electronic shopping system and method of defining electronic catalogue data therefor.
  267. Bennington,Gerald E; Backer,George; Green,Shawn; Cooper,Bill; Spell,David; Rogers,Rosetta; Davis,Bruce; Morris,Michael, Electronic television program guide schedule system and method.
  268. Knee, Robert Alan; Favia, Anthony R.; Davis, Bruce; Miller, Larry, Electronic television program guide schedule system and method with data feed access.
  269. Ellis, Michael D; Davis, Bruce; Knudson, Edward B; Miller, Larry, Electronic television program guide schedule system and method with remote product ordering.
  270. Ellis, Michael D; Davis, Bruce; Knudson, Edward B; Miller, Larry, Electronic television program guide schedule system and method with remote product ordering.
  271. Ellis, Michael D; Davis, Bruce; Knudson, Edward B; Miller, Larry, Electronic television program guide schedule system and method with remote product ordering.
  272. Ellis Michael Dean ; Davis Bruce ; Knudson Edward Bruce ; Miller Larry, Electronic television program guide with remote product ordering.
  273. Ellis, Michael Dean; Davis, Bruce; Knudson, Edward Bruce; Miller, Larry, Electronic television program guide with remote product ordering.
  274. Michael Dean Ellis ; Bruce Davis ; Edward Bruce Knudson ; Larry Miller, Electronic television program guide with remote product ordering.
  275. Daniel E. Geer, Jr. ; Henry R. Tumblin, Enabling business transactions in computer networks.
  276. Linehan,Mark Holmes, Enabling use of smart cards by consumer devices for internet commerce.
  277. Messer, Stephen D.; Ho, Cheryl; Meng, Jianhao, Enhanced network based promotional tracking system.
  278. Wheeler, Lynn Henry; Wheeler, Anne M., Entity authentication in electronic communications by providing verification status of device.
  279. Wheeler, Anne M.; Wheeler, Lynn Henry, Establishing initial PuK-linked account database.
  280. Budde, William; Nolan, Joseph Bradley, Financial transaction machine.
  281. Everett, David Barrington; Miller, Stuart James; Peacham, Anthony David; Simmons, Ian Stephen; Richards, Timothy Philip; Viner, John Charles, Flexibly loading a tamper resistant module.
  282. Linehan Mark, Four-party credit/debit payment protocol.
  283. Linehan,Mark, Four-party credit/debit payment protocol.
  284. O'Neill John C. ; Ainsworth Johnny V. ; Jenkins Paul D., Freight calculation system and method of operation.
  285. Antony, Felix F., Fulfillment network with customer-transparent costs.
  286. Storey Thomas W., Fully integrated on-line interactive frequency and award redemption program.
  287. Storey, Thomas W., Fully integrated, on-line interactive frequency and award redemption program.
  288. Faber, Scott; Van der Linden, Sean David; Altberg, Henrik Axel Ebbe; Migdal, James, Gate keeper.
  289. Wheeler,Lynn Henry; Wheeler,Anne M., Gauging risk in electronic communications regarding accounts in ABDS system.
  290. Wang, Hsiaozhang Bill, Generic attribute database system.
  291. Wang,Hsiaozhang Bill, Generic attribute database system.
  292. Wang, Hsiaozhang Bill, Generic attribute database system for storing items of different categories having shared attributes.
  293. Faris, Sadeg M.; Hamlin, Gregory; Flannery, James P., Global synchronization unit (GSU) for time and space (TS) stamping of input data elements.
  294. Cheng, Shang-Che; Pressman, Alexander, Globalization management system and method therefor.
  295. Tetsujiro Suzuki JP; Yuriko Kashu JP, Goods sales management system.
  296. Gonsalves,Robert; Laird,Michael, Graphical user interface for color correction.
  297. Agrawal, Ashish; Ali, Mohammed Sujayath; Karnati, Sravana Kumar; Reagan, James Vernon; Sivasankar, Dilip Kumar; Stabingas, Mark V., Hosted payment service system and method.
  298. Richards Timothy Philip,GBX, IC card with shell feature.
  299. Ross, Russell G.; Gillespie, Kevin, In-context exact (ICE) matching.
  300. Wheeler, Anne M.; Wheeler, Lynn Henry, Incorporating security certificate during manufacture of device generating digital signatures.
  301. Hess, Martin L.; Wilson, Michael K., Information presentation and management in an online trading environment.
  302. Hess,Martin L.; Wilson,Michael K., Information presentation and management in an online trading environment.
  303. Martin L. Hess ; Michael K. Wilson, Information presentation and management in an online trading environment.
  304. Klosterman, Brian Lee; Schein, Steven, Information system.
  305. Klosterman, Brian Lee; Schein, Steven, Information system.
  306. Klosterman, Brian Lee; Schein, Steven, Information system.
  307. Klosterman, Brian Lee; Schein, Steven M., Information system.
  308. Feller, Todd Stacy Leo, Initiating operating system commands based on browser cookies.
  309. Suomela,Hartti; Anttila,Akseli; Beletski,Oleg; Schembri,Ingrid; Saarinen,Petteri J.; Heinonen,Jukka; von Knorring,Tony Niklas, Initiation of actions with compressed action language representations.
  310. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan; Mathews,David Kent, Input device for allowing input of a unique digital code to a user's computer to control access thereof to a web site.
  311. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Input device for allowing interface to a web site in association with a unique input code.
  312. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Input device having positional and scanning capabilities.
  313. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Input device having positional and scanning capabilities.
  314. Handler,Brad, Integrated auction.
  315. Wucherer,Tom; Nisbet,Todd; Nicastro,Cherisse M.; Marnell, II,Anthony A., Integrated business system for the design, execution, and management of projects.
  316. Everett David Barrington,GBX ; Miller Stuart James,GBX ; Peacham Anthony David,GBX ; Simmons Ian Stephen,GBX ; Richards Timothy Philip,GBX ; Viner John Charles,GBX, Integrated circuit card with application history list.
  317. Ganesan, Ravi; Harris, Mark Todd; Dreyer, Hans Daniel; Wolfe, Kathryn Randall, Integrated electronic presentment and payment of bills by different entities.
  318. Harrington Juliette,NZX, Integrated interface for vendor/product oriented internet websites.
  319. Borders, Louis H.; Relan, Arvind Peter; Lloyd, Margaret Sue; Bhargava, Sunil; Wijaya, Joyo; Ham, Peter; Clossman, Gray Andrew; Mayya, Ajit Ramachandra, Integrated online store.
  320. Borders, Louis H.; Relan, Avrind Peter; Lloyd, Margaret Sue; Bhargava, Sunil; Wijaya, Joyo; Ham, Peter; Clossman, Gray Andrew; Mayya, Ajit Ramachandra, Integrated online store.
  321. Bodmer, Brian; Rodriguez, John; Fleming, Jonah; McCanlies, Elizabeth; Sheth, Devdutt, Integrated shopping cart for sale of third party products and services via the internet.
  322. Gilbert, Bryan J.; Forth, J. Bradford; Dagg, Jordon M.; Hancock, Martin A.; Hirschbold, Markus F.; Hyatt, Geoffrey T.; Lightbody, Simon H., Intelligent electronic device having network access.
  323. Gilbert,Bryan J.; Forth,J. Bradford; Dagg,Jordon M.; Hancock,Martin A.; Hirschbold,Markus F.; Hyatt,Geoffrey T.; Lightbody,Simon H., Intelligent electronic device having network access.
  324. Jolna, Stacy; Cusick, Richard P, Interactive advertising and program promotion in an interactive television system.
  325. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Interactive doll.
  326. Hendricks, John S.; Asmussen, Michael L., Interactive electronic book.
  327. Golden, Steven M.; Levin, Hillel; Anderson, Bradley A.; Gentry, Gary D.; Barbour, James A.; Schornberg, Albert, Interactive marketing network and process using electronic certificates.
  328. Golden, Steven M.; Levin, Hillel; Anderson, Bradley A.; Gentry, Gary D.; Barbour, James A.; Schornberg, Albert, Interactive marketing network and process using electronic certificates.
  329. Yates, Doug, Interactive media guidance application with intelligent navigation and display features.
  330. Apte,Jitendra; Roesler,Marina Lima, Interactive multimedia advertising and electronic commerce on a hypertext network.
  331. Knee, Robert A.; Reynolds, Steven J.; Ellis, Michael D.; Hassell, Joel G., Interactive television program guide system for determining user values for demographic categories.
  332. Knee, Robert A.; Reynolds, Steven J.; Ellis, Michael D.; Hassell, Joel G., Interactive television program guide system for determining user values for demographic categories.
  333. Ellis, Michael D.; Knudson, Edward B.; Thomas, William L.; Davis, Bruce L., Interactive television program guide system with operator showcase.
  334. Knudson, Edward B.; Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Davis, Bruce L., Interactive television program guide system with pay program package promotion.
  335. Knudson, Edward B.; Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Davis, Bruce L., Interactive television program guide system with pay program package promotion.
  336. Knudson, Edward B.; Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Davis, Bruce L., Interactive television program guide system with pay program package promotion.
  337. Knudson, Edward B.; Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Davis, Bruce L., Interactive television program guide system with pay program package promotion.
  338. Knudson, Edward B.; Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Davis, Bruce L., Interactive television program guide system with pay program package promotion.
  339. Knudson, Edward B.; Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Davis, Bruce L., Interactive television program guide system with pay program package promotion.
  340. Knudson, Edward; Ellis, Michael; Thomas, William; Davis, Bruce, Interactive television program guide system with pay program package promotion.
  341. Knudson,Edward B.; Ellis,Michael D.; Thomas,William L.; Davis,Bruce L., Interactive television program guide system with pay program package promotion.
  342. Knight, Nigel; Baker, Richard; Metherell, Mel; Chittick, Ian; Parkin, Richard; Leong, Sang; Green, Les; Anders, Marc A., International banking system and method.
  343. Knight, Nigel; Baker, Richard; Metherell, Mel; Chittick, Ian; Parkin, Richard; Leong, Sang; Green, Les; Anders, Marc A., International banking system and method.
  344. Night, Nigel; Baker, Richard; Metherell, Mel; Chittick, Ian; Parkin, Richard; Leong, Sang; Green, Les; Anders, Marc A., International banking system and method.
  345. LaBadie,Timothy; Ficarra,Robert; Green,Paul H., Internet based payment system.
  346. Egendorf, Andrew, Internet billing method.
  347. Egendorf, Andrew, Internet billing method.
  348. Egendorf, Andrew, Internet billing method.
  349. Egendorf, Andrew, Internet billing method.
  350. Egendorf, Andrew, Internet billing method.
  351. Egendorf, Andrew, Internet billing method.
  352. Egendorf, Andrew, Internet billing method.
  353. Egendorf, Andrew, Internet billing method.
  354. Rodriguez,John; Bodmer,Brian; Dube,Bryan; Tarantino,Mark; Fleming,Jonah Kaj; Kirani,Shekhar, Internet delivery of digitized photographs.
  355. Levergood, Thomas Mark; Stewart, Lawrence C.; Morris, Stephen Jeffrey; Payne, Andrew C.; Treese, George Winfield, Internet server access control and monitoring systems.
  356. Levergood, Thomas Mark; Stewart, Lawrence C.; Morris, Stephen Jeffrey; Payne, Andrew C.; Treese, George Winfield, Internet server access control and monitoring systems.
  357. Levergood,Thomas Mark; Stewart,Lawrence C.; Morris,Stephen Jeffrey; Payne,Andrew C.; Treese,George Winfield, Internet server access control and monitoring systems.
  358. Bezos Jeffrey P. ; Kaphan Sheldon J. ; Ratajak Ellen L. ; Schonhoff Thomas K., Internet-based customer referral system.
  359. Bezos, Jeffrey P.; Kaphan, Sheldon J.; Ratajak, Ellen L.; Schonhoff, Thomas K., Internet-based customer referral system.
  360. Bezos,Jeffrey P.; Kaphan,Sheldon J.; Ratajak,Ellen L.; Schonhoff,Thomas K., Internet-based customer referral system.
  361. Storey, Thomas W., Internet-based frequency and award redemption system and method.
  362. Storey, Thomas W., Internet-based frequency and award redemption system and method.
  363. Cassidy,Patrick; Evans,James, Internet-based on-line comparison shopping system and method of interactive purchase and sale of products.
  364. Grove, Brian Alan; Edson, Zachary James; Grove, Steve; Sandler, Andrew Leigh, Introducing a fixed-price transaction mechanism in conjunction with an auction transaction mechanism.
  365. Grove, Brian Alan; Edson, Zak James; Grove, Steve; Sandler, Andrew Leigh, Introducing a fixed-price transaction mechanism in conjunction with an auction transaction mechanism.
  366. Grove, Brian; Edson, Zak; Grove, Steve; Sandler, Andrew Leigh, Introducing a fixed-price transaction mechanism in conjunction with an auction transaction mechanism.
  367. Pitroda, Satyan G.; Desai, Mehul, Issuing an account to an electronic transaction device.
  368. Nicastro,Cherisse M.; Wucherer,Thomas A.; Nisbet,W. Todd; Marnell, II,Anthony A.; Marnell, III,Anthony A., Item specification object management system.
  369. Wijaya, Joyo; Borders, Louis H., Item substitution for unavailable items relating to a customer order.
  370. Kay, Jeffrey B.; Tribble, Eric D.; Williams, Roy; Freeman, Trevor W.; Pearson, Malcolm E., Key distribution for secure messaging.
  371. Everett, David Barrington; Miller, Stuart James; Peacham, Anthony David; Simmons, Ian Stephen; Richards, Timothy Philip; Viner, John Charles, Key transformation unit for a tamper resistant module.
  372. Everett, David Barrington; Miller, Stuart James; Peacham, Anthony David; Simmons, Ian Stephen; Richards, Timothy Philip; Viner, John Charles, Key transformation unit for a tamper resistant module.
  373. Everett, David Barrington; Miller, Stuart James; Peacham, Anthony David; Simmons, Ian Stephen; Richards, Timothy Philip; Viner, John Charles, Key transformation unit for a tamper resistant module.
  374. Everett, David Barrington; Miller, Stuart James; Peacham, Anthony David; Simmons, Ian Stephen; Richards, Timothy Philip; Viner, John Charles, Key transformation unit for a tamper resistant module.
  375. Everett, David Barrington; Miller, Stuart James; Peacham, Anthony David; Simmons, Ian Stephen; Richards, Timothy Philip; Viner, John Charles, Key transformation unit for a tamper resistant module.
  376. Timothy Philip Richards GB, Key transformation unit for an IC card.
  377. Kidwai, Yursil A; Gensburg, William, Language content translation.
  378. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Launching a web site using a passive transponder.
  379. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Launching a web site using a passive transponder.
  380. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan, Launching a web site using a personal device.
  381. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Launching a web site using a portable scanner.
  382. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan, Launching a web site using a portable scanner.
  383. Waldo, James H.; McClain, John W. F., Lease renewal service.
  384. Bonalle, David S; Isenberg, Susan E; Saunders, Peter D, Limiting access to account information during a radio frequency transaction.
  385. Wheeler,Lynn Henry; Wheeler,Anne M., Linking public key of device to information during manufacture.
  386. Miller, Andrew Karl; Menendez, Jack Dee; Mayya, Ajit Ramachandra, Load balancing technique implemented in a data network device utilizing a data cache.
  387. Ross, Frederick L., Local returns of remotely purchased merchandise with return code validation.
  388. Price, Joanne; Mathur, Sumit; Mao, Paul, Lockbox imaging system.
  389. Price, Joanne; Mathur, Sumit; Mao, Paul, Lockbox imaging system.
  390. Price,Joanne; Mathur,Sumit; Mao,Paul, Lockbox imaging system.
  391. Price,Joanne; Mathur,Sumit; Mao,Paul, Lockbox imaging system.
  392. Price,Joanne; Mathur,Sumit; Mao,Paul, Lockbox imaging system.
  393. Murphy, Brian T.; Scheifler, Robert W., Lookup discovery service in a distributed system having a plurality of lookup services each with associated characteristics and services.
  395. Wheeler, Lynn Henry; Wheeler, Anne M., Managing account database in ABDS system.
  396. Wheeler,Lynn Henry; Wheeler,Anne M., Managing database for identifying to recipients security features of devices generating digital signatures.
  397. Wheeler,Anne M.; Wheeler,Lynn Henry, Managing database for reliably identifying information of device generating digital signatures.
  398. Arunachalam, Lakshmi, Managing services on a network.
  399. Oliver,David M.; Densmore, Jr.,William P.; Callahan,Michael J., Managing transactions on a network: four or more parties.
  400. Ellis, John R.; Gifford, David K.; Treese, G. Winfield, Managing transfers of information in a communications network.
  401. Ellis, John R.; Gifford, David K.; Treese, G. Winfield, Managing transfers of information in a communications network.
  402. Ellis,John R.; Gifford,David K.; Treese,G. Winfield, Managing transfers of information in a communications network.
  403. Wheeler, Lynn Henry; Wheeler, Anne M., Manufacturing unique devices that generate digital signatures.
  404. Wheeler,Lynn Henry; Wheeler,Anne M., Manufacturing unique devices that generate digital signatures.
  405. Nelson Theodor Holm,JPX, Many-to-many payments system for network content materials.
  406. Woolston, Thomas G., Marketing goods with bar codes.
  407. Woolston, Thomas G., Marketplace payments.
  408. Zielke, William D.; Frech, John J; Bemis, Teri W.; McCoy, Randal A.; Moenickheim, Peter; Brothers, II, John Alfred; Ward, Cheryl L.; Stratton, Richard A.; Kozee, Casey W.; McMichael, Jr., William R., Matching consumers with billers having bills available for electronic presentment.
  409. Freeman, Craig, Material and supplies ordering system.
  410. Klug, John R.; Peterson, Thad D., Media content notification via communications network.
  411. Klug, John R.; Peterson, Thad D., Media content notification via communications network.
  412. Rao, Pradhan S.; Sloo, David H., Media content search results ranked by popularity.
  413. Hobson, Carol Lee; Hussain, Sohail M., Merchant facilitation of online card present transaction.
  414. Simakov, Pavel; Bedier, Osama; Lai, Angela Chun Wah; Phukan, Prasenjit, Merchant identification of payer via payment path.
  415. Hobson, Carol Lee; Hussain, Sohail M., Merchant system facilitating an online card present transaction.
  416. Kawakura Yasushi,JPX ; Aikawa Takeshi,JPX ; Nakase Akihiko,JPX ; Maeda Seiji,JPX, Message transmission scheme and page processing scheme for hypermedia document processing system.
  417. Bowman, Mark T.; Hauck, Leslie P.; Monahan, Christopher J.; Monahan, Mary L.; Moore, Victor S.; Morea, Keith; Ratliff, Emily J., Method and apparatus for E-commerce by using optional fields for virtual bar codes.
  418. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Method and apparatus for accessing a remote location by receiving a product code.
  419. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Method and apparatus for accessing a remote location by scanning an optical code.
  420. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Method and apparatus for accessing a remote location by sensing a machine-resolvable code.
  421. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Davis, Douglas L., Method and apparatus for accessing a remote location with an optical reader having a dedicated memory system.
  422. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan; Davis,Douglas L., Method and apparatus for accessing a remote location with an optical reader having a dedicated memory system.
  423. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Davis, Douglas L., Method and apparatus for accessing a remote location with an optical reader having a programmable memory system.
  424. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Davis, Douglas L., Method and apparatus for accessing a remote location with an optical reader having a programmable memory system.
  425. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Davis, Douglas L., Method and apparatus for accessing a remote location with an optical reader having a programmable memory system.
  426. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Method and apparatus for allowing a broadcast to remotely control a computer.
  427. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Method and apparatus for allowing a remote site to interact with an intermediate database to facilitate access to the remote site.
  428. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan, Method and apparatus for automatic configuration of equipment.
  429. Gronberg,Martin L.; Chambers,C. Wade, Method and apparatus for commerce item information homogenization in electronic commerce system.
  430. Baughman, Daniel G., Method and apparatus for conducting purchases in private over a network.
  431. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Method and apparatus for configuring configurable equipment with configuration information received from a remote location.
  432. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Method and apparatus for connecting a user location to one of a plurality of destination locations on a network.
  433. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Method and apparatus for controlling a computer from a remote location.
  434. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan; Mathews,David Kent, Method and apparatus for controlling a user's PC through an audio-visual broadcast to archive information in the user's PC.
  435. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Method and apparatus for controlling a user's pc through an audio-visual broadcast to archive information in the users pc.
  436. Light, Elliott D.; Lum, James C. P., Method and apparatus for data recipient storage and retrieval of data using a network communication device.
  437. Light, Elliott D.; Lum, James C. P., Method and apparatus for data recipient storage and retrieval of data using a network communication device.
  438. Light, Elliott D.; Lum, James C. P., Method and apparatus for data recipient storage and retrieval of data using a network communication device.
  439. Light, Elliott D.; Lum, James C.P., Method and apparatus for data recipient storage and retrieval of data using a network communication device.
  440. Light,Elliott D.; Lum,James C. P., Method and apparatus for data recipient storage and retrieval of data using a network communication device.
  441. Light,Elliott D.; Lum,James C. P., Method and apparatus for data recipient storage and retrieval of data using a network communication device.
  442. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Method and apparatus for delivering information from a remote site on a network based on statistical information.
  443. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan; Mathews,David Kent, Method and apparatus for directing an existing product code to a remote location.
  444. Arnold,Kenneth C. R. C.; Waldo,James H.; Wollrath,Ann M.; Jones,Peter C., Method and apparatus for dynamic distributed computing over a network.
  445. Talati Kirit K. ; Jani Yashvant, Method and apparatus for electronic commerce.
  446. Wesinger, Jr., Ralph E.; Coley, Christopher D., Method and apparatus for electronically publishing information on a computer network.
  447. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Method and apparatus for embedding routing information to a remote web site in an audio/video track.
  448. Arunachalam, Lakshmi, Method and apparatus for enabling real-time bi-directional transactions on a network.
  449. Narain, Alfredo Jose; Angel, German; Wilson, Michael Anthony, Method and apparatus for establishing communications with a remote node on a switched network based on hypertext calling received from a packet network.
  450. Narain, Alfredo José; German, Angel; Wilson, Michael Anthony, Method and apparatus for establishing communications with a remote node on a switched network based on hypertext calling received from a packet network.
  451. Lewis,Michael; King,Frank; Arnold,Thomas; Wright,William; Pettit,John, Method and apparatus for evaluating fraud risk in an electronic commerce transaction.
  452. Wright, William; Hu, Hung-Tzaw, Method and apparatus for evaluating fraud risk in an electronic commerce transaction.
  453. Wright, William; Hu, Hung-Tzaw, Method and apparatus for evaluating fraud risk in an electronic commerce transaction.
  454. May, Jason; Flint, Ian, Method and apparatus for facilitating online payment transactions in a network-based transaction facility.
  455. May, Jason; Flint, Ian, Method and apparatus for facilitating online payment transactions in a network-based transaction facility using multiple payment instruments.
  456. May,Jason; Flint,Ian, Method and apparatus for facilitating online payment transactions in a network-based transaction facility using multiple payment instruments.
  457. Poon, Alex D., Method and apparatus for facilitating user registration in an on-line auction environment.
  458. Poon, Alex Dai-Shun, Method and apparatus for facilitating user registration in an on-line auction environment.
  459. Poon,Alex D., Method and apparatus for facilitating user registration in an on-line auction environment.
  460. Poon, Alex Dai-Shun, Method and apparatus for facilitating user selection of a category item in a transaction.
  461. Poon, Alex Dai-Shun, Method and apparatus for facilitating user selection of a category item in a transaction.
  462. Poon, Alex Dai-Shun, Method and apparatus for facilitating user selection of an item category in an online auction.
  463. Levy, Daniele; Handler, Brad, Method and apparatus for holding a two-stage live auction for on-site and on-line bidders.
  464. Levy, Daniele; Handler, Brad, Method and apparatus for holding an online live auction to combine features of both the Internet and traditional, real world auctions.
  465. Levy, Daniele; Handler, Brad, Method and apparatus for holding an online live auction to combine features of both the internet and traditional, real world auctions.
  466. Jacobs Lawrence ; Adunuthula Seshu ; Anand Mala, Method and apparatus for incorporating state information into a URL.
  467. Jacobs, Lawrence; Adunuthula, Seshu; Anand, Mala, Method and apparatus for incorporating state information into a URL.
  468. Wolfson, Jr., James H., Method and apparatus for increasing charitable donations by providing instantaneous donor recognition.
  469. Wolfston, Jr., James H., Method and apparatus for increasing charitable donations by providing instantaneous donor recognition.
  470. Wolfston,James H., Method and apparatus for increasing charitable donations by providing instantaneous donor recognition.
  471. Banaugh, Michelle; Fry, Peggy J.; Potter, David; Wood, George Luis, Method and apparatus for integrated payments processing and decisioning for internet transactions.
  472. Banaugh,Michelle; Fry,Peggy J.; Potter,David; Wood,George Luis, Method and apparatus for integrated payments processing and decisioning for internet transactions.
  473. Powell, Travis Spence; Caspi, Nadav; Singhania, Ashwin; Wenig, Robert I., Method and apparatus for intelligent capture of document object model events.
  474. Powell, Travis Spence; Caspi, Nadav; Singhania, Ashwin; Wenig, Robert I., Method and apparatus for intelligent capture of document object model events.
  475. Powell, Travis Spence; Caspi, Nadav; Singhania, Ashwin; Wenig, Robert I., Method and apparatus for intelligent capture of document object model events.
  476. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan; Mathews,David Kent, Method and apparatus for launching a web browser in response to scanning of product information.
  477. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan; Mathews,David Kent, Method and apparatus for launching a web site with non-standard control input device.
  478. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Method and apparatus for linking a web browser link to a promotional offer.
  479. Montulli, Lou, Method and apparatus for maintaining state information on an HTTP client system in relation to server domain and path attributes.
  480. Goldschmidt,Jean Iki; Shah Nazaroff,Anthony Alexander, Method and apparatus for managing electronic commerce.
  481. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Method and apparatus for matching a user's use profile in commerce with a broadcast.
  482. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan; Mathews,David Kent, Method and apparatus for matching a user's use profile in commerce with a broadcast.
  483. Wenig, Robert; Dawes, John; Berkley, John; Gettier, Al; Saathoff, Kirk; Herda, Wolf; Austin, Paul; Knudsen, Ted, Method and apparatus for monitoring and synchronizing user interface events with network data.
  484. Wenig, Robert; Dawes, John; Berkley, John; Gettier, Al; Saathoff, Kirk; Herda, Wolf; Austin, Paul; Knudsen, Ted, Method and apparatus for monitoring and synchronizing user interface events with network data.
  485. Engelberg, Ari; Venkat, Girish; Ananda, Mohan; McDermott, James, Method and apparatus for on-line value-bearing item system.
  486. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Method and apparatus for opening and launching a web browser in response to an audible signal.
  487. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Method and apparatus for opening and launching a web browser in response to an audible signal.
  488. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan; Mathews,David Kent, Method and apparatus for opening and launching a web browser in response to an audible signal.
  489. Hutchison, Robin B.; Maydaniuk, Michael T. G.; Fleming, George A.; Heinrichs, Denis N.; Linkletter, P. Carl; Begg, Iain M.; Hagman, Darren W.; Dominguez, Roberto; Huang, Jun, Method and apparatus for ordering goods, services and content over an internetwork.
  490. Hutchison, Robin B.; Maydaniuk, Michael T. G.; Fleming, George A.; Heinrichs, Denis N.; Linkletter, P. Carl; Begg, Iain M.; Hagman, Darren W.; Dominguez, Roberto; Huang, Jun, Method and apparatus for ordering goods, services and content over an internetwork.
  491. Hutchison, Robin B.; Maydaniuk, Michael T. G.; Fleming, George A.; Heinrichs, Denis N.; Linkletter, P. Carl; Begg, Iain M.; Hagman, Darren W.; Dominguez, Roberto; Huang, Jun, Method and apparatus for ordering goods, services and content over an internetwork.
  492. Hutchison, Robin B.; Maydaniuk, Michael T. G.; Fleming, George A.; Heinrichs, Denis N.; Linkletter, P. Carl; Begg, Iain M.; Hagman, Darren W.; Dominguez, Roberto; Huang, Jun, Method and apparatus for ordering goods, services and content over an internetwork.
  493. Hutchison, Robin B.; Maydaniuk, Michael T. G.; Fleming, George A.; Heinrichs, Denis N.; Linkletter, P. Carl; Begg, Iain M.; Hagman, Darren W.; Dominguez, Roberto; Huang, Jun, Method and apparatus for ordering goods, services and content over an internetwork.
  494. Hutchison, Robin B.; Maydaniuk, Michael T. G.; Fleming, George A.; Heinrichs, Denis N.; Linkletter, P. Carl; Begg, Iain M.; Hagman, Darren W.; Dominguez, Roberto; Huang, Jun, Method and apparatus for ordering goods, services and content over an internetwork.
  495. Hutchison, Robin B.; Maydaniuk, Michael T.G.; Fleming, George A.; Heinrichs, Denis N.; Linkletter, P. Carl; Begg, Iain M.; Hagman, Darren W.; Dominguez, Roberto; Huang, Jun, Method and apparatus for ordering goods, services and content over an internetwork.
  496. Hutchison, Robin B.; Fleming, George A.; Chedalawada, Alan; Llewellyn, Robert; Griffiths, David; Birch, David, Method and apparatus for ordering goods, services and content over an internetwork using a virtual payment account.
  497. Hutchison, Robin B.; Llewellyn, Robert J.; Viljoen, Andre F.; Griffiths, David; Birch, David; Begg, Iain M., Method and apparatus for ordering goods, services and content over an internetwork using a virtual payment account.
  498. Hutchison, Robin B.; Llewellyn, Robert J.; Viljoen, Andre F.; Griffiths, David; Birch, David; Begg, Iain M., Method and apparatus for ordering goods, services and content over an internetwork using a virtual payment account.
  499. Hutchison, Robin B; Llewellyn, Robert J; Viljoen, Andre F; Griffiths, David; Birch, David; Begg, Iain M, Method and apparatus for ordering goods, services and content over an internetwork using a virtual payment account.
  500. Hutchison, Robin B.; Llewellyn, Robert J.; Viljoen, Andre F.; Griffiths, David; Birch, David; Begg, Iain M., Method and apparatus for ordering goods, services, and content over an internetwork using a virtual payment account.
  501. Jacobs Lawrence ; Adunuthula Seshu ; Anand Mala, Method and apparatus for performing transactions in a stateless web environment which supports a declarative paradigm.
  502. Faber, Scott; Hirson, Ron; Altberg, Henrik Axel Ebbe; Van der Linden, Sean David, Method and apparatus for prioritizing a listing of information providers.
  503. Connors, Christopher M.; Miller, Andrew F.; Walsky, Joshua P.; Singh, James; Leamon, Andrew; VanDyke, Jeffrey R., Method and apparatus for product comparison.
  504. Wesinger, Jr.,Ralph E.; Coley,Christopher D., Method and apparatus for providing a dynamically-updating pay-for-service web site.
  505. Wesinger, Jr.,Ralph E.; Coley,Christopher D., Method and apparatus for providing a pay-for-service web site.
  506. Jay S. Walker ; James A. Jorasch ; Andrew S. Van Luchene, Method and apparatus for providing and processing installment plans at a terminal.
  507. Walker Jay S. ; Jorasch James A. ; Van Luchene Andrew S., Method and apparatus for providing and processing installment plans at a terminal.
  508. Walker Jay S. ; Jorasch James A. ; Van Luchene Andrew S., Method and apparatus for providing and processing installment plans at a terminal.
  509. Walker, Jay S.; Jorasch, James A.; Van Luchene, Andrew S., Method and apparatus for providing and processing installment plans at a terminal.
  510. Walker, Jay S.; Jorasch, James A.; Van Luchene, Andrew S., Method and apparatus for providing and processing installment plans at a terminal.
  511. Walker, Jay S.; Jorasch, James A.; Van Luchene, Andrew S., Method and apparatus for providing and processing installment plans at a terminal.
  512. Walker, Jay S.; Jorasch, James A.; Van Luchene, Andrew S., Method and apparatus for providing and processing installment plans at a terminal.
  513. Walker,Jay S.; Jorasch,James A.; Van Luchene,Andrew S., Method and apparatus for providing and processing installment plans at a terminal.
  514. Plaster, Thomas W.; Freeman, Kyle A.; Murray, Jason W.; Griffith, Mark B.; Rawcliffe, Alan C.; Patel, Ankit, Method and apparatus for providing fulfillment services.
  515. Faber, Scott; Van der Linden, Sean, Method and apparatus for providing group calls via the internet.
  516. Boone, Barry, Method and apparatus for providing predefined feedback.
  517. Boone, Barry, Method and apparatus for providing predefined feedback.
  518. Boone, Barry, Method and apparatus for providing predefined feedback.
  519. Joseph, B. Anthony; Plaster, Thomas W., Method and apparatus for registration of fulfillment services.
  520. Odom Gregory Glen, Method and apparatus for secured transmission of confidential data over an unsecured network.
  521. Bonnie J. Lowell, Method and apparatus for tracking network usage.
  522. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Method and apparatus for tracking user profile and habits on a global network.
  523. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan; Mathews,David Kent, Method and apparatus for tracking user profile and habits on a global network.
  524. Cordasco, Matthew, Method and apparatus for using proxy objects on webpage overlays to provide alternative webpage actions.
  525. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan, Method and apparatus for utilizing a unique transaction code to update a magazine subscription over the internet.
  526. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Method and apparatus for utilizing an audibly coded signal to conduct commerce over the internet.
  527. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Method and apparatus for utilizing an audibly coded signal to conduct commerce over the internet.
  528. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Method and apparatus for utilizing an audibly coded signal to conduct commerce over the internet.
  529. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan, Method and apparatus for utilizing an audibly coded signal to conduct commerce over the internet.
  530. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan, Method and apparatus for utilizing an audibly coded signal to conduct commerce over the internet.
  531. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Method and apparatus for utilizing an existing product code to issue a match to a predetermined location on a global network.
  532. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan; Mathews,David Kent, Method and apparatus for utilizing an existing product code to issue a match to a predetermined location on a global network.
  533. Anoop Goyal ; Alex D. Poon ; Wen Wen, Method and apparatus for verifying the identity of a participant within an on-line auction environment.
  534. Wong, Daric; Faber, Scott; Agarwal, Anuj; Ahuja, Nitin; Altberg, Ebbe; Halstead, Mark, Method and apparatus to allocate and recycle telephone numbers in a call-tracking system.
  535. Wong, Daric; Faber, Scott; Agarwal, Anuj; Ahuja, Nitin; Altberg, Ebbe; Halstead, Mark Arthur Buchler, Method and apparatus to allocate and recycle telephone numbers in a call-tracking system.
  536. Wong,Daric; Faber,Scott; Agarwal,Anuj; Ahuja,Nitin; Altberg,Ebbe; Halstead,Mark, Method and apparatus to allocate and recycle telephone numbers in a call-tracking system.
  537. Wong, Daric; Faber, Scott; Altberg, Ebbe; Halstead, Mark; Hirson, Ron, Method and apparatus to compensate demand partners in a pay-per-call performance based advertising system.
  538. Lauffer Randall B., Method and apparatus to connect consumer to expert.
  539. Cheng, Christine; Won, Brenda; Mohnia, Dheeraj; Nguyen, Ha; Maltzman, Reed; Strack, Isaac; Morin, Noel, Method and apparatus to detect fraudulent activities within a network-based auction facility.
  540. Poon, Alex D.; Leahy, Scott; Wilson, Mike, Method and apparatus to facilitate a transaction within a network-based facility.
  541. Faber, Scott; Barach, Marc; Somorjai, John; Altberg, Henrik Axel Ebbe; Fordyce, Michael; Hickson, Chris; Hirson, Ron; Van der Linden, Sean David, Method and apparatus to provide pay-per-call advertising and billing.
  542. Maher David P., Method and apparatus using digital credentials and other electronic certificates for electronic transactions.
  543. Maher, David P., Method and apparatus using digital credentials and other electronic certificates for electronic transactions.
  544. Maher,David P., Method and apparatus using digital credentials and other electronic certificates for electronic transactions.
  545. Altberg, Ebbe; Barach, Marc; Faber, Scott; Fordyce, Michael; Hickson, Chris; Hirson, Ron; Somorjai, John; Van Der Linden, Sean, Method and apparatuses for offline selection of pay-per-call advertisers.
  546. Barber Timothy P., Method and architecture for multi-level commissioned advertising on a computer network.
  547. Ross, Jr., D Delano; Ross, Daniel D; Michaels, Joseph R; May, William R; Anderson, Richard A, Method and computer system for serving commerce information of an outsource provider in connection with host web pages offering commercial opportunities.
  548. Vanska, Marko; Nordman, Ian; Granholm, Joakim; Jutila, Vesa, Method and device for storing and accessing personal information.
  549. Vanska,Marko; Nordman,Ian; Granholm,Joakim; Jutila,Vesa, Method and device for storing and accessing personal information.
  550. V채nsk채,Marko; Nordman,Ian; Granholm,Joakim; Jutila,Vesa, Method and device for storing and accessing personal information.
  551. Jain, Mudita; Koister, Jari; Boyle, Charles; Hayes, Brian, Method and device utilizing polymorphic data in E-commerce.
  552. Sze,Vicky, Method and system automatically to remind parties to a network-based transaction to comply with obligations established under a transaction agreement.
  553. Grove, Steve; Yan, Steve; Aidun, Rashid; Singh, Premendra; Rajesh, S. N.; Somani, Preeti; Cooney, Kevin, Method and system automatically to support multiple transaction types, and to display seller-specific transactions of various transaction types in an integrated, commingled listing.
  554. Grove, Steve; Yan, Steve; Aidun, Rashid; Singh, Premendra; Rajesh, S. N.; Somani, Preeti; Cooney, Kevin, Method and system automatically to support multiple transaction types, and to display seller-specific transactions of various transaction types in an integrated, commingled listing.
  555. Roseman, Neil; Petersen, Josh; Linden, Greg; Snodgrass, Ryan; Lopez, Gus, Method and system for authenticating users when conducting commercial transactions using a computer.
  556. Marcu, Daniel; Dreyer, Markus, Method and system for automatic management of reputation of translators.
  557. Gupta Ashish ; Rajaraman Anand, Method and system for automatically filling forms in an integrated network based transaction environment.
  558. Veres, Robert Dean; Liang, Ching-Jye, Method and system for automatically updating a seller application utilized in a network-based transaction facility.
  559. Brooks, Juliana H. J., Method and system for biometric recognition based on electric and/or magnetic characteristics.
  560. Lam, Duc; Wyman, Celeste; McRae, Xuan, Method and system for buyer centric dispute resolution in electronic payment system.
  561. Lam,Duc; Wyman,Celeste; McRae,Xuan (Sunny), Method and system for buyer centric dispute resolution in electronic payment system.
  562. Seamon, Joseph, Method and system for categorizing items in both actual and virtual categories.
  563. Yates, Doug, Method and system for commerce in media program related merchandise.
  564. Davis, Rose King; McMahan, Robert L.; Pate, John, Method and system for communicating between supplier and customer devices.
  565. Monahan, Jay; Handler, Bradley A., Method and system for communicating selected search results between first and second entities over a network.
  566. Monahan,Jay; Handler,Bradley A., Method and system for communicating selected search results between first and second users over a network.
  567. Monahan, Jay; Handler, Bradley A., Method and system for communicating user interfaces between first and second users over a network.
  568. Monahan, Jay; Handler, Bradley A., Method and system for communicating user interfaces between first and second users over a network.
  569. Monahan, Jay; Handler, Bradley A., Method and system for communicating user interfaces between first and second users over a network.
  570. Monahan, Jay; Handler, Bradley A., Method and system for communicating user interfaces between first and second users over a network.
  571. Wenig, Robert; Knudsen, Ted, Method and system for communication between a client system and a server system.
  572. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Method and system for conducting a contest using a network.
  573. Gregg,Richard L.; Giri,Sandeep; Goeke,Timothy C., Method and system for controlling access, by an authentication server, to protected computer resources provided via an internet protocol network.
  574. Bateman,Thomas Howard; Kierstead,Bruce Edward; Noble,William Alexander (Sandy); Curry,Timothy Lee; Lockett,John Alan; Mersereau,Laurie Edward; Ouellette,Robert James, Method and system for coordinating data and voice communications via contact channel changing system.
  575. Bateman, Thomas Howard; Kierstead, Bruce Edward; Noble, William Alexander; Curry, Timothy Lee; Lockett, John Alan; Mersereau, Laurie Edward; Ouellette, Robert James, Method and system for coordinating data and voice communications via customer contact channel changing system.
  576. Levergood, Thomas Mark; Stewart, Lawrence C.; Morris, Stephen Jeffrey; Payne, Andrew C.; Treese, George Winfield, Method and system for counting web access requests.
  577. Fredman, Marc Lawrence, Method and system for credit card reimbursements for health care transactions.
  578. Fredman,Marc Lawrence, Method and system for credit card reimbursements for health care transactions.
  579. Veres, Robert Dean; Liang, Ching-Jye, Method and system for customizing a network-based transaction facility seller application.
  580. Tobin,William J., Method and system for customizing marketing services on networks communicating with hypertext tagging conventions.
  581. Mikhail,Grinshetyn; Chang,Matthias E.; Wong,Hok Yee; Chao,Anthony; Graham,Mark, Method and system for data capture with hidden applets.
  582. Jeffry Jovan Philyaw ; Douglas L. Davis, Method and system for data transmission from an optical reader.
  583. Leonardo, Lou; Ching, Randy; Wahl, Amanda, Method and system for dealing with non-paying bidders related to network-based transactions.
  584. Miller,Lawrence; Deans,William; Moore,Mike, Method and system for delayed cookie transmission in a client-server architecture.
  585. Meyer, Carl; Hoeber, Anthony N.; Kay, Erik A.; Bartlett, Stephen W., Method and system for delivering redeeming dynamically and adaptively characterized promotional incentives on a computer network.
  586. May, Jason W.; Flint, Ian, Method and system for detecting fraud.
  587. May, Jason W.; Flint, Ian, Method and system for detecting fraud.
  588. Pettitt,John Philip, Method and system for detecting fraud in a credit card transaction over a computer network.
  589. Pettitt John Philip, Method and system for detecting fraud in a credit card transaction over the internet.
  590. Pettitt, John Philip, Method and system for detecting fraud in a credit card transaction over the internet.
  591. Musgrove, Timothy Allen; Walsh, Robin Hiroko, Method and system for determining allied products.
  592. Sun, Ken; Ghatare, Sanjay Pundlkrao; Dumon, Oliver G.; Netzloff, Julie Lavee; Rehman, Muhammad Faisal; McDonald, Ryan, Method and system for determining an order of presentation of search results.
  593. Sun, Ken; Ghatare, Sanjay Pundlkrao; Dumon, Olivier G.; Netzloff, Julie; Rehman, Muhammad Faisal; McDonald, Ryan, Method and system for determining an order of presentation of search results.
  594. Miller,Lawrence; Deans,William; Moore,Mike, Method and system for determining receipt of a delayed cookie in a client-server architecture.
  595. Jones, Peter C.; Wollrath, Ann M.; Scheifler, Robert W., Method and system for deterministic hashes to identify remote methods.
  596. Isherwood, David; Lommock, John; Nygren, Kaj; Ritz, Peter, Method and system for directing end user to network location of provider based on user-provided codes.
  597. Hoch, Robert; Ibikunle, Tayo; Kamin, Ehud; Liberis, William A.; Nowicki, Tomasz J.; Reilly, Michael J.; Sachar, Howard E.; Tresser, Charles P.; Walach, Eugene, Method and system for discovering significant subsets in collection of documents.
  598. Hoch,Robert; Ibikunle,Tayo; Karnin,Ehud; Liberis,William A.; Nowicki,Tomasz J.; Reilly,Micheal J.; Sachar,Howard E.; Tresser,Charles P.; Walach,Eugene, Method and system for discovering significant subsets in collection of documents.
  599. Yuen, Henry C.; Mankovitz, Roy J.; Kwoh, Daniel S.; Leung, Elsie Y., Method and system for displaying advertisements between schedule listings.
  600. Klosterman, Brian Lee; Schein, Steven, Method and system for displaying advertisements in an electronic program guide.
  601. Klosterman, Brian Lee; Schein, Steven, Method and system for displaying advertisements in an electronic program guide.
  602. Klosterman,Brian Lee; Schein,Steven, Method and system for displaying advertisements in an electronic program guide.
  603. Klosterman,Brian Lee; Schein,Steven, Method and system for displaying advertisements in an electronic program guide.
  604. Schein, Steven M.; Leftwich, James J.; Folker, David M.; Hunwick, Keith; Alba, Theresa; King, Molly K., Method and system for displaying advertising, video, and program schedule listing.
  605. Schein, Steven M.; Leftwich, James J.; Folker, David M.; Hunwick, Keith; Alba, Theresa; King, Molly K., Method and system for displaying advertising, video, and program schedule listing.
  606. Hartman, Peri; Gehlen, John, Method and system for displaying and editing of information.
  607. Anderson, Milton M., Method and system for duplicate check detection.
  608. Anderson, Milton M., Method and system for duplicate check detection.
  609. Anderson, Milton M.; Scriven, Dieter, Method and system for duplicate detection.
  610. Barnett, Craig W.; Reisner, Karen R.; Braunstein, Mark, Method and system for electronic distribution of product redemption coupons.
  611. Ahmad, Farhan, Method and system for emulating a private label over an open network.
  612. Ahmad, Farhan, Method and system for emulating a private label over an open network.
  613. Chang,Ifay F., Method and system for establishing a voice communication service for business transactions and commerce applications.
  614. Chang, Ifay F., Method and system for establishing a voice communication solution for business transactions and commerce applications.
  615. Scheifler, Robert W.; Waldo, James H.; Jones, Peter C., Method and system for establishing trust in downloaded proxy code.
  616. Dezonno,Anthony J.; Quayle,William R., Method and system for establishing voice communications using a computer network.
  617. Brierley, Harold M.; Rothwell, John R.; Niemann, James C.; Hamlin, Frank M.; Feiwus, Bernard D., Method and system for evaluating, reporting, and improving on-line promotion effectiveness.
  618. Crouthamel,James; Watson,Stuart; Meyer,Daeron, Method and system for exchanging data between affiliated sites.
  619. Sheehan, Mark; Acharya, Ravi, Method and system for expediting payment delivery.
  620. Sheehan, Mark; Acharya, Ravi, Method and system for expediting payment delivery.
  621. Ibikunle, Tayo; Karnin, Ehud; Liberis, William A.; Nowicki, Tomasz J.; Reilly, Michael J.; Sachar, Howard E.; Tresser, Charles P.; Walach, Eugene; Weeshoff, David A., Method and system for extracting information from documents by document segregation.
  622. Scheifler, Robert W.; Wollrath, Ann M.; Waldo, James H., Method and system for facilitating access to a lookup service.
  623. Norman, Richard; Vicknair, Tommy J.; Shishmanian, Carl; Stephens, Jr., John Spence; Jennings, W. Earl; James, David L., Method and system for facilitating network transaction processing.
  624. Norman, Richard; Vicknair, Tommy J.; Shishmanian, Carl; Stephens, Jr., John Spence; Jennings, W. Earl; James, David L., Method and system for facilitating network transaction processing.
  625. Ananda,Mohan, Method and system for facilitating secure electronic transactions with multiple merchants.
  626. Roberts, Gregory B., Method and system for generating certificates having unique ID data.
  627. Roberts, Greg, Method and system for generating certificates having unique Id data.
  628. Levy, Daniele V.; Grove, Steve; Mohnia, Dheeraj; Poon, Alex, Method and system for harvesting feedback and comments regarding multiple items from users of a network-based transaction facility.
  629. Levy,Daniele V.; Grove,Steve; Mohnia,Dheeraj; Poon,Alex, Method and system for harvesting feedback and comments regarding multiple items from users of a network-based transaction facility.
  630. Anderson, Lisa; Truong, Sonny, Method and system for hosted order page/silent order post plus fraud detection.
  631. Anderson, Milton M., Method and system for implementing effective governance of transactions between trading partners.
  632. Anderson, Milton M., Method and system for implementing effective governance of transactions between trading partners.
  633. Scheifler, Robert W.; Arnold, Kenneth C. R. C.; Waldo, James H., Method and system for in-place modifications in a database.
  634. Philippe, Yan; Mathur, Rakesh; Rajaraman, Anand, Method and system for integrating transaction mechanisms over multiple internet sites.
  635. Philippe, Yan; Mathur, Rakesh; Rajaraman, Anand, Method and system for integrating transaction mechanisms over multiple internet sites.
  636. Philippe, Yan; Mathur, Rakesh; Rajaraman, Anand, Method and system for integrating transaction mechanisms over multiple internet sites.
  637. O'Connor, Clint H.; Huber, Gary D.; Clardy, James W.; Haze, Michael, Method and system for late binding of option features associated with a device using at least in part license and unique ID information.
  638. Wollrath, Ann M.; Waldo, James H.; Arnold, Kenneth C. R. C., Method and system for leasing storage.
  639. Boone, Barry; Sacco, Nathan; Chard, Rhys, Method and system for listing items globally and regionally, and customized listing according to currency or shipping area.
  640. Boone, Barry; Sacco, Nathan; Chard, Rhys, Method and system for listing items globally and regionally, and customized listing according to currency or shipping area.
  641. Pearson, Jennifer; Poon, Alex D.; Poon, Buffy, Method and system for maintaining login preference information of users in a network-based transaction facility.
  642. Pearson, Jennifer; Poon, Alex Dai-Shun; Poon, Buffy, Method and system for maintaining login preference information of users in a network-based transaction facility.
  643. Pearson, Jennifer; Poon, Alex Dai-Shun; Poon, Buffy, Method and system for maintaining login preference information of users in a network-based transaction facility.
  644. Pearson, Jennifer; Poon, Alex Dai-Shun; Poon, Buffy, Method and system for maintaining login preference information of users in a network-based transaction facility.
  645. Pearson,Jennifer; Poon,Alex D.; Poon,Buffy, Method and system for maintaining login preference information of users in a network-based transaction facility.
  646. Gregg, Richard L.; Giri, Sandeep; Goeke, Timothy C., Method and system for managing access to protected computer resources provided via an internet protocol network.
  647. Selwyn Sid Paskowitz, Method and system for more effective communication of characteristics data for products and services.
  648. Smith,Jonathan M.; Stolfo,Salvatore J.; Sherwin,Jeffrey C.; Chung,Jeffrey D.; Prodromidis,Andreas L., Method and system for obscuring user access patterns using a buffer memory.
  649. Waddington, William Henry; Grewell, Patricia C.; Ham, Peter; Klots, Boris, Method and system for order fulfillment in a distribution center.
  650. Waddington, William Henry; Grewell, Patricia C.; Ham, Peter; Klots, Boris, Method and system for order fulfillment in a distribution center.
  651. Bennett, Richard Joseph; Tate, Albert A.; Rapperport, David Andrew; Eastman, Ryan Michael; DeBold, Randall Scott, Method and system for ordering a laboratory test for a patient and obtaining results thereof.
  652. Colley,Adrian E.; Jones,Peter C.; Schiefler,Robert W.; Warres,Michael P.; Wollrath,Ann M., Method and system for passing objects in a distributed system using serialization contexts.
  653. Fisher, Alan S.; Kaplan, Samuel Jerrold, Method and system for performing a progressive auction.
  654. Bezos, Jeffrey P.; Mohit, Maryam; Prudente, James; McQueen, Colleen; Pope, Gene; Kaphan, Sheldon J., Method and system for placing a purchase order via a communications network.
  655. Bezos,Jeffrey P.; Mohit,Maryam; Prudente,James; McQueen,Colleen; Pope,Gene; Kaphan,Sheldon J., Method and system for placing a purchase order via a communications network.
  656. Hartman Peri ; Bezos Jeffrey P. ; Kaphan Shel ; Spiegel Joel, Method and system for placing a purchase order via a communications network.
  657. Venkataraman, Sashikumar; Barve, Rakesh; Garg, Pankaj; Rajanala, Pranav; Aravamudan, Murali; Rajasekharan, Ajit, Method and system for processing ambiguous, multi-term search queries.
  658. O'Leary, Denis; D'Agostino, Vincent; Re, S. Richard; Burney, Jessica; Hoffman, Adam, Method and system for processing internet payments.
  659. Fogliano, Frank J.; Gniewosz, Dennis J.; Trupia, Paul Gerard; Striano, Riccardo M., Method and system for processing recurring payments.
  660. Siegel, Philip S., Method and system for processing the local return of remotely purchased products.
  661. Kinghorn, Gary Mark; Garcia, Denis Jacques Paul, Method and system for protecting electronic data in enterprise environment.
  662. Boone, Barry; Sacco, Nathan; Chard, Rhys, Method and system for providing a record.
  663. Glenn Godden ; John Guthrie, Method and system for providing additional behavior through a web page.
  664. Freund, Peter C., Method and system for providing electronic bill payment and presentment.
  665. Fisher,Alan S.; Kaplan,Samuel Jerrold, Method and system for providing order status information using a network address.
  666. Fisher, Alan S.; Kaplan, Samuel Jerrold, Method and system for providing order status information using an update status flag.
  667. Fisher, Alan S.; Kaplan, Samuel Jerrold, Method and system for providing order status information using an update status flag.
  668. Fisher, Alan S.; Kaplan, Samuel Jerrold, Method and system for providing order status information using an update status flag.
  669. Fisher, Alan S.; Kaplan, Samuel Jerrold, Method and system for providing order status information using an update status flag.
  670. Fisher, Alan S.; Kaplan, Samuel Jerrold, Method and system for providing order status information using an update status flag.
  671. Fisher, Alan S.; Kaplan, Samuel Jerrold, Method and system for providing simultaneous on-line auctions.
  672. Leonardo, Lou; Grewal, Gurinder Singh; Ratterman, Rob; Knepfle, Josh; Ching, Randy; Dalton, Tola, Method and system for reporting fraud and claiming compensation related to network-based transactions.
  673. Leonardo, Lou; Grewal, Gurinder Singh; Ratterman, Rob; Knepfle, Josh; Ching, Randy; Dalton, Tola, Method and system for reporting fraud and claiming insurance related to network-based transactions.
  674. Woolston, Thomas G., Method and system for retrieving information regarding an item posted for sale.
  675. Goldstein, Theodore C.; Rubin, Paul H., Method and system for secure guaranteed transactions over a computer network.
  676. Hogan, Edward J.; Campbell, Carl M., Method and system for secure payments over a computer network.
  677. Nath, Satyajit; Vainstein, Klimenty; Ouye, Michael Michio, Method and system for securing digital assets using process-driven security policies.
  678. Perttilä, Marko; Ranta, Sami; Malila, Raimo; Granholm, Joakim; Nordman, Ian; Tarkiainen, Mikko; Huomo, Heikki; Jutila, Vesa; Vesikivi, Petri; Jalkanen, Janne; Vänskä, Marko, Method and system for selecting data items for service requests.
  679. Isherwood,David; Lommock,John; Nygren,Kaj; Ritz,Peter, Method and system for sharing end user information on network.
  680. Liu, Allen Yihren; King, Philip J.; Agrawal, Ajay K., Method and system for sharing metadata between interfaces.
  681. Oyagi Makoto,JPX ; Ota Shoichi,JPX, Method and system for software development and software design evaluation server.
  682. Fisher,Alan S.; Kaplan,Samuel Jerrold, Method and system for supplying automatic status updates using electronic mail.
  683. Wilson,Michael, Method and system for the creation and communication of notes concerning an auction participant or item within a network-based auction facility.
  684. Arnold John K. ; Bennett John R. ; Claar Peter O. ; Dahl Kurt D. ; Dobson Jennifer L. ; Fontaine Charles A. ; Johanson Philip H. ; McGuire Donald G. ; Swanson Mary ; Wagner David G. ; Wainright Steve, Method and system for tracking the purchase of a product and services over the Internet.
  685. John K. Arnold ; John R. Bennett ; Peter O. Claar ; Kurt D. Dahl ; Jennifer L. Dobson ; Charles A. Fontaine ; Philip H. Johanson ; Donald G. McGuire ; Mary Swanson ; David G. Wagner ; Steve, Method and system for tracking the purchase of a product and services over the internet.
  686. Fisher, Alan S.; Kaplan, Samuel Jerrold, Method and system for updating information on a merchandise catalog page.
  687. Wheeler,Lynn Henry; Wheeler,Anne Mcafree, Method and system for using electronic communications for an electronic contract.
  688. Schwankl, Michael; Balijepalli, Srinivas; Geshel, Vadim; Borowsky, Pete; Kopelman, Joshua, Method and system of facilitating a transaction.
  689. Grove, Brian Alan; Edson, Zak James; Grove, Steve; Sandler, Andrew Leigh, Method and system to adjust a seller fixed price offer.
  690. Taylor, Jeffrey; Morin, Noel; Goodwine, Annette; Sze, Vicky; Cooney, Kevin W.; Hsin, James; Fung, Elaine; Shaviv, Vered; Maltzman, Reed, Method and system to automatically qualify a party to participate within a network-based commerce transaction.
  691. Taylor, Jeffrey; Morin, Noel; Goodwine, Annette; Sze, Vicky; Hsin, James; Fung, Elaine; Shaviv, Vered; Maltzman, Reed, Method and system to automatically qualify a party to participate within a network-based commerce transaction.
  692. Taylor, Jeffrey; Morin, Noel; Goodwine, Annette; Sze, Vicky; Hsin, James; Fung, Elaine; Shaviv, Vered; Maltzman, Reed, Method and system to automatically qualify a party to participate within a network-based commerce transaction.
  693. Taylor, Jeffrey; Morin, Noel; Goodwine, Annette; Sze, Vicky; Hsin, James; Fung, Elaine; Shaviv, Vered; Maltzman, Reed, Method and system to automatically qualify a party to participate within a network-based commerce transaction.
  694. Faber, Scott; Van Der Linden, Sean; McKenna, Patrick; Chen, Peter, Method and system to connect consumers to information.
  695. Jacob,Karl; Faber,Scott; Van der Linden,Sean, Method and system to connect consumers to information.
  696. Lauffer, Randall B., Method and system to connect consumers to information.
  697. Lauffer, Randall B., Method and system to connect consumers to information.
  698. Lauffer,Randall B., Method and system to connect consumers to information.
  699. Embree, Kevin H., Method and system to detect outlying behavior in a network-based marketplace.
  700. Munro, Bart; Pritchett, Daniel L; Monier, Louis Marcel Gino, Method and system to display and search in a language independent manner.
  701. Munro, Jr., W. Barton; Pritchett, Dan; Monier, Louis, Method and system to display and search in a language independent manner.
  702. Stuart, Erik Anderson, Method and system to enable a fixed price purchase within a multi-unit online auction environment.
  703. Stuart, Erik Anderson, Method and system to enable a fixed price purchase within a multi-unit online auction environment.
  704. Maltzman,Reed, Method and system to enable a fixed price purchase within a online auction environment.
  705. Lee, Stacy A.; Early, Justin Christopher; McSpadden, Kevin; Pedone, Greg, Method and system to facilitate an online promotion relating to a network-based marketplace.
  706. Schwankl, Michael; Balijepalli, Srinivas; Geshel, Vadim; Borowsky, Pete; Kopelman, Joshua, Method and system to facilitate pre-ordering via an electronic commerce facility, and to automatically facilitate satisfying of a pre-order upon listing of an appropriate offer via the electronic commerce facility.
  707. Taylor, Jeffrey; Morin, Noel; Goodwine, Annette; Sze, Vicky; Cooney, Kevin W.; Hsin, James; Fung, Elaine; Shaviv, Vered, Method and system to implement seller authorized buying privileges within a network-based shopping facility.
  708. Taylor,Jeffrey; Morin,Noel; Goodwine,Annette; Sze,Vicky; Cooney,Kevin W.; Hsin,James; Fung,Elaine; Shaviv,Vered, Method and system to implement seller authorized buying privileges within a network-based shopping facility.
  709. Yates, Doug, Method and systems for checking that purchasable items are compatible with user equipment.
  710. Barber, Timothy P., Method for billing for services delivered over a computer network.
  711. Zolotorev, Oleg Anatolivich; Kuznetsov, Ivan Vladimirovich; Moshokin, Andrey Gennadievich; Smirnov, Alexandr Leonidovich; Khamitov, Ildar Magafurovich, Method for carrying out transactions and device for realizing the same.
  712. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Method for conducting a contest using a network.
  713. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Method for conducting a contest using a network.
  714. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Method for conducting a contest using a network.
  715. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan, Method for conducting a contest using a network.
  716. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan, Method for conducting a contest using a network.
  717. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Method for configuring a piece of equipment with the use of an associated machine resolvable code.
  718. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Method for configuring a piece of equipment with the use of an associated machine resolvable code.
  719. Narayanan,Lakshmi, Method for controlled and audited access to privileged accounts on computer systems.
  720. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan; Mathews,David Kent, Method for controlling a computer using an embedded unique code in the content of CD media.
  721. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Method for controlling a computer using an embedded unique code in the content of dat media.
  722. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Method for controlling a computer using an embedded unique code in the content of video tape media.
  723. Philyaw Jeffry Jovan ; Mathews David Kent ; Smith Brad Maxwell ; Adams Paul Scovell, Method for controlling a computer with an audio signal.
  724. Reisman, Richard R., Method for distributing a list of updated content to a user station from a distribution server wherein the user station may defer installing the update.
  725. Reisman, Richard R., Method for distributing content to a user station.
  726. Reisman, Richard R., Method for distributing content to a user station.
  727. Reisman, Richard R., Method for distributing content to a user station.
  728. Woolston, Thomas G., Method for facilitating commerce at an internet-based auction.
  729. Martin,Jinger J.; Luft,Danelle R.; Brodsky,Peris L.; Breen,Anita A., Method for facilitating supplier-customer collaboration using the internet.
  730. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Method for interconnecting two locations over a network in response to using a tool.
  731. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Method for interfacing scanned product information with a source for the product over a global network.
  732. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Method for interfacing scanned product information with a source for the product over a global network.
  733. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan; Mathews,David Kent, Method for interfacing scanned product information with a source for the product over a global network.
  734. Zolotorev,Oleg Anatolievich; Kuznetsov,Ivan Vladimirovich; Moshonkin,Andrei Gennadievich; Smirnov,Alexandr Leonidovich; Khamitov,Ildar Magafurovich, Method for making a blind RSA-signature and apparatus therefor.
  735. Gregg, Richard L.; Giri, Sandeep; Goeke, Timothy C., Method for managing access to protected computer resources.
  736. Gregg, Richard L.; Giri, Sandeep; Goeke, Timothy C., Method for managing access to protected computer resources.
  737. Gregg, Richard L.; Giri, Sandeep; Goeke, Timothy C., Method for managing access to protected computer resources.
  738. Gregg, Richard L.; Giri, Sandeep; Goeke, Timothy C., Method for managing access to protected computer resources.
  739. Gregg, Richard L.; Giri, Sandeep; Goeke, Timothy C., Method for managing access to protected computer resources.
  740. Olliphant, Hugo, Method for managing group finances via an electronic network.
  741. Hutchison,Robin B.; Llewellyn,Robert J.; Viljoen,Andre F.; Griffiths,David; Birch,David; Begg,Iain M., Method for ordering goods, services, and content over an internetwork using a virtual payment account.
  742. Vu, Tai Duc; Pho Duc, Christian; Scheybani, Tschangiz, Method for paying for a service offered by means of a data network.
  743. Klug, John R.; Klug, Noah H.; Peterson, Thad D., Method for providing node targeted content in an addressable network.
  744. Klug,John R.; Klug,Noah H.; Peterson,Thad D., Method for providing node targeted content in an addressable network.
  745. Woolston, Thomas G., Method for reposting a good for sale using a consignment node.
  746. Kolls, H. Brock, Method for revaluing a private label card using an electronic commerce terminal.
  747. Jalili, Reza, Method for telephone-based authenticated authorization of transactions.
  748. Yadav-Ranjan, Rani K., Method for transferring an amount to be paid.
  749. Wesinger, Jr.,Ralph E.; Coley,Christopher D., Method for updating personal financial information on a web site.
  750. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan, Method for utilizing visual cue in conjunction with web access.
  751. Barve, Rakesh; Krishna, Ravi; Aravamudan, Murali, Method of and system for presenting enriched video viewing analytics.
  752. Felger, David, Method of billing a communication session conducted over a computer network.
  753. Felger,David, Method of billing a communication session conducted over a computer network.
  754. Felger,David, Method of billing a communication session conducted over a computer network.
  755. Felger, David, Method of billing a purchase made over a computer network.
  756. Felger, David, Method of billing a purchase made over a computer network.
  757. Felger, David, Method of billing a purchase made over a computer network.
  758. Felger, David, Method of billing a purchase made over a computer network.
  759. Felger David, Method of billing a value-added call.
  760. Barber Timothy P., Method of charging for pay-per-access information over a network.
  761. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan; Mathews,David Kent, Method of controlling a computer using an embedded unique code in the content of DVD media.
  762. Bollay, Denison W., Method of executing an electronic commerce sale from an affiliate web site.
  763. Pulitzer, Jovan Hutton, Method of product promotion.
  764. Kolls, H. Brock, Method of soliciting a user to input survey data at an electronic commerce terminal.
  765. Kolls, H. Brock, Method of transacting an electronic mail, an electronic commerce, and an electronic business transaction by an electronic commerce terminal using a gas pump.
  766. Kolls, H. Brock, Method of warehousing user data entered at an electronic commerce terminal.
  767. Kolls, H. Brock, Method to obtain customer specific data for public access electronic commerce services.
  768. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan; Mathews,David Kent, Method using database for facilitating computer based access to a location on a network after scanning a barcode disposed on a product.
  769. Jacob, Karl; Halstead, Mark; Lurie, Steven, Method, apparatus and system for marketing, delivering, and collecting payment for information.
  770. Waldo, James H.; Wollrath, Ann M.; Scheifler, Robert; Arnold, Kenneth C. R. C., Method, apparatus, and product for leasing of group membership in a distributed system.
  771. Waldo, James H.; Wollrath, Ann M.; Scheifler, Robert; Arnold, Kenneth C. R. C., Method, apparatus, and product for leasing of group membership in a distributed system.
  772. Kerner, Robert; Tang, Weidong, Method, medium, and system for facilitating online transactions.
  773. Ondeck, Kristen, Method, medium, and system for payment on call in a networked environment.
  774. Sairanen,Jarkko; Vanska,Marko, Method, system and computer program product for personalizing the functionality of a personal communication device.
  775. Fung, Daniel Y.; Evans, Stephen C., Method, system and computer readable medium for web site account and e-commerce management from a central location.
  776. Fung, Daniel Y.; Hood, Brandon C., Method, system and computer readable medium for web site account and e-commerce management from a central location.
  777. Rahim Amidhozour ; Hooshyar F. Naraghi, Methods and apparatus for facilitating electronic commerce in area rugs.
  778. Rode, Christian Stig, Methods and apparatus for sharing computational resources.
  779. Agarwal, Anuj; Ahuja, Nitin; Altberg, Ebbe; Faber, Scott; Halstead, Mark Arthur Buchler; Van Der Linden, Sean, Methods and apparatuses for delivery of advice to mobile/wireless devices.
  780. Agarwal, Anuj; Ahuja, Nitin; Altberg, Ebbe; Faber, Scott; Halstead, Mark Arthur Buchler; Van der Linden, Sean, Methods and apparatuses for delivery of advice to mobile/wireless devices.
  781. Altberg, Ebbe; Barach, Marc; Faber, Scott; Fordyce, Michael; Hickson, Chris; Hirson, Ron; Somorjai, John; Van der Linden, Sean, Methods and apparatuses for geographic area selections in pay-per-call advertisement.
  782. Agarwal, Anuj; Ahuja, Nitin; Altberg, Ebbe; Faber, Scott; Halstead, Mark Arthur Buchler; Van Der Linden, Sean, Methods and apparatuses for pay-per-call advertising in mobile/wireless applications.
  783. Agarwal,Anuj; Ahuja,Nitin; Altberg,Ebbe; Faber,Scott; Halstead,Mark Arthur Buchler; Van der Linden,Sean, Methods and apparatuses for pay-per-call advertising in mobile/wireless applications.
  784. Agarwal,Anuj; Ahuja,Nitin; Altberg,Ebbe; Faber,Scott; Halstead,Mark Arthur Buchler; Van der Linden,Sean, Methods and apparatuses for pay-per-call advertising in mobile/wireless applications.
  785. Ho, Kelvin; Hirson, Ron; Altberg, Ebbe; Faber, Scott, Methods and apparatuses for sorting lists for presentation.
  786. Ho, Kelvin; Hirson, Ron; Altberg, Ebbe; Faber, Scott, Methods and apparatuses for sorting lists for presentation.
  787. Ho, Kelvin; Hirson, Ron; Altberg, Ebbe; Faber, Scott, Methods and apparatuses for sorting lists for presentation.
  788. Altberg, Ebbe; Faber, Scott; Hirson, Ron; Van der Linden, Sean, Methods and apparatuses to access advertisements through voice over internet protocol (VoIP) applications.
  789. Jain, Mehul; Faber, Scott; Ahuja, Nitin; Agarwal, Anuj; Van Der Linden, Sean; Altberg, Ebbe; Hirson, Ron, Methods and apparatuses to track information using call signaling messages.
  790. Maltzman, Reed, Methods and machine readable mediums to enable a fixed price purchase within an online auction environment.
  791. Johnson, Alan E., Methods and systems for IC card application loading.
  792. Thompson,Michael P., Methods and systems for applying rebates to higher education.
  793. Pujar, Aparna; Rao, Chalapathi, Methods and systems for consolidating purchase orders.
  794. Hansen,Kurt, Methods and systems for coordinating pooled financial transactions.
  795. McRae, Xuan; Lam, Duc; Roland, Matthew, Methods and systems for discounts management.
  796. Waldo, James H.; Wollrath, Ann M.; Scheifler, Robert; Arnold, Kenneth C. R. C., Methods and systems for distributed failure detection and recovery using leasing techniques.
  797. Levy, Daniele V.; Grove, Steve; Mohnia, Dheeraj; Poon, Alex, Methods and systems for harvesting comments regarding events on a network-based commerce facility.
  798. Levy, Daniele; Grove, Steve; Mohnia, Dheeraj Singh; Poon, Alex Dai-Shun, Methods and systems for harvesting comments regarding users on a network-based facility.
  799. Bowie Britton,Simon, Methods and systems for managing successful completion of a network of processes.
  800. Thompson, Michael P., Methods and systems for providing a merchant funded incentive rebate or awards program.
  801. Thompson, Michael P., Methods and systems for providing a merchant funded rebate or rewards program.
  802. Thompson, Michael P., Methods and systems for providing a merchant funded rebate program.
  803. Thompson, Michael P., Methods and systems for providing a rebate program.
  804. Thompson, Michael P., Methods and systems for providing a targeted merchant funded rebate or rewards program.
  805. Garcia, Denis Jacques Paul; Ouye, Michael Michio; Rossmann, Alain; Crocker, Steven Toye; Gilbertson, Eric; Huang, Weiqing; Humpich, Serge; Vainstein, Klimenty; Ryan, Nicholas Michael, Methods and systems for providing access control to secured data.
  806. Garcia, Denis Jacques Paul; Ouye, Michael Michio; Rossmann, Alain; Crocker, Steven Toye; Gilbertson, Eric; Huang, Weiqing; Humpich, Serge; Vainstein, Klimenty; Ryan, Nicholas Michael, Methods and systems for providing access control to secured data.
  807. Garcia, Denis Jacques Paul; Ouye, Michael Michio; Rossmann, Alain; Crocker, Steven Toye; Gilbertson, Eric; Huang, Weiqing; Humpich, Serge; Vainstein, Klimenty; Ryan, Nicholas Michael, Methods and systems for providing access control to secured data.
  808. Garcia, Denis Jacques Paul; Ouye, Michael Michio; Rossmann, Alain; Crocker, Steven Toye; Gilbertson, Eric; Huang, Weiqing; Humpich, Serge; Vainstein, Klimenty; Ryan, Nicholas Michael, Methods and systems for providing access control to secured data.
  809. Woolston, Thomas G., Methods and systems for searching for goods.
  810. Woolston, Thomas G., Methods and systems for searching for goods and services.
  811. Woolston, Thomas G., Methods and systems for searching for goods in a virtual marketplace.
  812. Aravamudan, Murali; Rajasekharan, Ajit; Ramakrishnan, Kajamalai G.; Gupta, Mayank, Methods and systems for segmenting relative user preferences into fine-grain and coarse-grain collections.
  813. Knudson, Edward B.; Ellis, Michael D.; Thomas, William L.; Davis, Bruce L., Methods and systems for selecting a package of videos.
  814. Aravamudan, Murali; Rajasekharan, Ajit; Ramakrishnan, Kajamalai G., Methods and systems for selecting and presenting content based on a comparison of preference signatures from multiple users.
  815. Aravamudan, Murali; Rajasekharan, Ajit; Ramakrishnan, Kajamalai G., Methods and systems for selecting and presenting content based on dynamically identifying microgenres associated with the content.
  816. Lemmons, Thomas R.; Zaring, Jon C., Methods and systems for updating functionality of a set-top box using markup language.
  817. Logue,Jay D.; Graham,John C., Methods and systems for using digital signatures in uniform resource locators.
  818. Jacob,Karl; Faber,Scott; Van der Linden,Sean, Methods and systems to connect consumers to information.
  819. deGroeve, Bernard; Petroons, Jan; Hanan, Christopher C.; Bailey, A. Graham; Gupta, Shreyas D.; Mellyn, Kevin Lawrence; Saal, Matthew; Alexander, Morio; Mondschein, Craig, Methods for electronic multiparty accounts receivable and accounts payable systems.
  820. Shear, Victor H.; Van Wie, David M.; Weber, Robert P., Methods for matching, selecting, narrowcasting, and/or classifying based on rights management and/or other information.
  821. Shear,Victor H.; Van Wie,David M.; Weber,Robert P., Methods for matching, selecting, narrowcasting, and/or classifying based on rights management and/or other information.
  822. Shear,Victor H.; Van Wie,David M.; Weber,Robert P., Methods for matching, selecting, narrowcasting, and/or classifying based on rights management and/or other information.
  823. Mann, II,William Frederick; Hirka,Jeffrey L., Methods for providing cardless payment.
  824. Reisman, Richard R., Methods for transacting electronic commerce.
  825. Aravamudan, Murali; Rajasekharan, Ajit, Methods of and systems for content search based on environment sampling.
  826. Ross, Jr., D. Delano; Ross, Daniel D.; Michaels, Joseph R.; May, William R.; Anderson, Richard A., Methods of expanding commercial opportunities for internet websites through coordinated offsite marketing.
  827. Ross, Jr., D. Delano; Ross, Daniel D.; Michaels, Joseph R.; May, William R.; Anderson, Richard A., Methods of expanding commercial opportunities for internet websites through coordinated offsite marketing.
  828. Messer, Stephen D.; Meng, Horace J.; Ho, Cheryl, Methods, apparatus and articles-of-manufacture for secondary referral tracking on a public-access computer network.
  829. Beenau, Blayn W.; Glavasich, Amy A.; Gray, William J.; Malnati, Leigh R.; McGarity, Cathy A.; Nulle, Danielle R.; Phillips, Sevia N., Methods, apparatus and computer program products for securely accessing account data.
  830. Wollrath, Ann M.; Waldo, James H.; Riggs, Roger, Methods, apparatus, and product for distributed garbage collection.
  831. Wollrath, Ann W.; Waldo, James H.; Riggs, Roger, Methods, apparatus, and product for distributed garbage collection.
  832. Wollrath,Ann M.; Waldo,James H.; Riggs,Roger, Methods, apparatus, and product for distributed garbage collection.
  833. Justice, James R., MicroTrac internet billing solutions.
  834. Mengerink, Matthew, Mobile device communication system.
  835. Rolf, Devon A., Mobile payment systems and methods.
  836. Vogel, Inna; Ye, Mei, Monitoring and automatic notification of irregular activity in a network-based transaction facility.
  837. Digrigoli, Giacomo; Lee, George, Multi currency exchanges between participants.
  838. Digrigoli, Giacomo; Lee, George, Multi currency exchanges between participants.
  839. Digrigoli, Giacomo; Lee, George, Multi currency exchanges between participants of a network-based transaction facility.
  840. Digrigoli, Giacomo; Lee, George, Multi currency exchanges between participants of a networked-based transaction facility.
  841. Everett David Barrington,GBX ; Miller Stuart James,GBX ; Peacham Anthony David,GBX ; Simmons Ian Stephen,GBX ; Richards Timothy Philip,GBX ; Viner John Charles,GBX, Multi-application IC card with delegation feature.
  842. O'Neil Garcia, Edward, Multi-dimensional dynamic visual browsing.
  843. Allyn M. Shell ; Velma M. D. Anderson, Multi-level marketing computer network server.
  844. Allyn M. Shell ; Velma M. D. Anderson, Multi-level marketing computer network server.
  845. Shell Allyn M., Multi-level marketing computer network server.
  846. Loghmani,Masoud; Hazard,Timothy, Multi-modal voice-enabled content access and delivery system.
  847. Loghmani, Masoud S, Multi-modal, multi-path user interface for simultaneous access to internet data over multiple media.
  848. Walker, Jay S.; Van Luchene, Andrew S.; Mik, Magdalena; Tedesco, Daniel E., Multi-tier pricing of individual products based on volume discounts.
  849. Lorenzen,Lee Jay; Zimmerman,Jordan, Multi-vendor internet commerce system for e-commerce applications and methods therefor.
  850. Arunachalam, Lakshmi, Multimedia transactional services.
  851. Horn, Michael R.; Brownlee, Jr., John W.; Silverstein, Marc C., Multiple ‘express buy’ profiles for multiple stores (dell.com and gigabuys.com).
  852. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Hines, Charles P., Nail polish color selection system.
  853. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Hines, Jr., Charles P., Nail polish color selection system.
  854. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Hines, Jr., Charles P., Nail polish color selection system.
  855. Bartholomew,Julie R.; Hines, Jr.,Charles P., Nail polish color selection system.
  856. Bartholomew,Julie R.; Hines, Jr.,Charles P., Nail polish color selection system.
  857. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Hines, Jr., Charles P., Nail polish selection method.
  858. Gonsalves, Robert; Laird, Michael D., Natural color matching in a video editing system.
  859. Bezos, Jeffrey P.; Leblang, Jonathan; Schooley, Shaun; Young, FuMing; Caplan, Alan; Spiegel, Joel R., Network based payment service capable of generating coding for adding payment objects to pages of external sites.
  860. Bezos,Jeffrey P.; Leblang,Jonathan; Schooley,Shaun, Network based user-to-user payment service.
  861. Carter Stephen R. ; LaVange ; Jr. Donald H. ; Jensen Delos C., Network license authentication.
  862. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan; Matthews,David Kent, Network routing utilizing a product code.
  863. Andrew C. Payne ; Lawrence C. Stewart ; David J. Mackie, Network sales system.
  864. Payne Andrew C. ; Stewart Lawrence C. ; Mackie David J., Network sales system.
  865. Ackley, Matthew; Aparo, Joseph, Network-based sales system with customizable user interface.
  866. Bleunven, Daniel; Karotsch, Eliane; Dalban, Christian; Miller, Andrew D J, Network-based sub-allocation systems and methods for swaps.
  867. Bleunven, Daniel; Karotsch, Eliane; Dalban, Christian; Miller, Andrew D J, Network-based sub-allocation systems and methods for swaps.
  868. Ganesan, Ravi, Notification of the availability of electronic bills.
  870. Duncan, Dana B., On-line interactive system and method for transacting business.
  871. Duncan,Dana B., On-line interactive system and method for transacting business.
  872. Duncan,Dana B., On-line interactive system and method for transacting business.
  873. Siegel, Philip S., On-line merchandise return labels.
  874. Siegel, Philip S., On-line rules-based return processing.
  875. Koreeda Hiroki,JPX, On-line shopping system and the method of payment settlement.
  876. Weisberg,Seth; Ogg,Craig Leonard, On-line value-bearing indicium printing using DSA.
  877. Cardasco, Matthew, On-page manipulation and real-time replacement of content.
  878. Hobson, Carol Lee; Hussain, Sohail M, Online card present transaction.
  879. Hobson, Carol Lee; Hussain, Sohail M, Online card present transaction.
  880. Hobson,Carol Lee; Hussain,Sohail M, Online card present transaction.
  881. Hobson,Carol Lee; Hussain,Sohail M., Online card present transaction.
  882. Sugimori Shinji,JPX, Online gift-presentation system including, a server system, terminal equipment, a gift-presenting method, and a computer-readable recording medium.
  883. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Online shopping sites for redeeming loyalty points.
  884. Borders, Louis H.; Relan, Avrind Peter; Lloyd, Margaret Sue; Bhargava, Sunil; Wijaya, Joyo; Ham, Peter; Clossman, Gray Andrew; Mayya, Ajit Ramachandra, Online store product availability.
  885. Gifford David K., Open network payment system for providing for authentication of payment orders based on a confirmation electronic mail message.
  886. Gifford David K., Open network payment system for providing for real-time authorization of payment and purchase transactions.
  887. Wagner, Richard Hiers, Open network system and method for I/O operations with non-standard I/O devices using an extended open network protocol.
  888. Barkeloo, Jason E., Open source publishing system and method.
  889. Odom, James Michael; Yelich, Scott D., Operation of auctions over computer networks.
  890. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Davis, Douglas L., Optical reader and use.
  891. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Davis, Douglas L., Optical reader with ultraviolet wavelength capability.
  892. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan; Holberg,Douglas R., Optical reader with ultraviolet wavelength capability.
  893. Asai,Arito, Order management system.
  894. Rodriguez,John, Order scheduling system and methodology.
  895. Hougland, Damon Charles; At-Taras, Musaab; Korosec, Jason Alexander, Payment application framework.
  896. Wagner, Kim; Sloan, Dinah; Byrne, Brian, Payment card with integrated chip.
  897. Koh, Yeong-Ping; Chan, Steven C.; Muthu, Arunachalam, Payment link.
  898. Koh, Yeong-Ping; Chan, Steven C; Muthu, Arunachalam, Payment link.
  899. Bui, Hong Q., Payment service capable of being integrated with merchant sites.
  900. Bui, Hong Q., Payment service capable of being integrated with merchant sites.
  901. Bui, Hong Q., Payment service capable of being integrated with merchant sites.
  902. Bui, Hong Q., Payment service capable of being integrated with merchant sites.
  903. Bui, Hong Q., Payment service capable of being invoked from merchant sites.
  904. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan, Performing an e-commerce transaction from credit card account information retrieved from a credit card company web site.
  905. Hess, Martin L.; Wilson, Michael K., Periodically reloading image in order to obtain any changes to the images.
  906. Wheeler, Lynn Henry; Wheeler, Anne M., Person-centric account-based digital signature system.
  907. Rielly, William S.; Erlich, Leslie D.; Acharya, Ravi; Goldman, Dmitry, Personalized bank teller machine.
  908. Allocca, William; Hay, Jordan; LeBlang, Jonathan A.; McQueen, Colleen; Prudente, James, Placing a purchase order using one of multiple procurement options.
  909. Allocca, William; Hay, Jordan; Leblang, Jonathan A.; McQueen, Colleen; Prudente, James, Placing a purchase order using one of multiple procurement options.
  910. Allocca, William; Leblang, Jonathan A.; McQueen, Colleen M.; Prudente, James Paul; Hay, Jordan, Placing a purchase order using one of multiple procurement options.
  911. DelloStritto, James J.; Roy Chowdhury, Atanu; Mugundhan, Harrish; Vallee, Adam P.; Rabieirad, Laleh, Platform for patient monitoring.
  912. Johnson, Peter K.; Minnick, J. Doug; Robertson, Ian; Peterson, Samuel J., Point-and-shoot product lister.
  913. Johnson, Peter K.; Minnick, J. Doug; Robertson, Ian; Peterson, Samuel J., Point-and-shoot product lister.
  914. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Hines, Jr., Charles P., Point-of-sale body powder dispensing system.
  915. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Hines, Jr., Charles P., Point-of-sale body powder dispensing system.
  916. Bartholomew,Julie R.; Hines, Jr.,Charles P., Point-of-sale body powder dispensing system.
  917. Julie R. Bartholomew ; Charles P. Hines, Jr., Point-of-sale body powder dispensing system.
  918. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Portable scanner for enabling automatic commerce transactions.
  919. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan, Portable scanner for enabling automatic commerce transactions.
  920. Benson, Glenn Stuart; Calaceto, Joseph R.; Logar, Russell M., Portable security transaction protocol.
  921. Byrne, Patrick Michael; Atkinson, Geoffrey Russell, Positioning E-commerce product related to graphical imputed consumer demand.
  922. Tsuie, Mark; Bussell, Keith D.; Leon, J P, Postage metering with accumulated postage.
  923. Watson, Angela; Richardson, Rebecca; Jalora, Anshu; Liu, Wendy; Hofmann, Ryan, Pricing and forecasting.
  924. Schena, Robert J.; Anderer, Mike E.; Ritz, Peter B.; Bernstein, Mike, Printed medium activated interactive communication of multimedia information, including advertising.
  925. Leahy, Scott; Cohen, Alon, Prioritization of third party access to an online commerce site.
  926. Leahy, Scott; Cohen, Alon, Prioritization of third party access to an online commerce site.
  927. Leahy, Scott; Cohen, Alon, Prioritization of third party access to an online commerce site.
  928. Leahy, Scott; Cohen, Alon, Prioritization of third party access to an online commerce site.
  929. Leahy, Scott; Cohen, Alon, Prioritization of third party access to an online commerce site.
  930. Leahy, Scott; Cohen, Alon, Prioritization of third party access to an online commerce site.
  931. Leahy, Scott; Cohen, Alon, Prioritization of third party access to an online commerce site.
  932. Leahy, Scott; Cohen, Alon, Prioritization of third party access to an online commerce site.
  933. Leahy,Scott; Cohen,Alon, Prioritization of third party access to an online commerce site.
  934. Yadav-Ranjan, Rani K., Process and device for conducting electronic transactions using wireless and cellular devices.
  935. Kuo, James Shaw-Han, Process and method for secure online transactions with calculated risk and against fraud.
  936. Kuo, James Shaw-Han, Process and method for secure online transactions with calculated risk and against fraud.
  937. Rau, Scott W.; Knackstedt, Lee, Processing transactions using a register portion to track transactions.
  938. Fassett, Jr., George C., Product identifier, catalog and locator system and method.
  939. Knudson, Edward; Hassell, Joel; Marshall, Connie; Lemmons, Thomas; Reynolds, Steven; Knee, Robert; Carpenter, Jr., Kenneth; Thomas, William; Herrington, W. Benjamin; Williamson, Steven; Ellis, Michael; Allison, Donald, Program guide system with flip and browse advertisements.
  940. Ellis, Michael D.; Knudson, Edward B.; Lemmons, Thomas R.; Hassell, Joel G.; Knee, Robert A.; Easterbrook, Kevin B., Program guide system with preference profiles.
  941. McCoy, Robert H.; Lumley, Daniel I.; Drummond, Bryan Mitchell; DeWeese, Toby, Promotional philosophy for a video-on-demand-related interactive display within an interactive television application.
  942. Reisman, Richard R., Providing and receiving content over a wireless communication system.
  943. Dean, Michael John; Kapczynski, Mark Joseph, Providing credit inquiry alerts.
  944. Reisman, Richard R., Providing services from a remote computer system to a user station over a communications network.
  945. Reisman, Richard R., Providing services from a remote computer system to a user station over a communications network.
  946. Ward,Rory, Proxy platform integration system.
  947. Veres, Robert Dean; Liang, Ching-Jye, Publishing user submissions.
  948. Veres, Robert Dean; Liang, Ching-Jye, Publishing user submissions at a network-based facility.
  949. Muth, Garold M., Pumping system with plunger having a shaped edge and coating.
  950. Odom, James Michael; Yelich, Scott D., Real time network exchange with seller specified exchange parameters and interactive seller participation.
  951. Arunachalam, Lakshmi, Real-time web transaction systems to access on-line services over the web from web applications.
  952. Arunachalam, Lakshmi, Real-time web transactions from web applications.
  953. Patrick E. Patterson, Regulating access to digital content.
  954. Yu, Kevin John; Chong, Joseph; Tien, Alan, Release of funds based on criteria.
  955. Yu, Kevin John; Chong, Joseph; Tien, Alan, Release of funds based on criteria.
  956. Wheeler, Anne M.; Wheeler, Lynn Henry, Reliably identifying information of device generating digital signatures.
  957. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Remote control having an optical indicia reader.
  958. Wollrath, Ann M.; Jones, Peter C.; Waldo, James H.; Scheifler, Robert W., Remote object activation in a distributed system.
  959. Wenig, Robert I.; Saathoff, Kirk R.; Gettier, Albert F., Replaying captured network interactions.
  960. Wenig, Robert I.; Saathoff, Kirk R.; Gettier, Albert F., Replaying captured network interactions.
  961. Wheeler, Lynn Henry; Wheeler, Anne M., Requesting execution of instructions on accounts in ABDS system.
  962. Hendricks, John S., Resizing document pages to fit available hardware screens.
  963. Andrews, Carlton; O'Connor, Clint H.; Lo, Yuan-Chang, Restoration of an image backup using information on other information handling systems.
  964. Woodward, Franklin Goodhue; Mills, James Connell; Hodge, Randolph Ashton; Miller, Andrew Karl; Wijaya, Joyo, Restricted purchase of regulated items over a network.
  965. Wilf Saar,ILX ; Ruvio Guy,ILX, Retail method over a wide area network.
  966. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Retrieving personal account information from a web site by reading a credit card.
  967. Siegel,Philip S., Return centers with rules-based dispositioning of merchandise.
  968. Zito, Sean, Reuse of an EBP account through alternate authentication.
  969. Combs, Terry; Milch, Jennifer A., Reverse manifesting by returns service provider.
  970. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Rewards program website permitting conversion/transfer of non-negotiable credits to entity independent funds.
  971. McGhie, Sean I.; Buchheit, Brian K., Rewards program with payment artifact permitting conversion/transfer of non-negotiable credits to entity independent funds.
  972. Jeffry Jovan Philyaw ; David Kent Mathews, Routing string indicative of a location of a database on a web associated with a product in commerce.
  974. Narasimhan, Anand; Shemesh, Yaacov; Kumar, Amit, Scalable architecture for transmission of messages over a network.
  975. Narasimhan, Anand; Shemesh, Yaacov; Kumar, Amit, Scalable architecture for transmission of messages over a network.
  976. Nygren, Kaj; Stephanson, Thomas; Skagerwall, Roger, Scalable distributed database system and method for linking codes to internet information.
  977. Weitzman, Jeffrey; Boal, Steven R., Searching a database including prioritizing results based on historical data.
  978. Weitzman, Jeffrey; Boal, Steven R., Searching a database including prioritizing results based on historical data.
  979. Keresman, III, Michael A.; Balasubramanian, Chandra S.; Sherwin, Francis M., Secure and efficient payment processing system.
  980. Keresman, III, Michael A.; Bhagavatula, Ravishankar; Balasubramanian, Chandra; Sherwin, Francis M., Secure and efficient payment processing system.
  981. Keresman, III, Michael A.; Bhagavatula, Ravishankar; Balasubramanian, Chandra; Sherwin, Francis M., Secure and efficient payment processing system.
  982. Keresman, III, Michael A.; Bhagavatula, Ravishankar; Balasubramanian, Chandra; Sherwin, Francis M., Secure and efficient payment processing system with account holder defined transaction limitations.
  983. Ogg, Craig L., Secure and recoverable database for on-line value-bearing item system.
  984. Ogg, Craig L., Secure and recoverable database for on-line value-bearing item system.
  985. Ogg, Craig L., Secure and recoverable database for on-line value-bearing item system.
  986. James W. Todd, Secure and stateful electronic business transaction system.
  987. Christie, William; Beliveau, Jeffery; Lellouche, Henri, Secure coupon distribution.
  988. Chandi, Hendi; Agrawal, Ashish; Kapila, Dhanvi H.; Sinha, Vineesh, Secure cross-domain web browser communications.
  989. Sellars, William; Malina, Richard; Cochran, William, Secure electronic commerce using mutating identifiers.
  990. Hogg, Jason J.; Ng, Winter P., Secure exchange of indicia of value and associated information.
  991. Hogg, Jason J.; Ng, Winter P., Secure exchange of indicia of value and associated information.
  992. Hogg, Jason J.; Ng, Winter P., Secure exchange of indicia of value and associated information.
  993. Everett, David Barrington; Miller, Stuart James; Peacham, Anthony David; Simmons, Ian Stephen; Richards, Timothy Philip; Viner, John Charles, Secure multi-application IC card system having selective loading and deleting capability.
  994. Everett, David Barrington; Miller, Stuart James; Peacham, Anthony David; Simmons, Ian Stephens; Richards, Timothy Philip; Viner, John Charles, Secure multi-application IC card system having selective loading and deleting capability.
  995. Everett,David Barrington; Miller,Stuart James; Peacham,Anthony David; Simmons,Ian Stephen; Richards,Timothy Philip; Viner,John Charles, Secure multiple application card system and process.
  996. Goodwin,Jonathan David, Secure on-line ticketing.
  997. Raney, Kristopher, Secure online marketplace.
  998. Philip R. Wiser ; Andrew R. Cherenson ; Steven T. Ansell ; Susan A. Cannon, Secure online music distribution system.
  999. Wiser, Philip R.; Cherenson, Andrew R.; Ansell, Steven T.; Cannon, Susan A., Secure online music distribution system.
  1000. Wiser,Philip R.; Cherenson,Andrew R.; Ansell,Steven T.; Cannon,Susan A., Secure online music distribution system.
  1001. Engelhart, Robert L., Secure online purchasing.
  1002. Engelhart,Bob, Secure online purchasing.
  1003. Engelhart,Robert L., Secure online purchasing.
  1004. Steeves, David J., Secure online transactions using a trusted digital identity.
  1005. Jalili Reza, Secure purchase transaction method using telephone number.
  1006. Venters, III, Carl Vernon; Phillips, II, Eugene B.; Ornstein, Seth, Secure streaming container.
  1007. Venters, III, Carl Vernon; Phillips, II, Eugene B.; Ornstein, Seth, Secure streaming container.
  1008. Venters, III, Carl Vernon; Phillips, II, Eugene B.; Ornstein, Seth, Secure streaming container.
  1009. Venters, III, Carl Vernon; Phillips, II, Eugene B.; Ornstein, Seth, Secure streaming container.
  1010. Venters, III,Carl Vernon; Phillips, II,Eugene B.; Ornstein,Seth, Secure streaming container.
  1011. Ventors, III, Carl Vernon; Phillips, II, Eugene B.; Ornstein, Seth, Secure streaming container.
  1012. Tieken, Craig A., Secure transaction management.
  1013. Cordery, Robert A.; Lee, David K.; Pintsov, Leon A.; Ryan Jr., Frederick W.; Weiant, Jr., Monroe A., Secure user certification for electronic commerce employing value metering system.
  1014. Cordery, Robert A.; Lee, David K.; Pintsov, Leon A.; Ryan, Jr., Frederick W.; Weiant, Jr., Monroe A., Secure user certification for electronic commerce employing value metering system.
  1015. Cordery, Robert A.; Lee, David K.; Pintsov, Leon A.; Ryan, Jr., Frederick W.; Weiant, Jr., Monroe A., Secure user certification for electronic commerce employing value metering system.
  1016. Cordery,Robert A.; Lee,David K.; Pintsov,Leon A.; Ryan, Jr.,Frederick W.; Weiant, Jr.,Monroe A., Secure user certification for electronic commerce employing value metering system.
  1017. Ogg,Craig L.; Chow,William W., Secured centralized public key infrastructure.
  1018. Pitroda, Satyan G.; Desai, Mehul, Securing a driver license service electronic transaction via a three-dimensional electronic transaction authentication protocol.
  1019. Phillips, II, Eugene B.; Ornstein, Seth, Securing digital content system and method.
  1020. Phillips, II, Eugene B.; Ornstein, Seth, Securing digital content system and method.
  1021. Phillips, II, Eugene B.; Ornstein, Seth, Securing digital content system and method.
  1022. Phillips, II, Eugene B.; Ornstein, Seth, Securing digital content system and method.
  1023. Phillips, II, Eugene B.; Ornstein, Seth, Securing digital content system and method.
  1024. Phillips, II,Eugene B.; Ornstein,Seth, Securing digital content system and method.
  1025. Saito Yoko,JPX ; Shimizu Michihiro,JPX ; Ikeuchi Manabu,JPX, Security management method for network system.
  1026. Winkler,Steven Thomas; Friedrich,Michael Andreas; Risch,Armin, Security service for an electronic marketplace.
  1027. Wheeler, Lynn Henry; Wheeler, Anne M., Sending electronic transaction message for entity information account, digital signature derived therefrom, and sender identity information in AADS system.
  1028. Wheeler, Henry Lynn; Wheeler, Anne M., Sending electronic transaction message, digital signature derived therefrom, and sender identity information in AADS system.
  1029. Chamberlain, Simon; Giles, Harley; Lientz, Andrew, Service for associating network users with profiles.
  1030. Chamberlain, Simon; Giles, Harley; Lientz, Andrew, Service for associating network users with profiles.
  1031. Saar Wilf IL, Session management over a stateless protocol.
  1032. Kramer Glenn A. ; Weber Jay C., Settlement of aggregated electronic transactions over a network.
  1033. Magennis,Gerard; Buchendorfer,Thomas, Setuid-filter method for providing secure access to a credentials store for computer systems.
  1034. Marks, Michael A., Shared shopping basket management system.
  1035. Roskind, James, Smart payment instrument selection.
  1036. Byrne, Patrick Michael; Park, Susan, Social choice engine.
  1037. Byrne, Patrick Michael; Park, Susan, Social choice engine.
  1038. Reisman, Richard R., Software and method for monitoring a data stream and for capturing desired data within the data stream.
  1039. Reisman, Richard R., Software and method that enables selection of on-line content from one of a plurality of network content service providers in a single action.
  1040. Reisman, Richard R., Software and method that enables selection of one of a plurality of network communications service providers.
  1041. Reisman, Richard R., Software and method that enables selection of one of a plurality of online service providers.
  1042. Reisman, Richard R., Software and method that enables selection of one of a plurality of online service providers.
  1043. Reisman, Richard R., Software and method that enables selection of one of a plurality of online service providers.
  1044. Reisman, Richard R., Software distribution over a network.
  1045. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Mathews, David Kent, Software downloading using a television broadcast channel.
  1046. Philyaw,Jeffry Jovan; Mathews,David Kent, Software downloading using a television broadcast channel.
  1047. Horning,James J.; Sibert,W. Olin; Tarjan,Robert E.; Maheshwari,Umesh; Horne,William G.; Wright,Andrew K.; Matheson,Lesley R.; Owicki,Susan K., Software self-defense systems and methods.
  1048. Herrero, Victor R.; Vuozzo, Michael L., Solution for locally staged electronic software distribution using secure removable media.
  1049. Bonner, Brett B.; Skaaksrud, Ole-Petter; Specht, Daniel L.; Dutton, David J.; Thomas, Mark J., Sort system and method utilizing instructions to direct placement and provide feedback.
  1050. Gonsalves, Robert; Laird, Michael D., Source color modification on a digital nonlinear editing system.
  1051. Ross, Jr., D Delano; Ross, Daniel D; Michaels, Joseph R; May, William R; Anderson, Richard A, Specially programmed computer server serving pages offering commercial opportunities for merchants through coordinated offsite marketing.
  1052. van den Oever, Laurens; Dent, Jason Matthew, Statistical linguistic analysis of source content.
  1053. Van Wie, David M.; Weber, Robert P., Steganographic techniques for securely delivering electronic digital rights management control information over insecure communication channels.
  1054. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, System and apparatus for connecting a wireless device to a remote location on a network.
  1055. Mital Amit, System and apparatus for monitoring secure information in a computer network.
  1056. Mandler, Maria M.; McLaughlin, Ann P.; Battenfelder, Robert R.; Rouen, James E.; Orbach, Levi Y.; Benson, Carol; Engber, Marjorie; Nevens, James E.; Krajewski, William Joseph; Baldwin Moody, Carol A., System and method a risk based purchase of goods.
  1057. Flanagan,William J.; Conklin,Jeffrey; Foucher,David; Foucher,Daniel, System and method for an automated system of record.
  1058. Lurie, Steven, System and method for an online speaker patch-through.
  1059. Lurie,Steven, System and method for an online speaker patch-through.
  1060. Benson, Glenn S., System and method for anti-phishing authentication.
  1061. Benson, Glenn S., System and method for anti-phishing authentication.
  1062. Benson, Glenn S., System and method for anti-phishing authentication.
  1063. Benson, Glenn S., System and method for anti-phishing authentication.
  1064. Robertson, Ian B., System and method for assigning computer users to test groups.
  1065. Boal, Steven R; Walsh, Michael, System and method for augmenting content in electronic documents with links to contextually relevant information.
  1066. Boal, Steven; Walsh, Michael, System and method for augmenting content in electronic documents with links to contextually relevant information.
  1067. French,Jennifer; Wilder,Jone, System and method for authentication of network users.
  1068. Flanagan,William J.; Conklin,Jeffrey; Foucher,David; Foucher,Daniel, System and method for automated, iterative development negotiations.
  1069. Gendler, Joseph, System and method for automatic financial project management.
  1070. Likourezos, George; Scaturro, Michael Anthony, System and method for automatically effecting payment for a user of an electronic auction system.
  1071. Kaza, Shrinivas K.; McRae, Xuan (Sunny) N.; Subramani, Dillip K.; Roland, Matthew Grant; Lopin, Pavel; Mueller, Georg, System and method for automatically enrolling buyers into a network.
  1072. Murray, Jason; Shepherd, Joel; Griffith, Mark, System and method for combining fulfillment of customer orders from merchants in computer-facilitated marketplaces.
  1073. Murray, Jason; Shepherd, Joel; Griffith, Mark, System and method for combining fulfillment of customer orders from merchants in computer-facilitated marketplaces.
  1074. Evevsky, Nick, System and method for computerized sales optimization.
  1075. Faber, Scott; Van der Linden, Sean, System and method for conducting a time auction.
  1076. Flanagan,William J.; Conklin,Jeffrey; Foucher,David; Foucher,Daniel, System and method for contract authority.
  1077. Markakis, Dimitrios; Hochfield, Barry; Beric, John; Roberts, David Anthony, System and method for controlling access to computer code in an IC card.
  1078. Walsh, Michael; Keswani, Ravi; Babu, Manicka; Reihaneh, Nahrin; Li, Bingwu, System and method for controlling use of a network resource.
  1079. Dickelman, Mark, System and method for conversion of initial transaction to final transaction.
  1080. Dickelman, Mark, System and method for conversion of initial transaction to final transaction.
  1081. Fisher, Alan S.; Kaplan, Samuel Jerrold, System and method for creating a customer account.
  1082. Fisher, Alan S.; Kaplan, Samuel Jerrold, System and method for creating a customer account.
  1083. Jammes,Pierre J.; Franklin,D. Chase; Remington,Darren B., System and method for designing and operating an electronic store.
  1084. Jammes,Pierre J.; Franklin,D. Chase; Remington,Darren B., System and method for designing and operating an electronic store.
  1085. Haugen,Amy; Rowney,Kevin, System and method for determining the level of a authentication required for redeeming a customer's award credits.
  1086. Haugen, Amy; Rowney, Kevin, System and method for determining the level of an authentication required for redeeming a customers award credits.
  1087. Ward, III, Thomas E.; Hancock, Kenneth; Macrae, Douglas B., System and method for displaying advertisements responsive to EPG information.
  1088. Saldanha, Carlos; Froncioni, Andrea M.; Kruszewski, Paul A.; Saumier-Finch, Gregory J.; Trudeau, Caroline M.; Bachaalani, Fadi G.; Morcos, Nader; Cote, Sylvain B.; Guevin, Patrick R.; St. Arnaud, Jean-Francois B.; Veillet, Serge; Guay, Louise L., System and method for displaying selected garments on a computer-simulated mannequin.
  1089. Likourezos, George; Scaturro, Michael Anthony, System and method for effecting a real-time payment for an item won on an electronic auction.
  1090. Likourezos,George; Scaturro,Michael A., System and method for effecting payment for an electronic auction commerce transaction.
  1091. Likourezos, George; Scaturro, Michael A., System and method for effecting payment for an electronic commerce transaction.
  1092. Likourezos, George; Scaturro, Michael Anthony, System and method for effecting payment for an item offered for an electronic auction sale.
  1093. Lam, Duc; Roland, Matthew; McRae, Xuan (Sunny), System and method for electronic authorization of batch checks.
  1094. Brown, Karen Lavern; Manarky, Lisa Kim, System and method for electronic bill pay and presentment.
  1095. Acharya, Ravi V., System and method for electronic deposit of a financial instrument by banking customers from remote locations by use of a digital image.
  1096. Acharya, Ravi V., System and method for electronic deposit of a financial instrument by banking customers from remote locations by use of a digital image.
  1097. Meyer, Shannon D.; Haggerty, Margaret A.; Schwabinger, Rick, System and method for electronic remittance of funds.
  1098. Wagner, Richard Hiers, System and method for enabling transactions between a web server and a smart card, telephone, or personal digital assistant over the internet.
  1099. Wagner, Richard Hiers, System and method for enabling transactions between a web server and an automated teller machine over the internet.
  1100. Arnold, Brian L.; Simpson, Paul H.; Fitzgerald, Thomas Steven; Lo, Pik Kwan; Wilson, James K.; Brockwell, John C.; Quinn, Michael F., System and method for enhancing supply chain transactions.
  1101. Warren, Mary Carter; Barrett, Donna M.; Schmitt, Donald H.; Ehemann, Karen R., System and method for establishing or modifying an account with user selectable terms.
  1102. Warren, Mary Carter; Fredman, Marc L.; Hoechst, Kimberly L.; Filak, Douglas A.; Steckart, James C.; Blossom, George W.; Jacobs, Ron E.; Barrett, Donna M.; Schmitt, Donald H.; Strock, Bradley R.; Witsil, Kathleen H.; Ehemann, Karen R.; Dowidchuck, Katrina, System and method for establishing or modifying an account with user selectable terms.
  1103. Warren, Mary Carter; Fredman, Marc L.; Hoechst, Kimberly L.; Filak, Douglas A.; Steckart, James C.; Blossom, George W.; Jacobs, Ron E.; Barrett, Donna M.; Schmitt, Donald H.; Strock, Bradley R.; Witsil, Kathleen H.; Ehemann, Karen R.; Dowidchuck, Katrina, System and method for establishing or modifying an account with user selectable terms.
  1104. Walsky, Joshua P., System and method for facilitating commercial transactions over a data network.
  1105. Wollrath, Ann M.; Waldo, James H.; Riggs, Roger, System and method for facilitating dynamic loading of stub information to enable a program operating in one address space to invoke processing of a remote method or procedure in another address space.
  1106. Wollrath,Ann M.; Waldo,James H.; Riggs,Roger, System and method for facilitating dynamic loading of stub information to enable a program operating in one address space to invoke processing of a remote method or procedure in another space.
  1107. Ross, Jr.,D. Delano; Ross,Daniel D.; Michaels,Joseph R.; May,William R.; Anderson,Richard A., System and method for facilitating internet commerce with outsourced websites.
  1108. Kerner, Robert; Tang, Weidong, System and method for facilitating online transactions.
  1109. Donaho, Emma; Nolan, Joseph Bradley; Budde, William; Miranda, Giancarlo; Sheley, William Scott, System and method for financial services device usage.
  1110. Donaho, Emma; Nolan, Joseph Bradley; Budde, William; Miranda, Giancarlo; Sheley, William Scott, System and method for financial services device usage.
  1111. Everett, David Barrington; Miller, Stuart James; Peacham, Anthony David; Simmons, Ian Stephen; Richards, Timothy Philip; Viner, John Charles, System and method for flexibly loading an IC card.
  1112. David Barrington Everett GB; Stuart James Miller GB; Anthony David Peacham GB; Ian Stephen Simmons GB; Timothy Philip Richards GB; John Charles Viner GB, System and method for flexibly loading in IC card.
  1113. Patel, Ankit; Kramer, Adam J.; Polsky, Joanne J M; Walsh, Nancy L.; Freeman, Kyle A., System and method for fulfillment services coordination.
  1114. Peart, Lee J; Saunders, Peter D, System and method for generating an unpredictable number using a seeded algorithm.
  1115. Read, Matthew J.; Ames, Craig S.; Nangia, Vinit; Lobashov, Pavel; Lam, Josiah, System and method for generating and managing administrator passwords.
  1116. Read, Matthew J.; Ames, Craig S.; Nangia, Vinit; Lobashov, Pavel; Lam, Josiah, System and method for generating and managing administrator passwords.
  1117. Allen, Brian J.; Buroker, Bruce A.; Flood, John P.; Gentz, Scott A.; Lidman, Gina M.; Teichman, William J., System and method for generating graphical user interface.
  1118. Allen, Brian J.; Buroker, Bruce A.; Flood, John P.; Gentz, Scott A.; Lidman, Gina M.; Teichman, William J., System and method for generating graphical user interfaces.
  1119. Mount, Cheryl; Pradhan, Akshay; Tucker, Sheryl F.; Garvey, Danielle O.; Barry, Dennis C.; Goodwin, Brenda; Radvanyi, Tammy; O'Brien, Linda M., System and method for generating magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) testing documents.
  1120. Martin, James, System and method for graphically building weighted search queries.
  1121. Martin, James, System and method for graphically building weighted search queries.
  1122. Morin, Noel; Holmquest, Hilary; Maltzman, Reed; Taylor, Jeffrey, System and method for handling complaints about unsolicited communications.
  1123. Wang, Hsiaozhang Bill, System and method for handling item listings with generic attributes.
  1124. Wang, Hsiaozhang Bill, System and method for handling item listings with generic attributes.
  1125. O'Connor, Clint H.; Huber, Gary D.; Haze, Michael, System and method for handling software activation in entitlement.
  1126. O'Connor, Clint H.; Huber, Gary D.; Haze, Michael; Curtis, William A., System and method for handling software activation in entitlement.
  1127. O'Connor, Clint H.; Huber, Gary D.; Haze, Michael; Curtis, William A.; Decker, Brian; Molsberry, Frank; Ganesan, Subramanian, System and method for identifying systems and replacing components.
  1128. Hirka, Jeffrey L.; Fox, Steven J., System and method for linked account having sweep feature.
  1129. Olliphant, Hugo, System and method for managing allocation of funds between a plurality of entities.
  1130. Kerker, William S.; Paasche, Thomas D.; Bamborough, Dave; Bancino, Randy S.; Horder-Koop, Robin; McDonald, Kenneth J.; Parker, John P.; Zevalkink, Claire E., System and method for managing recurring orders in a computer network.
  1131. Paasche,Thomas D.; Kerker,William S., System and method for managing recurring orders in a computer network.
  1132. Forth, J. Bradford; Hancock, Martin A.; Gasper, Marcus; Van Doorn, Peter M., System and method for manufacturing and configuring intelligent electronic devices to order.
  1133. O'Connor, Clint H.; Huber, Gary D.; Haze, Michael; Curtis, William A., System and method for manufacturing and personalizing computing devices.
  1134. Boesch Brian ; Farrell Patrick ; Light Elliott ; Eisenberg R. Scott, System and method for merchant invoked electronic commerce.
  1135. Moore, S. Sean; Berezowski, David; Walker, Todd A.; Ellis, Michael D., System and method for metadata-linked advertisements.
  1136. Moore, Sean S.; Berezowski, David M.; Walker, Todd A.; Ellis, Michael D., System and method for metadata-linked advertisements.
  1137. O'Connor, Clint H.; Huber, Gary D.; Haze, Michael; Curtis, William A., System and method for migration of digital assets.
  1138. Alexander, Ronald; Dias, Stephen; Hancock, Kenneth S.; Leung, Elsie Y.; Macrae, Douglas B.; Ng, Arthur Y.; O'Neil, Shawn P.; Shoaff, P. Christopher; Sutton, Jonathon; Ward, Thomas E.; Westberg, Thomas E.; Yuen, Henry C., System and method for modifying advertisement responsive to EPG information.
  1139. Alexander, Ronald; Dias, Stephen; Hancock, Kenneth S.; Leung, Elsie Y.; Macrae, Douglas B.; Ng, Arthur Y.; O'Neil, Shawn P.; Shoaff, P. Christopher; Sutton, Jonathon; Ward, Thomas E.; Westberg, Thomas E.; Yuen, Henry C., System and method for modifying advertisement responsive to EPG information.
  1140. Alexander, Ronald; Dias, Stephen; Hancock, Kenneth S.; Leung, Elsie Y.; Macrae, Douglas B.; Ng, Arthur Y.; O'Neil, Shawn P.; Shoaff, P. Christopher; Sutton, Jonathon; Ward, Thomas E.; Westberg, Thomas E.; Yuen, Henry C., System and method for modifying advertisement responsive to EPG information.
  1141. Ward, III, Thomas E.; Hancock, Kenneth; Macrae, Douglas B., System and method for modifying advertisement responsive to EPG information.
  1142. Ward, III, Thomas E.; Hancock, Kenneth; Macrae, Douglas B., System and method for modifying advertisement responsive to EPG information.
  1143. Ward, III, Thomas E.; Hancock, Kenneth; Macrae, Douglas B., System and method for modifying advertisement responsive to EPG information.
  1144. Postelnik, Igor; Goldfein, Jocelyn E.; Gilbert, Phil G., System and method for multi-source transaction processing.
  1145. Jou, Brian; Adler, Lynn A.; Bing, Robert L.; Boyle, James M.; Briody, Clare K.; Emery, Ian K.; Moran, Brian A.; Mascio, Kenneth, System and method for multicurrency and multibank processing over a non-secure network.
  1146. Scott, Kelly W., System and method for network-based project management.
  1147. Likourezos, George; Scaturro, Michael A., System and method for offering an incentive to a user of an electronic commerce web site.
  1148. Cataline, Glen R.; Rielly, William Smith; Sheehan, Mark Robert; Wallace, William Scott, System and method for optimized funding of electronic transactions.
  1149. Conklin Jeffrey ; Foucher David ; Foucher Daniel, System and method for ordering sample quantities over a network.
  1150. Benson, Glenn Stuart; Croston, Sean, System and method for partner key management.
  1151. Lam, Duc; Shanbhogue, Ramnath; Kan, Immanuel; Moore, Robert; McRae, Xuan (Sunny), System and method for payer (buyer) defined electronic invoice exchange.
  1152. D'Agostino John, System and method for performing secure credit card purchases.
  1153. D'Agostino, John, System and method for performing secure credit card purchases.
  1154. D'Agostino, John, System and method for performing secure credit card transactions.
  1155. Skingle, Bruce James, System and method for portal infrastructure tracking.
  1156. Skingle,Bruce James, System and method for portal infrastructure tracking.
  1157. Everhart, Glenn C., System and method for preventing identity theft or misuse by restricting access.
  1158. Flanagan,William J.; Conklin,Jeffrey; Foucher,David; Foucher,Daniel, System and method for process mining.
  1159. Sheehan, Mark; Wallace, William; Knackstedt, Lee, System and method for processing microtransactions.
  1160. Sheehan, Mark; Wallace, William; Knackstedt, Lee, System and method for processing microtransactions.
  1161. Sheehan, Mark; Wallace, William; Knackstedt, Lee, System and method for processing microtransactions.
  1162. Sheehan, Mark; Wallace, William; Knackstedt, Lee, System and method for processing mircotransactions.
  1163. Pletz, Tracy; Rochford, Joseph, System and method for processing qualified healthcare account related financial transactions.
  1164. Field, Manning R.; Reinhard, Walter Brent, System and method for processing transactions using a multi-account transactions device.
  1165. Field, Manning R.; Reinhard, Walter Brent, System and method for processing transactions using a multi-account transactions device.
  1166. Field, Manning R.; Reinhard, Walter Brent; Keld, Marcia, System and method for processing transactions using a multi-account transactions device.
  1167. Hecksel David L. ; Duderstadt Russel A., System and method for product registration.
  1168. Altberg, Ebbe; Faber, Scott; Hirson, Ron; Van Der Linden, Sean; Lyon, Ben Harris; Manca, Paul G., System and method for providing advertisement.
  1169. Jeffrey Conklin ; David Foucher ; Daniel Foucher, System and method for providing and updating user supplied context for a negotiations system.
  1170. Schmeyer, Frank F., System and method for providing consumer rewards.
  1171. Rosko, Robert; Gudipati, Jayashree, System and method for providing customers with seamless entry to a remote server.
  1172. Rosko, Robert; Gudipati, Jayashree, System and method for providing customers with seamless entry to a remote server.
  1173. Rosko,Robert; Ampani,Kumar, System and method for providing customers with seamless entry to a remote server.
  1174. Hildebrand, Hal S., System and method for providing different levels of key security for controlling access to secured items.
  1175. Bowers, Theodore J; Ilijasic, Dean; Sanders, Shelley F., System and method for providing discriminated content to network users.
  1176. Bowers,Theodore J.; Ilijasic,Dean; Sanders,Shelley F., System and method for providing discriminated content to network users.
  1177. Taylor, Thomas B.; Murray, Jason W.; Patel, Ankit; Ehrhardt, John R.; Jaykumar, Karpagavalli; Awalt, Kimberly, System and method for providing export services to merchants.
  1178. Gendler,Joseph, System and method for providing funding approval associated with a project based on a document collection.
  1179. Sanders, Shelley F.; Bowers, Theodore; Ilijasic, Dean, System and method for providing incentives to consumers to share information.
  1180. Vainstein, Klimenty; Hildebrand, Hal, System and method for providing multi-location access management to secured items.
  1181. Evans, Steven E.; Pierce, Suzanne Dallmeyer, System and method for providing supplemental payment or transaction information.
  1182. Fei, Huchen; Yang, Dong; Hong, Xiao, System and method for rapid updating of credit information.
  1183. Fisher, Alan S.; Kaplan, Samuel Jerrold, System and method for receiving a bid.
  1184. Kara, Salim G.; Pagel, Martin J., System and method for remote postage metering.
  1185. Jeffrey Conklin ; David Foucher ; Daniel Foucher, System and method for representing data and providing electronic non-repudiation in a negotiations system.
  1186. Saunders, Peter D.; Barnes, Brian T., System and method for secure transactions manageable by a transaction account provider.
  1187. Saunders, Peter, System and method for securing a recurrent billing transaction.
  1188. Cataline, Glen R.; Rielly, William Smith; Wallace, William Scott; Sheehan, Mark Robert, System and method for selectable funding of electronic transactions.
  1189. Cataline, Glen R.; Rielly, William Smith; Wallace, William Scott; Sheehan, Mark Robert, System and method for selectable funding of electronic transactions.
  1190. Lo, Yuan-Chang; O'Connor, Clint H.; Konetski, David; Huber, Gary D.; Srivastava, Neeraj; Dandekar, Shree A.; Haze, Michael; Curtis, William A., System and method for self-provisioning of virtual images.
  1191. Lehman, Dean K.; McCullough, Joseph R.; Orth, Nancy A., System and method for sending money via E-mail over the internet.
  1192. O'Connor, Clint H.; Huber, Gary D.; Curtis, William A., System and method for separation of software purchase from fulfillment.
  1193. Miller, Lawrence R; Trenholm, Martin J., System and method for single session sign-on.
  1194. Skingle,Bruce James, System and method for single session sign-on with cryptography.
  1195. Ellmore, Kimberly, System and method for single sign on process for websites with multiple applications and services.
  1196. Ellmore,Kimberly, System and method for single sign on process for websites with multiple applications and services.
  1197. Ellmore,Kimberly, System and method for single sign on process for websites with multiple applications and services.
  1198. Ellmore,Kimberly, System and method for single sign on process for websites with multiple applications and services.
  1199. Ellmore,Kimberly, System and method for single sign on process for websites with multiples applications and services.
  1200. Siegel, Philip S, System and method for single-action returns of remotely purchased merchandise.
  1201. Light, Elliott D.; Ersheid, Ali, System and method for storage and retrieval of information subject to authorization by a data controller.
  1202. Light, Elliott D.; Ersheid, Ali, System and method for storage and retrieval of information subject to authorization by a data controller.
  1203. Ward, III, Thomas E.; Hancock, Kenneth; Macrae, Douglas B., System and method for targeted advertisement display responsive to user characteristics.
  1204. Colcord, Brian, System and method for testing applications.
  1205. Dutta,Rabindranath, System and method for third party logging server.
  1206. Rosedale,Matthew P.; Master,Warren; Campfield,Thomas; Phinney,John, System and method for trade settlement tracking and relative ranking.
  1207. Wagner, Richard Hiers, System and method for transacting communication over an open network.
  1208. Lau, Erwin; Gaydou, II, Danny; Mechler, Robert, System and method for using television information codes.
  1209. Schein, Steven M.; Leftwich, James J.; Folker, David M.; Hunwick, Keith W.; Alba, Theresa A.; King, Molly K., System and method for using television schedule information.
  1210. Lanier,Cheryl; Davis,Larry P.; Sullivan,James P.; Schmutz Nugent,Melanie, System and method for utilizing an exclusion list database for casinos.
  1211. Holm, Don; Lam, Duc; McRae, Xuan (Sunny), System and method for varying electronic settlements between buyers and suppliers with dynamic discount terms.
  1212. Holm, Don; Lam, Duc; McRae, Xuan (Sunny), System and method for varying electronic settlements between buyers and suppliers with dynamic discount terms.
  1213. Tomkow, Terrance A., System and method for verifying delivery and integrity of electronic messages.
  1214. Tomkow, Terrance A., System and method for verifying delivery and integrity of electronic messages.
  1215. Tomkow, Terrance A., System and method for verifying delivery and integrity of electronic messages.
  1216. Kolls, H. Brock, System and method of processing credit card, e-commerce, and e-business transactions without the merchant incurring transaction processing fees or charges worldwide.
  1217. Cichielo, Robert N.; Banco, Paul J., System and method of remote fax interconnect technology.
  1218. Likourezos,George; Scaturro,Michael A., System and method to automate payment for a commerce transaction.
  1219. Morin, Noel; Holmquest, Hilary, System and method to control sending of unsolicited communications relating to a plurality of listings in a network-based commerce facility.
  1220. Morin, Noel; Holmquest, Hilary; Maltzman, Reed; Taylor, Jeffrey, System and method to control sending of unsolicited communications relating to a plurality of listings in a network-based system based on an identifier of the sender of the unsolicited communication.
  1221. Grove, Steve, System and method to facilitate translation of communications between entities over a network.
  1222. Grove, Steve, System and method to facilitate translation of communications between entities over a network.
  1223. Grove, Steve, System and method to facilitate translation of communications between entities over a network.
  1224. Van Der Linden, Sean; Faber, Scott; Halstead, Mark; Altberg, Ebbe, System and method to merge pay-for-performance advertising models.
  1225. Cooper, Dave M. L.; Woronuk, Dennis; Woodward, Robert S.; Zeeb, Kevin G.; Mullen, Thomas Joseph, System and method to provide real time transaction validation and billing via a communications network.
  1226. Peterson, Brian Craig; Korbecki, William J.; Arme, Jonathan; Fife, Brian, System and methods for automatically obtaining cost-efficient access to a media content collection.
  1227. MacDonald-Korth, Holly C.; Peterson, Samuel Jacob, System and methods for electronic commerce using personal and business networks.
  1228. MacDonald-Korth, Holly C.; Peterson, Samuel Jacob, System and methods for electronic commerce using personal and business networks.
  1229. Ginter,Karl L.; Shear,Victor H.; Spahn,Francis J.; Van Wie,David M., System and methods for secure transaction management and electronic rights protection.
  1230. Ginter, Karl L.; Shear, Victor H.; Spahn, Francis J.; Van Wie, David M., System and methods for secure transaction management and electronics rights protection.
  1231. Pitroda, Satyan G., System and methods for servicing electronic transactions.
  1232. Pitroda, Satyan G., System and methods for servicing electronic transactions.
  1233. Pitroda,Satyan G., System and methods for servicing electronic transactions.
  1234. Altberg, Ebbe; Faber, Scott; Hirson, Ron; Van Der Linden, Sean, System and methods to connect people in a marketplace environment.
  1235. Royer,Barry Lynn; Heil,John Andrew, System and user interface for adaptively processing and communicating URL data between applications.
  1236. Royer,Barry Lynn; Heil,John Andrew, System and user interface supporting URL processing and concurrent application operation.
  1237. Royer, Barry Lynn; Heil, John Andrew, System and user interface supporting context sharing between concurrently operating applications.
  1238. Fernandez, Dennis S.; Hu, Irene Y., System design rights management.
  1239. Hernandez, Omar; Singh, Sukhbir; Phadnis, Neel, System for capturing and replaying screen gestures.
  1240. Pitroda, Satyan G., System for distribution and use of virtual stored value cards.
  1241. Wagner, Richard Hiers, System for enabling smart card transactions to occur over the internet and associated method.
  1242. O'Hara, John, System for handling network transactions.
  1243. O'Hara, John, System for handling network transactions.
  1244. Bezos, Jeffrey P.; Kaphan, Sheldon J.; Ratajak, Ellen L.; Schonhoff, Thomas K., System for implementing a performance-based customer referral program.
  1245. Conklin Jeffrey ; Foucher David ; Foucher Daniel, System for interative, multivariate negotiations over a network.
  1246. Oliver, David M.; Densmore, William P.; Callahan, Michael J., System for management of alternatively priced transactions on network.
  1247. Gregg, Richard L.; Giri, Sandeep; Goeke, Timothy C., System for managing access to protected computer resources.
  1248. Mann, III, William Frederick; Hirka, Jeffrey L., System for providing cardless payment.
  1249. Mann, III, William Frederick; Hirka, Jeffrey L., System for providing cardless payment.
  1250. Mann, III,William Frederick; Hirka,Jeffrey L., System for providing cardless payment.
  1251. Loghmani, Masoud, System for providing multi-phased, multi-modal access to content through voice and data devices.
  1252. Loghmani,Masoud, System for providing multi-phased, multi-modal access to content through voice and data devices.
  1253. Faber,Scott; Van der Linden,Sean; Lurie,Steven Ivan, System for recording and distributing recorded information over the internet.
  1254. Reisman Richard R., System for transporting information objects between a user station and multiple remote sources based upon user modifiable object manifest stored in the user station.
  1255. Wenig, Robert I.; Punjabi, Manoj; Townsend, Geoff, System identifying and inferring web session events.
  1256. Vogel, Inna; Ye, Mei, System to monitor irregular activity.
  1257. Vogel, Irina; Ye, Mei, System to monitor irregular activity.
  1258. Ho, Chi Fai; Chiu, Shin Cheung Simon, System, method and apparatus for conducting a secure transaction over a call.
  1259. Ho, Chi Fai; Chiu, Shin Cheung Simon, System, method and apparatus for conducting secure transaction over a call.
  1260. Nguyen Trong ; Haller Daniel R. ; Kramer Glenn A., System, method and article of manufacture for a gateway payment architecture utilizing a multichannel, extensible, flexible architecture.
  1261. Nguyen Trong ; Subramanian Mahadevan P. ; Haller Daniel R., System, method and article of manufacture for a gateway system architecture with system administration information acce.
  1262. Nguyen Trong ; Subramanian Mahadevan P. ; Haller Daniel R., System, method and article of manufacture for a gateway system architecture with system administration information accessible from a browser.
  1263. Kramer Glenn A., System, method and article of manufacture for a modular gateway server architecture.
  1264. Nguyen Trong ; Haller Daniel R. ; Subramanian Mahadevan P., System, method and article of manufacture for a payment gateway system architecture for processing encrypted payment tr.
  1265. Rowney Kevin T. B., System, method and article of manufacture for conditionally accepting a payment method utilizing an extensible, flexible.
  1266. Bahreman Ali Reza, System, method and article of manufacture for dynamic negotiation of a network payment framework.
  1267. Haller Daniel R. ; Nguyen Trong, System, method and article of manufacture for handling transaction results in a gateway payment architecture utilizing.
  1268. Williams Humphrey, System, method and article of manufacture for initiation of software distribution from a point of certificate creation utilizing an extensible, flexible architecture.
  1269. Haller Daniel R. ; Nguyen Trong ; Rowney Kevin T. B. ; Berger David A. ; Kramer Glenn A., System, method and article of manufacture for managing transactions in a high availability system.
  1270. Williams Humphrey ; Hughes Kevin ; Parmar Bipinkumar G., System, method and article of manufacture for network electronic payment instrument and certification of payment and credit collection utilizing a payment.
  1271. Berger David A. ; Weber Jay C. ; Kramer Glenn A., System, method and article of manufacture for processing a plurality of transactions from a single initiation point on a.
  1272. Weber Jay C., System, method and article of manufacture for remote virtual point of sale processing utilizing a multichannel, extensi.
  1273. Rowney Kevin T. B. ; Chen Yuhua, System, method and article of manufacture for secure digital certification of electronic commerce.
  1274. Rowney Kevin Thomas Bartholomew ; Nadig Deepak S., System, method and article of manufacture for secure network electronic payment and credit collection.
  1275. Williams Humphrey ; Hughes Kevin ; Parmar Bipinkumar G., System, method and article of manufacture for the use of payment instrument holders and payment instruments in network.
  1276. Kevin T. B. Rowney, System, method and article of manufacture for transmitting messages within messages utilizing an extensible, flexible architecture.
  1277. Owen, Daniel L.; Kusnic, Michael W., System, method and computer program product for a collaborative decision platform.
  1278. Owen, Daniel L.; Kusnic, Michael W., System, method and computer program product for a collaborative decision platform.
  1279. Owen, Daniel L.; Kusnic, Michael W., System, method and computer program product for a collaborative decision platform.
  1280. Owen, Daniel L.; Kusnic, Michael W., System, method and computer program product for a collaborative decision platform.
  1281. Owen, Daniel L., System, method and computer program product for facilitating informed decisions relating to family risk.
  1282. MacDonald Korth, Holly C.; Peterson, Samuel Jacob, System, program product, and methods for online image handling.
  1283. MacDonald Korth, Holly C.; Peterson, Samuel Jacob, System, program product, and methods for online image handling.
  1284. MacDonald Korth, Holly C; Peterson, Samuel Jacob, System, program product, and methods for online image handling.
  1285. Byrne, Patrick, System, program product, and methods for social network advertising and incentives for same.
  1286. Clem, John Roland; Yoggi, Pradipe, Systems and methods facilitating shipping services rate resale.
  1287. Rasanen, Kirsten; Bryant, Jay S., Systems and methods for acquiring, categorizing and delivering media in interactive media guidance applications.
  1288. Bortnak, James M.; McBride, Kenneth T., Systems and methods for activation of postage indicia at point of sale.
  1289. Faber,Scott; Hirson,Ron; Migdal,James D.; Altberg,Henrik Axel Ebbe; Van der Linden,Sean David, Systems and methods for arranging a call.
  1290. Lundell, Gregory James, Systems and methods for auto-configuring a user equipment device with content consumption material.
  1291. Harris, Scott; Lavinsky, Joshua; Sreeharsha Dasa Anjayaiah, Setty, Systems and methods for automated invoice entry.
  1292. Harris, Scott; Lavinsky, Joshua; Sreeharsha Dasa Anjayaiah, Setty, Systems and methods for automated invoice entry.
  1293. Rosenberg, Scott; Carlberg, Marvin, Systems and methods for automatically generating advertisements using a media guidance application.
  1294. Hamano, Royce Matsusei; Gevorgyan, Gevorg, Systems and methods for automatically purchasing and recording popular pay programs in an interactive media delivery system.
  1295. Homer, Ian; Diss, Matthew, Systems and methods for contextual vocabularies and customer segmentation.
  1296. Haller, Eric; Hirn, Mark; Dichiara, Christer, Systems and methods for data verification.
  1297. Haller, Eric; Hirn, Mark; Dichiara, Christer, Systems and methods for data verification.
  1298. Klosterman,Brian Lee; Schein,Steven, Systems and methods for displaying information regions in an interactive electronic program guide.
  1299. Shakkarwar, Rajesh G., Systems and methods for identification and authentication of a user.
  1300. Chorna, Douglas T.; Sankaran, Srikanth, Systems and methods for implementing the structuring, pricing, quotation, and trading of SPOT synthetics (SPOTS), SPREAD instruments (SPRINTS), SPRINTS based on SPOTS, ratio derivatives (RADS), RADS based on SPOTS, and options based on these instruments.
  1301. Chorna, Douglas T.; Sankaran, Srikanth, Systems and methods for implementing the structuring, pricing, quotation, and trading of financial instruments.
  1302. Chorna, Douglas T.; Sankaran, Srikanth, Systems and methods for implementing the structuring, pricing, quotation, and trading of financial instruments.
  1303. Jarvie, Jay C.; Vayner, Leonid; Payne, Clive Anthony, Systems and methods for managing digital certificates.
  1304. Jarvie, Jay C.; Vayner, Leonid; Payne, Clive Anthony, Systems and methods for managing digital certificates.
  1305. Bishop, Fred; Saunders, Peter D., Systems and methods for managing multiple accounts on a RF transaction device using secondary identification indicia.
  1306. Shear,Victor H.; Van Wie,David M.; Weber,Robert P., Systems and methods for matching, selecting, narrowcasting, and/or classifying based on rights management and/or other information.
  1307. Szwalbenest, Stanley A., Systems and methods for multifactor authentication.
  1308. Szwalbenest, Stanley A., Systems and methods for multifactor authentication.
  1309. Szwalbenest, Stanley A., Systems and methods for multifactor authentication.
  1310. Bishop, Fred; Saunders, Peter D, Systems and methods for non-traditional payment using biometric data.
  1311. Bishop, Fred; Saunders, Peter D., Systems and methods for non-traditional payment using biometric data.
  1312. DiChiara, Christer J.; LeFevre, Kristin M.; Mitchum, Randall P.; Wresinski, Bryan David, Systems and methods for permission arbitrated transaction services.
  1313. DiChiara, Christer J.; Mitchum, Randall P.; Ferguson, Mindy; LeFevre, Kristin M.; Jackson, James Andrew, Systems and methods for permission arbitrated transaction services.
  1314. McMillan, Helen; Skurtovich, John Lawrence; Kress, Anita; Sumida, Timothy; McVey, Michael Charles, Systems and methods for providing an integrated identifier.
  1315. Emans, Matthew; Hoctor, John; Turner, Jonathan, Systems and methods for providing an interface for data driven media placement.
  1316. Reedy, Dennis G.; Mitchell, Larry J., Systems and methods for providing dynamic quality of service for a distributed system.
  1317. Begen, Geoffrey C.; Biswas, Michael John, Systems and methods for providing localized functionality in browser based postage transactions.
  1318. Wenig, Robert; Tsyganskiy, Igor; Landry, Kenneth, Systems and methods for recording and visually recreating sessions in a client-server environment.
  1319. Biswas, Michael John; Begen, Geoffrey C., Systems and methods for rules based shipping.
  1320. Ginter, Karl L.; Shear, Victor H.; Sibert, W. Olin; Spahn, Francis J.; Van Wie, David M., Systems and methods for secure transaction management and electronic rights protection.
  1321. Ginter, Karl L.; Shear, Victor H.; Spahn, Francis J.; Van Wie, David M., Systems and methods for secure transaction management and electronic rights protection.
  1322. Ginter, Karl L.; Shear, Victor H.; Spahn, Francis J.; Van Wie, David M., Systems and methods for secure transaction management and electronic rights protection.
  1323. Ginter,Karl L.; Shear,Victor H.; Sibert,W. Olin; Spahn,Francis J.; Van Wie,David M., Systems and methods for secure transaction management and electronic rights protection.
  1324. Ginter,Karl L.; Shear,Victor H.; Spahn,Francis J.; Van Wie,David M., Systems and methods for secure transaction management and electronic rights protection.
  1325. Ginter,Karl L.; Shear,Victor H.; Spahn,Francis J.; Van Wie,David M., Systems and methods for secure transaction management and electronic rights protection.
  1326. Ginter,Karl L.; Shear,Victor H.; Spahn,Francis J.; Van Wie,David M., Systems and methods for secure transaction management and electronic rights protection.
  1327. Ginter,Karl L.; Shear,Victor H.; Spahn,Francis J.; Van Wie,David M., Systems and methods for secure transaction management and electronic rights protection.
  1328. Ginter,Karl L.; Shear,Victor H.; Spahn,Francis J.; Van Wie,David M., Systems and methods for secure transaction management and electronic rights protection.
  1329. Ginter,Karl L.; Shear,Victor H.; Spahn,Francis J.; Van Wie,David M., Systems and methods for secure transaction management and electronic rights protection.
  1330. Everhart, Glenn Cobourm, Systems and methods for time variable financial authentication.
  1331. Everhart, Glenn Cobourm, Systems and methods for time variable financial authentication.
  1332. Lin, Wayne W., Systems and methods for transacting business over a global communications network such as the internet.
  1333. Lin, Wayne W., Systems and methods for transacting business over a global communications network such as the internet.
  1334. Lin, Wayne Weiyuan, Systems and methods for transacting business over a global communications network such as the internet.
  1335. Shear,Victor H.; Sibert,W. Olin; Van Wie,David M., Systems and methods for using cryptography to protect secure computing environments.
  1336. Pierre J. Jammes ; D. Chase Franklin ; Darren B. Remington, Systems and methods for viewing product information, and methods for generating web pages.
  1337. Burger, Michael; Kapczynski, Mark Joseph, Systems and methods of identity protection and management.
  1338. Burger, Michael; Kapczynski, Mark Joseph, Systems and methods of identity protection and management.
  1339. Faber, Scott; Altberg, Ebbe; Hirson, Ron; Van Der Linden, Sean, Systems and methods to arrange call back.
  1340. Altberg, Ebbe; Faber, Scott; Hirson, Ron; Van Der Linden, Sean; Manca, Paul G.; Yang, Virginia Hong-Jia, Systems and methods to confirm initiation of a callback.
  1341. Altberg, Ebbe; Faber, Scott; Hirson, Ron; Van Der Linden, Sean, Systems and methods to connect people in a marketplace environment.
  1342. Poon, Alex Dai-Shun; Leahy, Scott; Wilson, Michael K., Systems and methods to facilitate transactions.
  1343. Poon, Alex Dai-Shun; Leahy, Scott; Wilson, Michael K., Systems and methods to facilitate transactions.
  1344. Poon, Alex Dai-Shun; Leahy, Scott; Wilson, Michael K., Systems and methods to facilitate transactions.
  1345. Altberg, Ebbe; Faber, Scott; Hirson, Ron; Van Der Linden, Sean, Systems and methods to manage a queue of people requesting real time communication connections.
  1346. Altberg, Ebbe; Faber, Scott; Hirson, Ron; Van Der Linden, Sean; Manca, Paul G., Systems and methods to manage privilege to speak.
  1347. Faber, Scott; Altberg, Ebbe; Hirson, Ron; Van Der Linden, Sean, Systems and methods to provide availability indication.
  1348. Altberg, Ebbe; Faber, Scott; Hirson, Ron; Van Der Linden, Sean, Systems and methods to provide communication references to connect people for real time communications.
  1349. Forth,J. Bradford; Dagg,Jordon M.; Hancock,Martin A.; Hirschbold,Markus F.; Hyatt,Geoffrey T.; Lightbody,Simon H., Systems for in the field configuration of intelligent electronic devices.
  1350. Austin Pamela Sue, Systems, methods, and computer program products for delivering information in a preferred medium.
  1351. Austin, Pamela Sue, Systems, methods, and computer program products for delivering information in a preferred medium.
  1352. Seal,Krishanu; Siegel,Hilliard B., Systems, methods, and computer-readable media for controlling delivery of digital products to users.
  1353. Trese, Andrew; Closset, Frank, Systems, methods, and media for generating analytical data.
  1354. Jakobsson,Bjorn Markus; Schnorr,Claus Peter, Tagged private information retrieval.
  1355. Everett, David Barrington; Miller, Stuart James; Peacham, Anthony David; Simmons, Ian Stephen; Richards, Timothy Philip; Viner, John Charles, Tamper resistant module certification authority.
  1356. Everett, David Barrington; Miller, Stuart James; Peacham, Anthony David; Simmons, Ian Stephen; Richards, Timothy Philip; Viner, John Charles, Tamper resistant module certification authority.
  1357. Everett, David Barrington; Miller, Stuart James; Peacham, Anthony David; Simmons, Ian Stephen; Richards, Timothy Philip; Viner, John Charles, Tamper resistant module certification authority.
  1358. Wilson, Michael K., Taxonomy based database partitioning.
  1359. Wilson, Michael K., Taxonomy based database partitioning.
  1360. Wilson, Michael K., Taxonomy based database partitioning.
  1361. Wilson, Michael K., Taxonomy-based database partitioning.
  1362. Zielke,William D.; Frech,John J.; Bemis,Teri W.; Hobday, Jr.,Donald K.; Harris,Mark T.; Dreyer,Hans D.; McCoy,Randal A., Technique for presenting matched billers to a consumer.
  1363. Hall,Edwin J.; Shear,Victor H.; Tomasello,Luke S.; Van Wie,David M.; Weber,Robert P.; Worsencroft,Kim; Xu,Xuejun, Techniques for defining, using and manipulating rights management data structures.
  1364. Loghmani, Masoud; Korangy, Fred F., Telephony-data application interface apparatus and method for multi-modal access to data applications.
  1365. Klosterman, Brian Lee; Milnes, Kenneth Alan, Television system with downloadable features.
  1366. Williams, Christopher K.; Kayatin, Justin M., Third-party billing system and method.
  1367. Williams,Christopher K.; Kayatin,Justin M., Third-party billing system and method.
  1368. Wheeler, Anne Mcafee; Wheeler, Lynn Henry, Three party account authority digital signature (AADS) system.
  1369. Hess,Martin L.; Wilson,Michael K., Thumbnail image virtual address space.
  1370. Hunt Simon R. ; Wisner Steven P., Tracking a user's purchases on the internet by associating the user with an inbound source and a session identifier.
  1371. Patterson, Patrick E., Tracking electronic component.
  1372. Patterson, Patrick E., Tracking electronic content.
  1373. Patterson, Patrick E., Tracking electronic content.
  1374. Lotvin, Mikhail; Nemes, Richard M., Tracking points related to a user account for online redemption.
  1375. Loy, John J., Trade receivable processing method and apparatus.
  1376. Loy, John J., Trade receivable processing method and apparatus.
  1377. Loy, John J., Trade receivable processing method and apparatus.
  1378. Loy,John J., Trade receivable processing method and apparatus.
  1379. Banaugh, Michelle; Knowlton, Timothy R.; Wood, George L., Transaction ID system and process.
  1380. Banaugh, Michelle; Knowlton, Timothy R.; Wood, George L., Transaction ID system and process.
  1381. Reber William Louis ; Perttunen Cary Drake, Transaction methods systems and devices.
  1382. Kolls, H. Brock, Transaction processing method of fulfilling an electronic commerce transaction by an electronic commerce terminal system.
  1383. Messer, Stephen Dale, Transaction tracking, managing, assessment, and auditing data processing system and network.
  1384. Messer, Stephen Dale, Transaction tracking, managing, assessment, and auditing data processing system and network.
  1385. Messer,Stephen D., Transaction tracking, managing, assessment, and auditing data processing system and network.
  1386. Messer,Stephen Dale, Transaction tracking, managing, assessment, and auditing data processing system and network.
  1387. Vanstone, Scott A., Transaction verification protocol for smart cards.
  1388. Ellis,John R.; Gifford,David K.; Treese,G. Winfield, Transfers of information in a communications network.
  1389. Riggs, Glenn E.; Kivela, John H.; Shellman, Robert H.; Rocky, Jr., Joseph F.; Bainor, Stanley M.; Brechter, Ralph K.; Clark, Douglas L.; Clark, James R.; Clow, Jon L.; Daley, Amy; Hu, Larry; Indelica, Transport logistics systems and methods.
  1390. Ginter,Karl L.; Shear,Victor H.; Spahn,Francis J.; Van Wie,David M.; Weber,Robert P., Trusted and secure techniques, systems and methods for item delivery and execution.
  1391. Ginter,Karl L.; Shear,Victor H.; Spahn,Francis J.; Van Wie,David M.; Weber,Robert P., Trusted and secure techniques, systems and methods for item delivery and execution.
  1392. Ginter,Karl L.; Shear,Victor H.; Spahn,Francis J.; Van Wie,David M.; Weber,Robert P., Trusted and secure techniques, systems and methods for item delivery and execution.
  1393. Wheeler, Lynn Henry; Wheeler, Anne M., Trusted authentication digital signature (tads) system.
  1394. Ginter, Karl L.; Shear, Victor H.; Spahn, Francis J.; Van Wie, David M.; Weber, Robert P., Trusted infrastructure support systems, methods and techniques for secure electronic commerce transaction and rights management.
  1395. Ginter,Karl L.; Shear,Victor H.; Spahn,Francis J.; Van Wie,David M.; Weber,Robert P., Trusted infrastructure support systems, methods and techniques for secure electronic commerce transaction and rights management.
  1396. Ginter, Karl L.; Shear, Victor H.; Spahn, Francis J.; Van Wie, David M.; Weber, Robert P., Trusted infrastructure support systems, methods and techniques for secure electronic commerce, electronic transactions, commerce process control and automation, distributed computing, and rights management.
  1397. Ginter,Karl L.; Shear,Victor H.; Spahn,Francis J.; Van Wie,David M.; Weber,Robert P., Trusted infrastructure support systems, methods and techniques for secure electronic commerce, electronic transactions, commerce process control and automation, distributed computing, and rights management.
  1398. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan; Roberts, James D., Unique bar code.
  1399. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Unique bar code for indicating a link between a product and a remote location on a web network.
  1400. Hitchock,Michael D.; Wolfston, Jr.,James H.; Stedman,John W.; Hertz,Andre��{grave over ( )} J.; Price,Raymond L., Universal forms engine.
  1401. Kolls, H. Brock, Universal interactive advertising and payment system network for public access electronic commerce and business related products and services.
  1402. Balasubramanian, Chandra S.; Sherwin, Francis M.; Keresman, Michael A., Universal merchant platform for payment authentication.
  1403. Balasubramanian, Chandra S.; Sherwin, Francis M.; Keresman, Michael A., Universal merchant platform for payment authentication.
  1404. Balasubramanian, Chandra; Sherwin, Francis M.; Keresman, III, Michael A.; Ratica, Adam, Universal merchant platform for payment authentication.
  1405. Keresman, III,Michael A.; Sherwin,Francis M.; Balasubramanian,Chandra S., Universal merchant platform for payment authentication.
  1406. Pool, Ed; Mauer, Doug, Universal shopping center for international operation.
  1407. Bezos,Jeffrey P.; Kaphan,Sheldon J.; Ratajak,Ellen L.; Schonhoff,Thomas K., Use of shopping cart to collect and purchase items selected from multiple web sites.
  1408. Leblang, Jonathan; Schooley, Shaun; Young, FuMing; Caplan, Alan; Spiegel, Joel R.; Bezos, Jeffrey P., User-to-user payment service with payee-specific pay pages.
  1409. Pitroda, Satyan G.; Desai, Mehul, Using confidential information to prepare a request and to suggest offers without revealing confidential information.
  1410. , Value-added network switching and object routing.
  1411. Muth, Garold M., Velocity pumping system.
  1412. Kolls, H. Brock, Vending access to the internet, business application software, e-commerce, and e-business in a hotel room.
  1413. Satchell, Jr., James A.; Asumadu, Johnson A., Vending machine and computer assembly.
  1414. Satchell, Jr., James A.; Asumadu, Johnson A., Vending machine and computer assembly.
  1415. Colson, Christen J., Verification and authentication systems and methods.
  1416. Colson, Christen J., Verification and authentication systems and methods.
  1417. Chin, Alfred, Vertical network computing integration, analytics, and automation.
  1418. Hendricks, John S.; McCoskey, John S., Virtual on-demand electronic book.
  1419. Pagel, Martin J.; Librach, Eran; Yan, Peiyuan, Virtual security device.
  1420. Cordasco, Matthew, Visualization of website analytics.
  1421. Masoud Loghmani ; Fred F. Korangy, Voice-optimized database system and method of using same.
  1422. Hankins, Matthew; Mann, III, William; Dickelman, Mark, Waterfall prioritized payment processing.
  1423. Levergood, Thomas Mark; Stewart, Lawrence C.; Morris, Stephen J.; Payne, Andrew C.; Treese, George W., Web advertising method.
  1424. Arunachalam, Lakshmi, Web application network portal.
  1425. Trese, Andrew; Closset, Frank; van den Oever, Laurens, Web interface including the review and manipulation of a web document and utilizing permission based control.
  1426. Adunuthula, Seshu; Anand, Mala; Chou, Tsung-Jen; Nakhoda, Shehzaad; Ng, Raymond; Pang, Robert; Sharma, Ankur; Bookman, Matthew, Web request broker controlling multiple processes.
  1427. Philyaw, Jeffry Jovan, Web site access manual of a character string into a software interface.
  1428. Borders, Louis H.; Relan, Arvind Peter; Lloyd, Margaret Sue; Bhargava, Sunil; Wijaya, Joyo; Ham, Peter; Clossman, Gray Andrew; Mayya, Ajit Ramachandra, Webstore supporting multiple merchants.
  1429. Kuruvila, Vinay, Widget-based integration of payment gateway functionality into transactional sites.
  1430. Klug, John R.; Peterson, Thad D., World wide web registration information processing system.
  1431. Klug,John R.; Peterson,Thad D., World wide web registration information processing system.
  1432. Klug, John R.; Peterson, Thad D., Worldwide web registration information processing system.
  1433. Klug, John R.; Peterson, Thad D., Worldwide web registration information processing system.

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