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Green light pulse oximeter 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61B-005/00
출원번호 US-0749898 (1996-11-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Scharf John Edward
출원인 / 주소
  • University of South Florida
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 236  인용 특허 : 33


A reflectance pulse oximeter that determines oxygen saturation of hemoglobin using two sources of electromagnetic radiation in the green optical region, which provides the maximum reflectance pulsation spectrum. The use of green light allows placement of an oximetry probe at central body sites (e.g.


[ I claim:] [27.] A method of determining the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin at a central body site comprising the steps of:(a) illuminating skin at the central body site with electromagnetic radiation at a first green frequency to generate a first optical signal from the interaction between the el

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (33)

  1. Heinemann Stanley O. (Irvine CA), Apparatus and method for measuring blood oxygen saturation.
  2. Malinouskas Donald (Monroe CT), Apparatus and method for use in pulse oximeters.
  3. Kohno Hiromasa (Kanagawa JPX) Honda Hiroaki (Naha JPX) Nudeshima Masahiro (Kanagawa JPX), Apparatus for measuring hemoglobin concentration and oxygen saturation thereof.
  4. Wilber Scott A. (Boulder CO), Blood constituent measuring device and method.
  5. Loretz Thomas J. (Sturbridge MA), Blood diagnostic spectrophotometer.
  6. Schweitzer Jeffrey A. (St. Anthony MN) Proctor Keith J. (Lino Lakes MN), Blood gas monitoring sensors.
  7. Giolma William H. (Dallas TX) Morgan John D. (Dallas TX), Current to frequency converter.
  8. Hamaguri Kenji (Sakai JPX), Digital oximeter.
  9. Takasugi Kei (Tokyo JPX) Nakamura Kazunari (Tokyo JPX), Image processing apparatus, endoscope image sensing and processing apparatus, and image processing method for performing.
  10. Mannheimer Paul D. (Belmont CA), Isolated layer pulse oximetry.
  11. Yamanishi Akio (Tondabayashi JPX), Medical instrument for determining jaundice.
  12. Lundsgaard Finn C. (Tastrup DKX), Method and an apparatus for determining blood components.
  13. Stone Robert T. (Sunnyvale CA) Briggs Deborah A. (San Ramon CA), Method and apparatus for calculating arterial oxygen saturation.
  14. Stone Robert T. (Sunnyvale CA) Briggs Deborah A. (San Ramon CA), Method and apparatus for calculating arterial oxygen saturation based plethysmographs including transients.
  15. Corenman James E. (Oakland CA) Stone Robert T. (Sunnyvale CA) Boross Andras (Fremont CA) Briggs Deborah A. (San Ramon CA) Goodman David E. (San Francisco CA), Method and apparatus for detecting optical pulses.
  16. Corenman James E. (Oakland CA) Stone Robert T. (Sunnyvale CA) Boross Andras (Fremont CA) Briggs Deborah A. (San Ramon CA) Goodman David E. (San Francisco CA), Method and apparatus for detecting optical pulses.
  17. Minnich Thomas E. (828 Summerhill Dr. Friendsville ; Blount County TN 37737), Method and apparatus for monitoring the arteriovenous oxygen difference from the ocular fundus.
  18. Erdman Frank H. (Newtown Square PA), Method and apparatus for non-invasive cardiovascular diagnosis.
  19. Smith Robert E. (Edmonds WA), Method and apparatus for processing signals used in oximetry.
  20. Rother Peter (Los Altos CA), Method for processing signals, particularly for oximetric measurements on living human tissue.
  21. Nielsen Larry L. (Burlington MA), Multi-wavelength incremental absorbence oximeter.
  22. Frick Gene (Anaheim CA) McCarthy Rex (Whittier CA), Non-invasive oximeter and method.
  23. Hamaguri Kenji (Sakai JPX), Noninvasive device for photoelectrically measuring the property of arterial blood.
  24. Hamaguri Kenji (Sakai JPX), Noninvasive device for photoelectrically measuring the property of arterial blood.
  25. Clark Justin S. (Salt Lake City UT) Wallace William D. (Midvale UT), Noninvasive system and method for enhanced arterial oxygen saturation determination and arterial blood pressure monitori.
  26. Bond ; Albert K. ; Merrick ; Edwin B. ; Nielsen ; Larry L., Perfusion meter.
  27. Athan Stephan P. (Tampa FL) Scharf John E. (Oldsmar FL), Portable pulse oximeter.
  28. Hausman Kenneth A. (Concord MA) Merrick Edwin B. (Stow MA), Pulse oximeter.
  29. Schmitt Joseph M. (Rockville MD) Webber Richard L. (Birmingham AL) Walker Elijah C. (Silver Spring MD), Pulse oximeter for diagnosis of dental pulp pathology.
  30. Polson Michael J. R. (Chesire CT) Morris Gregory L. (South Wales GBX), Pulse oximeter with improved accuracy and response time.
  31. Hersh Lawrence T. (Tampa FL) Medero Richard (Clearwater FL) Hood ; Jr. Rush W. (Tampa FL), Pulse oximetry system.
  32. Hatschek Rudolf A. (Fribourg CHX), System for measuring the saturation of at least one gas, particularly the oxygen saturation of blood.
  33. Chance Britton (Philadelphia PA), User-wearable hemoglobinometer for measuring the metabolic condition of a subject.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (236)

  1. Dekker, Andreas Lubbertus Aloysius Johannes, Apparatus and method for monitoring respiration with a pulse oximeter.
  2. Geddes, Leslie A.; Foster, Kirk S.; Roeder, Rebecca A., Apparatus and method for noninvasively detecting the quality of cardiac pumping.
  3. Kobayashi, Naoki; Usuda, Takashi; Kanemoto, Michio; Takamura, Yoshiaki; Ukawa, Teiji, Apparatus for determining concentrations of hemoglobins.
  4. Naoki Kobayashi JP; Michio Kanemoto JP; Takashi Usuda JP; Teiji Ukawa JP, Apparatus for determining concentrations of hemoglobins.
  5. Al-Ali, Ammar, Arm mountable portable patient monitor.
  6. Al-Ali, Ammar, Arm mountable portable patient monitor.
  7. Raridan, William; Matlock, George L.; Coakley, Joseph; Eghbal, Darius, Bi-stable medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  8. Raridan, William; Matlock, George L.; Coakley, Joseph; Eghbal, Darius, Bi-stable medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  9. Al-Ali, Ammar, Body worn mobile medical patient monitor.
  10. Al-Ali, Ammar; Weber, Walter M.; Telfort, Valery G., Calibration for multi-stage physiological monitors.
  11. Petersen, Ethan, Cancellation of light shunting.
  12. Wu, Anjian; Richards, Peter W.; Yuen, Shelten Gee Jao, Circuits and methods for photoplethysmographic sensors.
  13. Chin, Rodney P., Clip-style medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  14. Kling, Carl; Palmer, Phillip S.; Flagler, Robert W., Clip-style medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  15. Merchant, Adnan; Crone, Willem, Coaxial LED light sources.
  16. Eghbal, Darius; Coakley, Joseph; Matlock, George L.; Raridan, William, Compliant diaphragm medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  17. Eghbal, Darius; Coakley, Joseph; Matlock, George L.; Raridan, William, Compliant diaphragm medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  18. Eghbal, Darius; Matlock, George L.; Raridan, Jr., William; Coakley, Joseph, Compliant diaphragm medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  19. Al-Ali, Ammar; Kiani, Joe E.; Weber, Walter M., Configurable physiological measurement system.
  20. Al-Ali, Ammar; Kiani, Massi Joe E.; Weber, Walter M., Configurable physiological measurement system.
  21. Al-Ali, Ammar; Kiani, Massi Joe E.; Weber, Walter M., Configurable physiological measurement system.
  22. Al-Ali, Ammar; Weber, Walter M.; Kiani, Joe E., Configurable physiological measurement system.
  23. Baker, Jr., Clark R., Detection of oximetry sensor sites based on waveform characteristics.
  24. Sawatari, Ken; Mannheimer, Paul D.; Chew, Bradford B, Device and method for reducing crosstalk.
  25. Sawatari, Ken; Mannheimer, Paul D.; Chew, Bradford B., Device and method for reducing crosstalk.
  26. Matzinger, David; Quraishi, Khalid R., Devices for physiological fluid sampling and methods of using the same.
  27. Matzinger,David; Quraishi,Khalid R., Devices for physiological fluid sampling and methods of using the same.
  28. Yoon,Gil won; Kim,Hong sig; Jeon,Kye jin; Lee,Jong youn; Park,Kun kook; Kim,Su jin; Jwa,Hoon jong, Diagnostic method and apparatus using light.
  29. Haisley, Charles, Digital switching in multi-site sensor.
  30. Al-Ali, Ammar; Carothers, Don; Dalke, David; Diab, Mohamed K.; Goldman, Julian; Kiani, Massi E.; Lee, Michael; Novak, Jerome; Smith, Robert; Vaden, Val E., Dual-mode patient monitor.
  31. Kayyali, Hani; Frederick, Craig A.; Bishop, Daniel; Schmidt, Robert N.; Weimer, Sarah M.; Kolkowski, Brian M., EEG data acquisition system with novel features.
  32. Katarow, Frank; Palatnik, Eugene, Finger oximeter with remote telecommunications capabilities and system therefor.
  33. Coakley, Joseph; Matlock, George L., Flex circuit snap track for a biometric sensor.
  34. Arizaga Ballesteros, Adolfo, Flexible medical sensor enclosure.
  35. Arizaga Ballesteros, Adolfo, Flexible medical sensor enclosure.
  36. Matlock, George L., Folding medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  37. Matlock, George L., Folding medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  38. Mannheimer, Paul D.; Hannula, Don L.; Bebout, Donald E.; O'Neil, Michael Patrick, Forehead sensor placement.
  39. Mannheimer, Paul D.; Hannula, Don; Bebout, Donald E.; O'Neil, Michael Patrick, Forehead sensor placement.
  40. Mannheimer, Paul D.; Hannula, Don; Bebout, Donald E.; O'Neil, Michael Patrick, Forehead sensor placement.
  41. Berman,Herbert L.; Roe,Jeffrey N.; Blair,Robert N., Glucose measurement utilizing non-invasive assessment methods.
  42. Hannula, Don; Mannheimer, Paul, Hat-based oximeter sensor.
  43. Hannula, Don; Mannheimer, Paul, Hat-based oximeter sensor.
  44. Hannula, Don; Mannheimer, Paul, Hat-based oximeter sensor.
  45. Hannula, Don; Mannheimer, Paul, Hat-based oximeter sensor.
  46. Hannula, Don; Mannheimer, Paul, Hat-based oximeter sensor.
  47. Hannula, Don; Coakley, Joseph, Headband with tension indicator.
  48. Hannula, Don; Coakley, Joseph; Mannheimer, Paul D., Headband with tension indicator.
  49. Campbell, Shannon E., Hydrogel thin film for use as a biosensor.
  50. Benaron, David A.; Parachikov, Ilian H.; Fierro, Michael R., Implantable tissue ischemia sensor.
  51. Petersen, Ethan, LED drive circuit for pulse oximetry and method for using same.
  52. Ranganathan, Sumant; Kwan, Tom W., Low voltage swing pad driver and receiver.
  53. Coakley, Joseph, Means for mechanical registration and mechanical-electrical coupling of a faraday shield to a photodetector and an electrical circuit.
  54. Lovejoy, David, Medical device for assessing intravascular blood volume and technique for using the same.
  55. Gilland, Bruce, Medical monitoring device with flexible circuitry.
  56. Price, Thomas, Medical sensor.
  57. Buice, Carl; McKenna, Edward, Medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  58. Chin, Rodney P., Medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  59. Chin,Rodney, Medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  60. Coakley, Joseph; Matlock, George L.; Raridan, William; Eghbal, Darius, Medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  61. Coakley, Joseph; Matlock, George L.; Raridan, William; Eghbal, Darius, Medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  62. Eghbal, Darius; Coakley, Joseph; Matlock, George L.; Raridan, William, Medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  63. Hoarau, Carine, Medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  64. Hoarau, Carine; Li, Li, Medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  65. Hoarau,Carine; Li,Li, Medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  66. Mannheimer, Paul D.; Bowman, Bruce R.; Middleman, Lee M.; Baker, Jr., Clark R., Medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  67. Mannheimer, Paul D.; Bowman, Bruce R.; Middleman, Lee M.; Baker, Jr., Clark R., Medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  68. McKenna, Edward M.; Miller, Douglas Paul; Besko, David Philip, Medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  69. Medina, Casey V., Medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  70. Raridan, Jr., William B., Medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  71. Raridan, Jr., William B., Medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  72. Raridan, William B., Medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  73. Sandmore, Donald, Medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  74. Hoarau, Carine, Medical sensor for reducing motion artifacts and technique for using the same.
  75. Hoarau, Carine; Baker, Jr., Clark R.; Karst, Edward, Medical sensor for reducing motion artifacts and technique for using the same.
  76. Hoarau, Carine; Baker, Jr., Clark R.; Karst, Edward, Medical sensor for reducing motion artifacts and technique for using the same.
  77. Hoarau, Carine; Baker, Jr., Clark R.; Karst, Edward, Medical sensor for reducing motion artifacts and technique for using the same.
  78. Hoarau, Carine; Baker, Jr., Clark R.; Karst, Edward, Medical sensor for reducing motion artifacts and technique for using the same.
  79. Baker, Jr., Clark R., Medical sensor for reducing signal artifacts and technique for using the same.
  80. Baker, Jr., Clark R., Medical sensor for reducing signal artifacts and technique for using the same.
  81. Hoarau, Carine, Medical sensor for reducing signal artifacts and technique for using the same.
  82. Hoarau, Carine, Medical sensor for reducing signal artifacts and technique for using the same.
  83. Hoarau, Carine, Medical sensor for reducing signal artifacts and technique for using the same.
  84. Hoarau, Carine, Medical sensor for reducing signal artifacts and technique for using the same.
  85. Hoarau, Carine, Medical sensor for reducing signal artifacts and technique for using the same.
  86. Raridan, William; Matlock, George L.; Coakley, Joseph; Eghbal, Darius, Medical sensor having a deformable region and technique for using the same.
  87. McKenna, Edward M.; Besko, David, Medical sensor with compressible light barrier and technique for using the same.
  88. Besko, David; McKenna, Edward M., Medical sensor with flexible components and technique for using the same.
  89. Baker, Jr., Clark R.; Mannheimer, Paul D., Method and apparatus for detecting and analyzing variations in a physiologic parameter.
  90. Andersohn, Lutz; Andriola, Pete, Method and apparatus for detecting misapplied sensors.
  91. Baker, Jr., Clark R., Method and apparatus for detection of venous pulsation.
  92. Ahmed, Imtiaz Ahmed; Farshi, Jasmin; Jonnalagadda, Krishna; Schuler, Francesca, Method and apparatus for determining blood oxygenation using a mobile communication device.
  93. Kimura,Teiyuu; Kawachi,Taiji; Sakai,Kazuhiro, Method and apparatus for measuring biological condition.
  94. Porges, Charles; Baker, Clark; Yorkey, Thomas J.; Bernstein, Michael; Mannheimer, Paul, Method and circuit for indicating quality and accuracy of physiological measurements.
  95. Baker, Jr., Clark R., Method and system for determining when to reposition a physiological sensor.
  96. Brady, Donald; Rulkov, Nikolai; Hunt, Mark, Method and system for monitoring a prisoner.
  97. Afanasewicz, Elizabeth A.; Harhen, Robert P.; Young, Adam J.; Cordero, Rafael M., Method and system for positioning a sensor.
  98. Klomhaus, Jill, Method and system for self regulation of sensor component contact pressure.
  99. Baker, Jr., Clark R., Method for detection of aberrant tissue spectra.
  100. Edgar, Jr., Reuben W.; Allo, Jr., August J.; Gunneson, Paul B.; Martin, Jesus D.; DelFavero, John R.; Jaffe, Michael B., Method, apparatus and system for removing motion artifacts from measurements of bodily parameters.
  101. Edgar, Jr., Reuben W.; Allo, Jr., August J.; Gunneson, Paul B.; Martin, Jesus D.; DelFavero, John R.; Jaffe, Michael B., Method, apparatus and system for removing motion artifacts from measurements of bodily parameters.
  102. Edgar, Jr.,Reuben W.; Allo, Jr.,August J.; Gunneson,Paul B.; Martin,Jesus D.; DelFavero,John R.; Jaffe,Michael B., Method, apparatus and system for removing motion artifacts from measurements of bodily parameters.
  103. Edgar, Jr., Reuben W.; Allo, Jr., August J.; Gunneson, Paul B.; Martin, Jesus D.; DelFavero, John R.; Jaffe, Michael B., Method, apparatus, and system for removing motion artifacts from measurements of bodily parameters.
  104. Lee, Hyoungki; Choi, Kiwan; Bang, Sookwon, Method, medium, and apparatus for measuring heart rate.
  105. Brady, Donald; Rulkov, Nikolai; Hunt, Mark, Mobile plethysmographic device.
  106. Brady, Donald; Rulkov, Nikolai; Hunt, Mark, Monitoring device with a pedometer.
  107. Brady, Donald; Rulkov, Nikolai; Hunt, Mark, Monitoring device with a pedometer.
  108. Brady, Donald; Rulkov, Nikolai; Hunt, Mark, Monitoring device with a pedometer.
  109. Brady, Donald; Rulkov, Nikolai; Hunt, Mark, Monitoring device with a pedometer.
  110. Rulkov, Nikolai; Hunt, Mark; Brady, Donald, Monitoring device with a pedometer.
  111. Rulkov, Nikolai; Hunt, Mark; Brady, Donald, Monitoring device with a pedometer.
  112. Rulkov, Nikolai; Hunt, Mark; Bradu, Donald, Monitoring device with an accelerometer, method and system.
  113. Rulkov, Nikolai; Hunt, Mark; Brady, Donald, Monitoring device with an accelerometer, method and system.
  114. Rulkov, Nikolai; Hunt, Mark; Brady, Donald; Elhag, Sammy I.; Lui, Steve, Monitoring device, method and system.
  115. Dekker, Andreas Lubbertus Aloysius Johannes, Monitoring mayer wave effects based on a photoplethysmographic signal.
  116. Dekker, Andreas Lubbertus Aloysius Johannes, Monitoring physiological parameters based on variations in a photoplethysmographic baseline signal.
  117. Dekker,Andreas Lubbertus Aloysius Johannes, Monitoring physiological parameters based on variations in a photoplethysmographic signal.
  118. Dekker, Andreas Lubbertus Aloysius Johannes, Monitoring respiration based on plethysmographic heart rate signal.
  119. Kling, Carl; Campbell, Shannon, Mucosal sensor for the assessment of tissue and blood constituents and technique for using the same.
  120. Horikoshi, Kumiko; Ichizawa, Yasushi; Kakuta, Shigeyuki; Nishida, Kazufumi, Multichannel photometric measurement apparatus.
  121. Hoarau, Carine, Multiple configuration medical sensor and technique for using the same.
  122. Al-Ali, Ammar; Diab, Mohamed K.; Panch, Arun; Abdul-Hafiz, Yassir; MacNeish, III, William Jack, Multiple wavelength optical sensor.
  123. Al Ali, Ammar; Schultz, Chris, Multiple wavelength sensor attachment.
  124. Al-Ali, Ammar; Smith, Robert; Dalke, David; Diab, Mohamed; Lamego, Marcelo, Multiple wavelength sensor drivers.
  125. Al-Ali, Ammar; Smith, Robert; Dalke, David; Diab, Mohamed; Lamego, Marcelo, Multiple wavelength sensor drivers.
  126. Al-Ali, Ammar; Smith, Robert; Dalke, David; Diab, Mohamed; Lamego, Marcelo, Multiple wavelength sensor drivers.
  127. Al-Ali, Ammar; Schultz, Chris, Multiple wavelength sensor emitters.
  128. Dalke, David; Al-Ali, Ammar; Diab, Mohamed; Lamego, Marcelo; Smith, Robert, Multiple wavelength sensor emitters.
  129. Smith, Robert; Dalke, David; Al-Ali, Ammar; Diab, Mohamed; Lamego, Marcelo, Multiple wavelength sensor emitters.
  130. Smith, Robert; Dalke, David; Al-Ali, Ammar; Diab, Mohamed; Lamego, Marcelo, Multiple wavelength sensor emitters.
  131. Smith, Robert; Dalke, David; Al-Ali, Ammar; Diab, Mohamed; Lamego, Marcelo, Multiple wavelength sensor emitters.
  132. Al-Ali, Ammar; Diab, Mohamed; Lamego, Marcelo; Coffin, James P.; Abdul-Hafiz, Yassir, Multiple wavelength sensor equalization.
  133. Al Ali, Ammar; Abdul Hafiz, Yassir, Multiple wavelength sensor interconnect.
  134. Al Ali,Ammar; Abdul Hafiz,Yassir, Multiple wavelength sensor interconnect.
  135. Al-Ali, Ammar; Diab, Mohamed; Lamego, Marcelo; Coffin, James P.; Abdul-Hafiz, Yassir, Multiple wavelength sensor substrate.
  136. Al-Ali, Ammar; Diab, Mohamed; Lamego, Marcelo; Coffin, James P.; Abdul-Hafiz, Yassir, Multiple wavelength sensor substrate.
  137. McKenna, Edward M., Nanofiber adhesives used in medical devices.
  138. Hannula, Don; Mannheimer, Paul D., Non-adhesive oximeter sensor for sensitive skin.
  139. Al-Ali, Ammar; Kiani, Joe, Noninvasive multi-parameter patient monitor.
  140. Al-Ali, Ammar; Kiani, Joe E, Noninvasive multi-parameter patient monitor.
  141. Al-Ali, Ammar; Kiani, Joe E., Noninvasive multi-parameter patient monitor.
  142. Al-Ali, Ammar; Kiani, Joe E., Noninvasive multi-parameter patient monitor.
  143. Al-Ali, Ammar; Kiani, Joe E., Noninvasive multi-parameter patient monitor.
  144. Al-Ali, Ammar; Kiani, Joe E.; Diab, Mohamed; Wu, Roger; Fishel, Rick, Noninvasive multi-parameter patient monitor.
  145. Al-Ali, Ammar; Kiani, Joe; Diab, Mohamed; Olsen, Greg; Wu, Roger; Fishel, Rick, Noninvasive multi-parameter patient monitor.
  146. Al-Ali, Ammar; Kiani, Massi Joe E.; Diab, Mohamed K.; Wu, Roger; Fishel, Rick, Noninvasive multi-parameter patient monitor.
  147. Ollerdessen, Albert L.; Chew, Bradford B.; Palmer, Phillip S., Opaque, electrically nonconductive region on a medical sensor.
  148. Geddes,Leslie A.; Roeder,Rebecca A.; Foster,Kirk S.; Graber,George P., Optical noninvasive vital sign monitor.
  149. Mason,Gene; Al Ali,Ammar, Optical probe including predetermined emission wavelength based on patient type.
  150. Rulkov, Nikolai; Hunt, Mark; Brady, Donald, Optical sensor for a monitoring device.
  151. Matlock, George L., Optically aligned pulse oximetry sensor and technique for using the same.
  152. Matlock,George L., Optically aligned pulse oximetry sensor and technique for using the same.
  153. Sweitzer, Robert Lee; Palatnik, Eugene, Oximetry simulator.
  154. Park, Sang Yun, Photoplethysmographic measurement method and apparatus.
  155. Al-Ali, Ammar, Physiological measurement device.
  156. Weber, Walter M.; Al-Ali, Ammar, Physiological measurement system with automatic wavelength adjustment.
  157. Lamego, Marcelo; Diab, Mohamed K.; Al-Ali, Ammar, Physiological parameter confidence measure.
  158. Lamego, Marcelo; Diab, Mohamed K.; Al-Ali, Ammar, Physiological parameter confidence measure.
  159. Lamego, Marcelo; Diab, Mohamed; Al-Ali, Ammar, Physiological parameter confidence measure.
  160. Sarussi,Israel; Heimenrath,Yehuda, Physiological stress detector device and system.
  161. Shimazaki, Takunori; Okuhata, Hiroyuki, Pulsation detector.
  162. Mannheimer, Paul D.; Fein, Michael E.; Fein, legal representative, Marcia; Porges, Charles E., Pulse oximeter sensor with piece-wise function.
  163. Mannheimer, Paul D.; Fein, Michael E.; Fein, legal representative, Marcia; Porges, Charles E., Pulse oximeter sensor with piece-wise function.
  164. Mannheimer, Paul D.; Fein, Michael E.; Fein, legal representative, Marcia; Porges, Charles E., Pulse oximeter sensor with piece-wise function.
  165. Evans, Mollie, Pulse oximeter system.
  166. Kiani, Massi E.; Smith, Robert A.; Tobler, David R., Pulse oximetry sensor adapter.
  167. Kiani, Massi E.; Smith, Robert A.; Tobler, David R., Pulse oximetry sensor adapter.
  168. Kiani,Massi E.; Smith,Robert A.; Tobler,David R., Pulse oximetry sensor adaptor.
  169. Al-Ali, Ammar, Pulse oximetry sensor compatible with multiple pulse oximetry systems.
  170. Besko, David P., Reflectance and/or transmissive pulse oximeter.
  171. Kosuda Tsukasa,JPX ; Kondo Yutaka,JPX ; Kurihara Hajime,JPX ; Baba Norimitsu,JPX, Reflection photodetector and biological information measuring instrument.
  172. Debreczeny, Martin P.; Colburn, Joel; O'Neil, Michael P., Sensor for tissue gas detection and technique for using the same.
  173. Jochim, Robert; Coakley, Joseph; Flagler, Robert W.; Eghbal, Darius; Vardanega, Michael H.; Nelson, Donald S., Sensor with integrated living hinge and spring.
  174. Diab, Mohamed K.; Kiani, Massi E.; Elfadel, Ibrahim M.; McCarthy, Rex J.; Weber, Walter M.; Smith, Robert A., Signal processing apparatus.
  175. Diab, Mohamed K.; Kiani-Azarbayjany, Esmaiel; Elfadel, Ibrahim M.; McCarthy, Rex J.; Weber, Walter M.; Smith, Robert A., Signal processing apparatus.
  176. Diab, Mohamed K.; Kiani-Azarbayjany, Esmaiel; Elfadel, Ibrahim M.; McCarthy, Rex J.; Weber, Walter M.; Smith, Robert A., Signal processing apparatus.
  177. Diab, Mohamed K.; Kiani-Azarbayjany, Esmaiel; Elfadel, Ibrahim M.; McCarthy, Rex J.; Weber, Walter M.; Smith, Robert A., Signal processing apparatus.
  178. Diab, Mohamed K.; Kiani-Azarbayjany, Esmaiel; Elfadel, Ibrahim M.; McCarthy, Rex J.; Weber, Walter M.; Smith, Robert A., Signal processing apparatus.
  179. Diab, Mohamed K.; Kiani-Azarbayjany, Esmaiel; Elfadel, Ibrahim M.; McCarthy, Rex J.; Weber, Walter M.; Smith, Robert A., Signal processing apparatus.
  180. Diab, Mohamed K.; Kiani-Azarbayjany, Esmaiel; Elfadel, Ibrahim M.; McCarthy, Rex J.; Weber, Walter M.; Smith, Robert A., Signal processing apparatus.
  181. Diab, Mohamed K.; Kiani-Azarbayjany, Esmaiel; Elfadel, Ibrahim M.; McCarthy, Rex J.; Weber, Walter M.; Smith, Robert A., Signal processing apparatus.
  182. Diab, Mohamed K.; Kiani-Azarbayjany, Esmaiel; Elfadel, Ibrahim M.; McCarthy, Rex J.; Weber, Walter M.; Smith, Robert A., Signal processing apparatus.
  183. Diab, Mohamed K.; Kiani-Azarbayjany, Esmaiel; Elfadel, Ibrahim M.; McCarthy, Rex J.; Weber, Walter M.; Smith, Robert A., Signal processing apparatus.
  184. Diab, Mohamed K.; Kiani-Azarbayjany, Esmaiel; Elfadel, Ibrahim M.; McCarthy, Rex J.; Weber, Walter M.; Smith, Robert A., Signal processing apparatus.
  185. Diab, Mohamed K.; Kiani-Azarbayjany, Esmaiel; Elfadel, Ibrahim M.; McCarthy, Rex J.; Weber, Walter M.; Smith, Robert A., Signal processing apparatus.
  186. Diab, Mohamed K.; Kiani-Azarbayjany, Esmaiel; Elfadel, Ibrahim M.; McCarthy, Rex J.; Weber, Walter M.; Smith, Robert A., Signal processing apparatus.
  187. Diab, Mohamed K.; Kiani-Azarbayjany, Esmaiel; Weber, Walter M., Signal processing apparatus.
  188. Diab, Mohamed K.; Kiani-Azarbayjany, Esmaiel; Weber, Walter M., Signal processing apparatus.
  189. Diab,Mohamed K.; Kiani Azarbayjany,Esmaiel; Elfadel,Ibrahim M.; McCarthy,Rex J.; Weber,Walter M.; Smith,Robert A., Signal processing apparatus.
  190. Diab, Mohamed K.; McCarthy, Rex, Signal processing apparatus and method.
  191. Diab, Mohamed K.; McCarthy, Rex, Signal processing apparatus and method.
  192. Diab, Mohamed K.; McCarthy, Rex J., Signal processing apparatus and method.
  193. Diab, Mohamed K.; McCarthy, Rex J., Signal processing apparatus and method.
  194. Diab, Mohamed K.; McCarthy, Rex J., Signal processing apparatus and method.
  195. Diab,Mohamed K.; McCarthy,Rex, Signal processing apparatus and method.
  196. Diab,Mohamed K.; McCarthy,Rex, Signal processing apparatus and method.
  197. Wong, Marvin; Ollerdessen, Albert, Single use connector for pulse oximetry sensors.
  198. Sweitzer, Robert; Smith, Guy, Single use pulse oximeter.
  199. Sweitzer, Robert; Smith, Guy, Single use pulse oximeter.
  200. Benaron,David A.; Parachikov,Ilian H., Spectroscopy illuminator with improved delivery efficiency for high optical density and reduced thermal load.
  201. O'Neil, Michael Patrick; Mannheimer, Paul; Chin, Rodney; Merchant, Adnan; Coakley, Joseph; Hannula, Don, Stacked adhesive optical sensor.
  202. Debreczeny, Martin P., Symmetric LED array for pulse oximetry.
  203. Debreczeny, Martin P., Symmetric LED array for pulse oximetry.
  204. Dietiker, Thomas, System and method for a non-invasive medical sensor.
  205. Dietiker, Thomas, System and method for a self-calibrating non-invasive sensor.
  206. Dietiker,Thomas, System and method for a self-calibrating non-invasive sensor.
  207. Al-Ali, Ammar; Carothers, Don; Dalke, David; Diab, Mohamed K.; Goldman, Julian M.; Kiani, Massi E.; Lee, Michael; Novak, Jerome; Smith, Robert; Vaden, Val E., System and method for altering a display mode.
  208. Hannula, Don L.; Mannheimer, Paul D.; Ollerdessen, Albert L., System and method for attaching a sensor to a patient's skin.
  209. Medina, Casey V., System and method for coating and shielding electronic sensor components.
  210. Baker, Jr., Clark R.; Mannheimer, Paul, System and method for detection of venous pulsation.
  211. Pav, Steven E., System and method for estimating blood analyte concentration.
  212. Pav, Steven E., System and method for estimating physiological parameters by deconvolving artifacts.
  213. Medina, Casey V.; Haisley, Charles; Hodge, Michelle L., System and method for linking patient data to a patient and providing sensor quality assurance.
  214. Mannheimer, Paul D., System and method for memory switching for multiple configuration medical sensor.
  215. Hoarau, Carine, System and method for mitigating interference in pulse oximetry.
  216. Hoarau, Carine, System and method for mitigating interference in pulse oximetry.
  217. Hausmann, Gilbert; O'Neil, Michael P.; Mannheimer, Paul, System and method for practicing spectrophotometry using light emitting nanostructure devices.
  218. Ollerdessen, Albert L., System and method for preventing sensor misuse.
  219. Medina, Casey V.; Haisley, Charles; Hodge, Michelle L., System and method for providing sensor quality assurance.
  220. Baker, Jr., Clark R., System and method for venous pulsation detection using near infrared wavelengths.
  221. Norris, Mark A.; Heckel, Donald W., System for detecting potential probe malfunction conditions in a pulse oximeter.
  222. Norris,Mark A., System for prefiltering a plethysmographic signal.
  223. Ali, Ammar Al; Carothers, Don; Dalke, David; Diab, Mohamed K.; Goldman, Julian M.; Kiani, Massi E.; Lee, Michael; Novak, Jerome; Smith, Robert, Systems and methods for acquiring calibration data usable in a pulse oximeter.
  224. Ali, Ammar Al; Carothers, Don; Dalke, David; Diab, Mohamed K.; Goldman, Julian M.; Kiani, Massi E.; Lee, Michael; Novak, Jerome; Smith, Robert; Vaden, Val E., Systems and methods for acquiring calibration data usable in a pulse oximeter.
  225. Ochs, James P.; Addison, Paul Stanley; Watson, James Nicholas, Systems and methods for processing physiological signals in wavelet space.
  226. Sandmore, Donald R.; Besko, David P., Technique for remanufacturing a BIS sensor.
  227. Nordstrom,Brad; Shea,William; Petersen,Ethan, Techniques for detecting heart pulses and reducing power consumption in sensors.
  228. Lamego, Marcelo, Tissue profile wellness monitor.
  229. Lamego, Marcelo M., Tissue profile wellness monitor.
  230. Lamego, Marcelo M., Tissue profile wellness monitor.
  231. Raridan, William; Matlock, George L.; Coakley, Joseph; Eghbal, Darius, Unitary medical sensor assembly and technique for using the same.
  232. Pav, Steven E., Wavelength selection and outlier detection in reduced rank linear models.
  233. Addison,Paul Stanley; Watson,James Nicholas, Wavelet-based analysis of pulse oximetry signals.
  234. Venkatraman, Subramaniam; Yuen, Shelten Gee Jao, Wearable heart rate monitor.
  235. Al-Ali, Ammar, Wearable portable patient monitor.
  236. Workman, Kurt Gibbons; Hodges, Tanor G.; Colvin, Jacob B.; Felt, Wyatt M.; Monroe, Jordan J.; Bomsta, Zachary David, Wireless infant health monitor.
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