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Slit valve for closing off containers 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-035/52
출원번호 US-0645705 (1996-05-14)
우선권정보 DE-0008151 (1995-05-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hins Johannes,DEX
출원인 / 주소
  • Georg Menshen GmbH & Co. KG, DEX
대리인 / 주소
    Griffin, Butler, Whisenhunt & Szipl
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 55  인용 특허 : 6


A self sealing slit valve for closing off a container opening comprises a diaphragm part having a slit-shaped pour opening. The diaphragm part is made of a first thermoplastic elastomer material having resilient property, which is integrally formed to a base part made of a second thermoplastic mater


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A slit valve for closing off a container opening comprising a diaphragm part having a slit-shaped pour opening and made of a first thermoplastic elastomer material having resilient property, said diaphragm part being integrally molded onto a base part of a second thermopl

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6)

  1. Dornsbusch Arthur H. (Cincinnati OH) Drobish James L. (Cincinnati OH) Schanzle Roger E. (Cincinnati OH) Taske Leo E. (Cincinnati OH) Blaut Robert W. (Cincinnati OH), Bimodal storage and dispensing package including self-sealing dispensing valve to provide automatic shut-off and leak-re.
  2. Rohr Robert D. (Elgin IL) Hess ; III John M. (Crystal Lake IL), Dispensing closure with pressure-actuated flexible valve.
  3. Lohrman Richard D. (Grayslake IL) Cisliek Ronny M. (Arlington Heights IL), Dispensing package.
  4. Brown Paul E. (Midland MI), Dispensing valve for packaging.
  5. Appleby Paul (557 Melita Crescent Toronto ; Ontario CAX M6G 3Y7), Dispensing valve with venting.
  6. Bilani Nadi (Strombeek-Bever BEX) Declerck Johan W. (Ichtegem BEX) Hoernaert Jorgen (Brugge BEX), System comprising a container having a slit valve as a venting valve and a liquid contained in said container.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (55)

  1. Paczonay Joseph R., Apparatus for controlling the flow of fluid.
  2. Gelov, Teodor, Bottle and cap.
  3. Gelov, Teodor, Bottle with cap.
  4. Gelov, Teodor, Bottle with cap.
  5. Windmiller, David Mitchell, Bottom fillable bottles and systems for charging the same.
  6. Windmiller, David Mitchell, Bottom fillable bottles and systems for charging the same.
  7. Windmiller, David Mitchell, Bottom fillable bottles and systems for charging the same.
  8. Windmiller, David Mitchell, Bottom fillable bottles and systems for charging the same.
  9. Windmiller, David Mitchell, Bottom fillable bottles and systems for charging the same.
  10. Windmiller, David Mitchell, Bottom fillable bottles and systems for charging the same.
  11. Windmiller, David Mitchell, Bottom fillable bottles and systems for charging the same.
  12. Norris, Joseph T.; Crawford, John C.; Walsh, Scott Murray; Hickok, Alan Patrick; Smith, Kelly Ann, Closure.
  13. Rani,Robert G., Closure device for flexible pouches.
  14. Richard A. Gross, Closure with internal flow control for a pressure openable valve in an extendable/retractable nozzle.
  15. Stull,Jameson P.; Auer,Robert T., Container closure and method of assembly.
  16. Stull,Jameson P.; Auer,Robert T., Container closure and method of assembly.
  17. Okawa Hiroyuki,JPX ; Mizushima Hiroshi,JPX ; Osawa Tetsuhiro,JPX ; Inaba Shinichi,JPX, Container having slit valve.
  18. Gaiser, Ricky G.; Hierzer, Valentin; Simpson, Robert, Cover for dispensing closure with pressure actuated valve.
  19. Panec, Donald J.; Stillinger, Kathryn Kelsey Anne; Stillinger, Scott H., Deformable elastomeric valve and valve assembly.
  20. De'Padova, Paul Ippolito; Gidlow, Mark Anthony Ian, Dispensing apparatus.
  21. Baudin Gilles,FRX, Dispensing cap with improved tightness.
  22. Gaiser Rick ; Hierzer Valentin ; Simpson Robert, Dispensing closure with pressure actuated valve.
  23. Pugne,Darin M., Dispensing closure, package and method of manufacture.
  24. Brown Paul E. ; Brown Stuart R. ; Hess ; III John M. ; Socier Timothy R., Dispensing package with a self-sealing closure constructed from a thermoplastic material.
  25. Rohr Robert D. ; Dallas ; Jr. Milton R. ; Kasting Thomas P., Dispensing structure which has a pressure-openable valve retained with folding elements.
  26. Gross Richard A., Dispensing system with an internal releasable shipping seal and an extended tip containing a pressure openable valve.
  27. Bloom, Kenneth S., Dispensing valve.
  28. Bloom, Kenneth S.; Bourgeois, Philip D.; Pugne, Darin M., Dispensing valve.
  29. Bloom, Kenneth S.; Bourgeois, Philip D.; Pugne, Darin M., Dispensing valve.
  30. Nelson Cory J. ; Neumann Peter M. ; Balfanz Robert W., Duckbilled check valves and methods of making and using same.
  31. Peter J. Walters ; David Moore, Finger-operable pump actuator with finger pad.
  32. Lohrman, Richard D., Fluid dispensing closure, package and method of manufacture.
  33. Lohrman, Richard D., Fluid dispensing closure, package and method of manufacture.
  34. Horst Schorner DE, Hinged container cap.
  35. Renner, Ronald G.; Etling, Craig T; Botich, Michael J, Inflatable baby pacifier with method.
  36. Bloom,Kenneth S.; Brozell,Brian J.; Pugne,Darin M.; Willingham,Wendell D., Integrally molded dispensing valve and method of manufacture.
  37. Gram, Jes Tougaard, Method for manufacturing a petal valve.
  38. Fillmore,William E., Method of making a dispensing closure.
  39. Pugne, Darin M., Method of making a dispensing closure.
  40. Wood Christopher J. ; Singer Marian ; Witkowski Walt, Multiple injection, toggle-action dispensing structure.
  41. Cori M. Blomdahl ; Susan De Groot, Non-dispensing closure.
  42. Daansen, Warren S., Nozzle tip with slit valve for fluid dispenser.
  43. Daansen, Warren S., Nozzle tip with slit valve for fluid dispenser.
  44. Daansen, Warren S., Nozzle tip with slit valve for fluid dispenser.
  45. Mueller Bruce M., One-piece dispensing system and method for making same.
  46. Mueller Bruce M., One-piece dispensing system and method for making same.
  47. Luehn, Holger; Schumacker, Nicolai, Operating fluid tank.
  48. Eakin, Thomas G., Ostomy/fistula bag.
  49. Steele, Mark, Package having a fluid actuated closure.
  50. Steele, Mark, Package valve closure system and method.
  51. Steele, Mark, Packages having bubble-shaped closures.
  52. Steele, Mark; Melchoir, Greg, Sanitary dispensing package.
  53. Windmiller, David, Top lid assembly for bottle.
  54. Bull, Martin C.; Leamon, John, Valve retaining device.
  55. Panec, Donald J; Stillinger, Kathryn Kelsey Anne; Stillinger, Scott H, Valve system.
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