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[미국특허] Low pressure casting process and apparatus 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B22D-018/04
출원번호 US-0710410 (1996-09-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Schaefer Richard L.
  • Schaefer Carl W. D.
  • Williamson James M.
  • Miller Norman L.
출원인 / 주소
  • Frank W. Schaefer, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 28  인용 특허 : 12


Molten metal is delivered from a master furnace to the molten metal holding chamber of a low pressure casting machine by a launder assembly having a unitary, quickly replaceable, valve assembly including a valve which, when closed, prevents flow of the molten metal from the master furnace to the hol


[ Having thus described our invention, we claim:] [1.] A low pressure metal casting process in which molten metal is delivered from a master furnace to a molten metal holding chamber of a holding furnace of a low pressure casting machine having a housing within which said holding furnace is located

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (12)

  1. Farmer John Edgar (12034 S. Emerald Ave. Chicago IL 60628), Battery strap mold and anti-drip pouring means.
  2. Smith Robert A. (Newbury GBX), Controlling the position of liquid metal in a vessel.
  3. Sasaki Masato (Kanagawa JPX) Yamada Yoshihiro (Kanagawa JPX), Die for forming aluminum silicon alloy.
  4. Balevski Angel T. (Sofia BGX) Nikolov Ivan D. (Sofia BGX) Antonov Asparuch M. (Sofia BGX), Low-pressure or counterpressure casting apparatus.
  5. Kotthoff Winfried (Eversberg DT) Wiedenroth Wolfgang (Meschede (Ruhr) DT), Metering device for metal casting machines, particularly low pressure casting machines.
  6. Campbell John (Worcester GBX), Method and apparatus for melting and casting metal.
  7. Pereira Joseph A. T. (Weybridge GB2), Method and apparatus for the low-pressure die-casting of metals.
  8. Sieurin Sven Ivar (Upplands Vasby SW), Method of distributing molten metal to consumer stations.
  9. Belloci Rio (Pont-a-Mousson FRX), Process and device for controlling a vessel for pouring liquid under low pressure in a repeated manner.
  10. Keller Hartmut (Selb/Bayern DEX) Krauth Axel (Selb/Bayern DEX) Maier Horst R. (Selb/Bayern DEX) Nink Horst (Selb/Bayern DEX) Pohlmann Hans J. (Selb/Bayern DEX) Reddig Horst (Marktredwitz DEX) Siebels, Refractory articles and composite metal-ceramic articles (cermets) prepared from a silicate-containing aluminum titanate.
  11. Weber Udo (Hochheim DEX) Lhrsen Ernst (Bad Schwalbach DEX) Ott Albert (Waldems-Wstems DEX) Lee Steve (Clydebank GB6), Refractory discharge device with separate external reinforcement member.
  12. Waltensphl Rolf (Hnenberg CHX), Refractory shutoff assembly and rotor and stator therefor.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (28)

  1. Robert W. Ratte, Apparatus and method of forming parts.
  2. Prieto, Romulo A., Apparatus for automatic refilling of a low pressure casting machine.
  3. Ratte, Robert W.; Peterson, Norman E., Battery part.
  4. Ratte, Robert W.; Peterson, Norman E., Battery part.
  5. Ratte, Robert W.; Peterson, Norman E.; Cain, Tracy L., Battery parts and associated systems and methods.
  6. Ratte, Robert W.; Peterson, Norman E.; Cain, Tracy L., Battery parts and associated systems and methods.
  7. Cain, Tracy L.; Garin, Michael, Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  8. Cain, Tracy L.; Garin, Michael, Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  9. Garin, Michael A.; Gifford, Kurt T., Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  10. Garin, Michael A.; Gifford, Kurt T., Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  11. Garin, Michael A.; Gifford, Kurt T., Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  12. Garin, Michael A.; Gifford, Kurt T., Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  13. Trudel, David R.; Meyer, Thomas N.; Kinosz, Michael J.; Arnaud, Guy; Bigler, Nicolas, Filtering molten metal injector system and method.
  14. Bates, Charles Earl, Foundry mold insulating coating.
  15. Bates, Charles Earl, Foundry mold insulating coating.
  16. Grassi, John R.; Campbell, John; Shaw, Christopher, Integrated quiescent processing of melts.
  17. Iversen, Peter M.Yen.ller; Andersen, Uffe, Method and apparatus for casting metal articles with counter-gravity supply of metal to moulds.
  18. Marshall A. Klingensmith ; Andreas Kaleja DE; Michael J. Kinosz, Molten metal dosing furnace with metal treatment and level control and method.
  19. Meyer, Thomas N.; Kinosz, Michael J.; Bigler, Nicolas; Arnaud, Guy, Molten metal injector system and method.
  20. Kennedy,Gordon F.; Mohler,Mark G., Molten metal pressure pour furnace.
  21. Klingensmith, Marshall A.; Fields, James R.; Kinosz, Michael J., Molten metal treatment furnace with level control and method.
  22. Crivellone, Gianni; Gallo, Sergio; Mus, Claudio, Mould structure for producing light metal alloy casts and a low pressure precision casting method in a semi permanent mould.
  23. Ratte, Robert W., Multiple casting apparatus and method.
  24. Ratte, Robert W., Multiple casting apparatus and method.
  25. Klingensmith, Marshall A.; Kinosz, Michael J.; Borns, Rick A., Overflow transfer furnace and control system for reduced oxide production in a casting furnace.
  26. Klingensmith,Marshall A.; Kinosz,Michael J.; Borns,Rick A., Overflow transfer furnace and control system for reduced oxide production in a casting furnace.
  27. Cain, Tracy L., Systems and methods for manufacturing battery parts.
  28. Cain, Tracy L., Systems and methods for manufacturing battery parts.
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