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[미국특허] Wheelbarrow handles 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B62B-001/20
출원번호 US-0882799 (1997-06-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hoffarth Richard L.
  • Hoffarth Mark J.
출원인 / 주소
  • Hoffarth
  • Richard L.
대리인 / 주소
    Faegre & Benson LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 23


A wheelbarrow handle including a closed loop hand-grip. The hand-grip can be an integral portion of the handle, or retrofit to existing wheelbarrow handles by a mounting mechanism.


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A hand-grip for use in connection with a wheelbarrow handle shaft, including:a continuous linear portion having a proximal end and a distal end, wherein the linear portion is configured to extend generally parallel to and generally coaxial with a distal end of the wheelba

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (23) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Johnson Samuel V. (32 Cherry Tree Rd. Loudonville NY 12211), Auxiliary tool handle.
  2. Wing Anders (Hagaberg ; Grimared 439 29 Veddige SEX) Nicklasson Christer (Skanegatan 116 432 00 Varberg SEX), Brake device.
  3. McCurdy Kal B. (20 Roberts Ave. San Rafael CA 94901), Brake system for a wheelbarrow.
  4. King David H. (‘Greenways’ ; Brick Kiln Lane Suffield ; Norwich ; Norfolk GB2), Collapsible wheelbarrow.
  5. Johnson James A. (9225 - 166th St. Cologne MN 55322), Convertible wheelbarrow/cart.
  6. Mattox McKinley (4910 Gratian Los Angeles CA 90022), Dumping wheelbarrow.
  7. O'Brian ; Edward D. ; Plachy ; William M., Folding wheelbarrows.
  8. Gordon Donald J. (Rockwood CAX) Johnson Frank H. (Cambridge CT CAX) Schick George L. (Easton CT) Smart J. David (Cambridge CAX), Hand cart.
  9. Vittone Larry W. (309 Hannah Dr. Oliver Springs TN 37840), Hand grip for a wheelbarrow.
  10. Williamson Gary (14644 N. 83rd La. Royal Palm Beach FL 33411), Handtruck.
  11. Godwin Marvin C. (Rte. 1 ; Box 965 ; CC ; Howard St. Niceville FL 32578), Lifting handle attachment for wheelbarrows.
  12. Hoover William A. (8791 Blue Jay La. Salt Lake City UT 84121) Payne Fred E. (8791 Blue Jay La. Salt Lake City UT 84121), Motorized wheelbarrow.
  13. Porter Lynn L. (R.F.D. 1 ; Box 1802 Bangor ME 04401), Multipurpose barrow vehicle.
  14. Gabriel Edwin Z. (91 Mt. Tabor Way Ocean Grove NJ 07756), Shovel-like digging, scooping and transporting apparatus with back-strain relief features.
  15. Steer Clive A. (West View ; Shere Rd. West Horsley ; Leatherhead ; Surrey GB3), Wheel barrow.
  16. Hung Tung-Ping (No. 14 Lane 590 Hsin-Fu Road Feng-Shan Kaohsuing TWX), Wheelbarrow.
  17. Schupbach Elmer J. (936 State Rd. Fenton MI 48430), Wheelbarrow.
  18. Pearce Junior B. (670 S. 14th Ave. Yuma AZ 85364), Wheelbarrow apparatus.
  19. Terhune John J. (Cochise County AZ), Wheelbarrow construction.
  20. Klumpjan Joe (1334 Sunset Dr. Rte. 3 Campbellsport WI 53010), Wheelbarrow for transporting rocks and stones.
  21. Lehman Maurice E. (1960 Horseshoes Rd. Lancaster PA 17601) Gehman Roland P. (Stevens PA), Wheelbarrow transport device.
  22. Wetzel Alvin L. (1025 S. Stapley Mesa AZ 85204), Wheelbarrow type carrier.
  23. Primeau Mario (8710 Marjolaine Ville St. Leonard ; Quebec CAX H1R 2H6), Wheelbarrow with pivoted handles.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Peach,Clifton, Apparatus for assisting in pushing a wheelbarrow.
  2. Hermann, Jim, Attachment brace for supporting a user's arms when transporting an object and associated method.
  3. Liu,Zhi jun, Collapsible utility cart.
  4. Conaway, Brian J.; Kristiansen, Keith; Demar, David; Millman, Mark, Collapsible wheelbarrow.
  5. Tomchak,Michael J.; Albert,Barry R.; Lupey,Mike, Collapsible wheelbarrow and associated method.
  6. Warren D. Graff ; Steve A. Cirucci ; William W. McCormick, Curved handle adapted for attachment to a wheelbarrow or the like, and a method of manufacturing the same.
  7. Conaway, Brian J.; Kristiansen, Keith; Demar, David; Millman, Mark, Frame for a collapsible wheel barrow.
  8. Hermann, Jim, Handle adaptor for transport carts and the like and associated method.
  9. Hermann, Jim, Handle adaptor for transport carts and the like and associated method.
  10. Meyer, Mathew D.; Beard, Bryan, Method and apparatus for wheelbarrow front end protection.
  11. Hawkes, Edward Gerry, Wheelable loadbearing and leveraging frame apparatus.
  12. Daniel P. Burbank ; Randy Oliver, Wheelbarrow disk brake assembly.
  13. Lulay,Melvin F., Wheelbarrow easy dumping handle apparatus.
  14. Cacciacarne, Ernest D., Wheelbarrow handle adapter.

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