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Desiccant assisted air conditioning system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F25B-021/00
  • F25D-023/00
출원번호 US-0780276 (1997-01-09)
우선권정보 JP-0225929 (1996-08-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Maeda Kensaku,JPX
출원인 / 주소
  • Ebara Corporation, JPX
대리인 / 주소
    Armstrong, Westerman, Hattori, McLeland & Naughton
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 45  인용 특허 : 12


A high efficiency air conditioning system combining a desiccant assisted air conditioner with a heat pump device in which quick start-up of the system under all conditions by selecting a start-up mode operation is disclosed. The desiccant assisted air conditioning system comprises a recovery heat ex


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A desiccant assisted air conditioning system comprising:a process air passage for flowing a process air;a regeneration air passage for flowing a regeneration air;a desiccant device which can be selectively communicated with any one of said process air passage and said reg

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (12)

  1. Northrup ; Jr. Lynn L. (Dallas TX), Air conditioning system with regeneratable desiccant bed.
  2. Meckler Milton (16348 Tupper St. Sepulveda CA 92343), Desiccant assisted air conditioner.
  3. Meckler Milton (930 #2 ; 20th St. Santa Monica CA 90403), Desiccant assisted multi-use air pre-conditioner unit with system heat recovery capability.
  4. Kaplan Vladimir (Silver Spring MD), Desiccant based air conditioning system.
  5. Harband Joel (Rehov Hibner 13/6 Petach Tikva ILX), Heat pump apparatus and method.
  6. Calton Dean S. (LaVernia TX) Coellner James A. (Philadelphia PA) Heimann Paul R. (Wyncote PA) Scott Douglas C. (LaVerne CA), Hybrid air-conditioning system and method of operating the same.
  7. Calton Dean Scott (Lavernia TX) Mark Henry (Philadelphia PA), Hybrid air-conditioning system with improved recovery evaporator and subcool condenser coils.
  8. Coellner James A. (Philadelphia PA) Calton Dean S. (Vincenttown NJ), Hybrid heat pump and desiccant space conditioning system and control method.
  9. Mathiprakasam Balakrishnan (Overland Park KS), Hybrid vapor compression and desiccant air conditioning system.
  10. Peterson John L. (1203 West Creek Loop Round Rock TX 78681) Howell John R. (3200 Kerby La. Austin TX 78703), Hybrid vapor-compression/liquid desiccant air conditioner.
  11. Von Dobeln Wilhelm E. G. (Bjorkvagen 3 Edebyberg SEX), Method and device for conditioning of a gas.
  12. Fujiu Minoru (Onama JPX) Aoki Kazumi (Gunma JPX), Refrigerating apparatus for a vending machine.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (45)

  1. Maeda Kensaku,JPX, Air Conditioning system and method for operating the same.
  2. Lee, Won Hee; Hwang, Yoon Jei; Song, Chan Ho, Air conditioning system.
  3. Lee, Won Hee; Hwang, Yoon Jei; Song, Chan Ho, Air conditioning system.
  4. Maeda Kensaku,JPX, Air conditioning system.
  5. Maeda Kensaku,JPX, Air conditioning system.
  6. Maeda Kensaku,JPX ; Furuya Tai,JPX ; Nowatari Hiroyasu,JPX, Air conditioning system.
  7. Belding William A. ; Holeman William D. ; Lam Chiang, Air conditioning system having indirect evaporative cooler.
  8. Maeda Kensaku,JPX, Air-conditioning system.
  9. Maeda Kensaku,JPX, Air-conditioning system and method of operating the same.
  10. Mola,Stefano; Lo Presti,Giulio, Climate control system with a vapour compression circuit combined with an absorption circuit.
  11. Ohs, Douglas G., Dehumidification system.
  12. Forkosh, Mordechai; Forkosh, Dan; Forkosh, Tomy, Dehumidifier/air-conditioning system.
  13. Mordechai Forkosh IL; Dan Forkosh IL; Tomy Forkosh IL, Dehumidifier/air-conditioning system.
  14. Maeda Kensaku,JPX, Dehumidifying air conditioner.
  15. Maeda,Kensaku, Dehumidifying air-conditioning apparatus.
  16. Kensaku Maeda JP, Dehumidifying air-conditioning apparatus and dehumidifying air-conditioning system.
  17. Maeda Kensaku,JPX ; Inaba Hideo,JPX, Dehumidifying air-conditioning system.
  18. Maeda Kensaku,JPX, Dehumidifying air-conditioning system and method of operating the same.
  19. Kensaku Maeda JP; Yoshiro Fukasaku JP; Hideo Inaba JP; Toshiaki Oouchi JP; Rosuke Nishida JP, Desiccant assisted air conditioning system.
  20. Maeda Kensaku,JPX ; Furuya Tai,JPX ; Nowatari Hiroyasu,JPX, Desiccant assisted air conditioning system.
  21. Dinnage, Paul A.; Brickley, Stephen C., Desiccant refrigerant dehumidifier.
  22. Dinnage, Paul A.; Young, Kevin H., Desiccant refrigerant dehumidifier systems.
  23. Dinnage,Paul A.; Young,Kevin H., Desiccant refrigerant dehumidifier systems.
  24. Dunlap Steven A., Dual heat exchanger wheels with variable speed.
  25. Coutu, Ken; Hemingson, Howard Brian; Gerber, Manfred, Energy exchange system for conditioning air in an enclosed structure.
  26. Moffitt, Ronnie R., HVAC desiccant wheel system and method.
  27. Moffitt, Ronnie R., HVAC desiccant wheel system and method.
  28. Moffitt,Ronnie R., HVAC desiccant wheel system and method.
  29. Moffitt,Ronnie R., HVAC desiccant wheel system and method.
  30. Moffitt,Ronnie R., HVAC desiccant wheel system and method.
  31. Moffitt,Ronnie R., HVAC desiccant wheel system and method.
  32. Kensaku Maeda JP; Yoshiro Fukasaku JP, Heat exchanger, heat pump, dehumidifier, and dehumidifying method.
  33. Wintemute, David Martin; Beliveau, Mathieu Philippe, Heat pump defrosting system and method.
  34. Maeda Kensaku,JPX, Heat pump device and desiccant assisted air conditioning system.
  35. Wintemute, David Martin, Heat pump humidifier and dehumidifier system and method.
  36. Gerber, Manfred; Rong, Can Wen, Heat pump system having a pre-processing module.
  37. Yabu, Tomohiro; Okumura, Yasunobu, Humidity control apparatus.
  38. Korin, Amos, Hybrid heat pump.
  39. Phannavong, Seng K.; Hughes, Christopher A.; Clark, Thomas W.; McKissack, John P.; Street, David G.; Roberts, Timothy J., Integrated ventilation unit.
  40. Phannavong, Seng Kham; Hughes, Christopher Adam; Clark, Thomas W; McKissack, John P; Street, David; Roberts, Timothy J, Integrated ventilation unit.
  41. LePoudre, Philip Paul; Coutu, Kenneth; Hemingson, Howard Brian, Liquid panel assembly.
  42. Erb, Blake; Besant, Robert W.; Simonson, Carey J.; Hemingson, Howard, Liquid-to-air membrane energy exchanger.
  43. Korin, Amos, Membrane desiccation heat pump.
  44. Gerber, Manfred; LePoudre, Philip Paul; Wawryk, Maury Brad, Variable desiccant control energy exchange system and method.
  45. Gerber, Manfred; LePoudre, Philip Paul; Wawryk, Maury Brad, Variable desiccant control energy exchange system and method.
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