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[미국특허] Power assist apparatus for a manually operated vehicle 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B62D-061/02
출원번호 US-0523193 (1995-09-05)
발명자 / 주소
  • Battlogg Christian I.
  • Mayer Richard A.
출원인 / 주소
  • Electric Bicycle Company
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 18  인용 특허 : 15


A power assist apparatus which includes a battery powered motor which is mounted on a manually operated vehicle such as a bicycle, which is to be selectively usable by the rider of the bicycle to not only assist in the manual operation of the bicycle but can be used as a sole source of operation of


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A power assist apparatus for a manually operated vehicle, said manually operated vehicle having a support wheel adapted to engage with a surface on which said manually operated vehicle is to be operated, said power assist apparatus including a drive wheel designed to oper

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (15)

  1. Palmer ; Jack P., Apparatus for driving wheeled vehicles.
  2. Hendricks ; William E., Automatic torque sensor.
  3. Goldenfeld Iliya (Jerusalem ILX), Auxiliary drive for pedal-driven road vehicles.
  4. Desmond Albert D. (1730 W. Galena ; Apt. 203E Aurora IL 60506), Auxiliary unit for driving a bicycle.
  5. Schwartz Theodore F. (11660 St. Andrews Way Scottsdale AZ 85254), Bicycle drive means.
  6. Gelhard, Egon, Bicycle, in particular with an electromotor.
  7. Gannon Henry M. (2026 10th St. Boulder CO 80302), Electric and pedal driven bicycle with solar charging.
  8. Hsu Chi-chu (4F. No. 144 ; Chu Lin Rd. Yung Ho ; Taipei TWX) Yu Chin-ching (31 ; Lane 4 ; Tunhua Rd. Taipei TWX) Chao Suyueh (2-1 ; Lane 162 ; Szu Wei Rd. Taipei TWX) Huang Miguel C. J. (183 ; Neihu , Electric bicycle.
  9. Kalajzich Albert A. (Brooklawn NJ), Electric drive unit for vehicles.
  10. Takata Nozomu (Iwata JPX), Electric-motored bicycle.
  11. Havener Ralph L. (Decatur IL) Dunakey Harry F. (Harristown IL), Electricbike.
  12. Murphy Lisa J. (157 Elm St. ; #304 San Mareo CA 94401) Mirades Thomas E. (103 LaCuesta Burlingame CA 94010), Motorized bicycle drive system.
  13. Facer Robert H. (42110 Bodie Rd. Palm Desert CA 92260), Multi-speed transmission for friction driven cycles.
  14. Cunard Joel C. (Bedford PA), Power-assisted velocipede.
  15. Hirano Yukio (Kiryu JA) Iwata Akio (Kiryu JA), Simple electric bicycle.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (18)

  1. Guida, Jeffrey E., Automatic traction control for friction drives.
  2. Young,Grant E., Bicycle with optional power assist.
  3. Michael John Lee ; William H. Lee, Control system for electric powered vehicle.
  4. Tung Ko Chen,TWX, Driving brake assembly of scooter.
  5. Turner, James R., Electric bicycle and methods.
  6. Olsommer, David, Electric power-assist device for bicycles and bicycle equipped with said device.
  7. Olsommer, David, Electric power-assist device for bicycles and bicycle equipped with said device.
  8. Adomi Kenzo,JPX ; Mitsueda Hirofumi,JPX, Electrically driven bicycle.
  9. Lin Ming-Shyang,TWX, Hand-operated accelerator device for an electric-powered bicycle.
  10. Rankin, Brent C.; Shock, Wade; Ford, Phillip; Tipton, James K., Method and apparatus for delivery cart movement start and energy recovery.
  11. Rankin, Brent C.; Shock, Wade; Ford, Phillip; Tipton, James K., Method and apparatus for delivery cart movement start and energy recovery.
  12. Guida, Jeffrey E, Portable multi-platform friction drive system with retractable motor drive assembly.
  13. von Keyserling Peter H., Power assist assembly for wheeled vehicles.
  14. Lopp, James, Power assist motor for bicycle.
  15. Young, Matthew E.; Greenberg, Daniel R., Power assist wagon.
  16. Chen, Yen-Chi; Shih, Chang-Yuan; Hsu, Shih-Hsin, Power assisting device and bicycle using same.
  17. Mayer Richard A. ; Widmann Bruce S. ; Terr Seth A. ; Bank Devin S. ; Currie Malcolm R., Unitary power module for electric bicycles, bicycle combinations and vehicles.
  18. Mayer, Richard A.; Widmann, Bruce S.; Terr, Seth A.; Bank, Devin S.; Currie, Malcolm R., Unitary power module for electric bicycles, bicycle combinations and vehicles.
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