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[미국특허] Hardware mounting system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47F-005/00
출원번호 US-0819836 (1997-03-18)
우선권정보 CA-2174023 (1996-04-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Otema Martin,CAX ITX M1M 2X4
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 19  인용 특허 : 0


The invention provides a hardware mounting system for display and shelving units utilizing removable mounting studs which engage through the display panels into slots provided in the hardware. The studs are positioned at any desired location on the panels of the display or shelving unit, and conceal


[ I claim:] [1.] A hardware mounting system for use in a display or shelving unit having at least one panel with spaced apart holes, comprisinga plurality of studs for insertion through the holes, each stud havinga securing flange for abutting a rear face of the panel,a post projecting from the secu

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (19)

  1. Shirah, Roy; Junkins, Andrew; Force, Matthew; Ryan, Mike; Beskitt, William D.; Bowser, Robert; Smith, Mark D., Banking system that operates to cause financial transfers responsive to data read from data bearing records.
  2. Bayazit, Yilmaz; Sjodin, Chad J.; Rapp, David E.; Herzog, Daniel M.; Raskovich, Chad A., Cable management assembly, system and method.
  3. Bayazit, Yilmaz; Sjodin, Chad J.; Rapp, David E.; Herzog, Daniel M.; Raskovich, Chad A., Cable management assembly, system and method.
  4. Smith, Trevor D.; Solheid, James J.; Haataja, Timothy J.; Wentworth, Michael J.; Rapp, David E.; Follingstad, Michael Jay; Shorter, Michael John, Cable management assembly, system and method.
  5. Smith, Trevor D.; Solheid, James J.; Haataja, Timothy J.; Wentworth, Michael J.; Rapp, David E.; Follingstad, Michael Jay; Shorter, Michael John, Cable management assembly, system and method.
  6. Smith, Trevor D.; Solheid, James J.; Haataja, Timothy J.; Wentworth, Michael J.; Rapp, David E.; Follingstad, Michael Jay; Shorter, Michael John, Cable management assembly, system and method.
  7. Smith, Trevor D.; Solheid, James J.; Haataja, Timothy J.; Wentworth, Michael J.; Rapp, David E.; Follingstad, Michael Jay; Shorter, Michael John, Cable management assembly, system and method.
  8. Smith,Trevor D.; Solheid,James J.; Haataja,Timothy J.; Wentworth,Michael J.; Rapp,David E.; Follingstad,Michael Jay; Shorter,Michael John, Cable management assembly, system and method.
  9. Smith,Trevor D.; Solheid,James J.; Haataja,Timothy J.; Wentworth,Michael J.; Rapp,David E.; Follingstad,Michael Jay; Shorter,Michael John, Cable management assembly, system and method.
  10. Smrha,Mark; Sjodin,Chad, Cable management device and method.
  11. Tinucci,Thomas C., Cable management system with spring latch.
  12. Sjodin, Chad J., Cable management system with twist latch.
  13. Chandaria, Ashok V., Display system for retail packaging with included keyhole slot.
  14. Shea,Thomas M., Merchandising display incorporating a four-sided and three-dimensional display surface exhibiting graphics advertisements.
  15. Ford Allan L., Modular merchandising display rack.
  16. Trinh, Nick Q.; McDowell, Daniel K.; Johnson, Blake M., Multi-configurable end display.
  17. Jones, Christopher D.; Hughes, Anthony M; Thorpe, Matthew D., Panel assembly, panel system including the panel assembly, and method thereof.
  18. Weigand, Christopher P.; Santarelli, Anthony J.; Digney, John J., Product merchandising outpost system.
  19. Stuart Timothy Scott, Shelving system.

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