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[미국특허] Odor absorbing clothing 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A41D-013/02
출원번호 US-0685820 (1996-07-25)
발명자 / 주소
  • Sesselmann Gregory J.
출원인 / 주소
  • ALS Enterprises, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Foley & Lardner
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 41  인용 특허 : 5


Articles of clothing adapted to be worn by and to substantially surround at least a portion of a person. The articles of clothing absorb odors emanating from that portion of the person which is substantially surrounded by the clothing preventing odors from escaping to the atmosphere.


[ The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:] [1.] At least one article of clothing comprising an upper body portion adapted to cover at least the torso region of a person wearing said at least one article of clothing, said at leas

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Blcher Hubert (Freytagstrasse 45 D-4000 Dsseldorf DEX) von Blcher Hasso (Sohnstrasse 58 D-4000 Dsseldorf DEX) de Ruiter Ernest (Hhenstrasse 57a D-5090 Leverkusen 3 DEX), Filter sheet material.
  2. von Blcher Hubert (Freytagstrasse 45 D-4000 Dsseldorf DEX) von Blcher Hasso (Sohnstrasse 58 D-4000 Dsseldorf DEX) de Ruiter Ernst (Hohnstrasse 57a D-5090 Leverkusen 3 DEX), Filter sheet material and method of making same.
  3. Pflaumer Phillip F. (Cincinnati OH), Nether garment for and method of controlling crotch odors.
  4. Sesselmann Gregory J. (Muskegon MI), Odor absorbing clothing.
  5. Sesselmann Gregory J. (Muskegon MI), System and method for odor absorption.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (41) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Haggquist, Gregory W., Active particle-enhanced membrane and methods for making and using the same.
  2. Abraham, Tim, Apparatus for preventing transfer of odors from a vehicle to a hunter.
  3. Waters, Dale Richard; Waters, Susan Marie, Breathable garment and method of use.
  4. Waters, Dale Richard; Waters, Susan Marie, Breathable garment and method of use.
  5. Elrod, Scott A., Descenting methods.
  6. Elrod, Scott, Descenting systems and methods.
  7. Messier Pierre Jean,CAX ITX J7J 1M3, Disinfection of air using an iodine/resin disinfectant.
  8. Haggquist,Gregory W, Encapsulated active particles and methods for making and using the same.
  9. Messier Pierre Jean,CAX, Iodine/resin disinfectant a procedure for the preparation thereof.
  10. Messier, Pierre Jean, Iodine/resin disinfectant and a procedure for the preparation thereof.
  11. Messier, Pierre Jean, Iodine/resin disinfectant and a procedure for the preparation thereof.
  12. Hunt, C. Timothy, Low-cost disposable odor-reducing hunting clothing.
  13. Elrod, Scott, Method of descenting hunter's clothing.
  14. Elrod, Scott, Method of descenting hunter's clothing.
  15. Louis B. Johnson, Methods of using odor eliminating items for hunting.
  16. Grieve, Scott M.; Schlueter, Daniel M.; Hill, James; Dow, Craig, Moisture and odor adsorbing insert.
  17. Sesselmann Gregory J., Odor absorbing clothing.
  18. Sesselmann Gregory J., Odor absorbing clothing.
  19. Newman, Anthony E., Odor absorbing system and method.
  20. Newman,Anthony E., Odor absorbing system and method.
  21. Johnson, Louis B., Odor eliminating items and methods of use for hunting.
  22. Johnson, Louis B., Odor eliminating items and methods of use for hunting.
  23. Louis B. Johnson, Odor eliminating items and methods of use for hunting.
  24. Johnson, Louis B., Odor elimination methods using zeolite-containing liquid sprays and detergent.
  25. Todd, Donald Eugene; Brown, David Alan, Process for chemically bonding an odor-encapsulating agent to textiles and textiles formed by the process.
  26. Ramkumar, Seshadri S., Process for making chemical protective wipes and such wipes.
  27. Shultz, Scott S., Scent adsorbing liquid formulation.
  28. Hess,Daniel G.; Heath,Brad, Scent elimination system for hunters.
  29. Elrod, Scott, System and method for reducing odors in a blind.
  30. Elrod, Scott, System and method for reducing odors in a blind.
  31. McClung, III, Guy Lamonte, System and methods for detecting efforts to thwart material detection by service animals.
  32. Sesselmann, Gregory J., Systems and methods for controlling odor.
  33. Sesselmann, Gregory J., Systems and methods for controlling odor.
  34. Elrod, Scott A.; Rooney, Peter C., Systems and methods for detecting descented material.
  35. Elrod, Scott A.; Rooney, Peter C., Systems and methods for detecting descented material.
  36. Sesselmann, Gregory J., Systems for controlling odor.
  37. Sesselmann, Gregory J., Systems for controlling odor.
  38. Black, Randy; Whitley, Tim; Maxey, Roger; Price, Lauren, Undergarment.
  39. Maxey, Roger L.; Price, Lauren E., Undergarment.
  40. Haggquist,Gregory W.; Mellor,Richard A., Woven materials with incorporated solids and processes for the production thereof.
  41. Haggquist, Gregory W., Xerographic method for coating a material with solid particles.

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