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Releasable clothing with temperature sensor for bedridden patients 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A41D-001/06
  • A41D-013/12
출원번호 US-0972188 (1997-11-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • McKenzie Melody
  • Gainor Michelle
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 36  인용 특허 : 23


The present invention relates to clothing specifically designed for incapacitated or bedridden patients. The clothing includes trousers, shorts, a shirt and an undergarment each having separable seams allowing the garments to be easily removed from a patient with minimal movement or manipulation of


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] Releasable trousers for surrounding a lower body portion of an incapacitated or bedridden patient comprising:a fabric shell having interior and exterior surfaces with a lower torso portion, first and second leg portions extending therefrom, and groin area therebetween; sa

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (23)

  1. Ueno Kazumitsu (Takatsuki JPX) Yahara Ken (Amagasaki JPX), Antimicrobial and deodorant-finished product.
  2. Grassick Betty (19279 Arrowhead La. North Ft. Myers FL 33903), Article of clothing for the handicapped.
  3. Hsieh Fung Hsing (No. 83 ; Lane 174 ; Gon-Yi Rd. Taichung TWX), Automatically self-alarming electronic clinical thermometer.
  4. Watson ; Jr. Jerry O. (1235 Nebraska Ave. Kansas City KS 66102), Body comforter.
  5. McGowan Malissa (1502 E. 126th St. Compton CA 90222), Clothes for the physically handicapped.
  6. Baum Gregory H. (92 Greenridge Ct. Lake Oswego OR 97035), Easily removable and donnable pants.
  7. Leeper Harold M. (Mountain View CA), Elastomeric active agent delivery system and method of use.
  8. Brekkestran Kevin L. (Fargo ND) Aghai-Tabriz Kamyab (Fargo ND) Nguyen Nghia N. (Fargo ND) Batcheller Barry D. (West Fargo ND), Electronic control system and method for cold weather garment.
  9. Chou Chia-Tien (5th Fl. ; No. 2-9 ; Lane 159 ; Sec. 4 Mu Jah Rd. Taipei TWX) Chao Chao-Mu (No. 2 ; Lane 197 ; Sec. 2 ; Her Tsuoh Rd. Her May Town ; Chang Hwa TWX), Full-open type upper garment for patients.
  10. Mucci Joanne (6113 Will Plyler Rd. Waxhaw NC 28173) Spector George (233 Broadway ; Rm. 702 New York NY 10279), Hospital garment with quick release mechanism.
  11. Nelson Jeffrey (20 Allison Rd. Newport News VA 23602), Implement for measuring skin temperatures.
  12. Bloch Harry S. (871 Green Ridge Cir. Langhorne PA 19047), Infant temperature measuring apparatus and methods.
  13. Chupa Barbara A. (36743 Winterset Clinton Township ; Macomb County MI 48035), Invalid garment and method for making the same.
  14. Wilk Peter J. (185 West End Ave. New York NY 10023), Medical stocking for temperature detection.
  15. Flam Eric (29 Ainsworth Ave. East Brunswick NJ 08816), Method of monitoring the condition of the skin or wound.
  16. Jakub Beatrice (2570 N. Pontiac Trail Walled Lake MI 48088), Patient\s hospital gown.
  17. Adkins Lola (1050 E. 224 St. Bronx NY 10466), Separable garment.
  18. Gueret Jean-Louis (Paris FRX) Contamin Jean-Claude (Morangis FRX) Ayache Liliane (Paris FRX), Sheet material for performing a skin or hair treatment, method for its manufacture, and articles made of this material.
  19. Brown ; Jr. George T. (Dayton OH) Blakely ; Jr. Lewis E. (Kettering OH), Skin temperature indicating and recording device.
  20. Mixon Grover C. (Kingstree SC) Morrison Willard L. (Winston-Salem NC), Surgical drape having incorporated therein a broad spectrum antimicrobial agent.
  21. Dotan Simon (47 Vradim St. Ramat Poleg ; Netanya 42651 ILX), Temperature measurement system.
  22. Chou Chia-Tien (No. 168 ; Kuang Fu Road Chang Hwa City ; Chang Hwa TWX) Chou Chao-Mu (2F ; No. 14 ; Alley 123 ; Lane 3 ; Jen Ai Road Taipei TWX), Upper garment for patients.
  23. DePonte Dominic A. (8822 Hornaday Cir. ; South #413 Fort Worth TX 76112), Wet bed alarm and temperature monitoring system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (36)

  1. Allen,Patrick Jay; Roe,Donald Carroll; Mason,Oliver Edwin Clarke, Absorbent article having a fever indicator.
  2. Willis,Richard Andrew, Apparatus and method to monitor body temperature.
  3. Simon, Gernot, Clothing for non-ambulatory and wheelchair bound people.
  4. Hagerman, Monica; Haughn, Dora Kathleen, Clothing with special access.
  5. Kroecher, Andre, Convertible pants.
  6. Lewis, Dorothy A., Crotch access system.
  7. Gloria Blaire, Easy opening pants.
  8. Lawson, Louise; Knight, Denise, Easy wear medical apparel set.
  9. Jayaramen, Sudaresan; Park, Sungmee; Rajamanickam, Rangaswamy; Gopalsamy, Chandramohan, Fabric or garment with integrated flexible information infrastructure for monitoring vital signs of infants.
  10. Riley John T., Fireproof pants with detachable bottom leg sections.
  11. Carryl, Cheryl; Thomas, Tania; Thomas, Donnet, Garment.
  12. Barlia, Elias, Garment with liquid crystal thermometer.
  13. Kublick, Louise Marie, Garment with zippers enabling easy access.
  14. Kiernan, Pamela, Garments for providing access for sensors to contact skin.
  15. Schwenner, Brigitte, Massaging clothing.
  16. Terrell, Kelley, Medical examination gown.
  17. Feodoroff,Margaret M., Medical garment and related method.
  18. Young, Cheryl, Medical garment set.
  19. Jayaraman,Sundaresan; Park,Sungmee, Method and apparatus to create electrical junctions for information routing in textile structures.
  20. Long,Andrew; Collins,Meghan E., Method of detecting the presence of an insult in an absorbent article.
  21. Ales, III, Thomas M.; Long, Andrew; Collins, Meghan E.; Sullivan, Shawn J., Method of detecting the presence of an insult in an absorbent article and device for detecting the same.
  22. Ales, III,Thomas M.; Long,Andrew; Collins,Meghan E., Method of detecting the presence of insults in an absorbent article.
  23. Kimberly, Judy; Serovich, Julie; Serovich, Jared; Serovich, Justin, Multi-sectional waistband quick release undergarment.
  24. Dye, Molly, Pants.
  25. Dye, Molly, Pants.
  26. Berry,Ronnie D.; Crutchfields,Eric; Samuels,Rodney Allen, Pants combined with accessory.
  27. Marmaropoulos,George; van Heerden,Clive, Selectively applied wearable medical sensors.
  28. St. Ange Helene, Separable pants assembly.
  29. McCray,Treva, Shirt.
  30. Wahl, Timothy, Shorts having unbalanced leg lengths.
  31. Ellenz, John David, Temperature-based sensing device for detecting presence of body part.
  32. Ohara Gen,JPX, Trousers and combination wear openable along root portion starting from back upper point of waist.
  33. Richard L. Hatton, Two piece patient examination garment.
  34. Hatton, Richard L., Two-piece patient examination garment.
  35. Lewis, Dorothy A., Waterproof pants with access seam.
  36. Penner, Peggy M., Zippered pant system.
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