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Method of demodulating chirp spread spectrum 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H04B-015/00
  • H04K-001/00
  • H04L-027/30
출원번호 US-0450974 (1995-05-25)
발명자 / 주소
  • Zastrow Lyn R.
출원인 / 주소
  • Zilog, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Majestic, Parsons, Siebert & Hsue
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 16  인용 특허 : 10


A digital circuit is used to demodulate a linear chirp spread spectrum signal. The digital circuit uses a counter which is clocked so as to count during the time period between the pulses of a chirp signal. The circuitry also uses a digital filter to determine whether the frequencies of the linear c


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A circuit for demodulating an input chirp signal, the input chirp signal including pulses, the frequency of the input chirp signal increasing or decreasing over a period of time, the circuit comprising:digital circuitry including a counter updated by a fixed frequency clo

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10)

  1. Drogin Edwin M. (Dix Hills NY), Adaptive bandwidth signal encoder.
  2. McCorkle John (College Park MD), Coherently interruptible frequency hopped chirp generator.
  3. Lund Van Metre (2294 Elm Ridge Dr. Northbrook IL 60062), Communication system.
  4. Chuba Christian J. (Scotch Plains NJ) Walden ; Jr. Charles R. (Montclair NJ) Grecco Joseph J. (Saddle Brook NJ) Feinstein Jeffrey I. (Clifton NJ), Detection of single-frequency signals.
  5. Niki Shoji (Kitaadachi JPX) Takahashi Toshiro (Gyoda JPX) Hirakoso Yohei (Gyoda JPX), Device for measuring average frequencies.
  6. Wagner Steven D. (San Jose CA), Frequency measurement circuit.
  7. Baker Lewin T. (Schenectady NY) Orlowski ; Jr. Eugene J. (Schenectady NY), Method and apparatus for digital automatic frequency control of chirped oscillator.
  8. Baker Lewin T. (Schenectady NY), Method and circuitry for chirped oscillator automatic frequency control.
  9. Kestenbaum, William W., Method and means for generating pulse compression pulses.
  10. Bose Sanjay K. (Schenectady NY), Methods, and apparatus, for transmitting high-bit-rate digital data in power line communication media having high harmon.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (16)

  1. Hiscock, Paul Dominic, Chirp communications.
  2. Nallapureddy, Bhaskar V.; Wu, Songping; Yu, Tsunglun; Lou, Hui-Ling, Detection and estimation of radio frequency variations.
  3. Nallapureddy, Bhaskar V.; Wu, Songping; Yu, Tsunglun; Lou, Hui-Ling, Detection and estimation of radio frequency variations.
  4. Nallapureddy, Bhaskar W.; Wu, Songping; Yu, Tsunglun; Lou, Hui-Ling, Detection and estimation of radio frequency variations.
  5. Drotleff, Hans-Georg, Device and method for testing a frequency-modulated clock generator.
  6. Hiscock, Paul Dominic, Encrypting communications.
  7. Maalouli, Ghassan C.; Young, Brett J., Extracting spectral features from a signal in a multiplicative and additive noise environment.
  8. Weiss, Dominik, Field bus system using spread spectrum.
  9. Edelman Seymour, Frequency and frequency rate of change radio broadcasting and other types of communications systems.
  10. Pinkney, John A.; Nichols, Spence T., High-speed indoor wireless chirp spread spectrum data link.
  11. Lee, Kyung-Kuk, Method and apparatus for channel estimation to electro-magnetic wave multi path between sender and receiver by using chirp signal.
  12. Bannasch,Rudolf; Kebkal,Konstantin, Method and devices for transmitting and receiving information.
  13. Chamberlain,Robert L., Methods and apparatus for feature recognition time shift correlation.
  14. Arnstein Donald, Swept frequency modulation and demodulation technique.
  15. Parks, Thomas M., System, method and apparatus for communication that is insensitive to a sampling clock error.
  16. Chhabra, Kapil; Nallapureddy, Bhaskar V., Systems and methods for detecting radar.
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