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Motor controller electronically commutated DC motors in order to compensate for torque drops 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H02P-006/10
  • H02P-007/36
  • H02P-008/00
출원번호 US-0728015 (1996-10-09)
우선권정보 DE-0041832 (1995-11-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Gleim Guenter,DEX
  • Link Hermann,DEX
출원인 / 주소
  • Deutsche Thomson Brandt GmbH, DEX
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 20


In the case of a motor controller for electronically commutated DC motors, an additional current and/or an additional voltage is passed at the commutation instant to that winding of the motor which is active at that time, in order to prevent torque drops. In order to compensate for torque drops at d


[ We claim:] [1.] A controller for driving an electronic commutated DC motor with a suppressed torque ripple activated by a first control signal comprising:sensor means for determining the commutation instant of said DC motor and generating a commutation signal indicative of the commutation instant;

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (20)

  1. Hale Edward L. (Carmel IN) Moller David D. (Kokomo IN) McConnell Robert R. (West Lafayette IN), Adaptive current control.
  2. Rossi Domenico (Cilavegna ITX) Cuomo Andrea (Milano ITX), Analog multiplex for sensing the magnitude and sense of the current through a h-bridge stage utilizing a single sensing.
  3. Knierim David L. (Wilsonville OR), Bidirectional chopper transconductance amplifier.
  4. Pietrobon Giovanni (Treviso ITX) Rossi Domenico (Cilavegna ITX) Pappalardo Salvatore (Padova ITX), Circuit for controlling current switching in multiple inductive loads, with single current detector, particularly for wi.
  5. Gale Allan R. (Allen Park MI) Slicker James M. (Union Lake MI), Clocked current torque motor control.
  6. Modgil Onkar S. (Mesquite TX) Nelson Robert G. (Dallas TX) Reif Margaret S. (Dallas TX), Closed loop power controller.
  7. Watanabe Tooru (Iida JPX) Shimizu Minoru (Iida JPX), Control circuit for brushless electric motor.
  8. Stephens Charles M. (Pattersonville NY) Radun Arthur V. (Ballston Lake NY), Current chopping strategy for generating action in switched reluctance machines.
  9. Bhagwat Pradeep (Baltimore MD) Harrell Duronie (Charlotte NC) Smith Stephen (Raleigh NC) Woods Samuel G. (Baltimore MD), Direct current motor speed control.
  10. Kikugawa Noriyuki (Kawasaki JPX), Driving device for a stepping motor.
  11. Sable Daniel M. (Blacksburg VA), Dual-mode controlled pulse width modulator.
  12. Krohn Holger (Lohr-Wombach DEX), Four-quadrant current-regulated energization of D.C. motor using pulse-width modulation.
  13. Guzik Nahum E. (Mt. View CA), Method and apparatus for control of current in a motor winding.
  14. Lundin Robert S. (Northfield CT) Petritis Demetris C. (Athens GRX), Method and means for driving a brushless D.C. motor.
  15. Atwater Jerrold B. (North Plainfield NJ), Motor actuating circuitry.
  16. Erdman David M. (Fort Wayne IN), Motor controls, refrigeration systems and methods of motor operation and control.
  17. Erdman David M. (Fort Wayne IN), Motor controls, refrigeration systems and methods of motor operation and control.
  18. Maekawa Katsumi (Tokorozawa JPX) Ambo Tatsuaki (Tokyo JPX), PWM controller having synchronous and asynchronous mode.
  19. Hopkins Thomas L. R. (Scottsdale AZ), Programmable stepper motor controller.
  20. Watanabe Yoshihiko (Saitama JPX) Nagashita Tsuneyoshi (Saitama JPX) Niinuma Susumi (Saitama JPX) Nomura Isamu (Saitama JPX) Kobayashi Kimito (Saitama JPX) Namiki Akio (Saitama JPX) Abe Hiroyuki (Sait, Pulse-width modulation drive circuit.
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